Danc - I knew there was a Caitlin on here somewhere. So pretty.
Thank you for all the beautiful name suggestions.
I am struggling so much with this "simple" math class, I can't believe I have to pass it at 75% - then pass the next one (also a pre req) at the same grade before getting to the class I actually need and have to pass that at 3.0 or something. Oi vay! I hate my life. Not really, just that little piece of it

I have a big test on Wednesday and I am trying hard not to get too anxious about it. I hate taking tests!! Especially when I feel like all the studying in the world won't help me. I am so thankful to a friend of mine who is coming over to watch Levi for a couple of hours so I can study. Praying that it will help.
Drs appt in the morning, hoping all is well with baby girl. She is certainly moving a lot.
Hubby is in Florida on business, he left very early this morning and doesn't gt back until late Wednesday so I am solo. I don't know how you ladies who have partners who work away a lot do it. I am in awe. I had a total melt down last night, couldn't stop crying. Freaking out about having to do life all alone for 4 whole days! It will feel more like 5 because he will get home so late and not be around to help at all until after work on Thursday. Poor guy, its a long trip from Seattle and with the time change hes going to be exhausted too - but as I told him, at least he will get some uninterrupted nights of sleep! Lvi has been doing better - sleeping through the past 2 nights which is a run that he hasn't done in a month! He has already cried out tonight so I am not hopeful he will stay in his bed, but I honestly don't mind the company when hubby is away.
I also have to try on my bridemaids dress for next weekend soon in case I need to change something. It been ages since I got my dress. I am certainly much larger now! It is a maternity one but still, I am nervous the tights are going to be too small - might need the next size up
I am so looking forward to December 10th - my math final is the day before and I will not be taking any more classes until after my baby girl arrives so I will have about 4 months of blissful no school and can focus on Christmas.
I just booked my maternity pic shoot for December 1st - I just had a friend take a few last time and was sad I didn't have more preofessional ones so I am glad that I get to celebrate this little lady coming in a way her brother didn't do before her.
wow this just became a monster "all about me " post - sorry! Can you tell I hav been starved for adult conversation all day?! ha ha!
Thanks for listening and caring girls, how are you all doing?