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Oh, in other news, my 12 week appointment is on Wednesday...we'll see if we can hear a heartbeat again!! Fingers crossed!
Oh sorry croy poorly bubs! Hope u get some rest! Xx

Ladies has anyone had a scan at 32/34 weeks an no what there pi measurement was? It's an umbilical artery? I'm just trying to determine all my results panicking googling! X
Wooks- is it the nt scan? Have fun, will be great

Davies- if something was wrong they would tell you, did they say something? Dylan's blood flow in 1 artery seemed a little slow at 32 weeks but it was fine at most scans after as then I was getting a scan twice a week to check it. Worried me though!
No, I'm not getting the NT scan...I'm just having my 12 week appointment, and there's no ultrasound, just the doppler. Rather than the NT scan, I'm opting for the blood test (MaterniT21), which is a far more accurate screening tool for abnormalities and defects.
Wookie - I think its more than understandable that you are frustrated with your in laws. Its nice of then to watch her but if they are not taking good care of her or are not open to following your wishes then I would want to move her too. I think perhaps letting them know that you are really upset would help in the short term. Especially with the diaper situation, could you insist that she was changed every couple of hours. We do cloth so we do need to change Levi about that often to avoid rashes. From the start they were the instructions we gave to anyone we left Levi with.
I hope you can figure something out. I am sure its not easy for you to wonder whats going to meet you every time you go to pick her up.

I am exhausted. Levi was up every 25 minutes or something needing to be patted on the back or rolled over because of his cough and all the mucus on his chest. He has been miserable all day. Hubby has been forging ahead with the bathroom remodel which on the one hand is great because I want it done for when my parents are here but on the other hand, having his help on the weekend is something I rely on and he worked a very long day while Levi was sad and feverish and coughing and chewing on his fingers. Poor kid if it wasn't one thing it was another. He's already been up coughing once tonight :( I NEED to sleep. My poor baby girl is getting the rough end of the deal, I have done a terrible job of eating and resting with such a sick boy. But it urns out when hes sick he just wants mama. Daddy won't do. Even in the middle of the night. I told dh he HAS to be around and spend some quality time with him so I can rest. If I'm on the couch he'll play close by very happily.

Sadly though, it looks like we won't be going to the Superbowl party we had planned on. There is no way he's going to be well enough. I might get some grocery shopping done i the morning too, even though it will be crazy because of the game, I will have hubby's help so it might make it worth it.
sarah if i remember correctly its the blood flow to the placenta as i have had those scans because of my clotting problem xxx

well i have caved and booked a gender scan for tomorrow hubby wants to find out too we wont be posting the results on fb as we dont want friends and family to know roll on 12.50 tomorrow :D xxx
Jenny, whoohoo!!!!!!!!! Go team :pink:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Croy- I would feel terrible telling them that I'm unhappy with some of the things they do or don't do with Hannah...they're wonderful people, and do their best. I have done my best to communicate with them on the food thing, and also on the diaper situation, but I'm afraid my suggestions have been disregarded. My DH told me that they're going to do what they're going to do despite anything I say, which is awful, seeing as we are her parents, not them. My in-laws babysat all of my SIL's kids as babies, and seem to think that they have special rights to their grandkids...there are definitely issues with them trying to be the "heroes" with the kids, and worrying about happiness over what is truly best for them, etc. It's like the lines between their job as GRANDPARENTS get blurred, and they begin assuming responsibilities as if they are the kids' parents...buying them their winter coats and boots, making flu shot appointments, taking them to the dentist, etc. Ummm...those are all decisions and duties that are MINE, as Hannah's MOTHER, and DO NOT think you're going to be doing those things for her! I just think that it's majorly overstepping.
Hi ladies,

Lee, how are you doing, did you get your medication sorted out? I know we are still to have a meet up, we will get something arranged, its trickier now that Im back at work. Im night shifts this week and also Emelia goes into nursery on Mon and Tues afternoons so need to work around that so that she can come along too!
That's right Dr. Maharaj is off sick so its a female registrar just under him that Ive been seeing and she is nice! Although I did see a male doctor a few weeks ago that is apparently filling in for Dr. Maharaj and I was unsure about him as he said that we have to keep an eye on my babys weight through growth scans etc. as Emelia was "only" 6lbs 7oz and he said that's not a big baby. I emphasised yes but she was 3 weeks early and that's a good weight for being early but he was insistent.
Jeez, some babies are around the 6 or 7lb mark when full term or weeks over so I don't understand his concern!

Wookie, that is frustrating when grandparents don't follow your orders. Its a difficult one as you don't want confrontation with them but best to try and state what you want them to do and your reasons for it!
Grandparents have watched Emelia a lot last week and as much as Im grateful for it , I have been so annoyed as to the mess of my floors the next day, Im talking dirty shoes worn all through the house. Downstairs is one thing as its tiles and wooden floor that can be mopped but all up my carpet stairs I was so angry, but what can you say or do! I could have broke down in tears on Thursday morning the mess I had to clean before going to work later that day!

Davies, sorry I don't know much about PI. I hate when theres something to overthink about and worry about but Im sure your reading more into it than necessary. I'd imagine if there was any concern they would say to you, why don't you even phone and ask, just tell them its been worrying you.

Jenny, so exciting your gender scan. I think a girl for you

Croy, its very hard going the tough times when they aren't sleeping so great and not well, hope it improves for you.

Emelia stayed overnight with my sister on Sat night and I think she was a bit of a nightmare up and down several times and she is never like like at home, she is so used to her routine.
I also have quite a cranky baby though as she has another bottom tooth coming through, that's 4 at the bottom and 4 up top now.
hey girls back from gender and mother in laws we are team pink :D

im so tired but thrilled :D xxxx
Jenny, yay!!!! You will love having a little girl! Daughters are just special, and the shopping is GREAT! Congrats!!!
thank you all so much im just like in shock im like omg how do i dress little girls im so clueless so girls i will need advise lol i know i am girl but im so used to boys lol xxx
Haha, Im the same Jenny, absolutely clueless as to what a little boy will be like. I still struggle to imagine it!
hahaha boys are easy to dress hun thing is with her being born in the summer late june early july what would she wear with a dress would it be too hot for tights or is socks ok i have no clue lol xx
Tracie - I love the ticker :) How are you feeling? I hope that if you've been feeling sick its starting to ease. Do you have a hunch on gender? Will you find out?

Jenny - I am thrilled for you! I had a hunch just so happy for you.

Levi is still sick, I wish he knew how to spit up the gunk he coughs up. He had a fever for days on and off. Really a mix of cold and teething. I feel so bad for him, he's a hot mess. I had cabin fever today and took him to target to run some errands but we weren't out long. I have a couple of drs spots and scans on Thursday and I' excited to just get out of the house! My in laws are staying a couple of nights this week when hubs is away.
I'm.having serious BH contractions. I had one during my NST the other day so my doc told me to take it easy and if o have a few to drink water and lay down for 2 hours. I wish. Tonight I'm actually going to count and keep track to.know if I should call him. Hind leaves tomorrow so.if she's going to come early I want it to start before he leaves so he's not.desperately trying to get home from CO on time.
Tracie - I love the ticker :) How are you feeling? I hope that if you've been feeling sick its starting to ease. Do you have a hunch on gender? Will you find out?

Hey :flower:

My sickness has just subsided thankfully, shame I'm suffering with bad low blood pressure so go funny and dizzy at a click of a fingers.
We have a hunch this is a boy, and so do a few others lol. We find out on the 28th :-) we also move house that day which is really exciting.
Not sleeping so great ATM, I wake up at same time everyday :-(
Hi, hope everyone is well!

I had my growth scan and the baby is estimated to weigh 3lbs 2oz which I thought was quite impressive, I had reckoned it would be 2lbs! Its heavier than Emelia was at this stage. She was just touching the 50th per centile and this baby is above that.
I also asked them to confirm that it was still a boy and the sonographer said that she thought it was "scrotum" that she could see but the cord was between the legs so couldn't tell for sure! Im sure it is a boy but I still have niggling doubts haha. I have another growth scan in 4 weeks time so will ask again.
Also the baby is breech right now whereas Emelia was head down by this time, although I do know that there is plenty of time for it to turn yet, but I have a slight worry incase I need a section, I really don't want one if it can be helped.
oooo what a great size hun :D when i had my scan the other day there was cord inbetween her legs she was really stubborn i had to jiggle my hips and stuff to get her to move and she ended up flipping over lol xxx
A quick :hi: to all of you lovely ladies & babies/toddlers!!

Congrats jenni!!!

I've been sooooo busy completing orders from my shop and trying to get as much ready as possible before starting work next Tuesday that I only have few mins to spare here and there. Even my journal isn't what it used to be!! :haha:

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