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Davie - I feel for you so much! I wondere if she could be ready to give up a daytime nap if she is still taking 2. I know Levi and I were fighting naps HARD for a few weeks and he would be screaming for ages and not want to sleep. Eventually i just decided to try and push him to nap later in the day and he would then be able to make it to bed time without being a disaster from 4 o'clock onwards. Since we made that change he is exhausted and when its nap time he is asleep even before I can get him in the crib sometimes! Plus he is more tired for bedtime too.

Hopeful - I wonder why the doc told you that they shouldn't drink as much milk after age one. My doc told me to just replace the formula oz with milk, so Levi has 4 8oz bottles through the day as well as food. I am going to talk to her at his 15 month check to discuss cutting it back. He is huge so I know he is getting enough to eat! I hope you can enjoy this time away for yourself. I know you are working but still, you can sleep all night and eat a meal without interruptions.

Melfy - Sorry to hear Zoes teeth are bugging her. I know how that goes. No fun. Frozen yogurt is probably great for teeth. Another trick a friend told me that Levi really likes is a carrot out of the fridge peeled to chew on. When he was younger he just kind of sucked on it, but now he chows down and actually ends up eating quite a bit of it!!

Madrid - I hope you are not waiting too long for teeth to show up. Levi has always had a terrible time with teething. He drools and had a runny nose and is miserable for ages before any teeth came through. He started having symptoms at around 3 months but his first tooth cam through at 6 months. He only had 6 teeth still. This time he has been struggling so, so hard for a few weeks but nothing has come through yet.

Levi has still being inconsistent sleeping through the night recently. Not only is he dealing with teeth but the past couple of days he has a raw bottom. He has never really had a diaper rash to this degree before. He was shaking and screaming when I tried to change him yesterday. He was so upset it made me cry too. I have started just using warm water on the cotton cloth wipes, then drying it gently and putting a crazy amount of cream on to be a barrier. Tonight I gave him a bath in epsom salts which seemed to soothe him some too. Its getting better but he is still red raw in some places. Tonight I put on some hydrocortisol cream under the barrier cream so I am hoping it works its magic overnight.

Tomorrow morning we have our first MOPS meeting of the year. I am looking forward to getting to know my new table mums and share motherhood this year. Are any of you girls in MOPS? or PEPS?
Aww poor Levi!! Is the nappy rash due to teething? I've noticed Z has had a bit of nappy rash the last couple of days too but I thought it was the going back to cloth more than anything else.
I hope the cream works for him.

Never thought about the daily naps but it's true that's as the get older man children do better with only one nap a day.

Fili I usually get comments about a mark she has between her eyebrows and in her forehead. It seems a birth mark. Sometimes very noticeable, other times not so much. I was born with the same and so was ds but it usually disappears with time. 7 months after & she still has it so I'm feeling as it may stay but regardless I find her pretty & gorgeous. Well, I'm so fed up of people giving me the awww such a shame she has that mark!!, or a girl needs to have clean face it isn't like a boy,... Excuse me!!! This is my daughter you're talking about & if you find her less pretty just for a mark in her forehead then you're simply stupid!!
Davies ask your HV about the sleep clinic. I'm sure there's one in your area they can refer you to before it gets worst and even more frustrating for you. They'll give you advice and step by step techniques to use with her so that hopefully you can get there.
Don't worry Hun! You'll cope with both babies, you'll see :hugs:
Madrid some people are horrendous aren't they!? :shock: Unbelievable! I am really tempted to start biting back now. If my stupid step mother in law asks me one more time how much Lexi weighs I will throw her in the bin! Must try to :ignore: How old are your three? xx

Davies!!! What can you do?! Could you go to your HV? You can't keep going like that. Could it be that she's having too much food and not digesting it all before bed so she's active? I only say because I cut my Lexi right back on the food front almost by half! She lost weight but her sleep massively improved as an unexpected side effect and she has never bothered about having less. I give her lots of water like you do too. My reasons for cutting her food back was the massive gap between her height (20%) and weight (75%) I was worried it would hinder her physically you know for pulling herself up etc but as a side effect she started sleeping much better. Might not apply to you and Lexi but I thought I'd mention in case! :hugs:
Thanks ladies I really appreciate everyone's advice! I'm going to go to the hv this afternoon as I can't carry on like this! I woke up with a nose bleed this morning! Which never happens lol! X

It could be to much food fili I will ask that, Croydon the hv told me 2-3 bottles max as it can impact on sleep an appetite but if Levi has a healthy apetite an is sleeping I wouldn't worry!! X

Hopeful I no how hard it is to go away an leave ur babies, but like the others have said, allow yourself to enjoy it Hun, you deserve it definitely make the most of it!! X

Madrid I'm going to ask about a sleep clinic an see there must be something/someone who can help me. X

In the night I feel like I have the naughtiest baby in the world an when I get up in the morning I no how lucky I am when I see her little face an cheeky character! Thanks for being there for me ladies (as usual!) xxx
Davies, I feel for you. I think sleep deprivation is really detrimental to your own health and sanity. It sounds like wise advice given about asking your health visitor for advice and whether there are sleep clinics to help.
Unfortunately it really could be that all babies are just different when it comes to sleep but hopefully there is an underlying reason why Lexi is having such disturbed sleeps and you can get to the bottom of it.

Ladies, I was interested to know aswell that some of you have been told only 2-3 bottles maximum and 20 oz roughly a day. Im not concerned about Emelia still being fed every 3 hours just now and having 5 bottles a day. Im happy that she is perfectly healthy weight wise just now and sleeping so good but I will cut them back if I find she is getting too much.
So far she is 50 per centile for weight.

Croy, poor Levi with the nappy rash, its such ashame for them and must be so sore. Emelia had it once and was red raw and it seemed to take forever to clear. Best just to do what your doing and plaster on lots of barrier cream.

Hopeful, I meant to agree with the others aswell that you don't want to start feeding Ava fatty foods just to fatten her up a bit. She sounds perfectly healthy to me and probably just going to be a different build to Dylan. I guess its hard not to make direct comparisons between the two of them weight wise though.

Madrid, that makes me so mad when people make comments like you've said about what they think are imperfections.
My nephew has a purple birthmark on one of his cheeks and to be honest I don't even see it when looking at him as your not even looking for it and its just a part of him. My brother in law and sister in law were annoyed as he had his picture taken at nursery and the photographer airbrushed the mark out when they never asked him to. So they asked to have the original photos back.

Fili, that would seriously bug me aswell people asking what weight Lexi is and saying troll hair. People are just so dam annoying at times. I for one take things quite to heart and get easily annoyed and upset by comments. People really need to just shut up at times.

Im still feeling so ill in the mornings, its hard to face a breakfast but I find by eating its the only thing that actually makes me feel better. Thankfully it seems to pass as the day goes on.
I had this up until 12/13 weeks last time so hopefully will be the same.
Maybe in thus pic you can get an idea on how big it is. I know you can see it very clearly at times but, what am I supposed to do? Apply make up to cover it? Or live her less for it? She's how she is!!

My other two are 13 & 10 years old :blush:


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Madrid, Zeynab is absolutely beautiful and don't let anyone ever make you feel different. She is so cute in that picture.
Your absolutely right that she is what she is, they all are and we need to accept that no matter what.
To be honest I can barely even see any marking and it is by no means drastic anyway.
To think of all the people out there who have real problems and disfigurements etc. it puts everything in perspective how lucky we are.
I think everyone has something that they don't like about themselves but just have to accept, I for one hate my ears as they stick out and I always used to say to my mum why didn't she get them pinned back as a child and she says she could never have done that, now that Im older I've accepted it and have long hair anyway. We really shouldn't keep striving for perfection so much, I think everyones guilty of that at times.
Madrid- she is gorgeous! I'm sure it will fade over time and if it doesn't she is pretty and it won't matter. Ava had some marks on her face that went away and Dylan had a c shakes vein between nose and eye and dh always asks dr when it will go away (which maybe in a few years with thicker skin and more fat) but I hardly notice it.

Hi everyone - Im at the airport and leaving shortly..
Hi All

Not sure if any of you yummy mummys remember me from the rmc & steroid thread, just wanted you all to know ive got my bfp again currently 5 +4 today 1st 4681 at 4 +6 2nd beta today was 14,000 do these numbers look ok, sorry to post here but know you ladies are very experienced and have been fantastic support in the past

Hi gb congratulations! :hugs: I hated numbers I went by scan at 7 weeks, IMO if all looks good scan wise at 7 weeks you're on a home run!

Madrid she is simply beautiful and I would not have noticed had you not said, it's very faint. I bet it will fade over time anyway and if not so what she still has such a pretty face! I'm sure there's laser treatment out there if it gets very dark when she is older but I bet it fades anyway. Like just says she has such a pretty face and you can't change that!
Hi ladies it's been ages since I've posted - hope everyone is well?
Madrid she's gorg!!!
Hopeful enjoy your trip! I was told the same re milk. I was told it doesn't really matter before they are 1 but then the milk should be cut right back as food should play more of a role in their diets by then. I was told 2 bottles a day at 1 (one morn and one eve) and then 3 meals with 2 snacks. Around 18-20oz milk. Funny how we are all told diff things and I'm sure all our babies are perfectly healthy!!! Alfie is only having 10oz a day I can't get hi
To have any more but he eats really well so I'm not too worried!!

Anyone else's babies got small feet? A is 1 1/2 lol!!! Shoes start in a 2! He's so close to walking now and nearly ready for proper shoes bless him!

Davies u poor poppet - you can't carry on like that! How much sleep is she getting in the day? Like croy said perhaps try one nap? So try putting her to bed earlier? Alfie is soooo ready for bed by 7.15pm. Does she have a mobile to help settle her? I hope it improves honey.

Anyone heard from Kat?

Hi everyone else and a big hug to those mummies who are single parenting a lot of the time - Sara, pad, tuckie and anyone else I gave forgotten! So much respect for you ladies!! X
Hi gb and congrats! Did u mean ur beta is 14000 at 5 weeks 4 days? Are u sure on ovu date? How many dpo? Maybe u r further along?

Bumpy- tiny feet! Wonder if that's same size in US? Ava is 3 or maybe 4 now and Dylan's is 5. Ava's seem tiny though, like they are hard to hold her up. She walks mainly now but slowly and carefully. Dylan walks fast about running now. Makes the house feel small as they have nowhere to go!
Hopeful enjoy ur trip Hun x

Madrid z is gorgeous an I couldn't even see a mark! Lexi had a straw
Berry birth mark on her leg n people were commenting saying will it go etc! It's faded to barely there but it doesn't worry me! She has one on her bottom cheek to, but that hasn't faded I presume as it doesn't see as much sun lol! If they worry her w
When she's bigger we will have them removed! X

Just I hope u feel better my lovely,
14 weeks I felt bit better! X

Well hv didn't get back to me, so will try again today, Lexi sleeps 1 1/2 hours in the day, normally only one sleep but if I'm in the car she sometimes gets another 30-40 mins but never longer than 2.30 total! Tonight she woke at 315am I left her until 330 then I went in picked her up gave her 4oz water an I don't talk etc I lay her straight back down an she doesn't murmur! Do you ladies think I should be passing her water in cot rather than picking her up? X

I was wondering if Kat was ok to, an Amanda? X
I don't pick her up and I think that works better because she falls asleep straight away.

Are you 14weeks along now? Wow! Time's flying! Congrats!! You're getting closer to a gender scan.

Gbfn I'm sorry but I have no idea re numbers.

Have a good trip hopeful!

Bumpy he has smal feet!! That's super cute!!!

Fili as you're also in London. Could you recommend a clinic for an early scan? I have a feeling I'm not getting one through the nhs. Thanks!!
Gb: congrats on your BFP!!!!! Your numbers sound great:thumbup: With this pregnancy the only number I had was at 5+2, and it was 29 000 (that's really high), but the U/S showed that I was actually measuring closer to 6 weeks, which explained it.

Fili: Curly hair is so cute!! Mine tend to get curly, but more of a pain than anything else, I have to use hair products if I want those nice curls otherwise it just looks messy lol:dohh: Zoe usually likes warm food, I'm guessing it was a teething thing, now she's eating a lot better (knock on wood)

Madrid: Honestly I find it barely noticeable. Z is gorgeous:cloud9:

Davies: Zoe was doing the exact same thing for a few nights in a row. She would wake up crying and screaming and would just want to be cuddled and sleep with us. Still no teeth but her gums are very obvious. And she is sleeping a lot better at night without pain meds.

Just: Sorry you're still feeling sick. Obviously it's a good sign, but that being said I'm sure you're looking forward to better mornings. I'm a lucky one, as I don't get any form of morning sickness, and it must be even harder with a baby to care for.

Bumpy: He does have small feet; how cute!! Zoe is a size 3, but some shoes are bigger than others so it's hard to know exactly what she needs...kinda annoying lol.
Davies- :hugs: all this baby guesswork is frustrating. You might try posting here in the baby club section. I know there are some sleep experts around here :thumbup: hope you can get into the doctors!

Croy- sorry about L's rash and sleep :/ I switched B to A&D and it seems better already. I also have her some bare booty time and washed her poops off with soft, warm wet rags instead of wipes. I hope things get better for you!

JustK- I also give B about 5 bottles a day. She signs for milk and I just give it to her whenever she wants it. She's getting over 30oz /day easy. I would've been pissed about that airbrushing too! People can be so dense. Hope you feel better.

Madrid- Z is gorgeous. Do not listen to those rude people! Like others said, it will likely fade & even if it doesn't, she's still healthy and beautiful!

Gb- I'm no expert, but if anything the numbers seem high. Could you be further along than you think...or twins!?

Bumpy- B is a size 3. His feet will probably have a growth spurt soon :)

Melfy :wave:

Hopeful- I know you will miss the twins, but try to enjoy yourself! :)

I smell poop lol gotta go!
hi ladies

I have a regular 38 day cycle and was tracking my ovulation so know I ovulated on day 14-15, first was 4681 at 30dpo then 4 days later they are 14000 don't think I can be any further on scan on the Friday showed small geastational sac of 4=5mm I would have been 4+6 then.

There are twins in the family me dad and his mother were both identical twins :wacko:

will let you all know on Monday how I get on, if I manage a strong h/b then I might have cracked it lol

Hi Ladies,
Just popping in to say goodbye. I have loved being on this journey with you all. Thank you for the love and support. I am so excited for you Parl after Marl after Parls and wish you all super, healthy rainbow #2. I no longer relate and am no longer going to participate on BandB. Quick update before I sign off: Life is very good for me. Grey is doing great and almost walking. I have met many SAHM friends in my new area and am very happy. I go on girls night out weekly. Love our home. Beach walks and playdates take up most of my life. Thank you all again. Take care.
Bumpy Freya is a 2..... Just! So yes we have small feet and short legs!

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