Kat- We'll miss you. All the best!
Hopeful- Sorry to hear Ava's ill, though it sounds like you're really making the best of it. a little one on one time must be lovely. Fx-ed Dylan gets a pass.
Madrid- I can relate... I'm knackered! Hope it passes.
Melfy- Great to hear Zoe's sleep has improved. It's really tough when they go off suddenly and you're used to getting a good night in. Sounds like she's really thriving... tall and slim
Croy- Hopefully Levi will start to settle and give you a few good nightss in a row so you can catch up on your zzz's. It's wonderful that he plays well independently. My boobs were only mildly sore with Eva- nothing like what you've described. This time around they aren't sore AT ALL... It;s actually a little disconcerting.
Lee- Love the pics! He looks so happy!!
Fili- Glad to hear Lexi's recovered nicely! It's miserable when they're ill, and the meds can be really harsh. Must have been hard to deal with being abroad as well.
Rapt- ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Such a beautiful girl.
Gb- Congratulations
Davies- I'd love to hear how that stroller works out for you. I'm not going to get anything till after LO arrives... Eva HATED her stroller as a newborn because she had such severe reflux and I just kept her in the sling. I know I'll need something a few months after though so I'm going to be getting ideas from all you guys.
Just- that all day hangover does not sounds like fun... hope you feel better soon.

Tuckie, Mismig, Bumpy and anyone I missed
afm- Eva's sleep has been really off lately, which is saying something as she's never been a real champ in that department. the last few nights she's been ravenous at 3 am- drinking an 8oz bottle in one long gulp. I tried upping her food during the day and giving her extra milk after lunch before her nap but it hasn't made any difference. Is there a growth spurt around 11months that I don't know about. We've got a dr's appt on friday so hopefully I can get some ideas. She's been super clingy lately as well, although I mostly attribute that to her new-found toddling skills. She makes the rounds of the house using her push toy though she hasn't worked up the gumption to take more than a few steps on her own. She's really a very cautious baby and it's so cute to watch her working things out I swear I can see her little internal monologue:
"should I let go of this table or not? Hmmm... Mommy's only 5 steps away. Maybe I'll let go. Ok ok, I'm gonna do it. Letting go now... really, I am. But then again, why risk it when you can crawl!"
In other news, had a scan last week and everything looks perfect. Nice strong heart beat and measuring a couple days ahead. I'm not particularly stressed this time around... I just feel like I know everything will turn out fine

(This optimism may be a result of all the puking I've been doing- I can't imagine feeling MORE pregnant that I do)