Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hey girls :wave:

Happy BDay to Eva & Emelia!!! :cake: :cake:

Lee- hope the worst of it is over for you & little Morgan :hugs:

Croy- fx for passing grade! You're probably thinking you did worse than you actually did. I always did that anyways.

Hi to everyone else! I'm frazzled. Bay was waking me in the night all week long. Seems better the last couple nights, but im still not caught up on sleep. I don't know why she was waking so much screaming at night (probably developmental) She's officially walking now though!!!!! :D
Hi Tuckie, I was wondering how you were as you've not posted in a while. Cant believe Bay is now walking, I cant wait for Emelia to take her first steps, she is on her feet constantly but still holding on to things and you see her thinking about letting go at times but too scared!
That's not so good that Bay is waking at nights, when you have such a good little sleeper its a shock to the system! Not long now until Bay's bday!

I had Emelia at nursery today for her introduction, needless to say that she was not one bit bothered when taken away from me and she loved being with the other kids. Even when brought back to me she wasn't even excited to see me haha. It was only an hour visit this first time.
Next week she will go in two days for a couple of hours, this is to get her used to it before I start back work in Jan.
Just- it's good that you are warming her up to nursery slowly. It will make for a smoother transition in January. Im sure it will be harder on you than her. I'm debating taking a couple substitute teaching jobs a week now that Bay is almost one. Like E, she's also been really cautious about walking. Here's a video of her taking steps :)
i thought id update a pic of kieran this is him and his dad at a young age :D


Kieran with his new hair cut :D
I know what you mean Just. I took Morgan down to see the girls and Maharaj and there was a couple in the waiting area going through miscarriage. I really felt bad that I was there with Morgan :(
I was so nervous at our 20 week scan too even though we'd been given the heads up at 17 weeks that all looked ok. I think even after that I kept worrying something would go wrong. Gotta love PARL.

Morgan is in nursery 2 days a week and has been since he was 3.5 months. I have to say I hated leaving him the first day and really struggled with the whole thing at first but he really loves it. He cried when I picked him up last week to take him home :/
It's good to give them a settling week and I think it's about finding a nursery that feels right. He is going to his first nursery fete on 7th December, I'm more excited than him!

How are you feeling about going back to work, it won't be long before you're on maternity leave again :)

Tuckie, I seen your video on FB, Bay is just so adorable. Def a proud mummy moment.

Jenny I def think Kieran looks like daddy on that pic but I see you in him too. He is super cute with his little fringe :)

So Morgan woke for his nightly coughing fit but is sleeping again now I really hope this passes in the next couple of days. He has been so clingy today and I've been forced to work with one hand, baby in the other. It's quite stressful. I'm thinking maybe he has a wonder week coming up and perhaps this is the start of it, just what I need when he is already ill. I best get reading the next chapter of the book. Has anyone else read the book I was 'wondering' so to speak if anyone found it helpful.
Lee- I don't have the book but I use the wonder week app for iPhone. It seems to be pretty accurate, except it seems the skills they show for each leap is the absolute earliest time you'd ever see those skills so usually te skills don't match up with the age at the leap in my experience. It's pretty good at predicting their "good" weeks and "bad" weeks. They're usually correct give or take a few days.

This is what Morgan is in (from app) he's in between leaps:
Fussy and irritable behaviour as around 29 or 30 weeks is not a telltale sign of another leap. Your baby has simply discovered that his mommy can walk away and leave him behind. Funny as it may sound, this is progress. It is a new skill. He is learning about distances.

I remember this well! Separation anxiety really kicked in around that time :/

Jenny- Keiran is a very handsome boy :)
Thanks Tuckie. Morgan was 2 weeks prem so I have to take that into account according to the book.
So something strange is really going on here. I am taking into account he still has the cold and cough but he has been acting very strange the last couple of days, I'm convinced its a dreaded wonder week approaching. Even last week when he had his chest infection he was laughing and being his cheeky self.
The last couple of days he is so grouchy and twisty and very clingy to Mark and I, he has lay on us both all morning just staring into space, no desire to do anything. I'm thinking is it a mix of being ill and a wonder week approaching. He looks so dopey today too and his cheek is very red. Taken his temp and its absolutely fine. I said to Mark maybe we should take him to the hospital if he is still so docile later.
These babies really like to keep us guessing. Everything fits as a wonder week except the docile behavior, he has slept quite a bit today just dozing on and off and staring while laying on us. If we try to get him up or to do something he cries.
Hi ladies, sneaking on while the children are sleeping (at last!!).

Lee sorry to hear Morgan is suffering, he sounds poorly wee love. Whenever my daughter was ill, she just wanted to sleep on me and was a bit floppy and lacking in any energy. When they're a bit older they just zonk out and watch TV but babies just have us for comfort. I found raising the cot at one end helpful for bad coughs and congestion. You can buy special cupped chocks for the job. The steam and menthol rubs help too I think. I hope he's feeling better soon.

Pad Leo is just too cute. You must be wishing November away for your DH to come back. You are a superstar doing it yourself.

Sounds like everyone else is very busy with active babies/ toddlers. I don't know how those of you pg with number two are coping! I have to say I never planned such a big gap, that's thanks to RMC, but my 5 year old is a dab hand at fetching nappies and muslins for me :). It's quite handy having a little helper.

Lucas is nearly six months old now and rolling around like a drunken pirate and trying to put everything in his mouth. No teeth yet but lots of gumming and drooling. He's gone from sttn to waking me twice a night so I am quite haggard and tired again, especially as I have to get up for the school run regardless. Weaning is next up. Can't believe how quickly it is all going.
Lee, hope Morgan's feeling better soon.

Having older ones is very handy.

Caitlin was crying yesterday whilst I was trying to do something. So my dd picked her up and was walking up and down rocking her, it calmed her down and she went quiet. DD is 9 so is a real help. DS 12 likes to hold her every now again, but the crying interrupts his computer games!

DS 3 is very good And loves to hug and kiss her, thinks that's who she caught her virus from last week. She is now on the mend but has taken to waking again in the night!

It's chaos in our house most of the time and very noisy !

My mom and dad now have 6 grandchildren . My DS is oldest and Caitlin is youngest. My oldest is he quietist, but each one that's come along has for progressively louder, they need to make themselves heard over the others. Think I should get some ear plugs for when Caitlin's bigger!

My BIL isn't married and has no kids of this own (he's 48 now) But is so good with the kids. We were at MIL yesterday and my niece and nephew on DH side were here as well. My nephew is 4, so him and my DS 3 spent the whole time jumping up and down on BIL!

When my oldest was that age, rough and tumble with his older (second) cousins worried me in case he got hurt. It's amazing how much more relaxed you become the more kids you have !
Quick update. Was really worried about Morgan last night as his skin was so so hot, to the point I could feel the heat before I even touched him, his temp was still saying all was ok though, we lay him with us In The living room while we watched some TV but he was just drifting and floppy and gazing in to space and I'm thinking this Is def not teething or a wonder week, I stripped him down and opened the windows in our bedroom but he was still fiery hot so I called NHS Direct who made us an appt at the hospital clinic.
When we got there the doc was great took his temp and it was 39.5, doc gave him a check over and was sure his temp was caused by his chest infection, so obviously the last anti biotics didn't clear it up, anyway he told us to give a slightly higher dose of Calpol and also prescribed Ibuprofen and gave him some stronger antibiotics, they kindly offered us an overnight stay so they could monitor his temperature but he did say as long as we kept an eye out for a few things we could go home. I've seen enough of hospitals, plus I had my ectopic pregnancy at this particular one and it holds lots of bad memories, so we came home with Morgan at 2.15 am.
He managed 2 breast feeds through the night and woke up earlier and seemed much better although he did have a particular nasty coughing fit again. His temp (which I took by ear) was back down and his skin is cooler. So he is sleeping and I'm sitting here so tired but really crap at sleeping through the day and I'm getting annoyed thinking about the stupid 10 quid talking thermometer that told us all day yesterday Morgan was fine grrrrrr and I'm super annoyed at myself for not getting him to the hospital earlier in the day.
Anyway really hoping that these ab's actually work. I'm so sick of seeing him suffering with this chest infection, I want my cheeky chops back and well again :(

Sorry for the selfish post x.
Rapt. Wow can't believe Lucas is nearly 6 months. I know you were just behind me but for some reason it doesn't feel that long since I was reading you PARL posts. They are so funny at this age don't you think. Rolling, babbling and generally being highly amusing. Morgans thing at the moment is pulling my hair like a horses reigns, he thinks its hilarious and pulling a funny face which he does to everyone, everywhere. It looks like a pet lip and everyone thinks he's going to cry then he starts giggling away. Too cute. I will get a pic or 2 up.
Do you think the waking has something to do with teething, Morgan has never slept through, too greedy for the boob.

Danca I take my hat off to you, I find it exhausting with the one, sounds like your older kids are a great help and lots of fun. My mum and dad have 5 grandkids now the oldest is 21 and The youngest is Morgan 7 months (nearly). One of My sister has 2 kids a daughter 14 and Noah who is 1. The 14 year old is more interested in 1D than helping out lol....
How is Caitlin doing, glad she is on the mend.
Not sure how to do a multi upload of pics.


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Sorry for flooding the site. I have cabin fever so would love to see some more gorgeous rainbow baby pics from everyone.
And if anyone knows how to do multiple uploads on one post from an iPad that would be great.


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Lee, he is just way too cute, such gorgeous pictures of Morgan! His expressions are hilarious!

Tuckie, I watched the video of Bay taking some steps, she's full of concentration...cute!

Madrid, I imagine that would be a help to you having your little girl being 5 years older than Lucas. I know my niece loves playing with Emelia now and Emelia is fascinated watching her, she is 4 and I feel as though she will learn lots from her.
Lee I use the photobucket app, and you click on the photo and go to "copy image", then paste it into your post. You can paste as many as you want then. The photos are gorgeous. Love the funny face one.
Rapt, I can't believe Lucas is almost 6 months. I love the drunken pirate description. Louis is almost 11 months and I can't believe that either. Edie loves helping me change nappies as well.
Lee, how scary that must have been for you last night. I'm pleased you didn't have to stay all night and hope that Morgan is feeling better.
I hope Eva and Emelia had lovely birthdays.
Tuckie, I loved the video of Bay walking. She is so cute.
Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will be accustomed to seeing photos of Louis, since I spam my newsfeed with photos daily, but I haven't put this one on so I will show it to you ladies in here. This was Edie's Playgroup photo. Edie turned 4 a couple of weeks ago and had a great time.
I hope you are all doing ok.
We got back from my in-laws this afternoon. This time I was actually able to relax!! People watched over Zoe, probably because she was so sick and cuddly. The funeral went well, not as sad as my grandpa in-law, probably because she's been sick for so long and we were just waiting for the day her pain would finally go away.

Lee: Zoe also has a really bad cough, as well as a runny nose. She's also got a little rash in the face, but now it seems better. We're giving her ibuprofen to keep her fever down, it helps her a lot, otherwise her temp gets to 38.5-39 and she just wants to be held and snuggle with us. I guess it's nice in a way, but poor thing, she looks so miserable :(

Tuckie: That's great news about Bay!!! Happy birthday too!!! :happydance:

MrsM : That is a very lovely picture!! Louis is all grown up!! :) And Eddie is a beautiful little girl!!

Jenny: Kieran totally looks like his father :)
Gorgeous pics Lee & Mrs!!

It must be the time of the year because Zeynab also has a cold. Last night she found it so difficult to relax at bed time. I just left her with her dad in our bed & came to dd13 room to sleep in the spare bed.

My children help me a lot. Particularly dd13. She's great! I try to give a choice between housework or watching Zeynab & she decides what she prefers. I don't think I could do as many things if it wasn't for her. With ds us different. He's the fun, entertaining and playing older brother. As soon as Zeynab sees him she laughs. She loves him!!
These poor babies and their colds, its def. the time of year. We've had a tough few nights with Emelia aswell up and down during the night crying as she is so blocked up. Im trying to give her extra baths to decongest her!

MrsM, that picture is lovely, two beautiful kids. Im amazed at how much hair Louis has its so cute! Glad Edie had a nice birthday aswell!

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