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Tasha, I had never heard of the use of that drug so far to treat recurrent miscarriage, but good grief, for your sake, I hope you're another success story. 17 losses seems positively unbearable...I do NOT know how you've lived through that.

Best of luck, and I hope someone else on here can provide some input.
I haven't heard of that drug Tasha but I hope it works for you!!
Tasha, I've read about that drug. As far as I know the lupus pregnancy clinic in London uses it quite successfully. Maybe you can find more stories from there? I'm just going through a loss under Mr Shehata (empty sac at 7+2 so basically a non-starter) but do think he knows his stuff and will trust him next time we try. Sometimes it seems that he prescribes the same thing to everyone but the more I read up the more I notice individualized plans. My treatment plan also differs to the 'normal'. I wish you all the best and hope you finally get your rainbow baby. You really do deserve it!
Pip, Im so sorry to read that your new pregnancy hasn't worked out. I hope you have more success soon.

Tasha, I've also read an article about Mr Shehata and the use of that anti - malaria drug. It sounds really hopeful. 17 losses is horrendous for you to go through, you more than deserve to have a successful pregnancy.
Thank you for the support girls. I miss so many of you :hugs:

Pip :hugs: I am so sorry for your loss. Life is cruel and unfair :(

Are you under Dr S already? I agree with you, I think at first he puts everyone on the same/similar and then tweaks if needed.
Tasha, yes. I gave up on St Mary's and switched to Mr S after my fifth loss (tests showed the baby was healthy). I was put on a tweaked plan right away and that resulted in my son :cloud9:
St. Mary's were rubbish for me too, he essentially told me to stop trying because they didnt know what to do for me :wacko: Im glad you are under him, I think I come away from his appointments totally different to how I come away from any other (been under him since June last year).
St Mary's insisted it was bad luck even when I pointed out that my fifth loss was genetically tested and came back as normal. It sounded like they had run out of options for me, too :shrug: they did eventually put me on the waiting list for a hysteroscopy but it was very half hearted. I went to Mr S and never had the operation, which for me proved to be the right decision as I then had J :)
I'm not against St Mary's. They help many people but I feel that if you don't fit the typical mould you fall through the cracks again...
I really hope you make it safely next time. You really deserve it!

By the way, the lupus and Hughes Syndrome pregnancy clinic using your meds is at St Thomas. Beverly Hunt, I believe, is the lady to read up on.
Yeah I def agree with that, I think that they can be amazing for some but as they are successful for so many they fail to think outside the box for those who dont happen to fit in the box. I also was told to have the hysteroscopy by St. Mary's but Dr S told me not needed.

Thank you. I hope you get your rainbow soon :hugs:

I will look that up. Thank you.
Tasha I haven't heard of that drug. I really hope it is the miracle you need.

Pip, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. How are you?

I know Davies and baby are great from FB but I also don't want to steal her thunder. I hope she pops on here soon to make her announcement!
I'm ok, I think. It was a rough night and I passed lots of clots. I have no idea whether the sac came out because at some point I stopped looking. I think the worst is over. It was an empty sac and dh has helped me not be too sad about it. There was no baby, I didn't kill anything. I kind of feel relieved about that thought, sad as it is. I have a trip booked to visit my sister in the US in ten days' time so I have something great to look forward to. J and I are going to have fun and stuff our faces with naughty food for two weeks. That will also get me through the month we are not allowed to ttc :D DH and I are determined to try again for number two!

How about you and D? Are you back home yet?

Can't wait to find out what Davies had... :happydance:
Not been on here for ages, just want to say hi, and Pip, sorry you are going through another loss.
Hi, I hope everyone is ok as its been unusually quiet on here...

I cant believe how close Im getting now. I had a growth scan on Wednesday and they confirmed that its def. a boy and a mighty big boy at 6lbs 5oz already. I cant wait to finish up work next Friday when I'll be 36 weeks and if I don't go early into labour again they will induce me at 38 weeks anyway which Im glad about. Due to being on the clexane they like to have it planned that its out of your system the day before.
Hey everyone. Like MrsMig, not been on here for ages. Took some time out after my recent ectopic. Going to read back and will update for all those not on FB.

Pip, sorry to hear your news too xxx.
Lee, I was not aware that you had had a recent ectopic. I'm so sorry to to hear this! :hugs:

Just, you're getting so close to having your son! Best of luck!

AFM- Hannah is now 12.5 months old...her first birthday party was really special, and we're really loving every minute of early toddlerhood. She's been walking since 11 months, and now, she's starting to run, and attempt to climb. She's really not saying any words yet, as she's still babbling, but she does demonstrate that she knows a lot that's being said to her. She answers all questions by shaking her head, "no-no." It's pretty funny. My 20 week scan for Oscar is on Wednesday, and I'm now feeling movement! Hopefully, he's looking fine.
Lee, :hugs: to you. Im so sorry to read that, I also did not know that you had an ectopic pregnancy and I was wondering how you were getting along, the last Id read you posted you were pregnant. I hope your doing ok xx

Pip,Im sure that I acknowledged your loss at the time, but sorry again. It is sad to read that even after having a successful pregnancy more people go on to have another loss, its also happened to a couple of the girls where I post on another section of this forum.

Wookie, it sounds like Hannah is doing great. Its funny how they are different, Emelia only started walking about 14 months but she was an early climber. Like Hannah she now runs and getting a bit cocky, she is also a head shaker which is hilarious isn't it. Her favourite word and obsession is with cars, all she says is whilst watching out the window or in the car, even people that pass in wheelchairs and mobility scooters she has been pointing and shouting cars at them, I think its anything with wheels!
That's exciting that its your 20 week scan already, I feel as though that has came around really quick aswell.
Okay, the only words that Hannah imitates, are "baff" (bath) and "dadda" (which sometimes actually means "Dad.") I do worry about her speech development, but honestly, it's still really early, and I think my expectations have been a bit high. She does have excellent receptive language, and does know some signs, such as milk, all done, orange, more. I can ask her "Where is the _______?" and she'll point to what I'm asking her to identify. So, she's learning, and probably on target. As a special education teacher, I guess I've seen enough where I do worry when something isn't happening with her on my timeline...I hope that makes sense.
Thank you. Just I was rushed into Wishaw with excruciating pain. I was monitored for a few hours and Louise seen me early morning and broke the news that the scan showed lots of internal clots and bleeding, I was taken down to theatre shortly after, if it wasn't for the gas and air and morphine I don't know what I've had done, I think it was more painful than labour :/
Ironically I should have been having my scan there the next day.

I have news..... I got a faint BFP yesterday and today at 6dpo, first cycle after one day AF following operation, I'm shocked but so so scared about early implantation and the possibility of another ectopic. I'm going to ask gp to do beta work over next 2 weeks til 6 week scan.

So I still need to read back and catch up with everyone, sorry about the me me me post. x
Oh, Lee...I'm sure this discovery is truly a mixed bag of emotions, after what you've just been through. I'm going to send you a cautious "congrats" and lots of prayers that things go well this time! :hugs:

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