Tuckie- Love Baylyn the cupcake... adorable. I'm a little envious of the birthday party you've got planned for her... we're keeping this year simple, just a few friends and cake. Honestly, I'm too tired for more, but your one-derland theme sounds great.
Melfy- It's a great milestone when they start to self feed, although I found with Eva it's harder for me to make sure she gets as much veg because I can no longer hide it in her purees... she now eyes her carrots with distain.
Hopeful- So sorry to hear about Dylan... hope he recovers quickly and Ava stays healthy!
Fitzy- I'm on a somewhat less severe protocol this time around. Still taking clexane 0.4 x 2 and baby aspirin as well as 800mg progesterone daily, but I'm not taking prednesone this time around ( I was on 20mg with Eva and slowly weened off at 12 weeks)
Jenny- Congrats on your bfp
Just- Hope things work out well for you with work and you're able to get the schedule you want.
Croy- I imagine it must be quite scary but I'm sure everything will turn out to be just fine. When are you going in for the eco? I'd love to see a picture of Levi in his pumpkin costume.
afm- Had our NT scan this morning and everything looks brilliant. It also looks like we are team

this time around!!! We'll get the official results when my blood work comes back in about two weeks (we had one of the new blood tests for trisomys done) but it seemed pretty apparent and the technician agreed.
In other news it looks like Eva and I will be flying back to the states for Thanksgiving (dh has to be in Taiwan

). For those of you who've done some travelling with your little ones I'd love any and all advice you might be about to give. I'm nervous since it's going to be just the two of us. We fly Athens-London (4hours) then London-NY (8hours). I sprung for a seat for her so I wont have to hold her the entire time, but I'm still quite nervous really. Also, does anyone have any good advice about babies overcoming jetlag?