Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Gb, I am so sorry to read that you've had another loss. I seen you mentioned over in PAL that you've had 12 losses in 12 years, that's more than anyone can take. You are more than deserving of a referral for further investigations. That is definitely something underlying and not just bad luck.
I can only imagine how you are feeling as I know how it was for me two years ago having two miscarriages in a row, I was devastated and thought it would never happen but you've only got to read the success stories on here to give you hope. It will happen for you with the right treatment and care plan, Im confident of it. There is a solution to everything.
Take care of yourself xx
Ladies, I feel more grateful than ever that I got good news at my scan today. The baby was great and so active jumping around, still looking as it should be. That was my last scan at the early pregnancy unit and I now have my dating scan next Wednesday.
gb - I'm heartbroken for you. I hope that you can find some answers with this new doctor. Are you taking any meds? Wishing you peace and hope today, I'm so very sorry and i know nothing anyone says will make it better but I hope that you have a supportive community to lift you up and surround you at this time.

Just - Great news! I'm gla dyou can have peace of mind.

Davies - ugh! I'm so sorry that Lexi is struggling so much at night. I think she and Levi have been taking because he has been really struggling the past month. He actually slepts though last night until 6 and then had his first bottle snuggling and dozing in bed with us for an hour which was a nice start tot eh day but its the first night in a week hes done that. I gave him Tylenol when he went down because he had been drooling like a faucet all afternoon and was having a really hard time settling to sleep.
I keep hoping its just a phase and he will figure it out by himself because I'm too tired to do anything in the middle of the night :)

Hopeful - Are you all healthy again now? It must be hard when you are sharing germs. I am dreading this winter season, I flinch every time I see another kids runny nose or hear coughing. I want to just pour hand sanitiser all over Levi and leave immediately! I am not excited for him to get sick even though I know it has to happen :(

My in-laws are watching his today so I can get some studying done but so far I have checked facebook, caught up on emails and read a few blogs. Need to put together diapers from the laundry and then I can get on with studying, Its just so nice to not have him here so I am able to do some fun things too. Ok, need to get off the couch and get on with the day. Baby girl is kicking up a storm already. Shes a mover. I love to feel her but its surreal too. Feels like just yesterday that Levi was in there.
thanks for all the well wishes xxxx

Croydon girl: I have been on 25mg prednisolone, cyclogest, aspirin, vit d and vitamins, following mr s protocol, im now convinced that the steroids are what I need as this mmc is mirror image of my others seen hb at 5-6 wks and baby dies at the end of wk 6 early 7 sure if it was an implantation problem then it would happen before then. Everything was looking so positive hcg were good and more than doubling scan last week was measuring one day ahead and then today no hb but sac was the size of an 8 wk pregnancy :cry:

I now don't believe there is answer 12 years is a long time with investigations from two specialists as well as all investigations on the nhs bloods don't really bring up anything other than high nk cells with mr s and st marys found that I had a septum which has been removed and prof regan said slightly raised teg 150mg aspirin from bfp which I did and exactly the same thing happened hb 5-6 gone at 6-7 what ever happens at the end of wk6 beginning of wk 7 just isn't happening for me xxxx
Aww gb I am devastated for you :cry: hang in there, you will get your baby but I cannot believe what you have been through. This could be just bad luck and the steroids will work the next time that's what happened to me I was 2nd time lucky with the steroids. Massive hugs xxx
Gb I'm so so sorry my lovely, I hope you get some answers!! X

Just congrats mrs xx

Croy ur day sounds nice, even with work to do.... Just a break sounds good, Lexi has teething an a cold both contributing!! She out had 4 teeth an the 5th just broke through! I'm hoping sge sleeps tonight as I was out with girlfriends tonight we had 3 course meal, an I got home at 1130pm!!! Now have heartburn!!? 20 week scan Tom afternoon an I feel nervous xx
Good luck for your scan Davies, Im sure all will be fine. It is nerve racking aswell as exciting.
gb - so sorry to hear that, it's just awful to go through. i know a girl on another forum that had 8 similar where the heartbeat slowed and stopped and she was unexplained, no clotting issues but lovenox (clexane) seemed to work for her as she has a 1 year old now (then had another m/c a few months ago, but wasn't on anything) i hope they can just put you on everything even if the tests say you don't need it

just - so happy to hear you had a good scan!

davies - good luck at scan, wish we could all know the gender! lol

i can't believe how fast your pregnancies are all going. BUMP PICS!!!! come on! we had so much fun with them the first time, what gives? lol :) we want 'em!!!

croy - wasn't it so easy when you were pregs with levi and could just lay around if you wanted to (besides school)? i think that sometimes, it would be so much fun to be pregs again but part of that was being about to just relax and watch tv and eat!
we are all healthy again and the kids are both sttn! dylan is actually going down around 7:15pm (they both are) and up around 6:30/7ish. ava sttn as of the past 2 nights
get all you can get done with school now before you have 2 under 2!

davies - i wonder why lexi won't sleep through? did you ask the dr about it? that would be just so hard to deal with, getting up in the middle of the night for over a year. has she ever sttn?

Hi Pad!!!! when is your hubby home?

hi tuckie!!!!

i was wondering, as i know alot of you girls mention bringing LO to bed with you, aren't you scared they are going to fall out of bed? I've never slept with D or A in bed, would freak me out. I will put one in bed by me just to watch tv for a minute but they scamble and want to get down after so long.
Hopeful - I didn't like Levi sleeping in bed with us when he was little, at first, he slept in the bassinet in our bed but hes so big now. At the moment, he is pretty good at sleeping in between us. He doesn't usually move too much once he is sleeping. Apart from last night when he was gassy or something and SO wriggly. Noon got much sleep.
I'm SO glad you are all feeling better.
As far as school is concerned, I am taking this class which ends in December and then have to take the next quarter off to have the baby, but I am hoping to take a class Spring quarter, even though I don't know how that is ever going to happen with two babies. It will be craziness but I feel as though I have to keep going or I will never finish and I am so, so close. After this math class I have one more pre req math class before the math class I have to take for my AA and then one other class to finish up. I will be in school for 3 quarters (one class at a time) with 2 kids. Yikes!

Ok, need to get some food in me before Levi wake up from his nap and I am catching up on Parenthood from last night on the DVR.

Also Ladies - do you have any girl name suggestions? We are really struggling. We pretty much only have Caitlin on our list as a name we both don't hate, otherwise nothing and I just don't have that feeling about that name just yet. Love to hear names you considered or didn't use if you are willing to share.
Our rainbow is called Caitlin and her middle name is Erin. Our older daughter is Cara. We also liked Niamh and Hannah. I also like Amelia, Freya and Eloise.

DH likes our nieces name - keely

Hope this helps.
GBNF, I'm gutted for you. My mailbox is full will clear it down and pm you. I was another 2nd time lucky on steroids and was taking Clexane too. Did you take the Pred from Ov? Hugs xx

I agree all your pregnancies seem to be flying by and I have to admit I'm a little jealous of you all, I would love to see more bump pics too though.

Hey Pad, when is hubby home? How is Leo now, can't believe our babies are nearly 6 months old.

Just, great news on your scan. Our story is going to be in The Record early next week. I'll be rocking the frazzled mummy look in the picture.

Morgan is still up twice nightly minimum feeding, hence the early morning posts. Davies, like Lexi, he seems to think 4 am makes for good playtime. I've been co sleeping with him in the bed, it's just easier for BF through the night, although tonight he has been in his cot all night, I find I watch the monitor like a hawk as he has started rolling in his cot and I found him face down, frightened the life out of me.

Oh and baby girls names, I had loads on my list, here are a few I liked:

Carys, Alana, Lyra, Maime, Halle, Neve, Eilidh, Alice and Evie.

Hope everyone is well.
Lee, I'll look forward to reading it in the paper, will keep my eyes out for it!

Croy, Im the opposite, I always think that there is lots of girl names I love but hardly any boys. I really like Megan or Hayley.
Last year I really liked Ethan for a boy but my husband hated it so I know that will be a no go again. The only boy name I really like this time around is Owen but I haven't even mentioned it to my husband as I just know he will hate it again. We find it hard to agree on names.

Davies, I hope that your scan went ok yesterday.

I got my new car yesterday. I had a Nissan micra convertible which could only fit Emelia in the front passenger seat and no one in the back so it really needed upgraded. I changed it to a Nissan Juke which I love, I knew that the boot space was small but thought it would be manageable...well I picked it up and brought it home and cant even fit the buggy in flat, it has to go up on its side, Im not even mentioning it to my husband as he will not be impressed, We'll need to figure out how we will get a double buggy in, may need to go in the back seat floor.
gbnf: so sorry again:hugs: Don't give up with the steroids yet! Maybe you need a bigger dose or this time really was a fluke!!

Just: Yay for the new car:happydance:

We haven't really thought of girls name, although we like Alexia. It's always nice to hear some other names though!

Lee: I also freaked out the 1st time Zoe ended up on her stomach, but she just sleeps sooo much better on her tummy!! It made a huge difference.

AFM, pregnancy is doing well, so is Zoe, but wow she just will not sit still. She ALWAYS wants to stand up and obviously falls a's hard growing up. And now she really enjoys feeding herself, esp. at breakfast so we do toasts quite often:haha:
Lee, I'll look forward to reading it in the paper, will keep my eyes out for it!

Croy, Im the opposite, I always think that there is lots of girl names I love but hardly any boys. I really like Megan or Hayley.
Last year I really liked Ethan for a boy but my husband hated it so I know that will be a no go again. The only boy name I really like this time around is Owen but I haven't even mentioned it to my husband as I just know he will hate it again. We find it hard to agree on names.

Davies, I hope that your scan went ok yesterday.

I got my new car yesterday. I had a Nissan micra convertible which could only fit Emelia in the front passenger seat and no one in the back so it really needed upgraded. I changed it to a Nissan Juke which I love, I knew that the boot space was small but thought it would be manageable...well I picked it up and brought it home and cant even fit the buggy in flat, it has to go up on its side, Im not even mentioning it to my husband as he will not be impressed, We'll need to figure out how we will get a double buggy in, may need to go in the back seat floor.

My youngest DS is called owen but is spelt Eoin
Danc - I knew there was a Caitlin on here somewhere. So pretty.

Thank you for all the beautiful name suggestions.

I am struggling so much with this "simple" math class, I can't believe I have to pass it at 75% - then pass the next one (also a pre req) at the same grade before getting to the class I actually need and have to pass that at 3.0 or something. Oi vay! I hate my life. Not really, just that little piece of it :) I have a big test on Wednesday and I am trying hard not to get too anxious about it. I hate taking tests!! Especially when I feel like all the studying in the world won't help me. I am so thankful to a friend of mine who is coming over to watch Levi for a couple of hours so I can study. Praying that it will help.

Drs appt in the morning, hoping all is well with baby girl. She is certainly moving a lot.

Hubby is in Florida on business, he left very early this morning and doesn't gt back until late Wednesday so I am solo. I don't know how you ladies who have partners who work away a lot do it. I am in awe. I had a total melt down last night, couldn't stop crying. Freaking out about having to do life all alone for 4 whole days! It will feel more like 5 because he will get home so late and not be around to help at all until after work on Thursday. Poor guy, its a long trip from Seattle and with the time change hes going to be exhausted too - but as I told him, at least he will get some uninterrupted nights of sleep! Lvi has been doing better - sleeping through the past 2 nights which is a run that he hasn't done in a month! He has already cried out tonight so I am not hopeful he will stay in his bed, but I honestly don't mind the company when hubby is away.

I also have to try on my bridemaids dress for next weekend soon in case I need to change something. It been ages since I got my dress. I am certainly much larger now! It is a maternity one but still, I am nervous the tights are going to be too small - might need the next size up :)

I am so looking forward to December 10th - my math final is the day before and I will not be taking any more classes until after my baby girl arrives so I will have about 4 months of blissful no school and can focus on Christmas.

I just booked my maternity pic shoot for December 1st - I just had a friend take a few last time and was sad I didn't have more preofessional ones so I am glad that I get to celebrate this little lady coming in a way her brother didn't do before her.

wow this just became a monster "all about me " post - sorry! Can you tell I hav been starved for adult conversation all day?! ha ha!

Thanks for listening and caring girls, how are you all doing?
Here is the link to the article Just, although you may have already seen it, about to post in the RM thread also.

I hope I did us all justice x
Lee, thanks so much for posting that. I hadn't read it previously so that was me just reading for the first time. I couldn't help but have tears during that, you've done us all justice and proud. It just brings it all back how we should never take our babies for granted, its been such a hard journey for all on here, some more than others.
After reading that I just had to give Emelia lots of kisses and cuddles.

I really hope your story after 10 miscarriages gives others hope, those that are still waiting for a happy ending x

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