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Amanda- OMG! So scary! Glad you are all okay. I didn't know Berkeley had gang activity like that. I've heard it's pretty bad in Oakland though. Thank goodness you stayed for wine & cheese!

Davies- is her belly nice & full before bed? B won't sleep well unless she's really full. We have to stuff her before bedtime for the best results. Maybe worth a try? She still wakes once but if she gets less food before bed she'll wake 2-3x :dohh:

Bumpy- happy bday to A! :cake:

Melfy- Z looks so cute in your avatar pic :)

Just- I've always heard settle the child that is the easiest/quickest to settle first and then deal with the other upset child. For example, if the older child just needs a snack and that will only take 1-2 mins to fix, settle her first so you can give more attention to the younger child who will take longer to soothe.

Sticky- glad to see you've dropped in! :)

Re: dummy/pacis- B was obsessed with hers as a newborn and now she doesn't need one at all. She likes the gummy textured pacis to chew on for teething but that's it. She doesn't even suck on them.

Happy bday to Croy! :cake:

I can't remember much else. Bs second top tooth finally erupted so she has 4 teeth but the top 2 are still working their way down. She's been a pretty happy girl the last few days :thumbup: she's cruising all around on the furniture and pulling herself up constantly. She says mama, dada, no no and tries to say uh oh (hers is more like uh-uh). She also says dog and imitates the dog's bark when she hears it too :haha:
Amanda - OMG I am so glad you are all ok. How terrifying! So glad you stayed longer and that you are safe. I can only imagine how you must feel after such a shock, I hope that you can work through it and find some peace.
Levi only has four top and two bottom teeth - sadly, he does really struggle with teething poor ghuy, chewing on his fingers and anything and everythign else like a crazy person when its a bad day. i hope I'm not giving him medicine too often but its felt like every other day this past week he has needed it at night! I just don't know what else to think when he is trying so hard to settle and he just can't.

Davies - I have been having some similar thoughts about the future and havign 2 under 2. I guess I just keep thinking back about how different Levi was 6 months ago and hoping that in another 6 months we will have been able to find a routine that works. Bed and naptime routines have got pretty quick and simple but I will rock him sometimes to almost sleeping if I really need him to nap - I am thinking by 18 months he will only be taking one nap so I am hoping he will settle himself more easily because he would be tired - i kow that could be wishful thinking but its all I have :)
I am sure it will be tough some days but we will figure it out one day at a time. You are a great mama, you will be fine!

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I am having a lovely relaxed day. Out to dinner tonight with Levi too at my favourite restaurant and then leaving him at my in-laws tomorroe for the day while I get a haircut and then hubby takes me out to lunch and for a surprise date. 35 is not so bad after all.
Sounds lovely crou I hope you enjoyed! X

Thanks for advice everyone, Lexi is full going to bed she has anything between 7-9oz st bedtime! She has 1 nap in the day of between 1-2 hours an possibly a little 20in in the car somedays!

Croydon Lexi goes down well as a rule in the day I lay her down put the duvet over her head she pulls it off an I say boo, she laughs I kiss her monkey teddy she laughs I tuck monkey in turn on her mobile I walk out an leave her. During the night I'm picking her up as often she's screams like she's scared! I tried a nightlight but that just woke her up more when she did wake! I'm going to try passing the water to her in the cot an seeing if she will just take it! X

Hopeful it must be hard them being in together as one wakes the other? I agree when there old enough to walk an play etc it must be easier than sleep deprevation every night!! I am thinking of trying CIO its whet my hv recommends!! X

Tuck yay for teeth it's a nice feeling when there here! X

Bumps I agree with dummy scenario if it works for you fab, lexi didn't take to it but I'm going to try with this one as I think that she basically uses her bottle in the night as one! X

Melfy I agree re shower but I normally try to shower when Lexi naps at the mo, or if she is awake I shut her in the bathroom with me with a few toys in hand!! It's only ever a quick shower!! With two will be fun!!?. X
Happy birthday Croy, sounds like you have a lovely time planned.

Tuckie, I cant believe how many words Bay is saying, that's great.
We only ever hear what sounds like Dada, and hiya but I think its coincidental who knows. Emelia still dosent pull herself up on furniture yet but she is getting more adventurous each day. She managed to grab a picture frame yesterday and dropped it and chipped the corner. The first of many to come I imagine.

Davies, we let Emelia CIO at times and she always self soothes within minutes. The longest she would ever cry for is 10 mins and obviously if she wasn't settling then we respond but if you know there is nothing wrong and you've put the dummy in and mobile on then we just leave her.
Last night for example she went down at 7pm and woke at 3am crying and I put the dummy in and she cried for a bit so my husband went in for 5 mins with her and she fell back asleep until 7am. She woke crying loudly at 7am and I think she is in pain with a little top tooth coming through we noticed yesterday.
Davies it could be night terrors? I think Alfie had them for a while, he would wake screaming his head off like he was terrified and we had to put the light on and everything to wake him up from it. Thankfully only lasted a week.

Alfie says mumma, daa dyy (daddy) which is super cute, hiya, bye which includes a wave uhh ohh and car. He waves all the time it's so funny and if you ask for a kiss he will pucker up. His new thing is picking up a photo of himself, or his step sister and kissing it - soooo cute!!
Ah bumps that's cute bless Alfie! I thought that night terrors may of been the reason! Will look into it, I no if I turn the light on my hyper girl will think its morning I would have no chance!!! X
I'm reading where all our kids are. It's nice to get everyones' updates. Can you believe we all have our rainbows and most of you are on #2!!!

Grey walks all around the furniture. He can stand on his own for short periods of time without holding anything. He uses our barstools as a walker to walk around the house. He pulls up on everything and can almost stand without needing to pull up. He is very physical and moves ALL day long.

He says mamamamamama, but not to me. He says it more to DH. He said something that sounded like "hiya", but was most likely coincidence. He is preverbal only. No words for anything specific. He "talks" often though, so this is a good sign. I have been signing milk in the last month. He has yet to do it or acknowledge it.

The first of his 6 teeth coming in is poking through. It has not disturbed his sleep one bit. Elimination communication is going very well and he has not had a rash of any sort in forever. Our full house water filtration and new washing machine have made a huge difference.

Baby Grey 9 months - 04.jpg
Croy- don't worry or feel guilty about giving Levi medicine when he needs it hon. I'm all for the holistic and natural routes first, but if it is not cutting it and the baby is in pain, I give her Motrin. My reasoning is that DH & I never just suffer through headaches, toothaches, etc so why would we make her suffer through? Especially that oral pain from teething. Think about what big babies most grown ups are about oral discomfort so you know it's rough on them. Plus, if they can't sleep due to pain, then the issue just gets bigger. You're doing a good job mama :thumbup: B really suffers sometimes with teething too and it's heartbreaking :cry: Hope your bday date with DH was nice :)

Just- hope the sleeping goes better after that tooth pushes through. B wants to break & destroy our stuff too :haha: The first of many to come for you too I'm sure :dohh:

Bumpy- I love that A gives kisses! So sweet :) lol @ kissing pictures of himself too :haha:
We're trying to teach B to wave. She hasn't exactly mastered that one and she won't clap either. We clap all the time and I try to push her hands together, but she just pulls them away in a "leave me alone, mom!" kind of way :P

Kat- I think we're all caught up from texting :thumbup: G is adorable.

Fili :wave:

Everyone comments on how verbal Bay is. She was babbling early & everyone said she would talk early. I guess they were right :) I think it's cute when she imitates us. She also knows some words that she just can't say yet. For instance, if I say "fan" she will look up at the ceiling for the ceiling fan to show me she knows what I'm saying even though she hasn't said "fan" yet. Pretty cool. She still babbles a lot f nonsense too of course :P I love watching her learn and grow. It's all happening so fast though! I was telling Kat earlier how she's so independent now and how I miss her snuggling us. Now when I try to get a cuddle, she's trying to squirm away the whole time :(

Some pics. Love the ones my mom took while babysitting of Bay in her apron "helping out" in the kitchen :)
Tuck- Bay is so lovely! Gorgeous eyelashes on her!

Re: Paci - Hannah was also obsessed with the Avent Soothie green gummy paci as a newborn, until around 3 months, and then only needed it at naptime. She now is an avid thumbsucker...much to my dismay. But, at least she's figured out how to self-soothe. Pacis are now a thing of the past for us.

It WILL be interesting for me to see how you ladies deal with 2 under 2...perhaps it'll prepare me, and give me a reality check! I'm sure it'll have it's challenges, but life will be full of blessings also.

As a lot of you talk about what your older babies are now doing, and Hannah just turned 6 months...well, her gross motor skills and fine motor skills are awesome. It will not be long before she's crawling...perhaps another month or two, I'd say. She does log roll to where she'd like to go, currently, and she's FAST. She's sitting up for longer and longer times unsupported, and is getting better at maintaining her balance in a seated position on the floor. We're doing BLWing, and she has tried and likes all kinds of foods thus far. She's social, smiles readily, is getting stranger anxiety, and responds to us with eye contact, giggles, etc. One thing that is bothering me, is that while she does make sounds (gurgles, coos, makes long extended vowel sounds, blows raspberries, and makes ah-goos), she is NOT babbling. I brought this up with the pediatrician, and she apparently still falls within normal range with her speech and language development, but I'm to keep an eye on her babbling...the ma-ma-ma's, and the da-da-da, ga-ga-ga, papapa, etc. She goes through spurts where she makes a lot of squeals, screeches, and noise, and then will be quiet for quite a while. The frequency of her sounds is increasing, and she is "talking" more lately...but I heard a little fellow up in the pediatrician's office the other day babbling, and he was LOUD, and very deliberately "BAH-BAH-BAH-ing"...Hannah doesn't do anything like that at this time. I guess it does worry me, but at this stage, I'm willing to wait, and see if it begins happening over the next several weeks.

What do you all think?
Wooks- B did the screeching, squawking, and squealing stuff before she babbled a lot. Don't worry about it, especially since she's doing so well with her physical development. The babbling will come & eventually none of us will ever have a moment of silence again until they're off to college :haha: At some point, we'll be wishing we could go back to the quiet days of soft coos and gurgles :)
Hi ladies,

Kat, I love the picture you posted, so cute on dads shoulders! Grey sounds a very strong boy on his legs.

Tuckie, I love the picture of Bay in her apron haha, she's really getting more girly hair aswell now. There is a big difference between her now and your avatar picture.

Bumpy, that is so adoreable Alfie puckering up for kisses and kissing pictures haha

Wookie, I would not worry at all about Hannah. Im not even sure of the exact difference between noises they make, but I would also say that Emelia always screamed and made all sorts of loud yells and shouts when when was being vocal and then all of a sudden it started to sound like words. When they start to hear their own voice they don't stop! When Im out and about with the pram Emelia starts her yelling and people say " oh someones not happy" and I tell them that is actually her happy and vocal and she loves to hear her voice, it gets louder and louder.
I know what its like though, theres always something to worry about! I was bad for it. I always felt that Emelia was slow in doing physical stuff like rolling etc. and then she just started doing it one day, and then the crawling started and now she is everywhere.
With number 2 Im def. going to chill out more and not worry so much.

Oh Im really suffering bad with nausea these days, expecially first thing in the morning and periodically throughout the day. It feels exactly like the last time and almost like an all day hangover.
I have another scan booked for Thursday, this time I feel surprisingly relaxed about the pregnancy. Its more worries about how I will cope with 2 on the hard days.
I also measured Emelia's length a couple of days ago as it has never been done since she was born, it is more or less at 98th per centile, possibly even 100. I never thought that she was long but apparently she is. She is still 20lbs exactly when I weighed her.
Here is a recent picture, Im trying to dress her more like a girl due to all of the boy comments we were discussing
JKT- Is she a redhead? Awww!!!! I don't see anything boyish about that face! :cloud9:
Wookie, Its funny you should ask that. Yes Emelia's hair is showing signs of red in it but only in certain lights. In others it is golden brown and very fair, so we like to say its strawberry blonde. We are both very dark haired so its quite strange as to where this red has came from haha.
I'll be getting very defensive if there are any ginger jokes haha, its actually a lovely colour.
Hi Ladies- sorry I'm a bit behind.... we had Eva's baptism yesterday- a massive affair here in Greece (my wedding was much smaller:) ) So I need to catch up properly.

Tuckie- She's gorgeous!!! really beautiful pics!

Kat- Love the shot of Grey on Dh's shoulders. Eva says mamamamamama indiscriminately as well.

Croy- Happy belated bday!!

Just- I can sympathize... I'm feeling the all day hangover thing as well

Heart- Thank god you're alright!!! Sounds horrifying!

I'll update more later... got to read back:)
Heart that is horrendous!!!!!!!!! :shock: you must still be traumatised! Are you scared to be out and about now? I'm so sorry that's happened I can't imagine. I know shootings aren't that rare in the US (nor in uk either as thinkgs are going!) but you live in such an upmarket area!!??!!! Xxxx

Aww tuckie and just beautiful baby girlies I just want to scoop them up for a big cuddle!!

Hopeful that can't be nice for you feeling that way. I totally understand feeling isolated as I just moved myself to somewhere very new and away from all my family! However I feel more settled now as I make friends but it's not easy to make friends! Sending you a big international hug xxxx

Sticky :hi: aww so glad to read how happy you are and how well cooper is doing!! Lexi is the same age and can't do anything like standing up haha! She waved at everyone in the supermarket tonight though lol! She was a later sitter upper too. Good luck ttc!! There will only be 13 months between lexi and her new sister!!! God help me!

Just wow to Emelia's length! I really want lexi to be tall and be longer but as it is she is only 15th - 20th percentile length and 75 weight - an apple haha!!
Davies I am scared too lol!! However i want 3 babies in total :wacko: never have more children than you have hands right!!!? We will be ok! My lexi doesnt wake up anymore. I dontl know quite when that happened as she was always a terrible sleeper! I don't feed her of give her anything 5pm to 5am and she sleeps 7pm to 6.30/7am!!! I ignore her moans for 10mins max and she has been settling herself back to sleep. She always has a dummy even when I get her in the mornings! She can put it in herself now thank goodness! I think dummies are good sleep aids for now... Xxx
Eeek! I'm being really naughty because hubby and I said we were not going to tell anyone, so its totally a secret (at least for a few more weeks if we can keep it a secret - clearly I am not doing a good job so far!) but the blood work came back and we are having A GIRL!!!

I had an inkling, but I didn't want to put too much into it in case it wasn't and then I was disappointed for no reason because I would have loved another boy too but hearing the dr say girl was one of the most amazing moments. Hubby heard and said, "crap" not because he doesn't want a girl but because he is terrified about the teenage years! I can't wait to see him melt when he first holds her :)

I am still in shock.

Thanks for keeping our secret :)
Guess it's time to start shopping!!
Croy- awwww that's lovely. Congratulations. I think one of each is ideal:)

Fili- we'd like 3 as well but I'm worried I won't even be able to handle 2 without going nuts! Everyone tells me the second is the big transition and the. The third basically raises themselves... I find it a bit hard to believe but we'll see :)

Afm- my mom leaving today to go back to ny so I'm a bit down... It's always so nice when she's here, things are just so much easier day to day.
I'm feeling a bit of first tri exhaustion which just rolls over me like a wave at odd moments. Otherwise I feel good.
Eva's doing splendidly- she's in this very cute and cuddly phase which means lots of extra snuggles for mommy:) my mother says she knows I'm pregnant- strange as it sounds I think she may be right.

Hope everyone's doing well!
Croy, that is fantastic news. I could tell that you would have loved a girl this time around. One of each is perfect.
My husband absolutely loves having a girl ( Its all we know though) but he keeps saying that he really wants another girl aswell this time.

Sara, I also feel so exhausted. Im in my bed sleeping for 9.30pm each night.

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