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Hi Sara, lovely to hear that Eva had a great birthday. Also brilliant news that your baby boy is healthy. Im sure your trip will be worth it, try not to stress too much about it as Im sure you'll manage just fine.
happy birthday eva xxxxx

here is squidge fhb 128bpm xxxx
Congrats Sara and happy bday Eva!! Bday pics!

Congrats Jenny on a great scan and cute little one in scan pic!
Took kieran for his first hair cut omg he looks so grown up now lol xx

Sorry I've been MIA. Our days are just very busy I guess. Zoe is super active and I don't have time to get bored. I love it :) But it is getting a little difficult to crawl after her; apparently baby #2 is now the size of a pineapple:happydance: so a little harder, hehe. And her first tooth came out 2 days ago!!!!!!!:happydance:

Sara: Hard to believe Eva is already 1 year old!! Time flies. Glad her birthday party went well. It must have been so cute and funny to see her seeking and getting all the attention :) And congrats on team blue:winkwink:

Just: Very nice pics:cloud9: She is gorgeous!!

Jenny: Great news about the scan!! Great heart rate, baby is measuring what it should be. All good signs:thumbup:
I really need to know if anyone has any advice or anything that has worked for them in past:
Morgan was at docs last week and they said he had a cold and it was on his chest, they gave him antibiotics and eye drops as his eyes were all sticky.
His coughing is getting worse and it looks really painful, he has coughed so hard numerous times he has projectile vomited, to the point I've had to completely strip the bed.

I've tried snuffle babe on feet, Calpol and he's finished his antibiotics, I can't stand watching him like this for much longer poor soul but really don't know what to try, I can hear and feel that it is still really heavy on his chest.

Does anyone know anything worth trying, the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me too as he is up suckling all night for comfort :(

Any suggestions here or on FB welcome.

Jenny, love the scan pic.

Sarah I can't believe Eva is one already, where did that year go. Happy birthday :)

Melfy yay for tooth.
Just, I had to go back to see Emilies pics then, she is such a beautiful little girl. I
Love your little pooch too. How is everything going with bubba?
I actually miss my visits to Wishaw but TTC no 2 is not on our agenda :( (well not yet anyway).

Croy happy 24 (and 25) weeks. I don't have any experience with separation anxiety yet thankfully. I hope it's a short phase for Levi.

Haha Pad, my heart skipped a beat too when I seen the scan pic next to Leo lol... Does Leo have any teeth yet? Nothing my end, not even any teething signs either although tbh I'm not sure what I need to look out for.
Leo is doing so well and is so gorgeous, bet you both Miss hubby loads, how long is he home for at Xmas?

Davies, love your pics, your scan pic is great and Lexi is so cute. I seen your St Bernard on FB, what a gorgeous dog too, my dogs are teeny little Yorkies.

So, Morgan has settled again now so maybe I can get an hours sleep now and will read back more later x.
Lee, what ashame for Morgan, if its been over a week that he has had the chesty cough and cold and the antibiotics are finished I'd call the doctor again to say he's still not better. Emelia had a cough over a month ago and it was ashame you could tell it was hoarse and painful and she would start crying afterwards. This was aswell as a cold. A friend of mines told me about snuffle babe but I couldn't get it so just bought Vicks rub and put that on her feet, don't know whether it helped or not.
You know yourself how bad a cough can be when its non stop.
Its horrible to watch them suffering and you feel quite helpless.

Im back at Wishaw today for a clinic appointment, blood pressure check etc. I cant believe its my 20 weeks scan in 4 weeks time.
You never know you might consider baby no.2 further down the line x
I really need to know if anyone has any advice or anything that has worked for them in past:
Morgan was at docs last week and they said he had a cold and it was on his chest, they gave him antibiotics and eye drops as his eyes were all sticky.
His coughing is getting worse and it looks really painful, he has coughed so hard numerous times he has projectile vomited, to the point I've had to completely strip the bed.

I've tried snuffle babe on feet, Calpol and he's finished his antibiotics, I can't stand watching him like this for much longer poor soul but really don't know what to try, I can hear and feel that it is still really heavy on his chest.

Does anyone know anything worth trying, the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me too as he is up suckling all night for comfort :(

Any suggestions here or on FB welcome.

Jenny, love the scan pic.

Sarah I can't believe Eva is one already, where did that year go. Happy birthday :)

Melfy yay for tooth.

Lee I am having same thing with Caitlin. DS 3 was Ill last week and was on antibiotics and has passed to Caitlin. She is so full of Lucas she is having trouble breathing when lying down, she keeps coughing and after feeding coughs so much she socks it all up again.

Took her to docs on Monday. As she is only 11 weeks doc wasn't sure of best course of action but did give antibiotics

I have raised her Moses basket at one end with 3 books, you could try raising the cot. Also I put children's olbas oil on her blanket.

Also you can get a cloth, like a flannel. Wet it under the tap then put over the radiator and cover in olbas oil, it acts like a vaporiser, but do it a little while before they go to bed.

I have club medicine and saline drops but not convinced about those so Habent really been giving them.

Something I do to settle Caitlin Is when finished feeding I hold her upright against my chest and wrap a blanket round her, after a while I place her in basket with the blanket, as its then nice and warm she stays asleep.

Hope he gets better soon.
melfy - cute on the tooth! upper one? did we ever get a bump pic? would be so hard to be that pregs and have a little one crawling

lee - have you tried running the shower and close the bathroom door to get it steamy and just sit in there? and/or a cool mist vaporizer? when my kids were really little, we had them in rock n play sleepers as then it raised their heads up a little but I think morgan might be too big now for that? maybe try and elevate his crib on one side a little so his head is higher up? colds suck so bad. did he get ear infection too?
hi danca! just read your post, agree!

here is the rock n play sleeper, loved these things:
Hey girls :D

think morning sickness has truly kicked in blah i was awful this morning

Kieran is a little monster at the moment took him for his first hair cut he is looking so grown up now bless his wee soul lol

had my nhs scan today at epau everything is good baby was wriggling like a worm lol

Excellent news jenny!

Lee I'm so sorry but I have no suggestions. Hope he'll get better very soon.

Zeynab had also her first 2 teeth coming almost at the same time. Whenever she smiles I can see the tips. So cute!!!
Lee so sorry to hear Morgan is so sick its so hard. So you have a humidifier? That helps Levi at night when he is congested. I also found some menthol free salve to rub on his chest smells awful but he doesn't seem to mind :) o would call the doctor back though and see if they can give you any advice. Also running the shower so its steamy and justb sitting in the bathroom helped Levi with his cough and cold recently. I'd do it before bed and it seemed to clear out the tubes enough for him to settle.
If he is congested and snotty then I suggest the nosefrida gave little kid gadget for sucking snot.

Hope you can get some rest. Its so hard when they are sick and you are not sleeping either.

Jenny congrats on the scan! Sorry to hear your me has kicked in. Yuck. Hope its short lived. I thought Levi looked so big after his hair cut. we just took him back for a trim bit did t have them cut it so short this time. I just wanted.him to look a little bit mote tidy for the holidays :)

Just took my second big math test and I'm.not happy. I tried to answer everything but I know that there are quite a few I simply to look like I was.trying but had no idea what I was doing and didn't get them close to right. Hoping that I pass it but it will be close. Need to study hard the next few weeks to pass the final on december 9th.
Hope: it's the bottom ones. As a joke I used to call her ''toothless little girl'':haha:

Jenny: beautiful scan pic :) So happy for you and your family!!!

So I need to vent. This weekend we were supposed to go where we used to live (2h30 hours from where we live now). DH was gonna go to a bachelor party and I was gonna stay with a good friend of mine who's expecting her first and also a rainbow baby; she's due 4 days after me!! We were gonna see all of our friends and have so much fun with Zoe. I was soooo excited!!! But last night DH told me his oma died, and the funerals are this weekend!!! Of course I'm sad that she died, but we were not even close (I am a lot closer to DH's maternal grand-parents) So not only we don't get to go visit our friends, we now have to drive 6 1/2 hours to get there, deal with all this funeral stuff, the stress, which gives me terrible BH contractions, and I have to pretend that I'm doing great even though I'm freaking exhausted and Zoe is still sick and coughing. And God forbid I dare make the suggestion of Zoe staying with my parents to make our lives (and Zoe's live) easier; surely that would make me a selfish b*tch:growlmad: And what really gets me is when I am told that I will be able to get some rest because everyone's gonna be there to take care of Zoe...sure...but as soon as she gets tired, cranky, hungry, or needs a diaper change, well there you go mommy!!! And of course she always sleeps like total crap when we're there, whether she's sick or not, well guess who gets up 5,6 or 10 times a night...ME!!! And of top of everything else, I'm terrified of going in preterm labor while we're there:cry: We'd be stuck there for weeks, that would screw DH over for school, especially since he's already missed so much because his grandpa funeral 2 weeks ago!! I'm so selfish; I cried so hard this morning, but it's just how I feel:cry:

Phew, sorry for the long story, gotta say I'm feeling better:blush:

I know it's only Wednesday but I have no idea when I'll be able to login again, but wishing all of you a nice weekend:flower:
Thanks everyone, he really is loaded. Took him to my pharmacist she is great. She took a quick look at him and ruled out croup, said she thought it was likely a viral infection and gave me everything you lovelies suggested and I have him propped up with a pillow beside me now. He's grunting away like a little guinea pig and only one coughing episode so far.

Sara, congrats on Team Blue :)

Melfy rant away, it's tough being pregnant and exhausted and I can't imagine being pregnant and looking after a little one as well, hard work. It's true even when others are looking after them they still want mummy if they know you are there. I know if Mark is babysitting and I am home, I sort of still end up looking after Morgan or at least checking in on him. Sometimes a good cry helps, so hope you feel better. For the record I don't think you are being selfish at all. I hope you and Zoe feel better soon and hope those 2 teeth are being kind to her.

Croy. Maths was my least favourite subject waaay back.... I hope you get the results.

Jenny, I seen Kieran's pics on FB, he really did look so cute after his first haircut, yay for little wriggler, boo for MS.

Danca. It's awful isn't in. How is Caitlin now. Hopefully the antibiotics will work soon and she will feel much better. Sounds like she is getting lots of mummy cuddles, the best medicine.

Hopeful, no ear infection that I know of, he was rubbing it a lot yesterday, but I'm hoping he gives that a body swerve, his chest is bad enough poor thing. Ill steam it out of him, it's gonna look like a dodgy 80's disco in here with all the steam lol... How's you? I must have a look back for Ava and Dylan pics, bet they are keeping you busy! x

Heart. Hope you're doing ok. I read about your house situation and meant to comment last time. It sucks. I really hope everything settles down for you. Life's stresses are a bitch. Hugs xx

Just. Pass on my best wishes to everyone at Wishaw. I really do miss my visits apart from the anxiety beforehand! They really are a great team. Maharaj was supposed to do a piece for my Record article but typical NHS wanted press dept meeting blah blah so it didn't happen.
I can't believe you are nearly 20 weeks. Are you staying team yellow?
Baby no 2!!!!! Now that would be a whole mammoth post in itself, which I'm sure ill get round to posting about eventually.

So Morgan is sleeping which leaves me asking what the hell am I doing on the Internet at 4.30am. My body clock is screwed. Time for sleep I think xx
Hi everyone...

Lee, I hope Morgan is on the mend, its no fun at all when they are ill. Today Emelia seems to have the cold again with a nose constantly running, I find giving her extra baths helps as it seems to clear the tubes.
Yeah we're planning on staying team yellow we have decided, all I ask for is healthy. Im now getting a bit anxious about the 20 week scan as its detailed and could still pick up on problems but I need to stop worrying about this.
This worry has started after my clinic appointment on Wednesday. I could overhear Dr. maharaj saying that he needed someone to go speak with a couple in the counselling room as CVS problems had been picked up at someones 20 week scan. It just shows that these things can and do happen. Hopefully/surely this is very rare...

I had Emelia at the doctors yesterday to get her 12 month injections, it was awful for her, she went rigid and started screaming as they done 3 injections. My eyes were tearing up holding her.
Thankfully that's them over with until age 3 1/2! She was unsettled last night and needed paracetamol.

Melfy, I hope your feeling better about things, sometimes you do need to just let it all out especially when you have hormones and emotions running high!

Croy, I hope you get good results on maths tests, usually its the tests you worry about that you end up doing quite well. You will be soo glad when these tests are all over with, last thing you need, but worth it Im sure.

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