Aww Just, sounds awful. Hope Emelia is feeling a bit better, there has been a few things going around here. Morgan is in nursery one day a week at the moment and he is always picking up colds and sicky bugs, I heard the latest was chicken pox he needs to give that a miss though as it can be fairly serious for me being on steroids.
Funny how they seem so unaffected by illness and still manage to laugh/play and be full of energy the next day, unlike us poor mamas lol...
It's good you've managed to get a little "me" time, it will be well earned.
When are you back at Wishaw? I was there yesterday and then back again tomorrow.
Do they have a plan for you yet? Are you being induced?
Like you I am a bit worried about coping with 2 so young and even more lack of sleep if this works out but I agree I also think its just for a short time and the good thing is we are both still in baby mode and like you say will be so worth it.
Wookie/Just thanks, yes Morgan is 1 on 29th April. He was ok going to nursery today, reached out for the assistant and no tears

still wants to be with his mummy mainly though, I have a sling Wookie and a carrier but he is not keen, needs to be carried in my arms, little imp, how is this pregnancy going for you?
Morgan is walking about all over the place now and is also going through the climbing and pointing phase, saying whazza, which I think means what is that lol...
So moving on to this pregnancy, HCG was only 9 last Tuesday but yesterday it came back at 370, still a bit low for 4 weeks, 3 days so I checked chart and it seems ok I think, anyway I am back for 2nd round of Betas tomorrow so need to be 700 plus really. I had terrible heartburn and ovarian pain last night and I must admit I freaked out but a dose of Zantac and Peptac seemed to help and all seems to have settled this morning. I just need to rule out an ectopic then I will feel much more relaxed about this (well as relaxed as you can be with PARL).
Anyway I will update tomorrow hopefully with good news.
Viet nice to see youover here, hope you are enjoying lots of gorgeous newborn cuddles.