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Aww Lee I read the article and thought it was perfect! Well done you!! And what a great pic of you and Mighty Morgan too! If it is any consolation Leo also wakes in the night... his sleep pattern has been everywhere since he was poorly and Hubby went away... still screams in his sleep at night and has taken to having 1am conversations with his mobile over the bed... would be cute if I wasn't so knackered haha... no ... it is cute... I just need more sleep to appreciate it! Me and you both Croy being starved of adult conv!

Hubby back somewhere between 13th and 17th Dec... although he will be home this weekend for Leo's christening... SO CANNOT WAIT!!!

I have to admit to having a shift in emotions... I went from 'never again' to ... well... having seen all you wonderful ladies with lovely second pregnancies to... well... would it be such a bad thing to try again....

Spoke to Hubby and he said no way! He couldn't cope with the stress and fear of another pregnancy and we shouldn't push our luck. I know he is right so I will have to live my bump love through you all... so please scan pics and bump pics ladies!!! x
So sorry I didn't update!!! Scan was all fabulous lots of pic everything so far looks good, Lexi has had a cold which developed to a virul infection an a rash! High temperature, sge did one night of sttn! But I'm straight in there at the moment where sges unwell!

Croydon my girl names are Lola Lilia lilah lottie and boy names I like Lincoln Leo Lenny as you may have guessed we would like another L name! I like Levi to!! X

Lee fab article Hun you certainly did very well, you definitely did us all proud!! Xx
Davies - Glad the scan went well, but I am sorry Lexi is sick. How is she doing now?

I love your names! I like Charlotte but would shorten it to Charlie, I also love Alexis which I would shorten to Lexi but I don't like Alex but that is what Hubby would want to shorten it too so that's out! I also like Andie, Phoebe, Faye and Hope. But Hope sounds a bit odd with our last name, so I keep trying to say it out loud to see if it really matters.
Still hubs does like any of those so we are at a bit of a stalemate.

I had a regular drs appt this morning but my doc was concerned that the tightening I have been feeling mostly at night is possibly contractions. Next time it happens I have to drink water, lay down and then wait an hour. If it is still happening I have to call the office and go in to the hospital for tests and monitoring. I have not been good at staying hydrated so I think that has a lot to do with it. Its worrying and I am taking it as easy as I can -and not lifting Levi if I don't have to but its hard, especially with Jeremy away for a few days.

Thankfully I have a friend coming to watch him this afternoon so I can study which is perfect timing because of that news. I can keep my feet up and study.
Croy lovely names, sorry you been poorly Hun, I buy bottled water have done ever since being pregnant with Lexi!! I swig out the bottle!! ( I no its not lady like) all day I drink being 2/3liters a day aswell as two teas an probably 1 can coke! Maybe try buying bottled water an I keep one in the lounge next to wear I sit on sofa so I don't have to worry about Lexi knocking over a glass etc! I actually now won't leave the house without a bottle, I start to panic if I haven't got it! Lol! You must rest an keep your baby girl happy..... It's hard when you have a boy to keep happy to!! X

Lexi is no better getting worse if anything, very unhappy temp of 39.5!! More spots have appeared now on the soles of her feet, there like blisters but there not blisters as she barely ever has shoes on an I think thur/fri was the last time! I think it maybe chicken pox but I suppose I will no more tommorow x
Davies - could it be hand foot and mouth? That's going around Herr. Miserable for the kiddies. Hope the doc can tell you and she feels better soon poor thing.

Thanks for the water tips, I have had my water bottle with me all day :)
My in-laws have come to stay for the next couple of nights to help lifting Levi and to be here in case anything happened.

It is reassuring to have them here, even just so I'm not alone overnight.
Croy lovely names, sorry you been poorly Hun, I buy bottled water have done ever since being pregnant with Lexi!! I swig out the bottle!! ( I no its not lady like) all day I drink being 2/3liters a day aswell as two teas an probably 1 can coke! Maybe try buying bottled water an I keep one in the lounge next to wear I sit on sofa so I don't have to worry about Lexi knocking over a glass etc! I actually now won't leave the house without a bottle, I start to panic if I haven't got it! Lol! You must rest an keep your baby girl happy..... It's hard when you have a boy to keep happy to!! X

Lexi is no better getting worse if anything, very unhappy temp of 39.5!! More spots have appeared now on the soles of her feet, there like blisters but there not blisters as she barely ever has shoes on an I think thur/fri was the last time! I think it maybe chicken pox but I suppose I will no more tommorow x

Chicken pox usually starts around neck and top of body. Have you checked her hands? Sound like it could possibly be hand, foot and mouth, nothing doc can do but very contagious. This can make them a bit poorly. They are little blisters that appear on feet, hands and in mouth
Pad so nice to have your dh back for the christening. I hope you'll have a lovely day and weekend!

Davies I hope she'll get better very soon. Poor little baby!

Congrats on the scan!!

Love all the names! It's so difficult sometimes to choose but once you see the baby you'll know which names suit her/him more.

Croy I had a lot of type of contractions pains with Z's pregnancy. The water tip is very good but they are perfectly normal so don't stress.

I'm sorry but I couldn't read back! :hi: fili, sticky, danca, mrs h, just, hope, heart, sara,... and everyone else (I can't remember any more names!!)

I've been so busy. Dh is away and it makes it a bit harder with 3 children and the house. Zeynab had a cold and that made it a bit worse too. I tried to put her in her own bed but she stands up as soon as she wakes up and I'm afraid she'll slip in the bed rail and fall down. So I've put up the cot once again and we'll try again in a couple of months when she's a bit older.
I had a scan in early pregnancy unit last week wednesday and baby is measuring right on time with my calculations and all seemed well. Seeing it in the screen and having a pic makes it more real. I was a bit incredulous before then even with the bfp.
My mum comes tonight to stay for a week with us and I'll tell her the news as and when I meet her at the airport. I wonder how she'll react!!! My older children were delighted when I told them last week and are already looking forward to find out the gender.
Davies- Hope Lexi is feeling better soon. Poor little thing:( Glad to hear your scan was good! A scan pic please!!!

Croy- I'm glad you've got reinforcements coming in to help you. I actually have nightmares about math... Seriously I have this recurring nightmare that I don't have a high school diploma because I'm missing a math credit and have to go back to high school but can't seem to pass the class!!!
Keep yourself hydrated!!

Lee- Thank you so much for giving a voice to rmc. I cried through the whole article.

Madrid- Hope Zeynab's feeling better.

Pad- Will we get to see pictures from the christening??
Madrid must b hard but at least your mums coming to help, let us no her reaction? X

Pad pic christening!?? Xx

Sara I will try n get scan pic up I'm bit useless at it all lol xx

Dance/ Croydon thanks for advice on hands foot n mouth hadn't considered that to be honest! She's been much better today, she did have a high temp in the night but has been much happier better today but has rash still on her feet an tops of legs.... X

Croydon pleased ur in laws are coming to help an there just there if you need them Hun! X

Has anyone heard from heart? I no sges busy but not like her to not be on here in what seems like forever? Hope all is well xx
Davies, I'm here and reading but really have no time to post at all. Just a quick update. Our landlords evicted us 3 weeks ago and gave us 30 days to move out. So we've been super stressed. They are getting separated and the husband wants to move into our house. We found out that they didn't give us a proper formal notice (just email which doesn't count) and once we get that formal notice, they are required to give us 60 days to move out. That means if we got the formal eviction notice today, we would have to move out on December 23. We're scrambling to see if we can afford to buy a house. We're trying to figure out our finances. It's all very depressing as we live in one of the most expensive areas in the world. A crappy, small house that would need a lot of work done to it will cost us at least $500,000 and we would need to put 20% as a down payment. That's $100,000 in cash! Renting is no better right now. Anything that would suit us would be $3,000/month. Both my DH and I are in a really bad mental place right now. My studies have come to a standstill as I'm researching all of our housing options. I can't get a job until I've taken my exams. I can't take my exams until I've studied and until California approves all of the clinical work I've done the past 6 years. It's been 7 months since I submitted my paperwork and it still hasn't been approved! Calling and emailing them hasn't gotten me any answers. Actually I need to study right now. I've been in such a bad place mentally but I need to get back to my studies. So I'm going to do that right now. Sorry I haven't been around. I don't foresee myself having time to post right now. I'll try from time to time though.

Congrats on all the lovely scans, btw.

Croy, I had tightenings with Delilah from 20 weeks onward. I thought they were Braxton Hicks. Turns out they were real contractions. I had an irritable uterus. At 32 weeks I was having them regularly (every 10 minutes) and went to the hospital to get monitored. Apparently I was actually having them every 2 minutes, but didn't feel all of them. I was on bed rest as you may remember. I drank a ton of water. I would always lie on my left side. Who knows if it helped? I kept her in until 34+2. No one could tell me why she came early though. I guess I'm trying to say, take it as EASY as possible. I can't imagine having to do that with an active toddler though. And drink water by the gallons. xo
Heart I'm guessing its different in the states, but here, under the Housing Act, landlords must issue a section 21 notice giving 60 days notice, which must be served by contract/payment date I.e if you moved into a property on 3rd of month and your payments are 3rd of month, notice must be received by 3rd.

So if landlord issued notice today, the earliest he could get his property back would be 2nd jan.

Hope you manage to sort something out
That's terrible heart!! I hope you'll find a nice and affordable place soon.
Hi ladies,

Heart, that is really awful. It sounds very expensive and tough to get on the property ladder where you live. I really hope you get something sorted soon. That's ridiculous that you were given such short notice but also dosent remove the fact that you are under pressure to find somewhere else when things are against you.
I can imagine the stress you are under mentally with it all. Take care of yourself x

On a positive note from me, Im just back from my official dating scan. I was nervous beforehand convinced something would be wrong but baby was happy and healthy, all looks well and measuring 12+3. Due date is 4th May, although I know myself that this baby will be born before hand in April. With my double womb it carried Emelia to 37 weeks so will hopefully do it again!

Croy, Im sure you will have nothing to worry about but just be sensible about watching out for those contractions, chances are its nothing but I guess could be something!
Looking back now I think it may have been contractions that I used to experience regularly. It was always tightenings right at the top of my womb and would keep coming and going regularly I think from about 30 weeks.
Heart... ooo my heavens you poor thing.... I hope everything resolves itself for you very soon... No wonder you are feeling the stress!

Davies... yes scan pics please... in fact all you lovely second timers... scan pics!

Yes, if we get a decent pic I promise I will add it on here... I am hoping Leo will not trash his suit within 2 seconds of having it on! LOL
Just! Fab news! Leo's due date was 5th May and he came in April... maybe our babies will share a Birthday!!
Thanks Pad. Yeah I'll look forward to seeing a picture of Leo in his Christening suit. Oh I can imagine the pressure of putting it on them and worrying if they will be sick over it haha.

Im a bit disappointed in my scan pictures as they aren't as clear as Emelia's 12 week ones last year. I will still try to upload one.
Heart- That's awful, I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope you can find something that suits you guys- I remember you mentioning how you and Tim decided you didn't want to live in an apartment again. Hopefully the state of CA will get its ass in gear too, Many :hugs:

Just- Great news!!
Lee thanks for posting the link to the article, and for sharing your story with the world. I think it will resonate with lots of other people. Morgan is gorgeous!

Heart so sorry to hear about your crappy landlords. Hope you manage to find something suitable soon. Not what you need. Sending you :hugs:.

Hi to everyone else. Glad to hear how well all you pregnant ladies are doing. I second Pad in the bump pic dept. We need to live vicariously through you! Pad and I had lunch yesterday. It was lovely to catch up. We need to see a christening photo please!

Lucas decided to start sleeping on his tummy night before last. Forgotten about that happening. He cries now if I try to put him on his back.

DD has started half term so Lucas will be mostly fitting around his big sister for the next week.

Croy my DD is called Lyra May. Lyra means musical which seemed appropriate for us as DH and I got together through making music together.

Happy Halloween for next week. Can I suggest we post the obligatory super cute babies in their outfits photos?
Hi again! I had my ob appt yesterday at the hospital and unfortunately once again they starting questioning the treatment I'm following from my consultant at the other hospital. Telling them I've had 2 sets of positives for APS after having Zeynab doesn't seem enough. They get on my nerves!!
Looking forward to move into double digits and even more into 2nd tri!! I'm so bloated this time around!

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