Jenny, I don't know exactly how it's done in the UK, but I do know that in my office, they'll basically just hand you an envelope containing the gender news, and then leave it up to the couple if they want to find have to ask for that, of course. Or, you could always pay for a private scan if you really want to know, and just keep the gender news from DH.
I have no idea how people remain on team yellow. I just have no patience for that, and I'm a chronic organizer/planner, so I must know what gender it is I'm shopping and planning for.
Just, I totally get why your DH wanted another girl, but there are many sisters who are very close to their brothers. My DH has two sisters, and is best friends with both of them. On the other hand, I have one older sister, and I can't stand her...we have nothing in common, and we probably never will.
AFM- I'm about 9 1/2 weeks gone. Hannah and I have been sick this week (she had it worse than I did, with a fever...fortunately I did not run a temp), and we're both now on the mend. I have to begin planning a birthday party soon for Ms. Hannah, as she's now 10 months old! I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. She's a precious girl, and we just love her so much.
Since I'm 35, I'll be getting the MaterniT21 test done, I assume somewhere around the 12 week's much more accurate than the NT scan and bloodtest, and tests for several trisomies and chromosomal abnormalities...AND, we would also find out the gender within a couple weeks of having it done. So, I'll most likely know what we're having by week 14. Whoohoo!!!!