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Lee: He is adorable:cloud9: a very cute little chunky baby :) Looks like he's enjoying his TV show:winkwink:

Just: Great news !!!! So happy for you:happydance: We didn't have a gender preference so we just wanted to know, but I think that if we did, then I would've tried to stay team yellow. Because like everyone else said, you're gonna love that baby no matter what.

Fili: How's Lexi? Try 1 or 2 days without pain meds and see what happens, unless she really is in pain. Pain meds can upset their tummies,

Tuckie: Zoe is doing a lot better!! She sleeps better at night and is off the pain meds. Still no teeth though. I don't know, maybe she had a sore throat for a few days:shrug: She is eating again and looks like she's about to hit a few milestones, like crawling on hands and knees (now she does the army-crawl) and standing up by herself.
Thanks Ladies,

MrsM, thanks for that input about your friend. I really think I just want a surprise at the end of the labour.
I laughed at your mention of asking the midwife what do do with the boy parts whilst changing his nappy...haha this is the things you need to ask as I've heard that it is "more complicated" than just changing a girl as you need to tuck it down and also the high chances of them peeing all over you with the nappy off!
Lee Morgan's a cutie xx

Just congrats Hun! X

Kat u will b missed, I hope I haven't upset u at all! I don't think I have said anything but I do have a tendency to do that! X

Fili how's Lexi doing? My advice would b get some diorlyte an buy bottled water x

Croy I love algebra!!! Mad I no but I do!! When u back for ur scan Hun? X
Mrsmig I'm doing exactly that, not finding out, I would never want to feel disappointed an I no that boy or girl I will love it either way! I would like a
Girl as I'm. One of 2 girls my sis has 3 boys so I feel I need to weigh it up a bit! Plus I'm a wimp when it comes to fighting etc an boys come with pressure to b tough!
Saying that one of each would b amazing I do feel very lucky to even b pregnant again. But I no tgat instant love when baby is born an I won't care what I have just a healthy one please..... Do you remember Pete told me lexi was a boy? For a minute I had a boy lol then he says oh it's not its a girl lol!! Well the instant bond was a miracle!! Didn't matter to me at all an I have my girl so boy girl doesn't matter!! X
Melfy how r u feeling? Sounds like u will have a walker soon x

Mums 2 be again can u tell me ur buggy/pram/stroller plans? Double side by side front of each other? I'm confused what to get? Any input or mums who already have 2? X
Snatching a moment to logon and try and catch up. Lucas still not napping anywhere other than my arms pretty much so I am just enjoying the time with him and trying to ignore all the to dos piling up behind me. Had some photos done a few weeks ago by a friend of mine, so here's the obligatory baby in a basket shot.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying their babies as much as I am. He's a little love. I have the best intentions to try and get on here more often but hubby has just taken a new job in London so from November I'm going to be pretty much flying solo Monday to Friday. I love reading about how everyone is getting on. Better get off to bed as it's past midnight and I am going out for the first time with hubby tomorrow night and leaving the children with grandma. Just hoping Lucas will take a bottle......
Davies that's just how I felt, I also thought Edie was a boy when I first saw her! I didn't see her face! But once I had my girl I didn't care. It's brilliant having one of each. I love the idea that I am bringing up a little man, hopefully teaching him to respect women, work hard and be an all round good egg, hopefully. I'm sure you haven't upset Kat, you couldn't upset anyone surely! I get her when she says she no longer relates, I think she has found the support network she needs in real life, and has moved on from this chapter.
Rapt, what beautiful pictures. I hope Lucas takes a bottle and you have a lovely night.
Oh and Davies deffo one in front. Wide ones don't go through supermarket tills or doors! I would go for the icandy pear. Pricey but worth it.
Rap, Lucas is adoreable. That is a beautiful picture.

Davies, I've been thinking of double buggys aswell and will probably go for the baby jogger double which is side by side. Although I have been worrying about what MrsM said aswell about it not going through doorways or even supermarket tills(I hadn't thought about that). They also do the city select which is one in front of the other which Im also considering for that reason. They are not the cheapest either.

I only used my Bebecar pram for 6 months and then moved to the baby jogger buggy which is actually suitable for newborns anyway as it can recline flat. In my opinion its the best buggy ever with the one handle in the middle that you pull and it collapses flat. I know that Heart and Hopeful also have it over in America.
You can also get the carrycot attachment to go on one side or fit the car seat onto it.

I have the purple one which I love so if its another girl I will def. go for that colour again;baby jogger city mini double&imgrc=_

I've just googled that one that you've recommended MrsM, it looks good aswell and very similar. Im curious as to what the price difference is, I find that both Icandy and Baby jogger don't advertise prices and on websites you have to call up and enquire.
Just catching up still! But just to say quickly mrs mig and Just the thing I worried the most about by far was if Lexi would be born alive hence elec c sect panic Second big worry was if baby would be normal in every respect, third was bonding, 4th breast for baby and If I'd be a good mum, and very lastly gender was a luxury wish! We didn't ask if lexi was girl or boy until 25 mins after birth lol! I was so relieved to see a pink screaming baby! I didn't have a sex preference at first only for second baby. As for finding out gender I agree with u mrs mig. I thought finding out this time would help with prior bonding but no! however for me personally it was well worth the thrill of getting what I'd hoped for!! I'd like a boy next though as I think 2 is co 3 is a crowd but the boy won't have a brother as I don't want 4 children!
Kat what's happened? I need to look bk

Rapt he is beautiful!! :cloud9:

Lexi is bk to normal now thanks everyone and we are bk home. I think it was either too much medicine or teething. I stopped the meds melfy yesterday and poo was normal again. No meds unless v urgent now I just don't like her suffering so I just give it to her but it says on bottle not to use longer than 4 days ooops!! Melfy I'm glad zoe is better too :-) happy babies = happy mummies!
hi ladies

sorry to post here, scan tomorrow and im terrified that its all gonna be bad news again, did anyone find that the steroids masked there symptons, mine seem to be fluctuating at the minute, maybe just over thinking things, this is my 2nd pregnancy on mr s protocol, last baby had a trisomy so never had a chance really

Hi gb- yes, prednisone masked mine, didn't get ms and felt hungry and pretty good but tired
Congrats just! Nice to have all the scans too

Rap- gorgeous pics!

Lee- love the pics too, he's handsome . I forgot to ask you girls about baby tv/ we get baby first tv and my mom gets both of the channels (baby first and baby tv) D and a have liked baby first tv since they were babies. Trying not to have too much tv though and also recording Sesame Street and watching sprout channel. But/ they still like that baby first channel.

Croy- would be hard to focus on algebra when pregs and have a toddler, great job! Sounds like you love bringing in the pink clothes and stuff ;) it's fun isn't it?

Kat- will miss you on here!

Tuckie - u can make sure kat is ok for us ;) tell her we miss her

Melfy- is Zoe sleeping better?

Ava is sick, throaty cough. Hope d doesn't get it.
Gbnf, sorry I wasn't on steroids so cant comment. I really hope your scan goes well. The fact that your last baby had a trisomy was sheer bad luck I imagine and the chance of it happening again extremely slim.
Let us know how you get on!

Hopeful, poor Ava. these things can spread like wildfire so I hope Dylan dosent get it. People have told me that when kids start to go to nursery that they catch all the bugs of the day Im not looking forward to that.
I don't think there is any harm in Babys watching Tv, within reason of course. It would be no substitute for human interaction aswell.
We joke that there is too much TV watching in here as at times we try to speak to Emelia and her head just shoots round to the TV as that seems more interesting. Any advert that comes on with music and she stops what she is doing to watch it.

Fili, Im glad Lexi is better. Yeah I'd be careful with any meds, as much as they are very low dose they probably still affect things if used for long periods of time.
I've always suffered headaches for aslong as I can remember almost on a daily basis and I used to think nothing of taking paracetamol every day iuntil I read about how it can damage your kidneys and stuff. Then when I found out that I only have one kidney 2 years ago it kind of scared me a bit so I try not to take it unless necessary. That's how I also think about giving Emelia baby paracetamol and calpol etc. only if really necessary.
Thanks everyone I will let you all know how I get on tomorrow scan not till 2.15 so will let all you know then, ive got myself into a terrible state today:cry::cry: I suppose im just expecting the worst as always, but like you said last baby had a trisomy so steroids or not is was never going to be

Love to you all xxxxx
Gb my baby before lexi had trisomy 13 and lexi is perfect! You'll be just fine Hun I bet! Xxx
Heart: Zoe is sleeping soooo much better. She still gets up around 4am for a bottle and the occasional soother, but nothing compared to last week. I have my Zoe back:happydance:

gb: The odds of having another loss due to trisomy are really low, everything will be fine:winkwink: Try to visualize yourself in the office tomorrow, looking at the ultrasound machine and seeing that beautiful little flickering heartbeat :) It'll be there:hugs:

Fili: Glad she's doing better; those meds can be pretty upsetting for their tummies. A few years ago I would use Ibuprofen for menstrual cramps and got pretty bad tummy issues. Well the day my period became less painful and I stopped using it (I would use Acetaminophen if I needed it), well it all went away!

Tuckie :hi:

sara, NSN: how are you doing?
Hi All

firstly thank you all so much for your prayers and your thoughts :hugs::hugs:

because it had paid off seen 5mm lil beanie with a lovely HEARTBEAT measuring on time :happydance::happydance:

I feel so relieved and blessed at the moment :hugs::hugs:

Nana is doing ok and is much better than yesterday

Must apologise for the meltdown over the weekend, you ladies are all true angels xxxx
That is the best news Gbnf! You must be over the moon. Glad to hear that your nana is doing better too, I hope she makes a full recovery!
Try and relax a bit now that you've seen that heartbeat...things are looking good.

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