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Croy- Sounds like everything they could actually see looked good & now at least you get an extra scan! I was all about the extra scans when I was parl :haha:

Melfy- B went through some real fussy times right round the 8 month mark. Her top teeth erupted a few weeks later so it could've been teething but I also noticed she made a lot of big developmental leaps as well so it could be that also. Look for loads of developmental stuff coming up soon :thumbup:

Just- :hugs: sorry you're feeling ill. I imagine all the regular pregnancy woes, coupled with caring for a LO all day as well, can be very difficult. I remember feeling much better after 11 weeks or so. I also didn't get much testing. I agree that it's just another thing to worry about!

Fili- yay for a great 20 week scan :)

Bay is sooo active! She cruises all the way around the whole table, speed crawls, stands up, climbs stairs, & pulls up on everything. Tonight she used her hands to somehow Spider-Man grip the dishwasher and stood up and starting licking the stainless steel :dohh: she's into everything. Aaron says she'll be walking by Haloween :o & She's now officially 10 months!!! How is it possible my baby is almost a year old?!? :cry:
Hi ladies,

Croy, it sounds like all is well. Im quite sure that they just have to tick boxes that they have seen and checked everything. It is a bonus to have an extra scan.
I never realised that it was just a blood test that revealed you were having a girl, that is pretty amazing that they can do that. I don't think they offer that over here.

Tuckie, you have a super active girl on your hands. haha Im laughing at her doing a spider man up the dishwasher, they insist on licking everything aswell don't they!
Bay is obviously very strong.
Emelia hasn't quite pulled herself completely up on things yet but she is almost at that stage. She also can climb some stairs which I got a shock at!
I think Bay will be walking very soon.

I took Emelia to a soft play yesterday which had a bit for babies with the ball pool and soft shapes etc. she was so funny crawling around and in at everything, it was good fun for her. Downside was when I got her home I could smell she was dirty and she had a nappy explosion out of the nappy and through her leggings...had to put her straight in the bath.
It has happened again this morning when I lifted her out of her cot.
I think her teething is affecting her nappies. She has a little top tooth broke through now.
I was also at a baby class on Thursday and an older woman was commenting on Emelia saying that she was lovely but a big bruiser. When I told her she was 10 months she couldn't believe it and said to me don't worry as when she starts to walk she will lose the weight. Honestly, Emelia is not even chunky at all I wouldn't say. She is still 20lbs and very long.
Got to love how the older generations in particular just speak their mind haha, telling me not to worry, like I would anyway.
Congrats on good scans Croy and and Mel!

Just- hope u can get some rest and the ms goes soon- I think E is a good size

Hi tuckie- love the pics of bay in your journal

So I'm the one with the skinny babies! Had 15 month appt and shots, A is 19.5 lbs and 31 inches and D is a little over 22 lbs and 32 inches. The dr isn't concerned but dh freaks out constantly and wants A to be heavier.
They are around 25% (dylan) 30% (ava) for weight compared to babies born full term (adjusted age) but only 7% (ava) and 14% (dylan) actual age
They are doing well except for fevers from the shots. Gave ibu this morning. They had 4 shots each, one being flu and I had flu shot too and arm is sore. It's funny I used to be scared of shots and now its nothing. Getting hair highlighted soon (at hairdresser now waiting)
Jodi, happy birthday (belated!) I hope you enjoy your hair appointment. I'm getting highlights next Saturday. I love being at the hair dressers! So relaxing. I think the kids sound fine weight and height wise. Some babies are just smaller than others. I've been meeting a lot of other babies recently who are older than Delilah, were full term, and are smaller than her. It's really not a big deal. As long as they are healthy and growing, it's fine. What would your dh suggest in making Ava gain more weight? You can't force feed kids.

Glad there are some good scans happening girls. Let's keep them coming! Croy I'm sure everything is fine with your little girl. Delilah was the same way. She never cooperated for the scans but since I had to go in constantly for cervix checks, they always had an opportunity to look at her growth. Girls!

I want to clarify something ladies. I am not upset by anyone here. I don't find any of your comments about pregnancies insensitive. My feelings are a product of my own process of grieving, but those feelings really have nothing to do with the wonderful pregnancies on this thread. Mrs M put it beautifully when she said that it's like we were all on an adventure together and many of you are continuing on, but we have gotten off and are waving at you as you continue on. I imagined myself on that adventure. Instead I'm waving at you as you continue on. I've had to face these feelings for a long time, even before I had Delilah. There came a point in this journey where I knew that even if I was able to bear one child, I wouldn't be having another one. It's becoming more evident now as I see so many of you continue on the voyage. But I'm completely ok with that. In all honesty, there is a part of me that is very happy with just one. The thought of another isn't always appealing. So please don't refrain from talking about your pregnancies, scans or anything else. I love reading about it.
Hi ladies sorry for being Mia! I have had a fab time for my birthday in center parcs we went to elvedon forest, I love it had spa day treatments relaxed majorly, was needed, dealt with the fact I'm 32 now, lol!

We came home I did 3 last flights an I missed my girl lots, but she was really good an I don't think missed me lol!! X

Heart sending u a big virtual hug! X

Never how was ur hol? X

Croy fili I'm pleased ur 20 week scans were good! X

Jodi skinny babies chunky babies as long as there healthy don't worry my lovely, there gorgeous xx

Lexi still isn't sleeping through the night any tips?? X
Davies- CIO ;) have u tried it for a little? 15 mins?

Heart- forgot to address that post about just having one. I cried reading it too. I feel similar in that I probably won't be pregs again and get to have newborns again, etc now that i know what to do with them but huge hugs. Wish having kids was easy for everyone, guess there is a reason for us to go thru alot of bs at times.
I'm super lucky to have gotten to have two at once.

Dh just wants to feed them fatty food like those frozen precooked sausages and stuff like that. They are so fatty and the kids love em but I don't want to feed that all the time.

Just popping in as watching the Vikings play in England- super strange, just found out now about this game. Hope they don't embarrass us Minnesotans ;)
Davies I just ignored Lexi's groaning and never fed her from 5pm to at least 5am - she does neither now and sleeps through without a peep - is that relevant to you? Or maybe she's teething? Does she normally sleep through and now not?

Croy you will be fine Hun but stupid them for having to repeat it! they could have got you to jiggle about a bit surely?

All good with me just struggling with bouts of tiredness / lethargy but it seems to pass after about an hour... Not looking forward to heartburn, leg aches, not getting my shoes on!

Hopeful they are perfect they will put in weight in their own time I agree not to feed them too much fatty food too. They are within the percentiles so all good

:hi: everyone else - just I hope you're feeling better it will pass hopefully :hugs:
Fili- I give them credit, they did try everything to get her to move. I was pretty much dancing in there. Rolling, drinking water, peeing, coughing, she was not budging. Levi was the same at his too. With him, it was a really snowy day and lots of people had cancelled appts but we live close enough to walk and so we kept ours. When he wouldnt behave they sent us away for an hour to walk around and eat/drink something sugary to get him moving, it worked for him, but this time they didnt have space in the schedule to have us come back. She is strong willed, like her mother ;)

Davies - was she sleeping through for a while? I thought she had been. Is she still taking good amount of milk or formula during the day as well regular food. I think levi gets a bit more hungry now hes on cows milk so have to make sure he is eating mroe actual food. He has been up a lot in the night the past week or two but its his teeth i think. the amber necklace seems to be easing it some as he has slept through a couple of nights the past few days which is an improvement. We have to let him fuss it out a little bit at night, if he goes back in a few minutes we leave him, but if he keeps fussing we go get him, I have a hard time when hes sad at night because usually he just wants to be held and if hes not feeling good i don't want him to be alone. I'm a sucker. Wishing you sleep. Also - Levi wakes up if he is cold. I know the weather here has made the temp drop dramatically the past few weeks so I am trying to find a wearable blanket with feet for him but until then we have the heat up at night so he doesnt get cold.
Glad you had a lovely birthday trip. Spa sounds fab!!

Hopeful - i think guys want their kids to be big. Levi is pretty good size but i know when he was skinny as a baby hubs would make comments about fattening him up. Nothing mean, but i think especially guys with sons want them to be big. Maybe its a guy thing?
I don't care as long as they are healthy and I totally agree that you shouldn't have the eat those foods all the time. You could give them more things like avocado which is packed full of fats, just healthy ones. That might be a middle ground if you felt like you needed to find one.

Heart - I am excited for this little lady but I think she will be giving me a run for my money for sure!

afm - first week of this math class down and first text taken. All is going well so far...although I am happy to say my in-laws will be watching Levi one day a week to let me study which I am so thankful for. Loving the fall weather, I've already made soup twice :)
Congrats on a great scan croy!! Girls are certainly in control!! :winkwink: mine was and still is too!!

Hopeful don't worry about their weight. If they're healthy that's the most important thing. My children are slim. Nothing like their mother I'm afraid but they eat well so that all I watch.

Fili I've been very tired lately too. :hugs:

Just I'm glad she loved the soft play area.

Davies I have the same is dh with Z. She wakes up most nights around 6am but she cries so load I rather give her a bottle than to have the neighbours complaining. I'll be keeping an idea on others advice & may try it too.

:hi: heart,tuckie, melfy, mrsmigg, wookie,.....
Thanks Madrid nice to no I'm not alone!! Thanks for everyone's advice! I find CIO so hard, Lexi hasn't slept through since 16 weeks!! She slept tgrough from 7 weeks - 16 weeks then has had the odd few days but that's it!!!! She drinks 20oz milk a day she's on toddler aptamil as can't tolerate cows milk still! She's fine with dairy so eats cheese n yoghurt most days, she loves fruit an veg hardly ever has a biscuit as sge doesn't like them! But as a whole is a good eater now, I'm only giving her water right now in the night, she has a cold right now so I am going in for a bit longer than usual, but normally I go in give her 4oz water I lay her back down she goes to sleep.... If I leave her!!!!!! Wowsers my girl has lungs, staying power N is stubborn! I mean she will scream 2 hours!! I think she finds it hard to sleep, her rooms 20 degrees so good temp sges been fed, we have a blind an curtains so nice an dark but I leave her room ajar so its not pitch black.
I feel at the end of my tether, I'm worried about when the new baby cones! What if Petes at work an there both crying what do u do?? Xx

Heart Jodi I get where ur coming from ladies, I felt similar before I fell pg I didn't like the thought of never giving birth again! Never having that newborn moment, but now its happening I'm petrified!!!! What if I'm not as lucky this time around what if its completely different what if something goes wrong! I no that's natural but so is how you both feel, it makes me squeeze Lexi extra tight as we all no how lucky we r xx

My baby cousin just text me she had her 2nd girl today in a very quick 2 1/2 hour labour! Gave birth on delivery room floor!! How lucky lol!! X
How long does it take with ur kids? I put a tired Lexi down for a nap at 1045!! At 1145 sges still fighting it crying!! I just don't no what to do anymore, everyone suggests cry it out buy I try it an its always hours an then I get an overtired child! What do people do that CIO doesn't work for?? X
Davies, your spa break sounds wonderful, I could be doing with one of those.
Just read your post that Lexi hasn't slept through the night since 16 weeks, that's got to be hard going. I think a lot of us take it for granted that our babies do sleep through and are good sleepers, I think it would drive me crazy seriously so I sympathise.

I was going to suggest the tough method aswell about CIO but if you've said that she would still be crying an hour later then that's a different story.
I think maybe you should up Lexi's milk intake to about 30oz if you can.
I still feed Emelia 5 feeds a day of 6oz milk at a time along with solids. I know that the aptamil formula that she is on says that at this age she should only get 3 feeds of milk at 7oz but I can honestly say that Emelia is hungry for it and def. not over weight.
We always give a bottle last thing before bed aswell which is 7-8pm these days and she sleeps right through.

What we used to always do was put her down at that time and then wake her at midnight for another feed. I would recommend that you try doing that. I know its not ideal getting up at midnight but I think you'll find she will then sleep straight through until the morning and gradually try stopping that midnight feed.
We only stopped that midnight feed when she was 7 months old.

I think ideally you want to try and get this sorted out before your new baby comes along for your own sanity as that will be extremely tough if you have two of them waking at inbetween times.
I reckon that its got to be hunger that is waking her so try that midnight feed. But then again it could just be habit that she is waking.
Fingers crossed for you that it improves
davies - how much food does she eat? my dr said no more than 16-20 oz of milk/day or it isn't good for them but can't remember why (after they are 1). did you say she doesn't tolerate milk? have you tried cutting out all dairy just to see? or tried giving her toast (toasted bread - not sure that's what you call toast there)? lol
and bananas or something right before bed?

ava is teething, she has 8 (top and bottom 4) but now has 3 molars coming in on top plus at least 1 eye tooth and she screamed for 2.5 hours which isn't like her at all.
plus, when she has a cold she doesn't sleep well as she can't breathe/stuffy nose
other that that she's an awesome sleeper.

or have you tried to make bedtime earlier? I did that with dylan recently and he's better (not an awesome sleeper as wakes up between 6/6:30) but still, at least he usually sttn. went from 8;20ish bedtime to 7:20ish (but he rolls around until around 7:45/8pm) trying to get to sleep
i have to go on a work trip, leaving tomorrow early and coming back wed night, to Toronto- I don't like to fly but feeling better about it, too tired all the time to care ;)
davies: Zoe is younger, and she's usually fairly easy to put down for a nap and bedtime. If she fusses for some reason, I wait max 10 minutes, because I know that she's not gonna sleep unless I do something (bottle, rocking, soother or even picking her up and trying a bit later for a nap)

Just: She's not chubby at all!! Zoe is probably 18-19 pounds and she's 8 months and shorter than Emelia, and she doesn't look that chubby to me.

Hope: They're growing and they're healthy, it's all that matters :) I try not to give Zoe too much fatty food either, but if we go out for breakfast we'll give her tiny pieces of breakfast sausage, potatoes and such.

Fili: I LOVE all those pictures on Facebook :) She's really cute, and doesn't look like a troll!!! She's just adorable!!

Tuckie: I really hope it doesn't last for a few weeks; it's only been 5 days and it's really like someone just took my baby and replaced her with a super fussy one!! Still no teeth but her bottom gums are all white and swollen, so hopefully not too long. Last night I gave her infant tylenol and she slept through from 7pm-5am and woke up for her usual night bottle, and then slept until 7am. It was amazing to get such a long stretch again!!!

Speaking of ''fatty'' food, I gave her a bit of frozen yogurt, and you could tell it felt really good on her gums. Also gave her some frozen pineapple in a mesh to chew on. She won't eat anything warm (but milk is ok)
Z is also teething. She's struggling a bit but her gums aren't swollen yet do I think were in for a long wait. Poor baby!!

Davies do you have any kind of routine for bedtime? I had to start that from quite early on & I've noticed it's helped her to settle at bedtime easier than she used to. Z is soooo loud!! She's always been like this & it was very hard the first months with her so I understand when you say about CIO not working for you. I'll have to leave Z for 2 crying to get her to sleep fully on her own. If, on the other hand, I just stay with her she'll fall sleep much faster.
The sleep situation was the same also with my other dd. I could never get her to sleep at night I was rocking her & that was useless when she got older so she got use to go to bed at the same time as we did. That was until she started nursery when she had to be in bed by 8pm but by that age she was ok with it. What I'm trying to say is that every child is different & some, for some reason, won't follow standard patterns. The good thing is that as they get older, they'll just adopt those routines that are very much needed, not just for them but also for the whole family.
Patience Hun! :hugs:
Melfy I have flattened her hair a bit so she doesn't look like she has those toy troll hairstyles lol! I think her hair might end up being wavy or curly it's got that course almost frizzy texture, I've been using conditioner on her hair too every day haha but I kind of like it all wild too. :-) Lexi doesn't like warm food either. How are you feeling?

Aww Davies I am really feeling your pain! You are really going through it. It sounds like she is suffering with teething to me because the sleeplessnsess came on so suddenly. Try Ibuprofen medicine before bed and through the night if you think it might be teething?? Also powders and gel. Everything comes out at night. Lexi might be one of those babies who is getting really sleep disturbed by her teeth?

Just I am always ranting about the things people say!! It's so annoying! Like today for eg a couple were going on about making sure Lexi was out of the sun ASAP because she was so so blonde like she was abnormally blonde!! They went on so much I just moved her but she was fine! It wasn't even that hot. Then there's that man who said Lexi was like a troll because of her hair sticking up - I mean are these people for real!!? Anyway know you're not alone I'm sure we've all had our fair share of annoying unfounded comments on here: 'She STILL has a dummy?' :dohh: :trouble:
Evening/morning ladies, I'm leaving Lexi to CIO!! Sges woken me at 2330 which is very unlike her sges had 4oz of water which she took about 20 min to take I put her over my shoulder for 2 mins sges asleep I lay her down 30ims later she's up I cuddle her she falls asleep on me!! I put her down 5 min later sges awake screaming!!

Last time I had her weighed she was 25lb 7!! Def not starving... Most days sge has 20ozmilk but some days she has
23oz 7 at breakfast I offer 7 at lunch but she takes 5! At bed I offer 9-10 an she normally takes between 7-9! She has always had bath bottle bed routine between 7/8pm sge does 9/10 fall asleep on her bottle so I do need to try putting her to bed on her own!! I'm at the end of my tether! Sges still now 01.45 screaming the house down! What do I do? She sleeps worse than a new born! She's not teething, I sometimes have tried giving her meds to see if sge will get in a routine of sleeping nope! Doesn't work for Lexi! CIO takes on average 2 hours for her to go off an never gets shorter! I'm honestly pulling my hair out every night! Right now I'm actually dreading having 2 as I don't think I can cope with one. I feel so guilty saying that but I honestly feel so on the edge! Everyone's babies sleep all my friends all my ante natal mums babies what am I doing so wrong? X
When I do go in sges not standing in her cot crying she's usually still laying down!!! Your all gonna think I have gone mad but I just don't no what to do anymore! I feel like she must hate me.
I would feel the same way Davies, and I feel so bad for u, sucks when they scream at night. So even ibuprofen doesn't work? I'm kinda at a loss too for ideas.

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