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Congrats a again croy, beautiful girl x

I'm being induced 7th march... Due to baby being bit small (growing but small) had enough of constant weeing! Lol no other gossip! Hope everyone's well xx
congrats again Croy! love the fb pics

davies- did I ask if you have names picked out? do you have a guess as to boy or girl?

hi Pip!!
Hi ladies - thanks for all your congrats.
Here is a link to a blog post with pics for those of you not on FB :)

Nora had lost another couple of ounces at her drs appt this morning, shes 7lb 2oz. My milk came in yesterday - way faster than with Levi and so much more too. I had to pump earlier to stop from exploding!! The doc thinks once she has a week of eating my milk she will be back to birth weight without a problem.

I feel in some ways we are new parents. Lots off things people told us were normal the first time we didnt experience, like the squirting poops all the time and the crazy amounts of diaper changes at first. Levi never did that, so Nora has us on a sharp learning curve.

Now I am up and about the recovery is going great. I think it just took longer to start feeling better. With Levi they had me up and out off bed the same night but this time they waited until the morning after so I had more time in bed feeling stuck and sore and unable to care for the baby without LOTS of help. Once I got up and moving its all going well. I would do it again ;) its just the pregnancy thing that I am not sure I am into for a third time.

Trying to take it as easy as possible and family is a great help.

Tryign to make time every day to just do something with Levi. My doc suggested doing it out of earshot of the baby so I wont be distracted at all because he would pik up on it if I wasn't 100% present. I liked that advice. Also he is doing some fun things with Daddy and grandparents so I can stay home and nap.

Last night was tough because Levi got up and came in to sleep right when I was feeding Nora and so he woke right up and then took forever and a tantrum before he fell back asleep. We were passing the baby back and forth and trying to settle her and him. It was a mess. Need a different plan for tonight!!

Here is the blog link
She's a beauty, Croy! I'm sure having a newborn with a toddler is a lot like starting over from scratch. I keep sensing that this is what will happen, although I know it won't actually hit me until I am actually living it myself.

Happy healing, and I'm sure each day is a blessing!
Croy, Thanks for posting that link to your Blog , its so lovely to see pics of Nora, she is a doll! I cant wait for it even more now!
They do say that no two babies are the same so makes sense that your learning it all over again how to deal with a new little person.

Its so nice to see the picture of you all with Levi holding his little sister, I cant wait to get pics like that with Emelia and her little brother!
Just a flying post...

Thanks for all the congrats...Elliott was born on 7/2/14 @ 23:25 weighing 8lb 3 oz at 38+5. Ended up being induced again due to PE rearing it's ugly head and was in hospital from the Monday to Saturday which was horrid being away from Louis.

Louis is loving being a big brother...very gentle and laid back with Elliott most of the time...I feel incredibly blessed :cloud9:

JKT...only 10 weeks to go :saywhat:

Wookie...congrats on healthy :blue: and :grr: at grandparents...I get my ass in trouble all the time because if someone does some thing I don't like I bloody tell them :haha:

Heart...well done on exam and enjoy some quality time with's the house situation?'re girls are growing so fast are the twosome? still lurking sweet?

Croy...huge congrats on Nora's safe arrival :happydance:

Fili...huge congrats on Sophie's safe arrival :happydance:

Pip...I'll point out your preggo ticker to everyone :haha: congrats and sticky :dust:

Sorry for forgetting people...mega tired and typing one handed with a snoring baby on my shoulder :haha:


Pip congrats Hun xx

Hi everyone how is everyone so many second rainbows!! Xx

I'm hacing a stretch n sweep tom, I have been really tired the last week or so an I'm being induced on the 7th march! I'm a bit scared now its all so close, I think names we like Lottie for a girl or Lenny for a boy! Any stretch n sweep advice or induction advice? X
Congrats on the arrival of all those beautiful babies:happydance: They're so precious!!!

Davies: I hope the sweep works for you:thumbup: I had one at 38+2 at 1:30pm and went into active labor 7 hours later:winkwink:

Zoe is now confidently walking and is trying to run faster then her legs allow her to, it's really cute :)

Alexa is doing great; she was 10 lbs and 23 inches as of yesterday:happydance: She was 6lbs 14 oz at birth and lost 10%, back to her birth weight at 1 week. At 3 weeks she was 7lbs 14 oz so it's a really good gain, I'm so happy!!

I just bought a baby k-tan carrier last week for Alexa, and I love it!! So easy to use, and she LOVES it!!! Really handy!
davies - can't wait for you to have him/her! will be stalking. no advice on a sweep though :)

andrea - it's so much work with two! esp because I don't really have any help. got into it this morning with dh as he plays video games all of the time and rarely helps sooo.. that's my life. what I wouldn't give to live by my family or at least friends that could stop by and say hi once in a while.
woooo davies :D good luck hun i will be stalking lol give me a text hun if anything happens and i can let the girls know :D

omg congrats pip :D:D

not much to report here lol all quiet lol xx
Thanks ladies, well omg that hurt!!! Sge said it could be coz my cervix is high! Babies head really low, she could actually touch it! But I was uneffaced (whatever that means) considering all this she was pleased that she still managed a good sweep! But my goodness it hurt!
No bleeding on her glove or anything so she was unsure as to if it would work! However when she checked baby after she/he was having a wriggle an heart rate had increased which see says is a good sign...... I got home few strong Braxton hicks an generally feeling like a cow girl that just slept with a football team!!! I started getting brown pinkish gunk! (Sorry tmi) today more brown stuff not huge amounts but there every time. I had to persuade dh to dtd tonight as I made the mistake of telling him the babies heads low!! Lol... As u can imagine put him off!! I so hope something happens this week or next or induction on 7th an I feel bit nervous!! X

Sorry to ramble hope everyone false is ok x
So close Davies! Now is the only time I like it when you girls don't find out gender. Nice to have the surprise at the end!
Davies - I hope it starts things moving. I know how hard these final days and weeks are. Big hugs to you. I hope you can put your feet up. I am so excited to see if its a boy or a girl!! Do you have an inkling either way?

Things with 2 are busy!! I have my parents here they will have been hre 2 weeks when they leave et Monday. Not sure what I would have done without my mum. She has made dinner and done all the laundry since we had the baby. They are also great with Levi, getting him up, dressed and giving him breakfast before Nora and I are out of bed. Its been wonderful but next week will be a reality check for sure! I am going to try and make some simple plans but have freedom to stay home in jammies if the day feels too much!

I am feeling a little sore still from my surgery but almost back to normal.

In the UK how long so they say you need to take it easy and not drive/not lift for. I need to double check with my Dr but I don't see him until next week. I thought he said 2 weeks but then I thought someone else said 6 weeks . I don't want to overdo it.

We are not sleeping much, or consistently at night but trying to nap during the day to help.

I got the first preview of our first set of newborn pics and they are so cute, this is my favourite of the ones I have seen so far.
Hi ladies,

Croy....awwwww....that picture is adoreable, I love it and may have to copy that idea haha. That's lucky you've had your parents around and your mum's been so helpful. I guess next week will be a reality check and let you get into your own routine!

Davies, its so exciting that you'll be next. I've heard sweeps aren't pleasant but hopefully it gets things moving.

Well, I had to go to hospital yesterday as had red bleeding. The usual it started to taper off by the time I got there and they done an internal check which showed my cervix to be closed and no bleeding. I still have some brown now which comes and goes. They also traced the babys heart rate for the duration and said it was perfect.
They also felt around my stomach and think the baby is head down now which Im pleased about.
Just, how scary! Glad all is well, though.

Davies, you made me laugh. I'm surprised you managed to convince dh at all. I don't suppose you told him the midwife could feel baby's head? :haha:

Croy, that picture is amazing! So cute!

Hopeful, reading your post I really wished I could swing by with J to say hello :hugs:
Pip, I have only just seen your ticker and realised that people had previously congratulated you...that's brilliant news that your pregnant again. Your definitely joining the club on here! Exciting stuff!
We're having a boy :blue: what a way to complete our family ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Tracie - That s so exciting!!! I am thrilled for you. I LOVE having a boy - You will have to tell us the differences you see parenting a girl first, then a boy. Even though Nora is only a couple of weeks old, she is so different from Levi. I'm looking forward to her personality really coming out and seeing how different it is to parent her than Levi who has been so busy and all boy from the very beginning!

Pep-- Congrats! I think i must have missed your news too. How have you been feeling?

Just - Scary times, but glad to hear its all ok! Not long to go now, tell that bubba to behave :)

Nora has been feeding all day! I am exhausted. Is there a 2 week growth spurt?! Geesh! Levi his come down with another cold - I cannot believe it! I so do not need his sleep to be disturbed, but when he can barely breathe its so rough for him.

My parents are only here until Monday and then its going to be just me and the kiddos. I am getting nervous now!! I am trying to plan some simple things to keep me entertained but nothing too much that I feel overwhelmed. I am sure at least one of the days we will not be out of jammies before my husband gets home!
Hi ladies, sorry it's been so long since I've posted we have had a tough month, my dad passed away at the beginning of February, on my birthday of all days. We are doing ok though.

Congrats on the boys just and tracie and on a little girl Jen. Davies I think you will have another girl I love your name choices.

Wow congrats pip I think there are more people on here pregnant than not pregnant now haha

Croy Nora is a beauty I hope things go well once your parents have gone home - nothing wrong with staying in your pjs though haha.

And Andrea Elliott is so handsome I could snuggle him all day long!

Alfie will be 18 months next week and I just love the person he is turning into. I can have proper conversations with him now and he's a busy boy from the moment he gets up to when he goes to sleep always on the go!! I reckon he can say about 30 words now and seems to pick up a new one every couple of days.

Hopeful - I wish we lived closer so we could hangout. Does any of your work friends have children?

Anyone heard from tuckie - she hasn't posted for a while.
I'm sure I've missed people but my brain is fried right now!

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