Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi ladies,

Im still hanging in there. I have to say this is the worst thing now symptom spotting everything and getting so impatient waiting. After major pains on Friday the cramping then disappeared and its really bad backache that I still have and a difficulty in walking much.
I have my clinic appointment on Wednesday where they hope to do a sweep if possible but I feel like bursting into tears whilst there and saying that they have got to do something. As I said before I never got any aches and pains the last time with Emelia , I remember being out shopping the day before she was born and not a single niggle then just full blown labour the next day...its so much better going early by surprise...not too early of course.
Just. Good luck today, I really hope something happens soon and you're not quite as uncomfortable now. You're on the final stretch :)
Did I miss your birthday, hope it was a lovely day x.
Oh, poop! Something wasn't a-happening!

Hopefully it will now, Just, after that sweep. Either way, you're one second closer to that baby boy arriving!
Hi ladies, had my growth scan today and this big boy is around 8lbs 4oz..I want him out now before he is a 9 pounder argh!!
I had the membrane sweep and have been losing lots of bloody mucous plug and Im so crampy aswell with backache, I hope this progresses to something. The doctor said that it felt as though labour could start anytime with the way things are. I really hope so.
If nothing then I've to go back next Wednesday for another sweep.
Viet welcome! I didn't have a c-section, but I did have an unplanned birth at 34 weeks when my water broke. No skin to skin because she had to be rushed to the NICU. It was traumatic in its own way as were the following 18 days in the NICU. But that eventually becomes more distant in your memory (though you never forget it). I'm sorry to hear yours was traumatic. Luckily you and your gorgeous girl are healthy and well!

Croy, Delilah was having crazy, all out tantrums while we were on vacation in Florida last month. She still has them, but not as frequently. I think any kind of big change, as well as their age, is going to bring them on. All of a sudden she hates sharing too! It's completely developmental. I use a firm tone with her when I don't like something she's doing. I don't smile (though sometimes I want to). Recently I've started including some consequences, like when I've asked her to pick up a toy and she yells at me and then asks for a taste of whatever it is I'm cooking. I'll tell her if you can't pick that toy up then you don't get a taste of whatever I'm making. Sometimes I help her pick it up so she understands what I'm saying. Recently she got the message and picked something up and then got her reward. I haven't done time outs yet. I don't think she would understand them. I don't yell though sometimes I really want to. I imagine Levi is having a very hard time with such a big change in the family. It will pass, but I can only imagine how trying it must be.

Good luck Just! He can't stay in there forever, keep reminding yourself of that. I can't wait to hear about your new baby!

Lee, good luck tomorrow. Praying for good numbers and hopefully a good scan.

I'm studying like hell right now for this second exam. It's coming up soon and I'm really nervous but excited to get it over with. If I pass, I never have to take another exam again! Delilah has hand, foot, and mouth disease right now. It is hideous. She started showing a rash on her mouth on Sunday. It quickly bloomed on her hands, feet and bum. She was really out of sorts the past few days which meant I couldn't study. And unfortunately it's super contagious, so I can't bring her anyplace that has kids. It is no fun trying to entertain a toddler at home for a week. She's still contagious but the blisters are starting to scab up finally. Once they are all scabbed over she's not contagious anymore. Her poor face looks horrible. She cried when she saw herself in the mirror and said "messy." Luckily we haven't caught it. I would shoot myself if I got it right now. I can't afford to get sick with this exam coming up!

I hope everyone is well. I miss you all terribly. xoxo
Gosh, heart, your LAST exam! You're going to feel all lost when it's over :rofl:
Seriously, though, I hope D recovers quickly and quietly so you feel well prepared on the day. Knowing you, you'll ace the test! Fxfxfxfx
Thanks Pip. We'll see about acing it. If I pass, they don't tell me how much I've passed by. If I fail, they wave it in my face and tell me how many I missed and what areas need improvement.

How are you doing lovely? Have you started ttc again yet?

Just, where is that baby?
Heart, then they'll just have to congratulate you quietly and then surprise you with an award for best pass a few days later. It had better come with champagne and cake, too!

We will be trying again although I'm terrified and almost wish we weren't. Of course I want that baby but this last loss has reminded me how hard it might be. If things don't work out next time round I don't know if I can keep going. We'll have to see...

Just, fingers crossed this lovely big cuddly baby slides out a treat fxfxfxfx
Not sure if you remember but when Delilah was born we got a congrats note and a bottle of champagne from my husband's client, who happens to be U2. It was from the band and management. You can imagine how exciting that was. Well we decided that since I was BFing, I couldn't really enjoy that bottle like I wanted to so we thought we'd wait until a really special occasion came along. We decided that occasion was when I passed the 2nd exam and became a licensed marriage and family therapist.'s in the fridge now and waiting to be opened. I can't wait!

Your fears resonate with me. There are so many reasons that I think I'm not going to ttc again and what you just wrote is on the top of the list. Many of our lovely MARL ladies have gone on to have successful 2nd pregnancies. But there is no guarantee of that as you were harshly reminded of recently. I just don't know how many more times I could endure that heartache and I don't know that I want Delilah watching me go through it. It takes such a toll. I don't envy you right now. The whole ttc business, the pregnancy, the worries of both are so exhausting. But if you manage to pull it off you do get the most wonderful gift in the universe. The journey itself can be painstaking. The rewards, priceless. If it doesn't work though, you really do have to take a look at yourself and life and figure out how many more times you can endure it. We all have our breaking point. What I find interesting about this journey is that I don't think we ever really know what our breaking point is until we hit up against it. We can't predict ahead of time, "oh, I'll try one more time and then I'm done." It sounds nice in theory, but often once we get to that place, so many of us decide to try one more time. Even I haven't completely ruled out trying again, though I'm pretty sure I'm done.
Thanks, heart. I think you really deserve that bottle and more, if only for the kind support you provide on here.
You're right, it's difficult to state an exact breaking point. I think for me, depending on the type of loss, I have made my mind up but that is not factoring in my husband... You really do never know!

The result is absolutely priceless, I agree, but this time round is different. I already have such an amazing child and I have him to consider when I make my choices.
Hi ladies, guess what.....after my membrane sweep on Wednesday I went into full blown labour at 4pm. By the time I'd got to the hospital at 6pm I was 7 cm dilated. So admitted straight to labour suite.
Unfortunately this labour did not go to plan or as straight forward as Emelia's, it turned into a bit of a trauma where I was in labour for 20 hours and did not progress past 7 cm despite them trying everything, I was in horrendous pain and had to be taken to theatre for a spinal block and they said they would attempt forceps or a section.
Thankfully the forceps worked and my little man was Euan was born and we are so in love with him, he is amazing.
He was born on Thursday 24th at 12.51 in afternoon, he weighed 7lbs 12oz and is just gorgeous, his poor little face was cut and bruised with the forceps but is looking much better already, its his little nose that got the worst of it.
He is such a little darling, I just keep staring at him thinking how lucky I am. We got home last night and I have been living on adrenaline and total sleep deprivation but I think its actually catching up with me as Im starting to feel a bit light headed and almost spaced out like Im dreaming!
Recovery has been great as I always heard that forcep delivery was horrendous but this is going much better than the last time where I tore and was cut with Emelia and this time around just an episiotomy.
I could go on and on about him haha but not much time right now, I'll upload a picture when I can aswell. Just couldn't wait to get on here and tell everyone.

They said that my double womb seemed to be the cause of the problem and also Euan's head was facing a wrong direction, also my second cervix was causing problems.
Also my placenta would not come away and they thought that part of it was retained so had I had him naturally I would have been taken to theatre anyway they said. I can honestly say that my family is complete now and this whole experience has made me terrified to do it again and apparently last time around I just landed very lucky that labour went so smooth. In hindsight with my double womb I should have had a section.

Hope you are all well x
huge congratulations just. sorry to hear things didn't go smoothly but glad he is here safe xx
Congrats, Just, on the difficult but fortunate birth of baby Euan! :hugs:

We cannot wait to see pictures!
Just! I am so happy your little one is here! Sorry things didn't go as planned, but at least he is here, healthy and strong! Cuts and bruises will heal soon!

AFM - Things are going well, enjoying the weekend and having DH here, but not really enjoying the headache I have after only 3 hours of sleep last night and dealing with a very hungry baby since about midnight (its noon now...) She seems to have finally dozed off, so I am hoping to get some rest myself. Seems to be an every other night thing... one good one followed by a bad one.
Congrats just - amazing news love his name and thanks for thinking of us all and taking the time to come on here and tell us all about him! Can't wait to see a pic!

Sorry the birth was so traumatic but glad u are all ok now - enjoy your lovely little family xx
Thanks so much ladies...

Just read back a bit. Pip and Heart I completely agree that the whole ttc business, stress and worry throughout pregnancy of more losses etc etc. is so hard to deal with and really does take over everything.
Recently my husband and I have had arguments and discussions as to how pregnancy has really came between us and there is a distance between us that never was. We are now accepting that our family is complete and we have no need to go through it all again, Im just looking forward to starting our family life together and doing family things like holidays etc. down the line.

I really wish you ladies all of the success for another pregnancy and for those that cant face doing it again I completely understand that too.
It is amazing when it works out again but sadly it does seem like more people go on to have more losses and its def. a case of how much a person can take. It makes it different when you already have a child but definitely not any easier I don't imagine.

In my case I can only say that I feel so blessed and Im so so happy that I have two children now which I never ever thought would happen. This feels amazing right now and looking back on it all has been so worth it x

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