Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

So happy for u gb!!!

Ava has croup. I'm home with her today and its fun because she is so easy to take care of. Dylan went to daycare. Hope he doesn't get it. They gave her steroids (dexamethasone I think) by mouth. She was wired until about 11pm. Super wired! And she ate good too.
Then got up a few times in the night but not bad.
I hope she'll get better very soon & that he won't catch it!

I'm following you all. Reading but not posting. I'm just too tired all the time!!
Hopeful I hope Ava gets better, my nephew suffers, its normally boys are more prone to get it than girls! I bet it was nice in a way to have a Girly day? X

Thanks for buggy advice ladies I'm going to look now!! I have ordered a maclaren twin techno which is side by side but very slim so they can go through doors etc an it does recline flat for new born its mainly for when new baby is over 6 months an dog walks, but I have a maclaren techno xt for Lexi an she loves it!! X

Rap gorgeous picture hun zx

Madrid hope ur ok chick x

Gbnf sooooo pleased my lovely try to relax now xxx

Just are you going to find out? X

Mrsm I love icandy pear! What's the old an new one difference I was thinking of buying second hand x
gbnf: Seeing that little heartbeat is so beautiful isn't it? :) So happy for you:happydance: 5mm is great for how far along you are!!! It's a sticky one!!!

AFM, Zoe had her follow-up this morning. She's now 20 pounds for 28 1/2 inches, so roughly 60-65th for weight and 97th for height; she's doing great!!!
Hi all! Been reading and keeping up but haven't managed to post... have been sick as a dog puking 5+ times a day:( Thank god DH is home.

Lots of love to all!!!! Promise to reply individually soon!
Aww Sara, I feel for you! I have been feeling so ill aswell but thankfully I've never been sick..its more like a severe hangover all morning and throughout the day. You've def. got it rough!
Gb - Great scan news. So glad you can feel reassured. Love seeing the little heartbeat :)

Hopeful - So sorry to hear about Ava, hopefully she gets better soon and your little man doesn't catch it. Still I m sure its pretty special to have some time with just one of your little twosome. I hope you have had some fun mommy daughter time and lots of snuggles as she recovers.

Sara - yuck, so sorry chicka, sounds rough. I hope that the sickness eases soon. Its so tough when you have a little one to take care of, so its good to hear you have help.

Just - you sound like me. This pregnancy felt like one long hangover for months but it has finally started to ease in the past month or so, hoping that you start to feel better soon.

Davies - Glad to hear you have made a buggy decision. We are still trying to figure out what to so about that. I like our BOB stroller but the doubles are SO expensive and we would need to get the carseat adapter too. I like the idea of having a carry cot/pram on one side so the baby can sleep flat. They don't sell many like that here, but my friends in the UK have some lovely options that do that. I need to try and research some more. Not that its a tough thing for me to shop :)

Melfy - Sounds like Zoe's is growing like a weed - she is such a cutie. I love the picture in your avatar, such a sweet smile.

afm - Levi is still struggling at night. He slept through a couple of time but the good nights alternate with the bad ones. I am exhausted. This morning he was in our bed and when he started stirring, I was rubbing his back and trying to settle him thinking it was 4am or something but it was 6.15 and he was in severe need of a diaper change before he totally peed out and then was hungry for his bottle, and he was WIDE awake. I was so sluggish and took forever to wake up! Thankfully he is pretty independent and was happy to play while I lay on the couch in a state of half sleep :) We had pretty early plans too so it meant I had to get us up and dressed. We played at the indoor playground, which is the local rec center gym full of toy cars and little slides and trikes and hula hoops and balls. He played hard for a couple of hours and then came home and slept for a couple! Perfect. I could rest too which felt great. I had some homework to do but just couldn't focus so I watched Teen mom on the dvr and had some lunch, but I confess, I did little else:)

Really hoping that tonight is a good night with Levis sleep. I really need to be able to focus on school. Only 10 more weeks of this class to go!! Already counting it down.

Baby girl continues to keep me on my toes, she is moving so much. I have a question for you ladies especially those who had girls. I dont remember this symptom last time but my nipples are SO painful and sensitive this time. Levi was playiing the other day and grabbed me right there and it brought tears to my eyes it killed! Did any of you have that? Ouch!
Kat- We'll miss you. All the best!

Hopeful- Sorry to hear Ava's ill, though it sounds like you're really making the best of it. a little one on one time must be lovely. Fx-ed Dylan gets a pass.

Madrid- I can relate... I'm knackered! Hope it passes.

Melfy- Great to hear Zoe's sleep has improved. It's really tough when they go off suddenly and you're used to getting a good night in. Sounds like she's really thriving... tall and slim:)

Croy- Hopefully Levi will start to settle and give you a few good nightss in a row so you can catch up on your zzz's. It's wonderful that he plays well independently. My boobs were only mildly sore with Eva- nothing like what you've described. This time around they aren't sore AT ALL... It;s actually a little disconcerting.

Lee- Love the pics! He looks so happy!!

Fili- Glad to hear Lexi's recovered nicely! It's miserable when they're ill, and the meds can be really harsh. Must have been hard to deal with being abroad as well.

Rapt- ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Such a beautiful girl.

Gb- Congratulations :happydance:

Davies- I'd love to hear how that stroller works out for you. I'm not going to get anything till after LO arrives... Eva HATED her stroller as a newborn because she had such severe reflux and I just kept her in the sling. I know I'll need something a few months after though so I'm going to be getting ideas from all you guys.

Just- that all day hangover does not sounds like fun... hope you feel better soon.

:hi: Tuckie, Mismig, Bumpy and anyone I missed :hi:

afm- Eva's sleep has been really off lately, which is saying something as she's never been a real champ in that department. the last few nights she's been ravenous at 3 am- drinking an 8oz bottle in one long gulp. I tried upping her food during the day and giving her extra milk after lunch before her nap but it hasn't made any difference. Is there a growth spurt around 11months that I don't know about. We've got a dr's appt on friday so hopefully I can get some ideas. She's been super clingy lately as well, although I mostly attribute that to her new-found toddling skills. She makes the rounds of the house using her push toy though she hasn't worked up the gumption to take more than a few steps on her own. She's really a very cautious baby and it's so cute to watch her working things out I swear I can see her little internal monologue:

"should I let go of this table or not? Hmmm... Mommy's only 5 steps away. Maybe I'll let go. Ok ok, I'm gonna do it. Letting go now... really, I am. But then again, why risk it when you can crawl!"

In other news, had a scan last week and everything looks perfect. Nice strong heart beat and measuring a couple days ahead. I'm not particularly stressed this time around... I just feel like I know everything will turn out fine :) (This optimism may be a result of all the puking I've been doing- I can't imagine feeling MORE pregnant that I do)
Croy, I can relate to the sore boob pain. Mines are the same and sore nipples. I had this the last time aswell with Emelia...I wonder if its a girl thing. My symptoms are actually trhe exact same as last year aswell, sickness/nausea wise aswell its identical and really put off smells of candles perfumes etc. all of the things I normally love.

Sara, Im curious as to whether you were as sick last time with Eva or is this different? if so as to whether you think it may be a boy this time if things are different and no boob pain etc....I know its just guessing really.

Davies, you asked if Im finding out the sex. Right now I'd say no. I honestly loved the surprise right at the end last time.
I had forgot that you thought you had a boy for a few minutes as your husband announced it was a boy haha. You really do love what your given no matter what the sex, when you hold that little baby how could you not.

Hopeful, I hope that Ava is recovering, what ashame.

Melfy, I was looking at your ticker and cant believe how far along you are, past V day that's excellent.

Im lucky that I have such a brilliant little sleeper as I know how hard the disturbed sleep can be. I have quite a clingy baby aswell though and as much as its sweet its quite hard when you have things to do. Tonight Emelia just didn't want her dad at all when he came in from work, instead she started breaking her heart crying and putting her arms out for me.
She has also developed quite a temper I'd say. When you take something away from her she goes mental haha. Or her favourite thing is standing at this activity station we have and you have to hold her or at least stand by her so she dosent fall but the minute you try to move her away all hell breaks loose.
Just- I was nowhere near this sick with Eva but I was taking steroids then and I'm not this time around so they may have masked it. With Eva I 'knew' it was a girl from the beginning, with this one I really don't know.
sara - That's how I felt too - With Levi i KNEW he was a boy from the beginning, this time I thought it was a girl, but I didn't want to say for certain. Mostly because I had always pictured two boys and then maybe a girl :)
I hope that this is just a growth spurt and her nighttime feedings get less.

Just - how does hubby cope with her clingyness? I hope hes not too sad. It is just a phase and soon she'll be in a daddy's girl phase. Sounds likes she is strong willed like my little guy. It's a challenge but later in life I hope this character trait will serve them well!

We had another rough night. I'm pooped. We did a very quick Costco run this morning with a friend and he just crashed when we got home. He didnt even let me finish the story I was reading him, he rolled over in my lap and lay his head down! so precious he just couldnt keep his eyes open.
My costco list was so short but I did do am impulse buy of this cute little owl sweater and pants for baby girl. Couldn't resist it. But I confess, I still don't thin I have my head around the fact that there is actually a baby on the way. We have time to prepare, but so far we have nothing really planned. Double stroller, second crib just for starters :) Hoping after 24 weeks we will start to feel more in plan mode.
Croy my boobs and nipples were really tender with my daughter too! I had to wear the softest cotton bras.
Just, Edie went through a phase of always wanting me and not her dad too, it changed when Louis came along. Now she adores spending time with her Dad.
Sara - I had no sickness with Edie either and was sick as a dog with Louis!
Great to see all these pregnancies coming along so well and all our babies getting bigger and bigger.
Afm - I have had the crappest week. I wish life would give me a break.
Sara, It is a wonder whether your having a boy this time purely because your sickness is different or was it the steroids masking symptoms last time...who knows...its all guesses.

MrsM, interesting you say aswell that you were sick as a dog with Louis. I always was under the impression that the sicker you were it was meant to be a girl but this obviously isn't the case. My friend who had a boy was sick at least 4 times a day up until 25 weeks pregnant,she was ill.
Sorry that your week has been crap, I hope it picks up for you!

Croy, this morning Emelia was more back to herself and wanted her dad again before he went to work. I think its dependant on what mood she is in. I was getting a lecture though from my husband that I don't want her to be too clingy because what will happen when other people have to watch her and Im back at work etc. I know all of these things are true but how can you stop a baby being this way.
Sounds like your picking up cute little outfits and loving shopping for this baby girl.
Hopeful: hope Ava will quickly get better!! Poor thing

Just: It's amazing how babies' mood can change all the time!!! But glad to know she's back to her usual self :)

MrsM: Sorry about your crappy week:hugs: At least it's coming to an end. Hopefully next week will be better

Sara: Sorry about the puking, but glad to know everything's fine :) I was a little worried about your new pregnancy. Joys of being PARL I guess...

Croy: Is Levi sleeping better? Hope you're able to get some rest

AFM, baby is doing well, kicking like crazy at times but super quiet at other times. I think having an anterior placenta really makes a difference. Zoe is now able to pull herself up on a stepstool, coffee table, etc:happydance:

And a little rant about my neighbors (they live on the 3rd floor). They're lovely people (in their 70's), but when I told the lady we were having another girl of course she put her hand on my belly, and then goes: ''don't you know how to conceive boys?'' I'm sorry, WTH?! I'm blessed with a beautiful healthy baby girl, and I have another one on the way. How many women would give anything to be in our shoes (I think we all know the feeling as we've all been there). And then she goes on on what we should do to conceive a boy, blah blah blah. Sure I'd like to have a boy one day, but still...I was not too impressed:dohh:
Thanks for all your lovely comments. Yet again I'm playing catch up on here, I really have no excuse particularly as Morgan is still up for at least one night feed every night. Must try harder!

I love seeing you all progressing through pregnancy again and I agree MrsM, seeing all our babies grow and develop is heart warming :)
Lee, nice to see you stop by. I read in the PAL section that your going to be interviewed by a newspaper on RMC, I think that's great. If anyone has a success story you do, and people need to know these things to give them hope. I love the pic you posted of Morgan over there aswell, he is soo cute, I love his chunky thighs haha.

Melfy, That is so embarrassing for people to say things like that especially a neighbour, telling you how to conceive a boy!
I also had an anterior placenta with Emelia so its all I know but apparently there is a big difference in the feel of movements which are much reduced with an anterior. That's what a midwife told me anyway.
Im interested to see what I have this time around.
With the anterior I didn't start feeling movement until 22 weeks exactly and it was like bubbles bursting.

Im interested to see aswell when I will start to really show, last night my stomach looked so pregnant but it was obviously bloat because this morning it was looking pretty much normal again.
Melf- What would your aging neighbor have done if you said, "Come to think of it, no, I don't know how to conceive boys? You've apparently had a lot more sex than me. Tell me what I need to do in bed to have a boy." I'm sure she'd crawl in a hole and die from embarrassment. But seriously, people need to make an effort to withhold the mortifying and rather stupid remarks.
Hey Just. It's going in The Record. I'm not a fan of tabloids but I wanted to get my story out for others. Ruth at The Miscarriage Association is doing a side piece too and hopefully Dr Maharaj is going to give a few quotes, although he said something about meeting with Press dept so not sure there will be time.

Yeah Morgan is so chunky, would be lovely to meet up sometime soon and get that coffee we keep talking about, I'll text you and hopefully we can arrange something xx.
Melfy, I agree with Wooky, you should have made her squirm. Congrats on a girl, we are lucky like you say, I dont think any us ever forget that. x

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