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Wow Just.. sounds like an awful night! So funny how kids can just bounce back so quickly! Not quite the same for us!
Aww Just, sounds awful. Hope Emelia is feeling a bit better, there has been a few things going around here. Morgan is in nursery one day a week at the moment and he is always picking up colds and sicky bugs, I heard the latest was chicken pox he needs to give that a miss though as it can be fairly serious for me being on steroids.
Funny how they seem so unaffected by illness and still manage to laugh/play and be full of energy the next day, unlike us poor mamas lol...
It's good you've managed to get a little "me" time, it will be well earned.
When are you back at Wishaw? I was there yesterday and then back again tomorrow.
Do they have a plan for you yet? Are you being induced?
Like you I am a bit worried about coping with 2 so young and even more lack of sleep if this works out but I agree I also think its just for a short time and the good thing is we are both still in baby mode and like you say will be so worth it.

Wookie/Just thanks, yes Morgan is 1 on 29th April. He was ok going to nursery today, reached out for the assistant and no tears :) still wants to be with his mummy mainly though, I have a sling Wookie and a carrier but he is not keen, needs to be carried in my arms, little imp, how is this pregnancy going for you?

Morgan is walking about all over the place now and is also going through the climbing and pointing phase, saying whazza, which I think means what is that lol...

So moving on to this pregnancy, HCG was only 9 last Tuesday but yesterday it came back at 370, still a bit low for 4 weeks, 3 days so I checked chart and it seems ok I think, anyway I am back for 2nd round of Betas tomorrow so need to be 700 plus really. I had terrible heartburn and ovarian pain last night and I must admit I freaked out but a dose of Zantac and Peptac seemed to help and all seems to have settled this morning. I just need to rule out an ectopic then I will feel much more relaxed about this (well as relaxed as you can be with PARL).

Anyway I will update tomorrow hopefully with good news.

Viet nice to see youover here, hope you are enjoying lots of gorgeous newborn cuddles.
Hi Lee, I really hope that your numbers come back good today as they should be.
Morgan is obviously an early walker..I had big expectations for Emelia to walk for her first birthday and she didn't walk until 14 months, now theres no stopping her.
Im a bit annoyed actually as there is no induction plan for me. All along I was told that I'd be induced around 38 weeks so that it was planned and would know to stop the clexane but when I was at Wishaw last week the doctor is now very reluctant to induce as she says that due to my double womb she is not keen on putting the hormone drip into me as it can bring on contractions fast and furious like last time and its not ideal apparently..even though everything went perfect last time.

Last time waters broke naturally at 37 weeks but apparently my cervix was unfavourable and I wasn't getting contractions so I asked them to induce me which they did and Emelia was born 1 1/2 hours later. It was an intense labour but it did go perfect and I really was hoping for that again.
All the doctor mentioned was that I've to go back next Wednesday and she will do a membrane sweep.
I know I shouldn't complain but last night I was close to tears and getting almost into a panic attack as I cant take anymore of the cant sleep and so uncomfortable and at the toilet literally every 2 minutes due to the pressure as though I need to pee...and not to mention the heartburn its horrendous. Im so ready for this pregnancy to be over with now, just want this baby here.
It was Maharaj who said I needed to be induced like you I was on Clexane, he told me 39 weeks, then I went in for a check the week before and before I knew what was happening they had given me sweep and was told to come back to be induced 2 days later at 38 weeks.
It's very annoying for you but maybe she is just being extra cautious, it was awful having the back to back contractions and as soon as Morgans heart rate dropped I think they panicked as I remember quite a few people turning up very quickly, saying that I was in so much pain from having no break between contractions anything could have happened. My mum went white as a sheet, bless her!!

I don't know how you coped, I was very sensitive to the drip, which meant in the end they had to lower it so my contractions weren't coming on strong enough then but they couldn't increase as it was dangerous for Morgan. Hence the forceps and long labour. I was falling asleep between pushes in the end lol...

Oh god I am remembering all of those feelings towards the end, the heartburn, aches, etc etc..... haha you are selling it to me well again. Before you know it your new little addition will be here though and you will forget about how uncomfortable you were. I bet you are so excited now. Hopefully the sweep will set everything off for you and it will be another quick labour.

I am not sure what the plan is with me I think if betas are good tomorrow they will probably just book me for scan or perhaps repeat bloods again for afterEaster holidays, I am just wishing the day away as want the results tomorrow now!!
Hi everyone just popping it to say hi.

Good luck tomorrow lee. I had my hcg done at 4+5 and was 661 at 5 weeks it was 1904. I think your numbers sound great x

Lee: your numbers look great:winkwink: Average at 4 weeks is 100, so as long as they're pretty much doubling all is good :)

Cazi: congrats on your bfp :)

Viet: Welcome:flower:

Just: I was so happy that the sweep worked with Alexa, as I went into labor hours later. Maybe yours will work too :) Zoe started walking a few days after her 1st birthday; wonder how Alexa will do.

We're leaving for Ontario (6hr drive) Saturday morning for the summer. DH got a job there and we'll be living with her grandma, and his parents, 2 of his siblings and some friends will be 10-15 minutes away, which is amazing. It's also in the country but not too far from a big city either (25 minutes or so). Plus I'm not working so I will come back to visit friends and family :) But getting stuff ready sucks though!!

Girls are doing great!! Zoe is walking and running everywhere, and Alexa is now 13.5 pounds and quite long for her age, just like her sister. Breastfeeding is also doing very well; no formula used so far.
Cazi - Your numbers sound great!

I don't know how you ladies are doing it all again.... my pregnancy was fabulous until about 35 weeks... then it was back breaking and miserable! I can't imagine wanting to do it again for a really really long time! We have already discussed adoption of we decide we want another one down the road!
Viet, you just never know. Baby fever hit me quite badly when Hannah was around 6 months old, and we started trying when she was 9 months old...and the month we started trying was the month we conceived this baby. You just never know!
True... I guess things could change! I just hope no time soon.

Anyone else have a terrifying/traumatic birth? Mine was totally the opposite of what I wanted and the fear of another c-section is enough to make me swear off sex forever!
Same here, we started trying as soon as I got AF back (BFìng wasn`t going so well with Zoe so I ended up stopping quite early) and we got the egg 1st try :)

But I had a very smooth pregnancy/delivery and was looking forward to all of it again
HCG was 645 today so although it's not doubled in 48 hours it has been rising, also I read that a 60% rise is ok for a viable pregnancy.
Back again next week for more blood and hopefully a scan if the levels are high enough.
Hi ladies sorry it's been a while just checking in!

Welcome V - traumatic births....yep!! My uterus ruptured at 34 weeks and internal bleeding (lost about 2 litres) so emergency c sec!! I'm very scared about getting preg again although I will be monitored carefully! I'm sorry yours didn't go to plan either.

Just - you are so nearly there can't wait for you to meet your little man!!

Lee - I hate that u are in limbo honey, I'm keeping everything crossed for you!

I can't remember anything else but hope everyone is well.

We are good, Alfie is saying 2-3 word sentences now it's amazing how much he can say! I love the little cheeky boy he is turning into! I keep thinking about the possibility of having another one but I'm not sure.......maybe think about it at the end if the year.
I just lost a post - I hate that!! We have been without a working laptop for a month and I have not been able to check in much. Plus life with 2 babies ha slapped me around! I wasn't expecting it to be quite so tough, especially because Nora is such a good baby. She sleeps all the time, nurses well, and is pretty much the sweetest personality ever. Just so laid back and cute. Nothing like Levi!! He has been go, go go from the very first day!
I still have soem days or moments when I feel totally overwhelmed but they are getting less as Nora gets bigger.
Levi is getting to be quite the handful with tantrums and being disobedient. I know some of it is him wanting attention now he has to share the attention - we are working on making time for him and doing fun things which is helping but he is also just 20 months going on 16! He has opinions about everything. I am trying to start disciplining him with taking toys away and starting time outs but I am not sure if its working. Any tips from mamas with toddlers? I just want to feel like he is taking it in and that I am not raising a kid that no one wants to hang out with. I love having playdates and he used to be easy going but now he is awful at sharing, and is a little monkey when it comes to taking his toys away from his friends - he only wants what they are playing with! I know its normal to some degree but it drives me nuts!

I just updated the blog with Noras's 2 month picture.
Nora two months
If you want to see her :)

I miss you ladies!!

Lee - Congrats, I hope that those numbers keep rising well!!

Viet - Welcome!!

Hi to all you other lovelies too :)
V, I had a planned c-section, which was lovely. Really calm and happy with skin to skin etc. I understand you must have had a terrible time but just wanted to let you know that a section can be a beautiful experience, too :hugs: Still,
nobody would blame you for tying to avoid a previously traumatic scenario, would they?!
Lee, so pleased your numbers are going up nicely. Fingers crossed for next week and hopefully a quick scan confirming the right placing.

Croy, I get you on the opinions and attention. I've not had to resort to punishments (yet) as getting down to J's level and explaining very calmly mostly works, coupled with immediate distraction. I only have one relatively calm toddler, though. I dread the full-on tantrums, let alone with a second child to look after! I'm sure you are doing superbly. This age is notoriously difficult to cope with...
True... I guess things could change! I just hope no time soon.

Anyone else have a terrifying/traumatic birth? Mine was totally the opposite of what I wanted and the fear of another c-section is enough to make me swear off sex forever!

I had a planned c-section, and it was wonderful. I am really a person who does not care HOW my children arrive...I'm more interested that they arrive safely. I know emergency c-sections can really be a scary experience, though. I know you had your heart set on a natural/vaginal delivery...but it is what it is now, Lucy is gorgeous, and you're on the mend. :hugs:
Yeah, I guess if next time I had a planned c-section (knowing that I would most likely need it if the same complications arise) and was prepaid both mentally and support wise for it, it might be better. Luckily i feel really good already... pretty much like my old self!
Hi ladies,

Lee, I think your numbers also sounds good, just try and keep positive, no point wasting energy worrying.
I'd almost forgotten that you had quite a tough time in labour and yeah the back to back contractions are very painful and difficult to deal with, I only managed as it only lasted 1 1/2 hours in total but had it gone on longer it would have been horrendous. I know myself that the doctor obviously has good reasons for wanting to avoind inducing and having that happen again.

Bumpy, Croy and melfy its nice to see you stop by, Ive been wondering how people are doing. Im glad that Lee mentioned Davies having another girl as Im still patiently waiting to see the announcement haha, I've not on facebook like others are.

Well...Im getting a bit hopeful that something is starting. I've had really low back pain since last night and stomach cramping since 6am this morning quite period like, also had a couple of shows with pinky blood tinged jelly. Every so often I get these really bad pains down low where the baby is clearly doing something. Its my birthday today aswell and I kept joking that I'd like baby to come today, I hope its not just wishful thinking. Im symptom spotting everything just now for the past week but this is genuine pains now so please please let this baby come soon. I never had any warning signs or aches and pains with Emelia, it was just full blown taken by surprise and def. the best way haha.

Croy, I meant to say aswell how lovely Nora is, at least you can be honest about how hard it is with two at times. Everything you describe about Levi's behaviour I am also beginning to see with Emelia. I know myself that th enewborn is going to be the easy one whilst she become more challenging each day.
Fingers crossed that this is the start just....and happy birthday lovely lady!!! I hope u have been spoilt x

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