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Fili- I threaten to eat B on a daily basis lol I also kiss her hundreds of times a day (NOT exaggerating in the slightest :haha: ) She loves all the attention from family & strangers. Sounds like Lexi does too. She's a doll baby!
Haha we kiss lexi to death too and sometimes I kiss one cheek while Josh kisses the other and she giggles her head off! Like she knows what we are doing! Bay is always smiling on her photos she's just lovely! :-) the ONLY time lexi cries is when she sees Josh's dad!! :shrug: I don't know why he is sooo nice but she doesn't like him at all! She usually has a meltdown it's awful especially because she rarely cries it shakes me up. It's like she's terrified of him!! I don't know what to do about it and we ahv to see him on Friday...
Fili Louis does that when he sees my dad!! It's awful I am so embarrassed and my poor dad gets so upset!
Croy, I use amber for Louis. He has two bottom teeth and I think another two about to pop up either side of them, but I can't see any at the top yet. I can't say it has made the teething process painless - he seemed to struggle most about 2 weeks after the teeth cut, oddly enough, but hopefully it has helped a bit. He wears two anklets, specially made for babies and one of them is raw amber, which apparently is the best kind for teething.
Thank you all for your lovely words.
Tuckie I'm trying to remember how long Edie was before walking after she started the cruising stage and I think it was quite a while, but she was a late walker and quite stubborn about it. Louis is different, he took a few steps with a push along baby walker today and is very keen to be away. I'm not desperate for it either!
Cazi, Freya is gorgeous. All these beautiful babies.
B used to cry at my grandpa and uncle. They're both big and have a lot of facial hair. Could be their deep voices too I suppose.

MrsM- wow! Louis is advanced taking steps already!

Fili- we do double kissing attacks on B as well :)
Tuckie, was it you that asked about the amber teething necklaces?

I have one that I had Hannah wore, and it really didn't work well for us. I know a lot of people swear by them, but I do think it's a lot of phooey. LOL!!!
Wooks- it was Croy. I read mixed reviews so I never got one. I know some have swore by them though. I think the mothers necklace Croy mentioned might be good...gonna check amazon :)
Yeah, like I say I use them and its certainly no miracle cure. I think I like it because it looks cute.
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, I love your new avatar picture, that's so cute.

Fili/Tuckie, Im the same, don't know how many times I kiss Emelia each day, Im just constantly kissing those cheeks without even realising. I also tell her I could eat her haha

I would say Emelia has always been so pleasant and smiley aswell when people talk to her amnd they always comment on it but recently she has developed "stranger danger" and started crying when certain men talk to her.
It is embarrassing and you feel bad for people when she does it.
Also twice last week my aunt took Emelia out of my arms and she started breaking her heart crying and arms out to get back to me.

As for sleeping, she has been great still going down at 7-8pm but she has been waking at 6am singing and wide awake and then cries when she is fed up. Its starting to get dark in the mornings again so it feels like middle of the night to us. I know we have a cheek to complain as cant have it all ways but it was amazing when she slept till 8am. We're already thinking about when the clocks change next month and she could potentially be waking at 5am...not good.

Im not too clued up on amber necklaces but I am sceptical about the science behind these things.
Emelia still only has 2 bottom teeth but there is a little top one trying to come through, I've had to give paracetamol a couple of times this week.
We also give lots and lots of kisses to Zoe. We all love it :)

Poor thing is running a high fever since last night. 102 F, but no other symptoms:shrug: She is obviously very clingy, she slept in our bed last night, which helped a lot!! I am giving her acetaminophen to bring the fever down, and it works quite well, although she pulls a face every time:haha:

Tuckie: This Sunday will be my V-Day!!!! :happydance:
Goodness me Melfy that's come round quick! Do you know what you are having?
Had my 20 week scan today! All normal and she is exactly average for all her organs size wise so perfect! She waved at us! I was so emotional when I left the scan room and I just couldn't believe I had lexi too I wish someone would have told me this two years ago!! The tiredness is killing me though espesh with lexi to look after, it can last for hours like I've been drugged! Been drinking coffee out of desperation :wacko:
Great news Fili! So glad to hear. You certainly have had quite the journey, enjoy where you are today - life is GOOD!!!

We have our scan frist thing tomorrow. Hoping and praying for the same great news. I am really scared after a friends 20 week scan earlier this year revealed a fatal issue and she had to deliver her baby girl early. So sad. Such a shock when things are so close to home. She is blessed and excited to be 12 weeks with a baby boy now, but I can't help worrying about all that could go wrong...I'm a worrier, can you tell?

Levi is still teething up a storm. Last night he and I were literally up from about 2am, falling asleep around 5.30 or 6 until he woke up at 7am. Then he only slept for 0 minutes all day. He is so overtired which is not helping wth night time. He used to settle in our bed so we didn't mind to omuch if he ended up there but now he cant settle at all so I think it might just be a habit to break that we settle him back at night. He has lost his sleep skillz :) Hoping he sleeps through tonight, I am exhausted!! Too much homework for this not sleeping crap :)

He was wearing his amber necklace today, it looks super cute but I am not sure I noticed much of a difference.
How are all you other lovlies?
I will be thinking of you Croy. I was just the same before my 20 week scan with Louis. Are you finding out gender?
Mrs migg croy is having a girly! :pink: You will be fine Hun. That's awful about your friend I can't imagine going through that I would far rather have an early miscarriage. Jut shows though you're never quite out of the woods although I think that these cases are rare... Kind of! Just know you'll be A OK though xxx

Ps you are superwoman studying as you do! I hope you get some homework done :hugs:
Fili, that is brilliant news that all is well. I know exactly what you mean, if only two years ago we knew that we would be so lucky to have our babies.
2011 was a hellish year for me and I never thought I would be where I am.

Croy, best of luck for the scan. I think its important to remember that these cases are rare but sadly can happen. It is an exciting time and also quite nerve racking the detailed scan.

I've declined any testing again for trisomys or downs syndrome because the way I see it is it only brings back a percentage chance and another thing to worry about that is not guarentee, and if anything is wrong then it will be picked up at the detailed scan anyway.
I have been so close to tears this morning as I am so ill with this pregnancy. I think its the exact same as last year but soo much more difficult whilst caring for a baby this time around.
Croy: I'm sure everything will be fine:winkwink:

Not much time to read, someone changed my super easy going baby into a crying/clingy/whiny will not sleep at night baby. She was up over half hour crying. Her fever's gone, but she's just so tired and will barely eat anything, even yogurt, which she loves!! Teething maybe? This is terrible, I feel so bad fo her.
Hi girls, just a quick one to let you know everything looked ok at the scan. Of course, they can't actually tell you anything but they didn't call the Dr. in right away so nothing looks scary :)
She was not co operative though, she was facing by back and so we didn't get a profile picture or anything that cute at all really which I am a little sad about but seeing her heart beat was reassuring.
I am hoping we an get a 4d at 30 weeks or so and that she will be more up for having her picture taken!

Thank you for all your encouragement and kind words.

Mrs M - We had a new blood test a few weeks ago that is able to pull our genetic material from the baby! its just a regular blood draw, it just blows my mind, but anyway, we were able to tell then that we are having a girl!! Very excited!
Oh Croy that's amazing! Well I'm so pleased the scan went well, even if she was a little uncooperative. That's girls for you :haha: congrats on being team pink, having one of each is so much fun. I just love it. Girls and boys are so different, it's fascinating.
Spoke a little too soon, nothing bad so far but had a call from the doc that they didn't get clear enough pics on some of the checks so I have to go and get another scan in 4 weeks. Not that I mind that at all :) Hope she is in a better position that time! She is certainly moving a lot in there so chances are good she wont be in the same spot!

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