Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

I totally do, Hopeful. We moved from big city to rural village, now we want into a farm house out in the country. All of a sudden our little village of 450 people is too "big". lol
So sorry hon. FXed for you.

DH and I did the entire insanity program prior to our wedding. DH was ripped with a killer 6 pack. I got so big from it, I almost could not fit into my wedding dress. My lats got bigger and my dress was custom fit, obviously. I had to lay off of it for weeks then I easily fit again. I hated it to be truthful, but I did look like a fitness model after it. Phase 2 is much harder than phase 1. I am not a bootcamp kind of girl. I like the Tracy anderson method. Year 2 is grueling in a repetitive, leg lift kind of way. Good for you for finding the motivation to work out AFTER working all day and then taking care of the home and kids.

I did not do this and doubt I could do this unless I had a medical condition, but the easiest way to have moderate weight gain is to stop eating processed foods. Eat foods that you get form the farmer's market. Nothing that comes in a package.

We weigh the same amt. I am lighter than pre-pregnancy due to BF and muscle loss. I am tight and tone again from Tracy Anderson Method, but I used to lift heavy weights with DH doing P90x and P90x2. I am smaller now.

We text all the time, but people think G is a girl all the time. I swear. I don't see it. Bay looks all girl to me. People should just ask, "is this a boy or a girl?" instead of imposing their gender. I have no idea why people think G is a girl. He was wearing a car outfit with cars all over it and this lady asked if it was girl and then commented about how white he is, lol. Feel better hon.

Hi everyone else I missed.

Grey has 6 teeth coming in at once and is shockingly not fussing. One on top is about to cut through. The rest are visible nubs.
Mom2, I really hope that this works out for the better. You just never know, I have my fingers crossed.

Ladies, I had my scan today and seen one little baby with a heartbeat, measuring exactly 6 weeks which is about right. I have another scan scheduled for next Thursday 19th again which will be reassuring. The clinic staff were lovely to me and Im confident that I'll get the same good treatment this time around if it works out again.
Evening ladies!

Wowzers! Have I missed a lot?! So after I had Cooper, I've been in a beautiful baby bubble, enjoying every moment of motherhood, and making lots of new mummy friends and baby friends! So haven't been on bnb for the whole 8 months! I'm currently on holiday in Cyprus and thought of all you lovely ladies that got me thru my pregnancy.

I'm so pleased you are all well and the babies are thriving! Congrats on all the pregnancies too. So how many of you are expecting??!!

It seems as though fate led me back to you lovely ladies. And I'm hoping these pregnancies are contagious ;) . We are TTC again. Still breastfeeding (woohoo) so periods are not very regular. But I have this month to try. (Basically a wedding abroad next August and my 30th next Nov mean I have a small window of opportunity to TTC, then will wait a bit!). Did you ladies all conceive these little miracles with a little help or au naturale? I'm CD3, so we shall see how this month goes!

*Confession* Periods have been 28-42 days long since Coop was 4 months. So last month I came on and decided to take some clomid (from before-still in date etc but naughty, I know!) only thing is, I took the clomid exactly like last time, but on CD 17 i started bleeding (like ive come on my period, 3 days ago). Unsure what happened, or why I came on mid-cycle? Anyone have a clue? So I've called that day 1 of period and to just try this month and see what tomorrow brings...

Cooper is amazing. Content, absolutely gorgeous and super clever (ha, blowing my own trumpet!). The little dude was rolling at 3 months, crawling by 5 months 1 week, and now pulls to stand, cruises round the furniture and this week stood for 5 secs unassisted. Super cooper! I'm so in love with him and my DH.

Wishing all you ladies lots of luck and happiness. I know I am not a regular face on bnb, but a HUGE thank you for keeping me sane!

Love to all xx
Sticky - Lovely to hear from you, so happy that things are going well. Cooper sounds like a sweetheart. I had an ealry mover too, Levi took first steps at 8.5months!! He was walking with ease (as much as babies do) about a month later. It would be a different life if he was not so busy :) You know exactly what I am taking about - but I wouldn't change him for anything.
I got pregnant without any help this time, our first time trying - I was nursing too so I had only had a couple of periods and they were not regular. We were on vacation when it happened - so I hope that all your relaxing in Cyprus can be as fruitful for you too :)

We are sue in Feb and the kids will be 18 months apart. When I found out i was pregnant I had to stop bfeeding so I could take my medicine that I took with Levi. I don't know if I needed it but baby is doing well so far so its a good sign. Levi adjusted well and really easily to formula. He was on it for about 2 months and as soon as we switched he slept through the night right away instead of the couple of wake ups he had been doing so I am pretty sure my milk supply had dropped more than I was aware beforehand and he had been hungry.
I think there are about 5 of us that are expecting...

Kat - Thanks for the advice. I eat pretty clean as is but that is a good reminder to me that when I opt for easy, I should stop and make my own of whatever it is I am eating because there is a lot of junk in the packaged stuff.
Not helping myself this week taht we have been on vacation and eating out a lot - wer arely do that usually plus cooked breakfasts every day and a cake for an early birthday celebration - my birthday is on Friday :) I guess I have been walking on the beach a lot too so I hope its burned off some of it! ha ha

Mom2 - I am so sorry you have to go through this waiting time. I hope you get your miracle. I know the measurements at the beginning can be so easily a few mm's off which can change everything.

We head home from the beach today. Its a long drive but Seattle will be 90 degrees when we get there!! We are stopping at the Oshkosh and the Carters outlets on the way home :) Itsbeen a great break but I am ready to get home.
Thanks Croy! I'm hoping that being relaxed about the whole thing will be an advantage. Massive congrats to you!!! I'd love a 18m gap, so we shall see. If not we will be trying next year. Cooper sounds just like Levi and I definitely understand what you're saying! My friend calls Coop 'busy' as he's always on the go! Makes life hectic but so fun! If I fall pg now, I'd like to continue bf'ing till Cooper is a year old. I've loved the feeding and still do, but I had a very bumpy start and so i begin training next week to become a breastfeeding peer supporter as I'd love to help others on their breastfeeding journey! It's great Levi adjusted well onto formula. Cooper takes a bottle of expressed milk ok, which is helpful.

Who is due first then? Exciting times ladies. Absolutely thrilled for all of you!x
Hey, Sticky! I'm not sure that I remember you from the PAL thread, but I was the worst stalker over there, and I'm not that much better on the MARL thread! LOL!

Mom2- I'm praying for you, whichever way this goes. :hugs:
congrats just! i bet that was wonderful to see the heartbeat

welcome back sticky! sounds like cooper is doing great, glad to hear it!

croy - happy early bday!

my kids cried from 2am-5 am and off an on before and after that. gotta be teeething i think?
Hi girls. I so badly want to keep up with this thread, but I'm finding it impossible since I use nap times to study for my exams. I'm so exhausted mentally and physically by the end of the day after studying and running after my extremely active child that I usually don't want to be on the computer. I try to read when I can, but updating is a different story. I miss you all greatly.

Just, I'm so pleased to hear about the hb. May you have an uneventful pregnancy that goes to full term.

Croy, happy bday on Friday. I think Kat gave you good advice on keeping your weight in check.

Mom2, so sorry things aren't going as planned. Keep us posted.

Jodi, I got your texts. Thanks doll. Things are hectic here but I appreciated them and wanted to let you know. How many teeth do the kids have now? Delilah hasn't teethed in forever. She has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom but no signs of any new ones. I dread new ones coming in. I'm quite used to my sleep.

Kat, how is the new house? You sound like you are in a really good place. So happy for you.

How are all the other preggos? I can't believe how many of you are in the 2nd trimester now. Crazy!!! Can we start seeing some bump pictures?

AFM, aside from studying and my friend passing away, I'm now also dealing with some serious stress after Sunday night. Tim, Delilah and I walked 2 blocks from our house to his cousin's house to have a glass of wine. We were sitting outside in their back yard with their kids and Delilah. All of a sudden we heard a bunch of fire crackers. We nervously joked that we hoped what we were hearing were fire crackers. Then we heard one ricochet off of something close to our heads. Around that same time I heard someone on the street yelling "help me! Somebody help me!" Tim was screaming at us all to get down on the ground. It became clear that they weren't fire crackers, but gun fire. I heard at least 20 rounds being shot. I ran as fast as I could into the house with Delilah and Tim's cousin, Julie, brought her 2 kids in. We were crouched down on the floor with the kids. Tim and Julie's husband, Kevin, called the police and went to investigate. They watched someone running away and then they saw another guy with bullet wounds in his chest staggering and then fall to the ground. A neighbor put compression on his wound until the ambulance got there. We watched him get loaded into the ambulance. There were police barricading every street holding shot guns and rifles. It was terrifying. We found out later that the young man died. So essentially I heard someone get murdered. Tim and Kevin watched a man die on the street. We are so shaken. We had to get home to give the baby dinner and get her to bed. It was really disconcerting walking home among all of the police with guns. Their presence didn't make me feel safer. I felt threatened by all the guns in our midst. Needless to say, we didn't sleep well that night. I can't believe this happened in our neighborhood. I'm pretty sure it was gang related. It's horrifying regardless. It's so senseless and sad.

There are so many scary things about this. Tim and Kevin swear that some stray bullets were 20 feet from our heads. It sounded really close to us, especially the one that ricocheted. We needed to feed Delilah and almost left 5 minutes earlier. We would have walked the same route that they were chasing the guy and shooting at him. The reason we didn't leave earlier is because Kevin convinced us to stay for a 2nd glass of wine and I happened to throw some cheese in my purse to give to Delilah to snack on. Wine and cheese literally saved our lives (forgive my bad humor, it helps me deal with my anxiety!) I didn't realize there were gangs so close to us, but now I know better. I'm still in shock. I'm still processing it. It doesn't seem real.

Here is an article that was written about it if you want to read. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
I read your update twice. Soooooo scary. Thank goodness you are all safe and okay. It's a scary world =(. I imagine this just hits at how vulnerable we all are.
Heart, that is really terrifying. Your bound to be shook up about that. Being so close and actually hearing the gunfire and the person shouting for help.
To think that you could have been caught up in that if you's had left when planned.
Amanda wow omg you must be in shock, that's horrific! An even scarier that you were with the children. The world is a very scary place when you sit down an look, I think if we look at it we wouldn't leave the house. I hope your ok other than that a d an study is keeping you busy, Lexi only has 4 teeth! 2 top 2 bottom no signs if any more! X

Mom any news my sweet? I will keep everything crossed for you! An don't apologise for bringing the thread down, we're here through thick n thin!!? Keep us updated an a if virtual hug coming your way xxx

Croy hol sounds amazing! I'm also worried about weight gain this time, I still had 7lb to lose after Lexi when I fell pg but I to an trying to b healthier this time! Apples are my thing at the moment so that's good but I also like jacket potato ( baked potato) with cheese an baked beans! Lexis walking an definitely a very active girl!! X

Is anyone's babies not sttn? Lexi is still up once a night! Normally anytime between 3-5am, I only give her water now but she definitely still wakes! I only give her tgat then put her down but she screams the house down if I try to leave her!! Any ideas or tips?? X

Hello everyone else I hope you an all your rainbows are well!! Xx
Heart, oh my terrifying, all of it. I'm sure you're all quite shaken up over what happened. And I'm sorry to hear the man lost his life. This world is crazy, and at times, frightening and cruel. Thank God you're all safe.
Amanda: Soooooo scary:hugs: I am so glad you stayed for that 2nd glass of wine!! World really is a scary place, and quite depressing sometimes too. Makes me glad to have a wonderful husband and an amazing daughter, and another one on the way!!

Davies: Zoe is still not STTN. She was, but then stopped, I'm thinking growth spurt, but it is getting better. Sometimes she could wake up for 3 feeds a night!!
Omg heart - so glad you your family and friends are safe!

Sorry to hear your news mom - will be praying there's a little fighter in there.

Alfie has 7 teeth - nearly 8! Funny that he has caught up and has quite a few now even though he didn't get his first until 9 months old!

Davies Alfie sometimes wakes up but I don't give him anything to drink usually he will take a dummy and go straight back off but occasionally he screams and wants a cuddle for a bit first!

So my boy is now 1! It was his birthday on Saturday and he had an amazing day! We went to the zoo and he got loads of presents and an iggle piggle cake!! He took a couple of steps too but still prefers mainly to crawl and cruise on the furniture! I can't wait till he's big enough for a forward facing seat as he is so nosy and not too keen on his now but my squirt Is still just shy of 19lb!!!

Oh happy birthday for tomorrow croy! Have a lovely day x
Oh bless Alfie an it sounds like he had a lovely 1st birthday! Lexi doesn't have a dummy but I think last night after 3oz of water sge was just using the teat as a pacifier! I think no2 will be encouraged more to take one!!

Ladies do you think babies are content more at night with a dummy or without!? I would v be interested to hear everyone's views. X

Melf I'm starting to have a melt down at how I will put a baby an Lexi to bed! If Petes late from work say? How will it work? A newborn cries when jr wants to? What will I do if it cries when I'm cuddling Lexi to sleep? I couldn't leave baby Downstairs!
Coz of the dog! An I no lex wouldn't go off if a baby was upstairs crying!! She doesn't need long just like 10-15 mins quiet... Man I'm scared anyone got any recommended books for coping with 2 under 2!! X

Croydon happy birthday for Tom z
I was adamant Alfie was not going to have a dummy but now I can see the benefits. They can be an excellent soother especially if they are teething. He only has one for naps/sleeps now and if he's really tired. I don't let him have one in the day any more though. He has one to go to bed and then it normally falls out within 20 mins then I usually remove it from his cot.Then most nights he will sleep till around 5/6am and then stir if I go in and give him his dummy without speaking to him usually he will go straight back off without a murmur until around 7.

I know they are not for everyone but they work for us! X
Hi ladies,

Bumpy, it sounds like Alfie had a great birthday, and wow so many teeth! Emelia still only has the bottom 2. How cute him taking some steps!
I've got Emelia in a forward facing car seat now in everyone elses car and she loves it and dosent cry for the full journey like she did before in the back of cars.
She goes in the front of my car so I prefer to keep her rearward facing for a bit longer.

Davies, I have the same worries as you about having two close together. We are lucky that Emelia is such a good sleeper, she goes down at 7pm until 7am. She can wake a couple of times and we need to go and put her dummy in and switch her mobile on and she falls back asleep, sometimes she will cry for a short while.
We also rely on the dummy and Im trying to stop it during day times just like Bumpy said and only give it for sleeps.

Yesterday Emelia cried on and off from 4pm until 7pm just in a really cranky mood and I said to my husband that Im worried about how I'll cope if two are crying like that, or you just get one settled and then the other needs something.
We landed very lucky with Emelia that she has always been a very easy baby and I do worry about the second being completely different.
I worry about how I am going to get showered and ready in the mornings. Right now I bath Emelia first and then sit her in the bouncy chair whilst Im in the shower( even though she is big for it), then I transfer her to the jumperoo whilst I do my hair and makeup. But how can I do that with 2! Im thinking will need to get up about 5am or something!
Amanda- that is so scary. my bro in law was robbed by gunpoint for his wallet outside of his house south of minneapolis few years ago. I would think I would want to move but not like that is an option. I am kinda speechless over it, just in shock. And to have it be so close to where you were sitting. Thank god for wine, that you stayed, and the cheese.
Dylan has 7 teeth and Ava has 8 but they had those teeth for like 5 months or more now? I think Dylan is teething now. Fussier than normal. Up at 2:45 to 3:30 last night, gave him ibulrofen. Then slept till 7:15 which he almost never does (up at 6:15 or 6:30 usually)

I can't wait until you preggos have 2!!! Lol! You never stop moving. And hopefully at least 1 will be easy. Dylan is not easy, like super super hard. cries alot, goes to sleep late, up early. But he is a cuddler and sweetie when not crying.

Ava is easy. But then she doesn't get as much attention as she can manage on her own.
It will be easier when they are 3 and potty trained and can run around and play I think.

Davies- I bet she wakes out of habit. If it were me and I had my kids in separate rooms (they wake each other if they cry now as they are both in a small room) but I would try CIO. But with 2 you get so tired that I don't think CIO bothers you so much to try it ;) who knows though, some people say some kids just don't sttn.
We don't use dummies. Ava sucks her thumb all the time, Dylan just cries ;)
Zoe still wakes up at night, but she usually will drink 8oz of milk, so I'm thinking she still needs that extra feed. I try the soother first but if she's hungry she will not go back to sleep, so I feed her. Last night she was in bed by 7, woke at 1 to get a bottle and again at 4, but I only gave her the soother and it worked, and she slept until 7:30 :)

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