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Hi ladies,

Wookie, its so exciting planning their first birthday party, I love the idea of those smash cakes that you's have over there, Im sure it was Hopeful that had it and posted pics of the twins getting in a fine mess haha.

Davies, that is really awful for your sister in law! To have lost both tubes , that is exceptionally unlucky and the fact that she dosent have any kids it must be completely devastating for her.

Your bump does look very small but Im sure you were the same the last time around were you not? and Lexi was just fine. As others have said your baby still has plenty of time to turn, I know of people that the baby turned at very last moment. If it has to be a section then so be it, you just want your baby here safely. I just think that ideally you want a vaginal birth if possible as you have Lexi already to lift etc. and that would be more difficult.
That's what I kind of worry about anyway if I need a section for any reason that I wouldn't be able to lift Emelia, but what will be will be.
Its good to hear that Hopeful and Croy recovered well afterwards.

Its exciting that your still team yellow.

We're doing fine over here and nothing exciting to report other than Emelia has her 3rd cold now since being at nursery, its unreal the germs!
We've had her at two soft plays this past week and she absolutely loved them, I am shocked though at how rough other children can be! The first place it was actually little girls that were the worst, I had to remind them to be careful as Emelia is only a baby and they were so cheeky back to me and then I caught one of the little brats raising her leg to Emelia's head!!
The second place it was the boys that were so rough and clearly far too big and old for the baby area!
Just...oooh!!!! I don't know how you contained yourself with the cheeky girls!!! Lifting their legs to Emelia's head? THAT would square piss me right off. I'm a special education teacher, and I guess you could say that I'm pretty firm, and don't tolerate unacceptable behaviors. I know that if that were Hannah acting the fool around a smaller baby or child, I'd take her aside, and set her straight. No acting the fool!!! :rofl:

Daviess, yes, your bump is a bit on the small side for as far along as you are. I wouldn't worry about that, though. As long as you're being monitored well, and all is looking good with the baby, then that is what matters. I plan on having a c-section with this baby, just as I did with Hannah...I had a placenta previa that last time. If baby doesn't turn in time (which he or she may surprise you), then a c-section would probably be the safest option, and that's what matters. I had a rough recovery with my surgery, but honestly, the worst of that was over after about a week post-op. I'm sure having a toddler that wants to be toted around will add another challenge to the mix, but we'll all get by somehow, and fortunately, it's only for a short time. :hugs:
Hi girls :wave: sorry I've been MIA! So
hard to keep up with a toddler now! So pleases to see you all doing so well with your pregnancies. So many of you in 2nd & 3rd tri already! :D

Croy, you are almost there! Are you having another section? I'm curious because I know once you have one, there's more risks with vbac but then I hear vbac success stories too.

Just- happy Vday! I worry about the germs & meanies in daycare too. Bay will likely be in daycare eventually, but I'm sure the social interaction is good for them :)

Hopeful- how are your adorable twinnies doing??

Wookie- congrats to you too! You will be 2nd tri before you know it :thumbup:

Davies- your bump is so tiny and neat! I bet you will "pop" in a couple weeks though! So awful about your SIL losing her tubes :( can she do surrogacy or adoption? I'm sure she's not even thinking about that kind of stuff yet, but there's still hope.

:wave: everyone else!!! Please post some updated pics of all the little rainbows! :)

Update on Baylyn:
She's quite the character! She's running all around, getting into all the drawers and cabinets now so I've got to do more baby proofing. She loves doing kisses! She blows kisses & kisses my hands when I feed her lol and she also pushes my head and DH's head together and makes smooching noises and makes us kiss each other and then she laughs and makes us kiss over & over :) so sweet! She's also got a temper though too :O she throws fits when we take something away from her and she's obsessed with being outdoors so whenever we come back inside she screams and pounds on the door. She is very verbal too. I think she says about 20 words, but she doesn't say them all correctly. She loves birds and calls them "burrs" and she says "tee" for tree, etc. She seems very bright though (I'm her mother so maybe biased a bit!) she also takes my pointer finger when we read books and points it at the object she wants me to name on the page. She moves my finger to each animal or object and I tell her what it is. That keeps her entertained for a long time lol I'm going back to work part time next month. Starting only 2 days/week substitute teaching. I'm excited/nervous. DH lost his job :( the company went bankrupt in Nov. so we're getting unemployment again, but he had an interview last week and an exam for a county job at the end of the month. My poor DH is so hardworking but he has the worst luck! As much as I enjoy being a sahm, we need to bring in more money and get out of my inlaws and back on our own again. Our goal is to be out by April so fx for us! Miss you girls and think of you often & fondly.

Here's some pics of family photos and Bay at Xmas (the 2nd fam photo she had ripped her barrette down but we still thought it was cute!):
Also, does anyone have an update on 3x? Last I saw she had her triplets early but there were some health concerns. She's been in my thoughts as well.
Hi tuckie!! Bay is gorgeous!! She has grown lots since the last pic you posted. She does seem very clever!! Keep the reading as long as you can; it's great for their imagination skills.

Davies your bump looks a bit tiny but I'm sure that if the midwife didn't say anything you have nothing to worry about. I'm so sorry about your sil. It breaks my heart to hear stories like hers.

Wookie I hope all the preps are going well!!

Just, the catching anything and everything is quite normal at the beginning, but it's better for her in the long run. A stronger immune system!

Afm, I have only 2 weeks left before I'm going back to work and I'm not looking forward to it!
Zeynab is already walking. She's just growing so fast!! She's using some words & she tries to repeat sometimes what we tell her but her own way. She's so cute!!
I've bought a hat for her from H&M in the usual pink & then I decided she needed something a bit more colourful to match everything she has. The result is in the pic. It's one of the items I'm going to sell in my Etsy shop. I need to finish the inner part with flannel but she can still wear it as it is.


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Tuckie she's beautiful - I love that girl!

Madrid - wow walking ready that's great - I bet u got your hands full haha

Davies - your bump looks perfect u were small last time and are obviously just one of the lucky ones that stays nice and neat! So sad re your sis on law

Hi to everyone else xx
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, great pics..Bay is such a pretty little girl, she sounds like she is doing great! Emelia stiiiiilllllll isn't walking...Im getting very impatient, she can do everything on her feet holding onto things and she is always climibing but just dosent want to let go and take steps!
Its funny, one of my friends asked if it could be that she is very tall with tiny feet haha, she is only a 2 1/2 and I know so many other kids that have much bigger feet. My friends little boy is only 8 months old and a 3 1/2 already!

That's not great about your husbands job but it sounds ideal if you can do supply teaching part time!

Madrid, I love the picture of Zeynab in her hat, so pretty. I love hats. I have quite a collection for Emelia aswell.
I hope you find like me that work isn't so bad afterall being back and psychologically it keeps you going knowing that its only short term, it is quite hard though trying to juggle it all. I ended up being late for work the past two days as I had to rush so much to get Emelia ready and dropped off at nursery and that's at 1.30pm I start work so I would have no chance of making mornings!
I just called work. They're ok with my 18 hours a week from now on & I'm back on the 11th feb. OMG!! It's getting so close!!!! :haha: it's office work so I'll be there from 8:30 until 3:30 3 days a week. I'll see how it goes!!

Life sure is crazy with 2 babies around!! I think the hardest is feeding Alexa since Zoe will often be around and want some attention as well. That and the fact that they seem to have an alarm at night time to make sure they wake up at the same time:haha:

Madrid: wow!! walking already!! that is amazing!! Zoe is still not walking yet, but you can tell she's pretty close. How long are you gonna work for before taking mat leave? I'm sure it will just fly by!

Davies: your bump looks perfect!! Mine was bigger than with Zoe's, but not that big either. You look fabulous :)

Tuckie: It's so nice to hear from you!! So glad everything is going well, and Bay is beautiful little girl!!! I really hope things will turn around for your DH:hugs:

Croy: Just a few weeks left!!!

We haven't really planned anything for her birthday, mainly because there's not really any kids her age...Some of my in-laws are coming this weekend, so I'm sure we'll do a little something. And we have a brunch next weekend with some friends. We had a wedding last weekend, and it was AWESOME!!! But I guess all the noise and the stress made Alexa a lot harder to feed, she was the fussiest thing ever lol. Zoe ended up staying at my parents, which was a good thing since her fever turned out to be roseola!! We would have had a really fun time dealing with her...
I'll be working for about 10 weeks!! I don't think it's going to be more than that.
Just - don't worry about the walking thing funny u should say about the feet thing Alfie has tiny feet too he's also 2 1/2!!!
Alfie didn't walk until the week after he turned 15 months and like u I was desperate for him to walk, I would always try and encourage it and I think it made him more determined to defy me haha!!
One thing I will say is that he's a really good walker, he hardly falls and is so steady on his feet both inside and outside. I think that's a benefit to walking late as he has perception of what's around him! I'm sure one day she will just get up and go Hun!.....
size 2.5- is that the same in the states? Ava is size 4.5 and those are tiny and her foot is 4.5 inches long I think? . Dylan is size 6 wide.
Hopeful, I think a 2.5 uk is about a 3 or 3.5 in America! So Ava has little feet aswell does she!

Bumpy, it makes sense what you say about late walkers probably are more sturdy and less falls etc.

Emelia's new thing is climibing up and down from the couch herself, I was panicking at first and trying to stop her and take her off but then I figured she's got to learn, Im amazed at how she knows herself to come turn backwards so as not to hurt herself. She's up and down like a yo-yo now because she's so proud of herself!
Ladies..... I have a little announcement. Looks like I'm prgenant again. I literally just took a HPT and am in complete shock. Haven't told hubby or anyone. I am waiting for hopsital to call back as still breast feeding Morgan but need to start the steroids and other meds now!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is ok.
Ladies..... I have a little announcement. Looks like I'm prgenant again. I literally just took a HPT and am in complete shock. Haven't told hubby or anyone. I am waiting for hopsital to call back as still breast feeding Morgan but need to start the steroids and other meds now!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is ok.

This pregnancy shit is catching :rofl: congrats lee!

So take it this wasn't planned? How're you feeling? What made you test? What do you think hubby will say? :dust:

Congratulations Lee!

That must be 90% of the group pregnant!
Lee, that is the best news...congratulations! As NSN says this shit definitely is catching haha! Fingers crossed tight for you and Im sure you'll get your medication sorted out!
Just, I spoke to Louise at Wishaw yesterday she told me Maharaj is on long term sick, she said the new consultant is lovely, she is booking me in for a scan in 2 weeks, I am sorting all med with gp (luckily I have a little of everything left over from my last pregnancy). How are things with you, we keep saying it but we really need to meet up for coffee (decaf of course).

NSN, no it certainly wasn't planned but I had a sneaky suspision that we would be caught out, I am a risk taker, what can I say. Hubby is delighted, will be hard work but at 40 I dont suppose time was on our side to hang around and I am getting used to the idea thinking that it's better now while I am still in baby mode than having to go back to sleepless nights and changing nappies in a few years!!
I am worried about our financial situation as I work for myself as does hubby and am at breaking point now trying to juggle parenting and working. I need a nice little online business, so I needto start looking into that.... Any ideas welcome lol...
How you doing, not long now?

Thanks everyone, this preggo business is definitly catching. BE WARNED!!!!! x
Lee amazing my lovely congrats!! So pleased for u? X

I had another scan today an babies no ling breech however he/she is small he said you have small average an big an our baby is measuring under small! So he said to b honest a small baby that's growing is fine a small baby that's not growing is a problem, but we have growth so there is no issue! I came home an I'm googling like mad! As we do! Does anyone no what umbilical artery PI is? 2 weeks ago it was 0.95 today it was 0.94 I just don't no what it means?

I hope everyone else's babies an rainbows are doing well who's next to get pg! Lol
Who's next to give birth? Xx
Lee: Congrats!!!:happydance: Yep, that pregnancy thing is insanely contagious :haha:

NSN: wow you're already 37 weeks!!! Almost there!!!!! This is soooo exciting:happydance:

Davies: No idea about the PI...I'm guessing as long as it's stable it's a good thing:shrug:

AFM, can't believe Zoe is 1 year old today!!!! Alexa is also doing well, but I think she's having a growth spurt or something; she's on my boobs non-stop!!! I was begging her to give me a 10 minutes break so I could make myself dinner. She finally fell asleep and was able to eat at 8:30 at night:haha: At least she's gaining really well, over an ounce/day:happydance:

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