Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

hey girls

lee sorry little man has given you a scare i hope the meds help him and he feels better soon

im trying to catch up as much as i can but im totally floored pregnancy with a toddler and almost hormonal teenager is hard im constantly feeling ill all the time i love that im pregnant again but to be honest im constantly feeling dreadful i dont like it one bit xxx
Absolutely thrilled to be able to join you all here! Have so much catching up to do but thought I would just introduce Harrison to you all.... Loving every minute of being his mummy, amazing how all the worry and stress of early scans, frequent scans etc has become a distant memory already!


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Aww Lallie Harrison is just beautiful!

Lee hope Morgan is getting better xxx
Absolutely thrilled to be able to join you all here! Have so much catching up to do but thought I would just introduce Harrison to you all.... Loving every minute of being his mummy, amazing how all the worry and stress of early scans, frequent scans etc has become a distant memory already!

Beautiful xx
wow.. so many of us are pregnant again.. just shows i havent been on here in ages! but i will now try my hardest to keep up to date lol

so congrats to everyone who is pregnant again...

lallie - harrisons beautiful congratulations and love his name

everyones pics of their rainbow babies are gorgeous :)

hoping everyone else is doing great :) xx

here is my 13 week scan pic and a haloween pic of my boys xxx




It seems like this cold is doing the rounds Morgan is much better now thankfully, he's on the antibiotics for another couple of days but def a huge improvement. I hope Zeynab, Zoe, Emelia and all the other little sick notes feel better soon, it just awful to watch them when they are sick.

Mrs M, that's a great pic, I love seeing your pics on FB, another baby pic spammer here too - Guilty!
It's only fair we share the gorgeousness around right.

Abi, great pics and love the scan pic, glad all was well.

Lallie Harrison is gorgeous, bet you can't take your eyes off him.

Pad, how are you and Leo now, I can't believe you had food poisoning while Leo was sick too, it's been a nightmare few weeks with sickness. Hubby will be back soon though and you get to have a lovely Xmas together.

Jenny. Sorry your feeling crappy, early pregnancy can be so draining, hope you feel better soon.

So I did an interview with Take A Break magazine today, they will be running a story about recurrent miscarriage similar to the one in the newspaper but they are also going to focus on the support and information that people find on online forums and Pad and Tasha are also doing a piece alongside, we will be donating the funds to The Miscarriage Association and Tommys.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends, I hope you all have a great day of celebrations.

Right now I'm feeling extremely thankful for my little rainbow, even though his snoring woke me at 5.30 am!!!
aww so pleased to hear Morgan is on the mend... yup I was totally floored for a while with the double whammy... Nanny and Grandad are coming tomorrow and I am off out with a friend of dinner whilst they have Leo - I am strangely excited about going out ... does that sound bad?

Yes, last stretch before Hubby comes back! We are counting down the days!

Hope all the babies recover very quickly from their poorliness! xx

Love the pics Abi!

MrsM... just too cute!!!
Hi ladies,

Lallie, welcome to you, Harrison is absolutely adoreable.

Pad, I hope the time goes quick for you whilst you count the days until hubby is home.

Abi, what handsome boys you have. I had to look at your ticker again as your 13 weeks, I thought we posted our pregnancy news at the exact same time and were almost identical dates, hope everything has been ok.

Lee, good for you again doing an article, more people definitely need to know just how common miscarriage is and devastating. I hope Morgan is on the mend.

Emelia has not been great this week at all. She got on brilliant at nursery last Friday for an hour so they said to bring her back on Tuesday this week and leave her for 3 hours...well I could have cried when I went to pick her up as her little face was just ill and tired looking and they said she had been very unsettled and crying and had two dirty nappies which leaked through to her vest, I felt awful. They had been trying to get her to sleep in a cot but she wasn't having any of it and was so upset. I came home and said to my husband that I just think she is too young for nursery, even though I know that almost everyone else I know has put their kids in at that age or younger and its normal, I just felt so bad.
Ever since then she has had diarrhoea and nappy leaks, I've had to throw out so many vests. This morning she had been lying in diarrhoea up her back and she is red raw because of it, I just hate to think of her lying like that for god knows how long in her sleep as it was all dried in. She is just not herself at all and crying loads which is not like her, she's normally such a happy wee soul.
Anyway I had to cancel the nursery for her today as she's not fit to go, I really hope she gets on better next week.
Just- it's ok, I think she just misses her mommy;) but my kids were in daycare at 12 weeks (6week adjusted age) and were fine but I'm guessing a much easier transition back then as they just ate and slept. When are you on maternity leave again? Will you be home alone with both of them? So rough to get diaper rash too.

Mrsm - love the pic, great hair must run in the family

Lallie- he is gorgeous! Are you getting any sleep?

Abi- they are so cute, love the skeleton outfits. Scan looks great, couldn't make a gender guess

Jenny- he looks just like daddy! Super cute

Pad- will be awesome when hubby comes home. Do you get to skype or anything?

Lee- I loved that article and that u are doing another one. Wasn't sure I mentioned that before? Are you getting sleep lately?
Aww Just poor Emelia... it sounds like she has a tummy bug bless her x How miserable for you both, hope she gets well soon x

Yes, we manage to Skype occasionally Hopeful and I am a total Leo pic FB spammer so Hubby can see what Leo has been up to whilst he is away lol! Current speciality is hopping along in his walker to destroy the Christmas Tree! I know I know I put it up early but it cheers us up! LOL

Leo loves his buggy and going out walkies with the dog! He doesn't stop grinning when he is in there looking around at everything... he is soooo nosy!:haha:

Lovely beanie hat courtesy of the marvelous Raps!!


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Aww Pad, I love that picture of Leo and the dog. I love seeing children with pets. Haha to you putting the tree up early, I normally get it up the start of Dcember but this year for the first time ever Im dreading it as I just know its going to be the centre of Emelia's attention 24/7 and I cant keep chasing after her , I'll be up and down off the couch constantly! Im thinking of maybe putting it in the dining room this year instead of the living room or just waiting to nearer Xmas.

Hopeful, Im back at work 3rd Jan and off again the middle of April so I cant complain. Im going to persevere with the nursery and hopefully she has just had a bad time this week. When I go off on maternity leave again I may still put Emelia into nursery once a week to keep it up and have her familiar with it but I'll play it by ear.
I didn't realise that Ava and Dylan went in to nursery at 12 weeks, I know many kids are the same and there is no other choice as people need to work these days, I feel very lucky that I've had the time off that I have as my maternity pay wasn't too bad at all and then holidays which I get paid again.
When I go back after the 2nd maternity leave Im going to apply for job share which will be 2 shifts on and 6 sounds amazing right now to me! Im thinking it will be too hard for me to go back full time with 2 kids and nurserys are so expensive.
Hi ladies, just popping my head in, congrats on new babies/pregnsncys? Gorgeous baby pics on here, lee let me no when ur in tab an I will get it an well done you an the others for speaking out for us all!!

Sorry for all poorly babies I hope there on the mend an mummy's r getting sleep.... Lexis Had a cold cough for ages doc won't give anything!! We just pass it back n forth!! I have had it to but obviously can't take sod all! I'm exhausted if I'm honest she's up between 3-5/6 everyday right now, she's also cut 4 teeth in a week so that's not helping!! Along with spd really bad pelvis, shocking heartburn!! Man its hard work!!

Sorry for not being more in depth today but my brains fried due to lack of sleep!! Lol x
Aww Just... but think of the delight on her face when she sees the tree all lit up! Your mat plan sounds bloomin marvelous to me! In Jan out April! Happy days!

Davis sorry you and Lexi are feeling rough... so far Leo gets sick and gives it to me... I feel like crap and he gets better... thank heavens we don't ping pong bugs yet. I had SPD and it was a killer. I didn't sleep from 14 wks... go and see a physio and get a pregnancy pillow to put between your knees x
Hi ladies, I hope your all well. I've had a really stressful week with Emelia been really ill with severe diarrhoea for 5 days. It was constant day and night and soaking through to her bed clothes and sleeping bag. Up several times a night bathing her and changing her.
We had to take her to hospital on Sunday as it was severe and she wasn't eating or drinking at all for days. I could tell looking at her stomach that she had lost weight.
The doctor said that dehydration is the main concern at that age and also weight loss but reassured me that when she regained her appetite again she will put it back on.
Well thankfully yesterday and today the diarrhoea has stopped.
Now we seem to be left with an extremely clingy baby, I think its down to the extra pampering and nursing she has been getting as that is all she was looking for whilst ill, she just wanted to lie on me which I was more than happy to do at the time. But today has been so stressful, I took her out Christmas shopping and she just screamed the whole time sitting in her buggy and only stopped for an hour whilst she fell asleep. Once I got her home she has been the same just wanting me constantly and crying when I leave the room, also breaking her heart crying at the very slightest thing, she is like a different baby. I really hope she goes back to her "normal" self.
Anyway Im more than grateful that she is healthy again as it was so worrying....just having a little rant sorry.

We have a sick household though as my husband has now got the bug and Im feeling fluey with a sore throat...just this time of year I guess and best to get it now than Christmas day Im thinking.

Pad, Im thinking I'll put my tree up two weeks before Christmas, to be honest I don't even feel Christmasey yet. I always love getting my tree up early but then I actually get a bit sick of the sight of it. I do love getting it up though and starting my present wrapping. Im more organised than ever this year which Im glad about as after todays experience the thought of taking Emelia shopping again is not appealing.
You must be getting so excited to have your hubby home and the whole family together!
I'm jumping on the sick bandwagon too........ again. Getting a bit fed up with it all now. Hope we all feel better soon.
It's crazy how often we and the kids get sick! My kids were sick almost every week for the last 2 months.
That's so hard to deal with just- the diarrhea. So much work!! Esp when u r pregs. I don't have a tree, need to buy one. One of the moms in our moms of multiples group had a great idea that they do. I asked about the kids messing with the tree and they have 2 trees, one is a small one for the kids with cookie cutters for ornaments as the kids like to take them off and put them back on the tree. I'm gonna try it if I can find some good fake trees. Too scared the kids will eat the needles if tree is real.
Wish I would have gotten cheap sale Xmas stuff after came last year!!
I barely have any decorations.

Hope u r. Feeling better lee! I've been sick for about 2 weeks, now it's throat crud that won't go away. Got a bunch of snow last night and today and supposed to be high of below zero Fahrenheit in a couple days . Been looking for snow boots for the kids.
Got a root canal yesterday as I have a tooth with a crown that has been super sensitive to cold for months now. Just realized I haven't been chewing or drinking on the left side of my mouth for months. Too busy to notice!! Lol.
Oh ladies looks like we're all poorly! An poorly bubbas.... No fun!!

Well Lexi is getting there, I'm suffering pelvis wise its getting worse! I have a belt but it doesn't help! X

We're all ready for Xmas shopping done tree up, were at my sister Xmas day an sil Boxing Day so for once I'm cooking free quite a novelty however I do secretly like it! X

Croydon had good news yesterday has sge been on? X

How you getting on Amanda what happened with the move?? Do you still hear from kat? I wonder how her n grey are doing?? X

Jodi your pics n videos on Fb are adorable!!

Hi everyone else xx
hi girls i have a new facebook and im in the process of adding everyone there has just been some drama and it was easier to close my old one down rather than go through deleting everyone you know so starting fresh

if i haven't added you please add me on

thanks guys xxx
Yep Just am really excited that Hubby will be home soon.... it makes you so tired doing everything yourself plus I know my health is suffering as I don't have time to eat all that well... lunch.. what is that?? LOL.

I hope all the poorly Mummys and babies get well soon... I am always ill over Christmas, which is rubbish lol.

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