Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Melfy- yay for crawling & standing up by herself! :) don't listen to that old lady! People can be pretty rude sometimes!

Rap- gorgeous photos of Lucas. Love his eyes :)

Davies- is lexi's sleep getting any better? I agree with mrsm that side by side stroller may be too wide. I struggle navigating through the stores with just the regular singleton stroller!

Hopeful- so sorry to her A has croup :( that must be awful. B has been sick too. Poor babies.

Gb- congrats on hearing a heartbeat! That's an amazing feeling!

Just- surprises are fun! I like when others stay team yellow because its exciting but I never can wait myself lol I think these LOs go back & forth between preferring mom and dad. You're probably right that mood determines a lot of that.

Fili- I remember when you were convinced Lexi was going to be boy! :haha: perhaps #3!

Croy- I'm thinking about taking some online classes in the spring. I'm worried it'll be difficult being a sahm & finding time to study but you're managing AND your preg! Kudos to you mama. My nipples and boobs hurt bad with B. usually sore nips are my first sign of preg.

Sara- sorry about your sick doggie :( B's sleep has been screwy lately too. I also upped her food before bed to no avail. She still wakes up every night once or twice and has been waking earlier :dohh: yay for a great scan! So happy for you :) will you find out sex this time?

Mrsm- sorry you had a crap week :hugs: I saw on fb your kiddos had rashes. Hope it's cleared up!

Wooks- lol @ your comment to Melfy :haha:

Lee- it's pretty cool you are being interviewed about your rmcs. Your story should spread a lot of hope to other women struggling with similar situations. You should post a link to the story when it comes out :)

Re: Kat, mrsm's post was correct. She has just found good support outside of B&B and was ready to move on. We do still text occasionally so I will send her all of your well wishes and no, no one here upset her or offended her, so don't worry! :thumbup:

DH has been laid off a couple weeks. He goes back Monday and as much as we need him working for the money, I really adore having him home and so does B. We will miss him :( B has been sick with her first cold. I'm surprised she made it to 10 1/2 mos before ever getting sick, but i knew it would come eventually. It hasn't been too bad (no fever, not too bad of a cough) but the runny nose will not quit! It's been over a week now and her darn nose is still running! She wakes up pissed off because she can't breathe, poor thing. She sounds like a little piglet when trying to drink a bottle and breathe through her nose at the same time. She's also booming with new developmental leaps. She knows a lot of words and tries to copy words we say. She says mama, dada, dog, hi, light, meow, & uh oh! She tries to say fan & diaper too & is trying to sign "all done". She knows we say "uh oh" when she drops stuff so now she purposely drops things and says uh oh :dohh: she thinks its a game now lol she also points (still 2 fingers instead of one lol), claps, cruises, stands, & self feeds :) not walking yet but pushing her vtech walker toy around. She stood up in we crib the other morning while DH & I were still in bed and she puked and we heard the "splat!" followed by a pause and then she said "Uh oh!" We were cracking up! :D we're supposed to get family photos done soon so I got her a cute outfit for the photos at H&M :)
Here's an "uh oh" video :)

(Here's another link to the same video in case that ^ one doesn't work)
Lol melfy :rofl: you should have given her a biology lesson about the fact that the y chromosome is carried in the sperm only!!

Mrs mig :hugs: I hope things start going your way ASAP!

Tuckie enjoy having dh home!

I think I'm getting flu :-s. Also feeling Katy or Felicity!! Wriggling loads too croy it's nice not to have a front placenta!!

:hi: everyone... Sara xxx
Tuckie. I will,post the link on here for everyone.

Melfy, I agree with Fili should have blinded her with science, we know more than most lol

Fili, hope you feel better, I've had that flu 3 times, it sucks.. I wanted to ask you if you remembered what your NK results came back at, you took 40mg roids and intralipids, is that right? Your pregnancy seems to be going really quickly.

I need some advice, Morgan is 6 months tomorrow, I've been lazily weaning for a few weeks mainly carrot/turnip, sweet potato and fruit with a bit of baby porridge.
The last few days his poo has gone from solid to very loose, explosive sometimes. He had 6 dirty nappies yesterday and 5 the day before. He has already had 2 today and its not even 9 am.
I'm not sure if I should increase solid intake now he is 6 months. I don't think he has a tummy bug as he is happy as Larry and it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all.
Did anyone else go through this stage when weaning. I've had to throw 3 vests yesterday :/
Lee I took 25 and went with a different consultant in London instead of dr s who said 40 like I was on with lexi was too high! I had 1 less intralipid too (not at 12 weeks like last time). For baby no 3 I'm going to do the 25mg steroids and monitored clomid cycle. Both these babies are clomid babes even though I ov fine on my own. Go figure!! Xxx
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, I loved that video of Bay saying Uh-oh, that is so adoreable. Im going to try teach that to Emelia.

Lee, I actually had the opposite problem with Emelia going onto solids where it always made her constipated. But I know exactly how bad the explosive nappies can be as I've had lots lately too and also had to throw so many vests out.
I wonder if something is not agreeing with him, but the foods you've mentioned are quite bland and you wouldn't think would be problematic. Maybe try giving him some mashed up banana as that has the opposite effect and makes them a bit constipated - not that you want that either but maybe just a little bit to firm things up.

Fili, I like your name choices, they are pretty.

Well we told our parents yesterday about our pregnancy news and everyone is so happy so that feels good. My SIL also announced the same news on Friday that they are 12 weeks which was very strange timing. All of a sudden though I went into panic mode about what if we go for our dating scan next week and there is something wrong, I'd really struggle to cope especially with someone so close being pregnant at the same stage.
I've had 3 scans so far all great, Im also going for another on Thursday but its still early pregnancy unit so not a detailed scan.
I just started over thinking things like trisomy problems etc. But trying to stay positive.
dylan sits in this cart all the time, ava decided for the first time to sit in it on saturday, then dylan climbed in with her. love these carts, got them used, fisher price laugh n learn. there is very little room in it which is funny, 1/2 of what's in the cart is the electronics stuff as it lights up and plays music

they are doing better, thanks for asking girls! so ava had croup, then dylan had stomach flu (poops), then I did for 5 days, dylan got croup a few days after ava did and then ava got stomach flu. they didnt' get it as bad as I did though. she is waking up anywhere between 2 and 4 am screaming for an hour, he was up last night at 11:30 screaming for a little while, i think it's teeth but it's harsh. totally exhausted.


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Ladies, just popping in to say a massive thank obviously spread good luck through this thread. I came on here a few weeks ago saying we were TTC again, and saw how many of you are pregnant with lucky number 2. It certainly seems to be spreading like wild fire as I am pregnant! First time trying too, and I'm 5 weeks. Praying this one sticks. Thanks again xxx
Congratulations Sticky, this really is a lucky thread I reckon.

Hopeful, I love those pictures, Dylan and Ava have got even cuter again. That is so funny them both squeezed into that one cart haha. Oh that sounds stressful both of them being not well and then having it yourself, that cant have been easy.
Just- 3 great scans already is promising! I know it's hard but try not to worry too much. Look how healthy E is :) good luck on your scan on thurs

Lee- I've heard teething can give then diarrhea too. Or maybe it's just a bug? B' poops firmed up after solids were introduced but she still has occasional blowouts :dohh:

Hopeful- I love seeing pics of the twins :) they're too cute and so big now! So funny how they both crammed themselves in there together lol

Sticky- congrats!!! :) so many prego Marls here!

Anyone else's LO grind their teeth?!? I don't hear it at night, just during the day. Hope it's not indicative of some future neurosis :haha:
Congratulations Sticky!!

Tuckie- That video is adorable! Bay is super verbal too. Eva still hasn't said anything coherent yet though she 'baby talks' nonstop. I know they say bilingual babies start speaking a few months later but I really can't wait!
It must be tough to have your dh heading back to work. I hope he won't have to travel too much.

Lee- Eva had super loose stools for about a week when she was six months which I attributed to teething... hope Morgan's feeling better soon.

Hopeful- God you really did get put through the wringer... Croup AND stomach flu :dohh: Glad to hear everyone's feeling better now. Hope you get some sleep. Love the pics!

afm. Eva's officially walking, though she's not very confident yet and spends alot of her time on her bum too. Had a super well baby check up on friday. She's 75th percentile right across the board and seems to be spot on for everything. The night wakings have stopped and now we're back to our regular schedule of waking between 5 and 5:30 for a bottle and then dosing till about 6:15. At least she napped well today. I, on the other hand, am exhausted:(
Hahaha all your ideas for my neighbors are hilarious:haha: I would have sounded so smart too!!!

Tuckie: I've also heard about loose stools and teething. Z is having diarrhea; it started a few days ago. But I also tried changing her formula (different brand for 6-24 months), so I went back to the old one ( I realized that they also make one for older babies) and see what happens. But she eats well and drinks a lot of water from her sippy cup (all by herself:happydance:) so I'm not worried about hydration.

Lee: Solids helped Zoe because she was constipated because of the amount of formula she was drinking (45-50 oz/day). Now her stools are very watery, but it might just be the formula switch.

Sticky: Congrats:happydance: Yep, pregnancy is contagious on this thread!!!

Just: Yay for another great scan:happydance:

Hope: Love the pics. They are really cute:cloud9:

Danceroi and Zebra :hi:
Hi ladies how is everyone??

Did u see karista had her triplets?? So cute xx

Hopeful gorgeous kids a and d are you must be very proud!! Adorable how they play x

Tuckie cute video x

Congrats sticky fab news have u got a scan booked Hun? X
Lee we had a few choice nappies at the start its there little bellys adjusting to new foods Hun, don't panic to much, I don't have much advice as Lexi didn't properly start eating until 8.5 months but just don't stress Hun I no I won't 2nd time around, an now out of all my friends Lexi is actually least fussy! She eats everything x

Hi dance n zebra welcome to u both xx

Sara yay for walking but boo for ur tiredness few more weeks you should feel better I'm sure Hun xx

Afm Lexi is up every night usually from 2-4am she refuses water I don't hold her I normally go in an settle her then I lay her down she acts like she will go off but just actually doesn't! Spends anything from 1-2 hours whinging/crying then sleeping then whinging, sges not to hot or cold she's not thirsty or hungry! No dirty nappy I just have no idea why?? But I to am a very tired mummy! Other than that sges a good girl naps 1-2 hours in day plays nicely climbs everything very nosy she walks everywhere, she's a happy girl.... Just not in the night. X

Fili I missed ur names what r they Hun x
Heart how r u?? Croydon? X
hi all

just to let you al know scan was not good news this morning, no fb think lil one has died just after last scan, seeing g.p this afternoon and getting a referral to professor quenby its slightly closer to home, this is my last chance if no reason are found im giving up, I feel I cant continue putting myself through this anymore

thanks again for all the support

Hey ladies!

Sorry been MIA... it is hard doing the solo parenting when Hubby is away to find any time for myself!

Just wanted to drop by and say hi and hope all the second timer wave and thriving... when do we get some bump shots I say!!

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