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That must have been scary Lee, so much pain and being taken to theatre. That is such bad luck to have another ectopic (Im sure you said its happened before) a cautious congrats to you this time around, I guess it is a case of try to relax and not think about it too much and keep hoping for the best. I so hope that this works out for you this time. That sounds like a good idea getting your GP to monitor HCG numbers, I'll cross my fingers tight for you! Keep us posted!

Wookie, I think Hannah sounds perfectly normal and wouldn't worry at all. I have honestly stopped worrying about things now, I always worried about Emelia being so slow at all the physical things rolling, crawling , walking etc.
Now she amazes me how quick she picks things up such as pointing out things in books, you need to tell her what animal it is only once and then she remembers it, she loves it when you ask her where things are, books are def. great.
Same as when Im making the bed each morning she watches me do it and then hands me the pillows to help. Or when Im in the shower she just entertains herself in my bedroom and when she hears me switch the water off she comes running through to hand me my towel its hilarious.
I know what your saying though when your a special needs teacher you must be so tuned in to looking out for certain things!

I always hear that second children can be faster at learning things with an older sibling but slower at talking as the older child will talk for them, no doubt we'll be finding that in the future.
Yes I had an ectopic in Jan 2011 and lost my right tube, I was grateful that this time it wasnt my left tube but the trunk of what was left of the right one.
I spoke to the consulatnt and she said at my age, only need wait for 1 cycle and try again so we did and seems like I ov'd CD 9 or 10 and our timing was good.
We weren't sure after Morgan if we would TTC again but after our last pregancy we realised how lovely it would be for Morgan to have a sibling, if this doesn't work out though I think we will be done tbh.
Spoke to gp today and she is happily going to do Beta work, I am literally only 7dpo today, so think we are going to do it in a week or so. Just need to hold tight til then.

Just which consultant are you under? I believe Maharaj is unwell and has been off for sometime, when is your due date approx?

Wookie, you are halfway, it's going quickly.

Davies, how you coping with the lack of sleep, I'm sure lots of us potential 2nd time mums are interested in how you are coping with 2 so young, hope all is well. Lottie is gorgeous.

I certainly need to read back more but was up all night with Morgan, he now has 2 teeth and took his first steps over a week ago and is so keen to get toddling about. His sleeping is awful at the moment though and he just wants to feed all night and squirm and scream. He is also getting much more clingy. All this makes for one tired mummy.
Lee, that is good that your GP is more than happy to monitor HCG numbers for peace of mind. I hope this time around works out for you.

Yeah Dr. Maharaj has been off sick for the duration of my pregnancy, its the female Dr. I've been seeing, I always forget her name, she is very nice though. At my last appointment she said that if I don't go into labour early by myself again then they will take me in at 38 weeks to be induced...which is just over 2 weeks away I cant believe. Im so glad though, Im in lots of discomfort now which I never had last time around with Emelia. I feel so bruised down low and between my legs so it must be the baby so low down, I feel like I cant walk far and I have to go so slow!
Just really hoping to make it through tonight and tomorrow night at work then that's me finished up.
My tests are still quite faint but looks like this one may be a chemical pregnancy ladies, i will see what tomorrow brings. I'm ok with it as it was such early days and with faint line at 5dpo I was terrified of early implantation in tube. Will see what tomorrow brings as need to get off the steroids if this isn't going to progress.

It's very quiet in here.
sorry guys i haven't been around i have been poorly but doing ok just popping in to give cuddles to everyone i will be back once i feel 100 percent better xx
Had blood taken at hospital today. HCG level was 9, no further action needed unless lines are still showing on HPT next week. This one has been a real head scratcher but glad I'm no longer in limbo and I'm relieved it wasn't another ectopic.
Still very quiet on here.

Just, it was lovely seeing Elaine and Louise in Wishaw today, I miss my appts with them. When are you back there?
Oh Lee, I'm so sorry for your recent losses :cry:
You don't deserve this, you really don't :nope: Sending you big hugs! Xxx
Hmmm so maybe wipe that last post.

I had a dark line on test today despite HCG of 9 yesterday. Called hospital and got to keep monitoring tests this week and go in for Betas next week. What the hell is going on with this pregnancy/non pregnancy.
This one is the biggest head scratcher to date: Any thoughts, here are details -

Ov'd on CD10 (24 March) according to FF (could have been CD 13 according to ov pain)

The faintest of faint lines 6dpo (from CD 10) got slightly darker at 8dpo, then the lines were consistently faint, not getting any darker or lighter but def still there until 14 dpo when I got slightly darker line and booked in for HCG test which came back at a count of 9 15 dpo. Had written the pregnancy off as a chemical.

Today 16 dpo darkest test yet, as per picture.

Could be 3 days out if I ov'd on CD 13 not 10.



  • 9 April BFP.jpg
    9 April BFP.jpg
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Hi ladies just a quick drive-by. Lee my pg with Lucas was like that. I kept seeing really faint lines but it took ages to get anything come up on a FRER or the digital one. I even spent several days drowning my sorrows in red wine only to retest and get unmistakeable positives on three different types of test. Of course I didn't have the blood tests. Got my fingers crossed for you. Hope Morgan is well. Lucas is great but being a bit of a bugger about sleeping. He's rubbish at daytime napping and wants boob all night long. Feeling shattered. Hi to everyone else. Won't get to read back and catch up but hope everyone is well.
No idea except that you really need a repeat blood test. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the numbers go up!
(In which case your tests must be REALLY sensitive!)
Petipas, they are the IC's, I gave in and bought a Superdrug test today, didn't want to spend fortunes on FRER, CB and the like.
It's a good line, so I think you're right the only way to see what is happening is to get the blood work done next week.
How are you doing?

Rap, same here. I def thought this one was done and helped my mum demolish a couple of bottles of wine at the weekend.
Morgan is the same, he is still feeding lots through the night, we have been co-sleeping to make it easier but I'm really hopinghe settles into longer sleep patterns soon and he is getting shifted into the back room soon lol. Very tired too. x
Anyone? Morgan is going through a terrible stage right now, he is ever so clingy. He used to be so socially outgoing but now all he wants is mummy. Is this a stage/wonder week, how long does this last, little chunk weighs 1 stone 9lb and at 5ft 1 I am struggling to carry him around constantly. Amazing what you learn to do with one hand though.
Lee, is Morgan a year old, or approaching the 1 year mark? I'm not a big believer in the Wonder Week thing, but from my own experiences with my 13 month old, Hannah, I can tell you that the clingy/stranger anxiety thing is very normal. Hannah has been weary of strangers for the past 3 months or so, and honestly, it's a good thing. You don't want your child to be overly outgoing with just anyone, you know? And the clingyness seems to be par for the course, too. There are times (particularly when she's tired) that Hannah wants to be carried and cuddled, and hauled around as much as she did when she was 8 weeks old. That's totally fine. I'm sort of relishing it, actually, because there will come a time very soon down the road that she won't want Mommy picking her up and holding her, I tell myself to enjoy that she still wants and needs me like that. :) Hannah's getting heavy too...she's 20 lbs., and I'm 21 weeks pregnant, so lunking her around can be difficult. If Morgan needs to be cuddled and carried, do you have an Ergo you could wear him in, or some kind of another carrier? I find that my Ergo really saves my back.
hi! Thought I would join this thread since I finally have my little one! I know most of you for the PARL thread, but incase I don't or you don't remember me, here is a bit of my history:

We started ttc in February of 2012. even though I had gotten off BC months before, it took until that summer and tons of acupuncture to sort my cycles out. Then the losses started... We had 4 first tri losses (2x5 weeks, 6 weeks, and one at 9 weeks) and totally lost hope. Then we got a surprise BFP in July... that little bean stuck! We remained team yellow for the pregnancy and planned for a natural birth. A massive belly due to polyhydramnios made natural birth impossible and after two failed inductions, we had a c-section one week ago today. Lucy was born! We are so happy that our girl is here (we both had a major girl preference, so glad that worked out!). We are so happy and in love!

Not much time these days as Lucy only likes to sleep in my arms or on my chest! BF has been perfect so far... this little bear LOVES to eat! And Mom is recovering well after a rough start. All is perfect in our little cocoon!

Hope to get to know everyone on this thread!
Congratulations Viet, you have been through a really tough journey and it makes Lucy all the more special and appreciated.

Lee, it really is an age thing and stages that they go through..Emelia went through a stranger danger phase especially with men, she would just break her heart crying when a man spoke to her, now she'd go to anyone and I think its nursery that's helped with that.
Morgan sounds like a big healthy boy, Emelia is also 23 lbs and seems to have stayed that for a while, she also wants up all the time and she is a ton weight.
Hows things going with your pregnancy tests? This will be the longest week ever I imagine whilst you wait to get your next blood test. I replied to you over in PAL - not sure if you read it.

We had the worst night ever with Emelia, she has had sickness and diarrhea and last night woke at 2am screaming , tried everything to settle her and brought her into my bed, she was then sick all over my bed, large chunks so disgusting and it soaked through all the bedding to the mattress , everything had to get scrubbed and Im still doing washings, currently on load number 4. She screamed from 2-6am which we spent up with her trying to settle her, she def. has a bug along with huge molar type teeth coming in at the top of her mouth and she seems to be in agony with them. Only fell asleep at 6am to be awoke at 9am with her full of life and energy up playing with her toys whilst Im exhausted.
Oh, Just...what a rough night. I hope since she woke up bright and early, that means that the worst is over. Now, I hope you have a way to sneak a nap or two in today!
I cant complain now as my husband took her out several hours ago to go to a soft play and park so I've had the last 3 hours to myself to catch up on everything that needed done which I managed to do so feels like a big accomplishment and sit down and watch some TV and have a nap and stuff my face with chocolates, this feels so good to have some me time.
I am so excited for this new baby to come along but I've admitted to my husband aswell that Im quite worried about how hard its going to be with the two of them so young, I just have to remind myself that its not forever any hard times ahead and will be so worth it.

Also this is exactly when Emelia came along at 37+1 weeks and I just assumed this baby would be the same and never even contemplated going over that as this baby is bigger in general, I just keep waiting for my waters to break like last time but its going to end up being completely different I bet.
Just- you are almost there! Wow! That sickness sounds awful. I have waterproof pad even on my bed because when the dogs were little and pee in bed sometimes :) hope u don't get sick too.

Lee- wondering about u too

Welcome viet! Seems like not that long ago you were first pregs.

Gotta go, kids fighting
Thanks Hopeful, Im going to have to invest in a waterproof mat!

How are the twins doing?

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