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Lee - SO EXCITING!! I had to stop nursing cold turkey when I found out we were pregnant - not really planned either :) I was scared about how Levi would do but he ever looked back. He took to the bottle great and actually once we switched to four 8oz bottles a day he literally started sleeping through the night. I realise now that my suply had really dropped when I started getting me period because that was the time he started waking to eat through the night again. I will make sure to take that into account this time around when aunt flo shows up!! Levi was just a little more than 10 months old when we put him on an organic formula. I wanted to make it to a year, but we got close :) I hope the next couple of weeks pass quickly so you can see your newest little bean.

Davies - Sorry that its still worrying with growth stuff. I am glad they told you that baby had grown so you can hopefully worry a little less, but anything less than normal is a worry I know. Hugs.

I know Fili is due in less than 2 weeks, is she next? The NSN is hot on her heels. We are scheduled for a csection on February 18th.
However, I had a scan Monday and the baby was measuring a week behind which I guess wouldn't be an issue if she had alwasy been small but her rate of growth had slowed so they said that can be an issue. I have been having some major BH contractions at night but they are not consistent and they didn't show up on the monitor thing when I was on it at the docs. All my other test s came back great and they said sometimes the measurements are just not that accurate at this time in pregnancy because if the position of the baby. My doc was going to read the scans himself ad let me know if I need to do another Non-stress test Thursday.
Davies sounds similar to your situation.

I have a dear friend who was due a couple of days ahead of me and she went to a drs appt. and sudden she had crazy high blood pressure and suddenly they admitted her with pre eclampsia and induced her and she delivered naturally at 36 weeks and a few days. baby was 5lbs4oz and was in the NICU for a few days but hes home now and feeding like a champ, she is dong great too and baby is home. He is so darling, and even though I don't want to get pre eclampsia or anything but seeing her teeny tiny baby and knowing that's what is inside me and the reason I am SO uncomfortable its hard not to be envious that shes done already!

I am swelling so much this time around. I only had it a few days at the end with Levi after his due date but this time my feet are HUGE. Dr told me to drink grapefruit juice to help so I bought a couple of huge bottles of it at the store today to try and help it :)

Tuckie - Yes, I am having another c section. My labor didn't progress and I never got past 5 cm even after 17 hours of labor - thats why I got the epidural!!! Then the c-section happened pretty soon after that when they saw Levis heart rate was dropping. If I had got to 10cm and then they had done the c section for some reason my chances of vaginal delivery this time would have been great, but for my situation the chances are so small of being successful it just didn't feel worth it. Plus for Levi it is nice to be able to plan ahead.

Is anyone else having a second c section? I am anxious about how Levi will do for the weeks after when I can't pick him up.

Melfy - Glad to hear that Alexa is doing so well. As much as I am ready to be done with pregnancy, I know the real work starts when they arrive :)
Croy, I'm having a second c-section. I had placenta previa with Hannah, which made vaginal birth dangerous, if not practically impossible. I loved my c-section, and while the recovery was difficult, it certainly was doable. It'll be more difficult this time around, now that I have little Hannah also, but we'll manage somehow, as many c-section moms do with other kids. Quite frankly, attempting a vaginal birth really doesn't interest me. I mean, I would have done it the first time around, had it been possible, but I just think women are getting too hung up on the process of birth, rather than the outcome. It's truly a first-world problem, if you ask me. The health and safety of the mom and baby is what matters, not whether your birth empowers you, or makes you feel like a "real woman" etc... And my c-section was beautiful! C-sections are quite demonized on the web, and it's really silly. Most of the time, they're performed for safety reasons, and there would be many more deaths (moms and babies) if not for the procedure.

I think this time around, I'm going to go ahead and purchase some "c-panties" online, which are designed for ladies healing a c-section incision...underwear and pants are kind of tough thing post-op, but apparently they help.
happy bday Zoe! can't believe she is a year either!

davies - i bet she is going to be fine :) (predicting a girl) do you have names? understand the worry though!

lee - huge congrats! that's awesome

just - having fun with a climber? it's a little nervewracking! so cute though. ava could only get on the couch by herself since maybe a few weeks ago but our couch is a little higher up and her feet are so tiny. dylan has been climbing on it for a few months now though.

wooks - you on facebook?

croy - hope the feet calm down, that swelling sucks! i'm sure her growth is fine too, probably just laying in a strange position
Yeah, Hopeful, I am!

I'm Holly Gerber (picture of blonde lady [me] looking at guy wearing baseball hat making goofy face [hubby]), from Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Madrid- she's soo cute! I love that hat! & You made it?!? I'm impressed! Going back to work feels bittersweet. At least we are only part time. Juggling full time work and kids is for super moms! I dont know how they do it (like Hopeful!) Our work schedules will be similar. I'll do 2-3 days/week 7am-3pm.

Just- sorry you were late for work :/ I am stressing myself about getting her ready in the AM and getting to work on time! Don't worry about E. She will probably walk soon & once they start taking steps, they master it very quickly and then she'll be zooming around in no time! I think Bays feet are a bit small or average. She's a 4 in US size. That 8 month old must have huge feet lol

Melfy- congrats on Alexa!!! :happydance: Glad she's gaining so well. We're there pics here? I'd love to see pics! I bet things are very hectic right now with 2 babies. The newborn stage is so draining without another baby so I can imagine you're exhausted! Hang in there mama! Happy BDay to Zoe! :)

Bumpy- how are you hon? I bet you are right about late walkers being more steady. Good that they took their time mastering the skill. Bay falls everyday :dohh:

Lee- congrats!!!!!!! :happydance:

NSN- this thread is contagious! :rofl:

Davies- congrats on a good scan. They told me B would be big and she was only 6lb 7oz and a week overdue so idk how accurate those predictions are anyways :p yay for turning!

Croy- I will likely get another csection too then because the same thing happened with B & I was only 2cm after 15 hours of contractions :dohh:

Wooks- I'm with you on the csections. My only regret was that mine was emergency & I was put fully under so I was all loopy and drugged up meeting her so its all very blurry.
Quickly stopping by before going shopping with Alexa (zoe will be having fun with my mom :) ). My SIL took some pictures of Alexa on Monday. She's still working on them but here's one :)


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Melfy, she's beautiful! Congrats again. Has it been tough juggling the two children, or has it been a smoother transition than you expected?
Melfy- she's gorgeous!!! Love the way she did the photo too with the basket and little blocks. So sweet <3

Wooks- I added you too :) Meagen Lynn
Hi everyone! Haven't really had a chance to post but have been following all your news, can't believe how many congratulations are in order!!! How did you all / are you all coping with the nerves of being of pg again? Is it any easier after having a first rainbow?

I had to go back to work part time when Harrison was 8 weeks old and full time at 10 weeks, god it's tough!! But u am so lucky my hours are 11-8 so I get some awake time with him&#128522;
Did any if you struggle with transition from bassinet to pushchair attachment? H is now too long for the bassinet but at only 12 weeks too small for the pushchair... Hhmmm

I have also been wondering about 3x, any updates?

Take care everyone and keep posting pics.... So adorable melfy!!!
Melfy - I love that picture!! She looks like she has quite a lot of darker hair, was Zoe like that too when she was a newbie? I am so curious about the way genetics show up :) In my mind, our baby girl will look similar to Levi but I am trying to get my head around the fact that she could look totally different!

Ladies, I am struggling. For the past few nights Levi has had such a hard time settling at bedtime. DH has always done bath and bedtime and I have just gone up to say goodnight, but the past few nights he has screamed for me to the point that I got worried he would make himself puke or something. I have gone in and calmed him down and rocked him but I am so tired by that time of night it makes me want to cry. I also get so sad because its the only time dh really has with him during the week and I am starting to get worried about when I am in the hospital and can't be there.
He has teeth coming through, and tonight he had the worst diaper rash that came out of nowhere (he had it one time before a few months ago) I think it might be apple sauce but who knows. It comes on fast and he is screaming when he poops. He wouldnt sit down in the bath tub and everytime he squatted down to pick up a toy or something and him bum hit the water he started screaming. Needless to say, bathtime was over before it even began really. Hoping his teeth come in and his bum clears up very soon!! I am way too pregnant for this craziness!! I guess, at least its happening before baby gets here. I am certainly anticipating that the hospital stay will be a little vacation :) Probably should get a bit more realistic about that one.
croy - does the diaper rash cream help? have you tried the mix that has neosporin, lamisil and other stuff in it? it's 4 ingredients and works awesome. you make it yourself by mixing the stuff together. diaper rash sucks!!! and maybe he senses the baby is coming and he's more attached to you?

lallie- 3x is doing good per facebook, i don't see alot of posts but kids are still in NICU and doing well
Melf she's gorgeous x
Wooks I added u Hun I'm Sarah Lewis x

Afm all good here hope ur all ok xx
Hopeful - The diaper cream works but we have to use it with disposables. The one I have for his cloth diapers doesn't do much once it gets nasty like that. It's great for anything mild but otherwise not so much. Thankfully he rarely gets any type of rash but its so sad when he does. I am not sure if its something he ate or just his teething but whatever it was it seemed to have passed by this morning.

Sadly, the rash was the least of y worries today. He has such a nasty cold and a chesty cough. He hardly ate anything all day, a few cups of milk (even though I didn't want to give him that because it made the gunk on his chest worse but it was all he wanted) He had a small cup of smoothie but other than that nothing.

He had a really long bath tonight which I think helped his chest but he has only been asleep for 2 hours and hes up screaming already. I am not sure any of us are getting sleep tonight. Sigh.
Melfy - I love that picture!! She looks like she has quite a lot of darker hair, was Zoe like that too when she was a newbie? I am so curious about the way genetics show up :) In my mind, our baby girl will look similar to Levi but I am trying to get my head around the fact that she could look totally different!

Ladies, I am struggling. For the past few nights Levi has had such a hard time settling at bedtime. DH has always done bath and bedtime and I have just gone up to say goodnight, but the past few nights he has screamed for me to the point that I got worried he would make himself puke or something. I have gone in and calmed him down and rocked him but I am so tired by that time of night it makes me want to cry. I also get so sad because its the only time dh really has with him during the week and I am starting to get worried about when I am in the hospital and can't be there.
He has teeth coming through, and tonight he had the worst diaper rash that came out of nowhere (he had it one time before a few months ago) I think it might be apple sauce but who knows. It comes on fast and he is screaming when he poops. He wouldnt sit down in the bath tub and everytime he squatted down to pick up a toy or something and him bum hit the water he started screaming. Needless to say, bathtime was over before it even began really. Hoping his teeth come in and his bum clears up very soon!! I am way too pregnant for this craziness!! I guess, at least its happening before baby gets here. I am certainly anticipating that the hospital stay will be a little vacation :) Probably should get a bit more realistic about that one.

Zoe also had a decent amount of hair, but not as dark. Here's a pic of Zoe when she was 3 weeks old.

Sorry about Levi feeling so poorly :( It's hard to see our little ones being sick:hugs: Life is crazy with 2!! I love it, but I'm so glad my mom lives 15 minutes away so she can come and help me. 2 days ago she stayed with Zoe and I went shopping with Alexa; it was sooo nice and relaxing!
ahhhhh lee congrats my lovely wow the pregnancy bug is catchy hehehe :D sorry not been around much kieran is popping teeth left right and center and i have been abit under the weather with ear problems and a trapped nerve in my back but everything is all good kieran is away with nanny so just me and aarron he is sitting watching a dvd so im gonna chill and watch the latest episode of nashville xx
I feel you ladies on the teething and sickness troubles! Hannah has been sick due to teething lately...congested nose, the diaper rash, fullness in the ears, low-grade temp at times, blah. And it's only one tooth on the top! Grandma and Grandpa both claim that she has "a bunch" of teeth coming in on top, but I honestly cannot see or feel ANYTHING but the one tooth in the front coming in. They also claim she had a blister of some sort on her private parts the other day, which she did not, so I don't even know what the heck sometimes with them. :rofl: For the rash, we've been using disposable diapers, and during the day, we are slathering her up with maximum strength Desitin. After her bath, I smear a TON of organic virgin coconut oil on her, and that actually seems to be clearing it looks pretty good in the mornings. Coconut oil is safe to use with cloth diapers, also. We were cloth diapering Hannah, but Grandma doesn't like them, and behind my back was diapering her in disposables. Grrr. Oh well. I guess I can't complain about it, as it's not for everyone, and since they're taking time out of their lives to watch her while I'm teaching, I should be grateful. That being said, I may have just found a home daycare provider for next year, for both Hannah and new baby, and she seems wonderful. Of course I'll have to check her out, and run her references, etc., but it's promising. Part of me will be relieved to have someone outside of the family watching her...I know that seems strange, but there's just been a lot of issues with the in-laws watching her. For example, the diaper situation...I'll send 7 disposables, and she'll come home with 6 still in her diaper bag. Ummm...that means she got changed once the entire time she's been there. And then, there's always a sack of completely poopy clothes, and Hannah's outfit it entirely changed when I come to pick her up. This happens, because they let her diaper get so wet, that by the time she poops, the diaper is useless, and can't hold the poopy blowout. It really infuriates me, and I've tried talking to them, and her Daddy has talked to them, but it's pointless. Also, if she doesn't eat the lunch I send her, I discovered that they would sub out what I sent for something sweet, such as a little cookie or something. NOOOOO!!!! If she doesn't eat what I send her, she doesn't get a cookie or piece of fruit. She still takes a lot of formula during the day, so it's not like she's ever really that hungry. It just teaches poor habits, and that she doesn't have to eat what is put in front of her...she can hold out, and get something far tastier anyway. SO annoying, seriously. But, as many times as these things have been gently addressed, I still feel that they do whatever they want. I'm pretty sure they think I'll be sending new baby over there next year to be with them, but I'm sorry to say that they're wrong. They feel that they are personally entitled to care for their grandchildren as if they are their own children, and then they take all of these weird liberties that aren't even good for my child. They love her, and I love them, but honestly, I'm fed up, and a part of my is actually looking foward to shelling out $960 a month, so that I can avoid the awkwardness and irritation of the situation.

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