Hi ladies - thanks for all your congrats.
Here is a link to a blog post with pics for those of you not on FB
Nora had lost another couple of ounces at her drs appt this morning, shes 7lb 2oz. My milk came in yesterday - way faster than with Levi and so much more too. I had to pump earlier to stop from exploding!! The doc thinks once she has a week of eating my milk she will be back to birth weight without a problem.
I feel in some ways we are new parents. Lots off things people told us were normal the first time we didnt experience, like the squirting poops all the time and the crazy amounts of diaper changes at first. Levi never did that, so Nora has us on a sharp learning curve.
Now I am up and about the recovery is going great. I think it just took longer to start feeling better. With Levi they had me up and out off bed the same night but this time they waited until the morning after so I had more time in bed feeling stuck and sore and unable to care for the baby without LOTS of help. Once I got up and moving its all going well. I would do it again

its just the pregnancy thing that I am not sure I am into for a third time.
Trying to take it as easy as possible and family is a great help.
Tryign to make time every day to just do something with Levi. My doc suggested doing it out of earshot of the baby so I wont be distracted at all because he would pik up on it if I wasn't 100% present. I liked that advice. Also he is doing some fun things with Daddy and grandparents so I can stay home and nap.
Last night was tough because Levi got up and came in to sleep right when I was feeding Nora and so he woke right up and then took forever and a tantrum before he fell back asleep. We were passing the baby back and forth and trying to settle her and him. It was a mess. Need a different plan for tonight!!
Here is the blog link