Hopeful - ha ha, there is certainly something in the water!
Madrid - Congrats!!!!!
Zebra - Welcome and so many congratulations! She is beautiful! and I love her name. Caitlin is one of my faves. Just so pretty
Enjoy these first sweet and exhausting weeks!
Fili - Thanks for the congrats. I think its funny you are thinking you might end up with 3 girls one day - Bless you and dh is the teenage years if you do
I love the idea of a little girie in the middle of 2 boys. I would love a third...might have to convince dh though, he is happy with 2. I would love 4 but I don't see that as possible so I will campaign for 3 and if that works I will be happy. But I would really want another boy if we have a third. I know it seems silly to be thinking about a third when I have no idea if I can even cope with 2 or would be able to have a third but I can't help it. We might want to adopt instead of trying for a pregnancy again. I guess time will tell!
Tuckie - Thanks for the congrats. I can just see how much fun you have with Bay. I am so excited to have a little girl to enjoy in the father son way I see hubby have with Levi.
afm - I am so tired ladies. I don;t know whats been going on with Levi recently but the past 3 nights Levi has woken up, the first night and last night he wouldn't settle except on me where he was happy to sleep so he came in bed with us but of course he sprawled so dh and I didn't get much rest. The middle night we gave him medicine but he didn't really settle and I wasn't able to get back to sleep for literally hours. I think I got about 5 hours sleep total and it wasn't in a row. I can't move today!
Think he is officially moving to one mid day nap which I am fine with if it means he will go down easily. Hoping the nap gets longer though its still only about an hour and a half.
I have my scan next Friday to check this baby out. I can't tell you why but knowing its a girl I feel as though I have more to lose if there is a problem. Our tests have all come back looking great but it doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with this little lady. I am praying hard that will will get the all clear and she will be healthy.
We get to pick our c-section date too. It can;t be before the 17h so with my parents coming in from England on the 14th I am thinking the 18th might be good. they will have got over jet lag and Levi will have adjusted to them and they will ave had a few days just with him. The hospital is just a few blocks from our house so Levi will stay home with my parents (and most likely j's parents too so they can be close by
) while I have surgery. Then they can bring him back and forth to the hospital easily and Levi will be fine with having them put him to bed or wake up with them here.
Phew, that was a long update. I guess I haven't had too many friends to chat to the past few tired days.
Hoping this week slows down a bit. I have a bridal shower to throw on Sunday and I still have a ton to get ready for it. And then my math class starts on Monday. Its online but I am still not excited. After this quarter I only have 3 more to go. I feel like I am going to be in school forever!!!
Question - Are any of you US ladies members of the YMCA? Do you use the childcare and do you like it?