Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Oh no tracie! I'm sorry :hugs:

Davies I now know what you meant about the heartburn OMG! Glad you're starting to get into a bit of a routine xx
PC, that's awful. Poor little Samuel and poor you :hugs: I hope they can help him feel better and give him a bit more energy with the extra feeding.

Tracie, I'm so sorry about your furbaby. Big big hugs to you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Davies, we have started weaning. It is awfully cute to watch!
Hugs Tracie and pups. Puppy will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope they get everything sorted once and for all.

Croy sorry to hear about Levi being unwell, you too cazi, I'm dreading Alfie's first cold.

Davies sounds like Lexi is on a great little routine and providing lots of smiles for mummy and daddy!! Alfie has started to go down well in his cot at 7pm so we have our evenings back which is great!!! We then dream feed him at 10.30-11ish and put him in the Moses basket in our room. He still wakes for his 2.30am night feed at the mo though, I'm thinking he would sleep better in his cot in his own room as he likes the space to put his arms out but I haven't quite got the confidence to leave him there for a whole night yet!!!

Bit worries about this hair loss everyone talks off!!

Hi pip nice to hear from you xx
Sorry about all the poorly babies :hugs:

Thinking of you pups!

Bumpy my hair loss is absolutely horrendous and I already have limp, thin hair!! Thinking about having it all chopped off!!

Max still isn't in a set routine. I just have him with me all the time! Apart from on a weekend when Gav has him Friday and Saturday night and feeds him expressed milk.
That's all soon to change in a week or so. We're going to introduce a bed time routine. I'm hoping this will help him sleep more at night and cut down on his daytime naps. He currently naps about 4 times a day from half an hour to three hours long!
It's great for me cos I can look after the rest of my family or nap if we've had a bad night but I've been stuck in the house a LOT, and that's not good for either of us.

I'm actually going to go out today if it doesn't rain. We're walking to the supermarket for cheese and ham. I forgot them on my online shop!

Waffling now!!!!
I'm worrying about this hair loss now too lol! My hair has always been great and very thick - eeek so Me-mo is going to take it all away? :-( Oh well small-ish price to pay I suppose! I was just thinking what a great beauty treatment pregnancy is too - I have the best skin I have ever had, glossy hair and no stretch marks whatsoever but when Me-mo comes out Ill probably have bald patches, acne and saggy skin / vagina lol!!
:haha: :haha: Fili I just had to stifle a mahoosive laughing fit reading that!!! Don't wanna wake up Max!!!
Hi everyone!

I'm officially requesting membership to the wonderful world of MARL. Little baby Eva was born 8 days ago (Nov. 13th) after a Csection. Both of us are home a doing splendidly, though I am typically sleep deprived and really wish my MIL would LEAVE! Despite a touch of jaundice, Eva seems to be eating well and thriving and I'm beginning to feel more confident that breastfeeding will be a success.

I've got to read back and catch up on all of your news. I hope everyone is doing wonderfully with their rainbows!


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Happy early Thanksgiving to all the US ladies! I'm so excited to stuff my face with turkey and mashed potatoes!

Welcome Sara! I'm glad you are getting the hang of BFing. Your daughter is precious!

Fili- I had a good laugh at that as well:haha:Don't worry the hair loss stops at some point. Hopefully Me-mo doesnt do too much damage! Penny was quite good to me.

Good luck to all of those establishing routines! It will be worth it:thumbup:
Oh Sara, Welcome!!! Congrats on the birth of little Eva. I am so, so happy you are joining us!!
Sara she's beautiful! So glad you are here.

Pups I'm thinking of you guys. Poor Samuel. I hope you aren't blaming yourself. It's easy to do I've found.

Em I'm stuck in the house a lot too. Good luck getting a sleep routine.

Sorry I've been MIA. I'm still doing all the work as Tim heals from shoulder surgery. I don't get any breaks and I'm so exhausted. Delilah only takes 30 min naps so it's not much time to rest. She sleeps 7 hours straight but goes down at 7 pm! I nurse her and then she's up every hour or two. Luckily her diarrhea stopped. I was changing countless diapers. I found out I was preggers with her on Thanksgiving last year. What a difference a year makes! I'll be going back into lurkdom until I can get a break. Just wanted to say hi.

Oh and Amber, how amazing about being a surrogate! I might have chosen you if things hadn't worked out. Glad someone will benefit from your kindness.
Hi ladies happy thanksgiving to us ladies very jealous uk lady who loves Friday sales!! So very jealous, it makes me miss my job! I was at Florida mall 2 years ago at 4am!lol!! Enjoy an shop for me!x

Sara gorgeous princess u have there congrats Hun x

Croy due date buddy how r u? Nice to b home?? X

Heart sorry to hear Tims poorly hope he gets better soon, I got a faint bfp on 21st but my bfp was on 23rd Nov at heathrow airport lol on my way to Thailand do us ladies rem me posting from over there, I made 2 of my gay friends walk miles just to get Evian as I wouldn't drink Nything else! They didn't no I told themi was detoxing lol!! We laugh about it now!! Lovely memories of the best year ofmy life! X

Embo my hair is coming out but I have extensions so u can't notice it as much but I to have fine thin hair! They say u lose the extra u gsin during pregnancy! What flipping extra there was no extra on my head, maybe In places I didn't want it lol!! X

Pip when did u start weaning? I just brought annabel karmels books as I like her approach of purees u do urself etc x

Amber that really is amazing to b a surrogate such a wonderful gift to give someone? I didn't enjoy pregnancy personally, I loved the result an my baby is the best I loved labour bit pg I didn't enjoy, if I could give that gift to someone it would be amazing but the fear of losing another baby especially now I have one scares me to much. Well done you xx

Well I'm in bed lexis in her cot about to whinge I think she's not been herself tonight I don't no why she's really whingy in her cot! I went to yoga last night an my shoulders hurt!! Just want to sleep!! X

Hoping how r u?? I agree lexi is much happier now we kind of have a routine. X

Bumps it's hard to let go of them out of ur room but I'm pleased I did we both started sleeping better, we co slept but lexi liked the space an like her arms being spread out so really likes her cot. At first I put her in there when I went to bed an I would have monitor next to my head but now I do bath bottle bed an she stays jn her cot, saying that she has had few whingy moments this evening.
Do it when ur ready u will prob find he sleeps longer as he wk t wake himself up at all by hitting the sides x
Oh an fili you don't get a saggy vagina Hun! Lol! I always thought that but it just doesn't happen to everyone, mine is fine if anything to tight lol! I have attempted sex twice an it hurts to much, it started to hurt at end if pg though, my actual scar doesn't hurt, I just feel swollen internally. Fili I can't wait for u to feel the amazing feeling of bring a mummy. An joining us, the first day is so precious enjoy every minute xxx
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is well and US ladies are enjoying the thanksgiving weekend!

Heart how is Tims shoulder? I hope he heals soon and can get back to helping you with mummy duties soon!

Davies I think I'm quite a way off weaning yet but interested to see how you get on as I think her approach sounds good too.

Croy -over the jet lag yet Hun?

Hi to everyone else!

I got my little person weighed today and he's 11lb at exactly 11 weeks old!! So catching up nicely!! Don't get me wrong i love being a mummy - best thing ever but the first few weeks are a bit of a blur of eating sleeping and pooing!!! The last two weeks I've really noticed Alfie's character coming out and we are getting lots of smiles now and I'm really starting o enjoy it now!! It's definitely getting better and better!

I've also picked how much happier he is since we started his routine on Monday. Just little things like his daytime naps in his cot if we are home, putting him down sleepy but not asleep so that he learns to self settle and in the evening bath, bottle, light play and in bed by 7-8pm. We then dream feed him at 10.30/11pm. He is still having one feed in the night at 2.30am and last night for the first time I put him in his cot in his nursery after the feed instead of in his Moses basket in our room. Alfie is another one that likes to starfish and I worry tat the Moses basket doesn't give him enough room, and funnily enough he slept through to nearly 7am (his best yet!!!) going to try him in his cot for the whole night in the next few days.

He's suffering bad from cradle cap at mo poor little man.

Off to Westfields tomorrow to do some Xmas shopping and I hope A behaves.....!!
Hi, everyone!

Pups- So sorry! Poor little guy!

Sara- Welcome, she's beautiful!

Sounds like everyone is getting in a routine. I'm sure I will eventually. Right now we're riding out the beginnings of a growth spurt. Gloriana has been eating every hour for the past 3 days and been fussy! Today was much better, but yesterday was terrible. We had people over for Thanksgiving and I could do nothing but nurse and hold Glori! Today she was amazing though, slept all morning while we shopped. So I'm hoping we're past it now.
Hi all

Bumpy - Alfie sounds like he is doing great! Freya has cradle cap too bless her I have been using dentinox then brushing out the loose flakes hoping it improves soon.

Hi mom2 glad you got some shopping done.

Well we are miles off a routine!!! Before her cold she was going to bed at 10-2.30 then 5 then 7 but since then its all gone out the window. She oly seems to be going 1.5-2 hours at night at the moment!! I was getting really upset that she has no routine but trying to relax about it and hope it comes with time!!! I bath her at 7 then feed her last night she fell asleep on D/H till 11 not ideal but I got some much needed sleep!!

Hope everyone is ok xxx
Bumps I did Westfield Stratford other day for first time, lexi was good stared at lights I much prefer it to bluewater! As for Alfie's cradle cap it doesn't hurt them, google it but I'm sure it was olive oil that's good for it. Sounds like you have a natural routine coming, best thing I did putting lexi in cot. We both slept!x

Mom Gloriana likes shopping? Good girl lol! X

Caz lexi started to form a routine about 7 1:2 -8 weeks she was like a sponge an picked it up well, I wasn't regimented with it though I did bedtime between 7/8pm etc an depending when she woke up I would feed her every 3 hours in day to try an establish day to night difference an it worked! Good luck Hun xxx
I've not been to that one that's the new one isn't it? We are going to the shepherds bush one today.

Gloriana does sound like a girly girl loving the shopping bless her haha

Cazi when I got him weighed yesterday I mentioned it to the health visitor in there and she gave me a prescription for something to rub in his hair. It's like hard Vaseline and makes him look like he's got really greasy or jel in his hair so using it at night. It seems quite good as it loosens the flakes but heavily moisturises as well to stop it coming back.

As for a routine I tried with Alfie a few weeks ago and it didn't really work so I left a couple of weeks and working much better now. I looked at a few vids on the website which were really helpful. The main pointers I picked up were to observe their natural routine for a couple of days and adapt around that. I noticed Alfie was having 2 naps in the morning - 1 long and 1 shorter and one in the afternoon. So now when I'm at home I put him in his cot upstairs with the monitor on when I'm at home and I try and wait until he's sleepy but not asleep. Apparently the key for them sleeping through the night is learning to self settle in the day as then if they wake in the night they know what to do to get back to sleep rather than crying to be cuddled or rocked. Then in the evening the timing is looser but always the same pattern of bath, change of sleepsuit, bottle, play and bed. He will be in bed anywhere between 7-8. He's not sleeping through the night yet but I've heard 12lb is the magic number as to when they don't need food through the night and can last 8 hours and when they get to around 16lb they should be able to go 12 hours! Alfie's not quite there yet but I am finding having a loose routine and him knowing what comes next is helping him and he's a lot more happier and less grizzly throughout the day. This might not work for every baby though, just seems to be working well for mine!!

So last night I took the plunge and he slept in his cot in his nursery! He still needed his 2.30am feed but seemed to sleep well overall.

Right must get up and get ready to shop- everyone have a lovely weekend

Thanks Davies :hugs: I remember your whole exciting year! :cloud9: funny about the Evian :haha: xxx

Heart I hope Tim recovers soon :hugs: for both himself and to take the pressure of you a little, that's got to be tough :hugs::hugs:

Bumps enjoy Westfields! I love it there, especially that nice cake and coffee shop next to the outside small escalators if you know where I mean!

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