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Just an update from me...had my scan this morning, and the "miscarriage" is measuring 8 weeks, with a strong heartbeat of 167 bpm!!!! They have no idea what may be causing the bleeding/spotting. I am positively SHOCKED!!!! And delighted, obviously! :happydance:
Hopeful, Just, madrid - We got the City Select stroller, we found a good deal on it over the Black Friday sales. I am just trying to convince dh to get the bassinet attachment. I think it will be awesome to have a place she can take naps if I am out and about with Levi at the playgym or the park so she wont have to be in the carseat all the time. With Levi i held him or had him in the swing but with her we are going to need to be out and about to keep Levi busy and I hope she will nap in there. I asked my parents if they would consider getting it for us. Its not a very exciting baby present but they often like to get something practical :)

I need to play with the stroller a bit though figure out all the ways the seats go on and come off and figure out how to fold it up an get it in ad out of the car! Should be funny to eatch me figure that all out, I am not the best at that type of thing!

Mrs M - OH MY GOODNESS, Louis is getting cuter and cuter - I love his hair. Levi had a ton of hair too but its lost all the curl now. I love that Louis still has some :)

Just - I think we will end up moving Levi into a bed and putting the baby in his cot. I am not looking froward to sleep training him when he can get in and out of bed but I hope we can figure it out.

I got hit with the bug that everyone else had over Christmas. Woke up yesterday morning to all kinds of grossness. Slept most of yesterday and hubs was able to take the day to work from home and take care of Levi and today my Father in law is here to help out. I am hoping to sleep some and get a shower in. I hear Levi fussing downstairs - I should go and make sure everythings ok. Will chat more in a bit.

Hope you are all keeping warm - Seattle is chilly and wet but is avoiding the crazy freeze that most of the country is having. Bundle up if you have to go out!
Wookie - FANTASTIC NEWS!!! So sorry I almost forgot to post to you!!! I an so happy it turned out to be such a great scan. Rest up, mama :)
Wookie, I just knew it would be fine as soon as you said brown spotting, that's amazing news. Just try not to worry too much if you get anymore , as I said I have had 3 lots of it so far, that's why Im just desperate to get to 24 weeks in a few days time to know I've reached another milestone.

Croy, I also looked at the carrycot attachment and its good that you get the option to buy it o=if necessary. Im thinking that I'll initially just use the car seat aswell biut may need to buy the carrycot. Im not sure how much it costs you guys there in America but its quite pricey over here, the cheapest I can get the single stroller with the second add on seat is £550. Then its the cost of adaptors for the car seat and then the option of the carrycot at £90.
Its still much better than the Icandy peach which costs £1200 for the tandem stroller, I think that's scandalous. Plus what I didn't like about the Icandy was the child sitting at the back is lower than the front so cant see as much of whats going on.

Apparently there is 18 different ways or something like that of changing all the seating directions Croy, Im sure that will keep you busy figuring it all out!
Hey ladies how aRe you all?

I had a scan today got a beautiful happy 9+4 baby swimming around inside :-) so extremely happy :-D
Tracie - I'm thrilled for you!! Stay strong in there little bean :)

Just - The bassinet attachment is $85 - so about half what they are charging in the UK I guess. We got a deal on the stroller what was too good to pass up, the second seat came free, but it was still a stupid price to pay. I don't think they have the other one you mentioned over here. It is crazy how much these things cost. And while there are less expensive options for sure, I wanted to make sure it would really work for us. We walk a lot and so having something easy to use was important, I just hope its as good as we anticipate :)

I am SO over this final trimester of pregnancy. Grateful for sure that we get to meet our girl soon but I am so uncomfortable and Levi is getting more and more of a challenge - I think he is picking up on the changes in me, and potentially the changes ahead with the baby. I read that can make little ones more clingy. By the end of the day like 3-5pm he is just going from one thing to another, doing things he is now supposed to. Ugh, its exhausting. Usually I get him eating dinner around 5 so i calms down when he is in the highchair but as soon as dh comes home around 5.30 I am ready to pass him off and just sit on the couch for a bit.

Any of you other ladies with growing bellies experiencing anxiety in your little ones or extra whiney ones? Or did any of you who have more than one deal with this issue at all?
With my first 2, who have a 3 year gap between then, i never had that problem. When ds was born, dd acted a bit funny at times but I just did as if nothing & continue giving her lots of attention & including her in everything "baby"wise.

This time around everyone is telling me I'm going to suffer lots because she's very attached to me and she'll b jealous. I don't think she's old enough for that and I truly believe she'll adapt to the new addition well but only time will tell!
Hey all

Wookie- yay!! So pleased your baby is fine :) Xxx

Mrs miggins- :) Louis is gorgeous what a cutie xxx hope your all well xxx

Tracie - congrats on a great scan xxx

Afm- well all good here I'm fine a little tired all.the time but Noah has all of a sudden decided not to sleep through the night at a year old! And if my OH go him he won't only will settle for me... Daddies boy this one! Lol will be 20 w got a busy few days ahead! Scan Friday Monda. Noah has his next lot of jabs Tuesday midwife Wednesday got people round to install a new thermostat in my house... hope everyone is great xxx

Wookie and Tracie: congrats on great scans:happydance:

Abi: Zoe is almost a year old and she still doesn't STTN:nope:

AFM, well Alexa was born Wednesday at 12:05pm, weighing 6lbs 14 oz and 19'' long :) She is a great feeder, but I gave her an ounce of formula last night, after nearly 3 hours of BF (still waiting for my milk to come in), and she did just fine switching between bottle and breast. I know once milk comes in it'll get better, but in the meantime, I'm exhausted!! My parents are keeping Zoe for a few days, which is AMAZING!! Can't wait to see her today!!! Here's a picture of Zoe going for my parent's fish tank, and some of her little sister Alexa :) Will soon post more pics!


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Melfy Zoe is so cute and what gorgeous little baby!! Congrats!!
Melfy she is beautiful! Many congrats! Birth story when you have a chance please.

Hello everyone else! I'm reading and trying to keep up when I can. Sorry, can't post. Studying like crazy with all my free time which isn't much. Hope everyone is well.
Congratulations Melfy on the birth of Alexa.

Everyone in here really is pregnant! We have no plans to try just yet maybe later in the year. We are in the middle of moving house.

I do try to keep up with you all but don't really get on her much.
Had to stop by and say congrats melfy!

Glad to hear she arrived safely, would love to hear your birth story if you have a chance but I know those early days are crazy.

My milk took time to come in and Levi did great taking a couple of oz of formula a day fro the beginning - he also took a bottle before bed after about 4 or 5 months when I got my period back and my supply dropped especially in the evenings. I think it was a real gift actually to have him be as satisfied with the boob or the bottle, gave hubby a chance to feed him pumped milk every oncei n a hiel too or let me leave him with other people knoing he would eat.

Congrats again.

Have some questions to ask of you mamas but HAVE to go to bed so I will ask tomorrow :)
Melfy. Alexa is just gorgeous. That's 2 adorable little babies you have there :)

Fab news on the scans Wookie and Tracie.

MrsMig, Louis is so cute. I love his hair too.

Davies, hope Lexi is better soon, croup is awful :(

Hopeful, I was just watching your video on FB, the twins are the cutest.
Just. I just seen your post. That's great news, a boy :) so happy for you. x
Hi ladies,

Thanks Lee, yeah we're having a boy so this is all new to us and will be interesting to see the differences between boys and girls if any.

Melfy, Alexa is amazing, it makes me emotional when I seen newborn babies again, there is nothing more beautiful. Zoe is such a cutey now, Emelia also has that musical chair which she is standing on, I got it for Christmas and she loves it! Yeah I'd like to hear how your birth/labour compared to last time around.

That's me back at work now, I started last week 4 days on and 4 off. I started back on nightshifts last night...sigh...I hate them. I actualy managed not to bad but couldn't sleep great today, my husband took Emelia out for a few hours but when they got back in I didn't realise she was so noisy. I have another 3 nightshifts to go and will finish up on Wednesday morning. Im only back working for 3 months and didn't even want to have the cheek to say to them that I'll struggle with nights, Im just going to push through them. Only have 4 sets of them to do the way it works out as its every 3 weeks we do them.

Nice to see you ladies stop by Lee, Heart, Cazi and everyone else!
I was thinking to myself that I've not seen any posts recently from Bumpy or Tuckie, hope everythings ok!
Hi ladies!!! It's been ages sorry! Just reminded me that I really should stop in and say hi as I tend to read and run lately! I keep up to date with most of you on Facebook but I know a few of you aren't on there!!

Melfy - congrats she's lovely! Hope u are recovering well and I bet Zoe adores being a big sister!!

Can't believe so many of you are nearly ready to give birth to number 2 - such an exciting time for you all!! We have no plans for another as I have a step daughter too but maybe things will change in the future! Congrats to all the new preggos too!

Life with me is good but hectic. I'm not enjoying work, my dad is poorly again but my little man is doing great and he makes me smile every day!

He's still little, but walks around every where (didn't start walking until a week after he turned 15 months but has picked it up so fast!) he loves the outdoors, sleeps well, loves reading and playing with his cars and kitchen!! He can say quite a few words and amazes me how much he understands! He will go and get his clean nappies, point to pictures when I say them like car, ball, dog, fish, rabbit, banana and can point out lots of his body parts - head, eyes, nose, mouth, feet, hands, belly button! These little people amaze me so much and I can't believe we grew them in our bellies!!

I took a great pic on Christmas Day compared to last year, the difference is amazing! Let me go find it......

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