Tracie - I can't believe she is a year old already! Where does the time go?!
Em - SO GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU! Your little guy is a cutie. I hope you are feeling brighter today. We miss you and are always here if you need a word of encouragement. I know you are doing a great job.
Pip - Ha ha, just imagining rolling my baby in cornstarch!
Justwaiting - Levi does that too. He has done 7 and 8 hours a few different times, and I always wonder if we have hit the magical time when that becomes normal. No such luck. Hoping that Owen gives you another long night soon.
Fili - Can't wait to have you in here with your little one
Happy to say that we are home safe and sound. The flight home was ok, Levi and his teething were a worry to me because I didn't want to have him inconsoluable for the entire 10 hours but he actually slept a bunch. He was great until the landing in Seattle, I think his ears were painful. He wouldn;t nurse and then he screamed and screamed until we were on the ground when he had cried himself to sleep. I hated it. And trust me, I was ready to war with anyone who even gave us a negative look! Its the worst feeling when you are trying to console your poor baby who is clearly in pain.
So we are home, and Levis drool gets worse and worse and then he is coughing and snotty and officially has his first cold

Just to add the jet lag and teething. Boy oh boy last night was a doozy. He would sleep for a couple of hours and then be so sad and congested but there is nothing we could really do. We tried teething gel which sometimes offered relief but other times flopped.
He is super congested today so we declared it family pajama day. Hubs went out and got some basics for breakfast eggs, bacon, etc because of course we had no food in the house since only returning last night. We ate and then skyped with my parents. So sad to be gone from them but ready to be home.
I had so many plans to start Levi sleeping in his crib and not starting to use the swing again but now he is sick of course I am not going to make him start sleeping alone, and the swing is upright and that is good for his congestion so he is in there swinging away, peacefully sleeping as I type.
I guess we can start the crib/sleep training after Thanksgiving when hopefully jet-lag and the cold will be done...I am assuming that the teething will be around for a while, sadly.
Any tips for dealing with colds and congestion?