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Sara I have a slight pouch but my c sec was low, very low as in about half way down from the start of my bikini line. I only know a few ppl that have had sections and there scar seems much higher than mine. I think the higher the more likely you will get a little pouch. I do have an extra tummy roll that is obviously gonna need work to disappear lol!!!! But I wouldn't worry too much Hun we have plenty of time to get our bodies back in shape!

Just sounds like emilia is a good girl for mummy. Alfie was a bit like that at first he LOVED to sleep but as the weeks go on they have a lot more wake time. Sounds like she may have colic I've heard colief is really good it's expensive though isn't it? If it works I think you can get it free on prescription from the docs. We also found infacol to be quite good.

Well after another couple of bad feeds with Alfie only taking 2-3oz before the pain started I went out and brought some doctor browns bottles today at the advice of friends who have fad successes with them. First 5oz bottle was downed by a very happy Alfie so I'm hoping it wasn't a fluke and this is the sign of good things to come!
just - let me know how the level 2 nipples work out, i have heard they have too much of a flow, we tried one once with ava and didn't like it. would be interesting to see how emelia likes them

bumpy - i should have told you to try dr browns, we really like them except for the large 8 oz bottles we are going to now, i just bought 18 of them today to go along with the 3 i have, between those and 4 oz i have 45 bottles now...ugh. if you wash them in the dishwasher, put the blue straw thing on the top rack tine thing in the dishwasher and put the bottle right over it, works great to wash them. then i put the other parts in a dishwasher basket with the nipples in the upper part of basket (i use munchkin baskets)
hi davies! i see you on here - post Lexi pics!

girls- anyone thinking about baptism if you haven't done it already? i'm Lutheran, haven't been to church in a long time but am going to get the kids baptised back in my home town as i don't belong to a church yet in the cities and want to have my family at the baptism. still don't know who would be godparents. i just feel like we should have had it done by now but with them being preemie and then going back to work, and the exhaustion, it's too much to deal with and i'm thinking about doing it in the spring.
Oh I meant to say we moved Alfie from level 1 teats to level 2 quite quickly, we didn't wait for the recommended 3 months. He was having to suck too hard on level 1 and gets on much better with level 2, sometimes I guess you just have to try it and see. Hopeful if u did try it again and the twins liked it you would prob notice feeding times are much quicker. Alfie had a size 1 teat today on the new DB bottle and he took AGES to feed, I went and bought some size 2's which is what he is used to and they were much better.
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry I'm so busy these days and we had a few bad evenings...

Heart, it sounds like D might be going through a growth spurt. The last one we had was at four months and it was the worst so far. I stupidly left the house and was so weakened by it I had to lie down at my friend's house for a while. How lame :haha: Seeing as D was a premie she might be having her growth spurt a bit later?

Sara, my pouch. I think it is gone? Or I just don't notice it as much? Give yourself a bit of time before exercising. A c-section is major surgery and you don't want to ruffle those layers.

Hopeful :hugs: I can't imagine how hard things must be for you. Soon you will be getting your nights back and you will feel much better! As for meeting people, I really don't know how much you can achieve next to work? Do you go out at the weekends? Do you even have the energy?
Well we have been using teh level 2 teats now and the feeding times are much quicker although it dosent seem to be solving the wind problem. Emelia had a midnight feed last night and then screamed for about an hour, it took 2 hours in total for my husband to settle her, its such ashame to see them suffer like that. Everytime she was laid back down to sleep you could hear her so noisy and trying to break wind.
We're using the colief now but its early days to see any improvement.
Reagrding moving to the level 2 teats. The health visitor told me yesterday that she advises that level 1 teats are only used for the first week and then move onto level 2 instead of waiting for the recommended 1 month plus.
My husbands convinced that he dosent like the level 2 teats already but the health visitor did say that we need to persevere with them and Emelia will get used to them. Im trying to elevate her up a bit more so that it dosent pour down her throat though as she's still sucking really hard and getting lots out of her bottle.
Croy, I meant to tell you earlier that there was recently a long term study published on the effects of CIO and the findings were that it wasn't emotionally or mentally detrimental to children. I'm sure if you googled it, you could find it. It was very interesting to read.

Also, can you share with me how you bathed Levi while you were traveling? And any other tips on travel that I might need? We're leaving in 20 days.

Sara, loved the new pics of Eva on the PAL thread. It's amazing how much they change. How are you getting along with BF'ing and sleep these days? Is your MIL still there? I'm glad your mom is coming to visit. I find it incredibly hard living so far away from my mother. I'm not going to the Cape for this trip. We go there in the summer. We're going to Kansas City where Tim's parents live for Christmas. Then Delilah and I are going to Florida for 2 weeks. My mom lives there in the winters. My sister is meeting us there. She lives in Pennsylvania. I can't wait!

These are my favorites:
3. People will tell you, "It goes by so fast!" Those people do not remember what the first year was really like.
7. It's nearly impossible not to keep score. (He got three hours more sleep than I did!) But it is possible not to vocalize your score-keeping. In theory.
8. Keeping relatives and friends up to date with baby news, photos and videos is practically a full-time job. If only it paid in cash.

Jodi, I didn't know that about reflux and 4 months! I also just met a mom today (she bought our beloved Snugabunny swing) who told me that reflux can happen if you take antibiotics. It interferes with the baby's digestive system. Not sure if that's true, but she didn't have reflux in the NICU. Then I got mastitis and was on a heavy dose of antibiotics at the end of her stay there. All of a sudden she had it when I got her home. Hmmm. We do have a play gym. She loves it sometimes. But during the day, she often hates being on her back. We're getting a product that allows us to mix her meds with it and then they will be immediate release, rather than time released. The benefit is that I can give her multiple doses throughout the day rather than the one I give her now. I read that they metabolize meds much faster. So my guess is that the one dose I give her now gets her through the late afternoon and night, but by morning, she is uncomfortable. Just waiting for the product in the mail. I'll ask her to have a night time sleep talk with Dylan and Ava! Last night she slept from 8pm to 7am! I couldn't believe it!

Amber, this weekend sounds like an adventure. You'll be great with her! Your activities sound awesome. I want to come with you! I can't wait to follow you on your surrogacy journey.

Just, the emotions are bound to get to you. The baby blues are real. Our hormones are so crazy right now. It will pass. Though, I'm still pretty emotional, but not nearly like I was. Emelia sounds like a dream.

Bumps, how is Alfie's reflux? Do you have new meds for him? Interesting what you've been told about the teats. I was told the opposite. That they should always have size one teats. So strange how many opinions there are!

Jodi, I wasn't baptized. My parents decided to let me decide on my own religion which in essence left me religiousless. Tim doesn't practice a religion either. So we won't be baptizing Delilah. Tim wants to expose her to as many religions as he can which is fine with me. She can choose to have one or not as far as I'm concerned. We are thinking about asking Tim's brother and SIL to take Delilah if something happens to us. They have a lovely 13 year old daughter and are great parents.

Pip, I think she is having a growth spurt! I've been feeding her more and she's more content. Unfortunately, I've had to give her bottles. My boobs aren't producing as much as she needs. Either that or she's not draining them properly. I just developed a very nasty, large, painful plugged duct. Now it's not producing much milk at all until I can un plug it. I'm terrified I'm going to get mastitis again. How is J? Just saw a pic of you both in your new carrier on FB. Super cute! Have you moved to solids yet?

When do other people plan to move to solids or if you already are on solids, when did you do it? I'm thinking around 6 months.

Off to pump and try and work out this duct. Thought you might like a video I took today. I'm going to remove it from here in a couple of days. Tim started making this loud kissing noise and Delilah couldn't stop laughing. It's soooo cute!
Hi heart, I can't see the vid (because I'm on my phone?). J is taking solids now. He started at around 5.5-6 months so we have only been at it for about three weeks. He just seemed ready for it. I have read that with premies you might need to start earlier or use some form of supplementation. Babies are born with a stash of iron etc but usually this is depleted around 6 months, which is why they then need solids. With premature babies it can be different so maybe speak to your doctor about it?

As for bathing while travelling, I can highly recommend taking a bath with your baby - it's so funny to have them kicking and splashing in the big bath! I usually lay a changing mat and a bunch of towels next to the bath. I put J on there and cover him up while I get in and out.

With the gym, we often prop J's up with a fat cushion under one side so he is almost sitting up. He loves it as he can pull his toys even closer. Could that help with the reflux?

I found this last growth spurt the hardest of all. It is just by sheer chance and by being too busy (exhausted) that I got through it. I am not surprised that most people give up breastfeeding entirely at this point! Things are much easier now, though. With J eating food he can suddenly go for much longer stretches without feeding from me. Before, it was every 2.5 hours (max). Now he can easily go for 3-4 hours (and sometimes longer!) and is less desperate. Except at night. He's like a starved animal then :D

Our new carrier has proved a hit. J slept in it twice while we were out and about yesterday and I didn't have any sore muscles after :haha:
That video is just adorable nothing nicer than the sound of a happy bubba giggling!!! We get HUGE open mouthed smiles from Alfie now and he coo's a lot but we are not quite at the giggling stage - I can't wait for that!!

Heart Alfie didn't have reflux in SCBU either it started a few weeks after he came home I did read its something that doesn't necessarily start from birth though. Interesting about the antibiotics. We were given stronger meds which didn't seem to make much change but I also changed his bottles to Dr Brown ones and they have made a massive difference. He has actually finished a few 5oz bottles fully now and only pushes the bottle away now when he is full rather than in pain. I'm so happy!

Hoping - I can't wait to follow your journey either, you have such a kind heart to do the surragacy thing.

Pip - good to see you, Julian is very cute sorry you had a couple if bad nights.

Davies - how is the weaning going? Heart - I will probably start at 6 months also. I read somewhere you shouldn't start before 17 weeks after their DUE date so that's 23 weeks old at the earliest for me which is practically 6 months.

Sara how you getting on? Hope Eva is sleeping well?

Just - you ok? Has the colief kicked in?

Alfie is 12 weeks old today and has his first cold bless him. I hate not being able to do much for him. He is asleep upright in his chair at the moment and I've given him some calpol as he's only 1 week off 3 months old so I thought it couldn't hurt but does anyone have any other tips?
amanda - that video is adorble! that kissing sound was making me giggle too, had to turn it down at work ;) i can't believe you sold the swing!!!!! OMG! I don't want to see ours, ever. dylan doesn't really fit in it but i still put him in as he comes home from daycare and needs a nap and it soothes him. was Delilah completely coming out of it? she looks so tall and she is gorgeous. i'm not used to seeing cloth diapers, is that what she has on? the only good thing about eventually getting rid of the swing is the extra room. how much did you sell it for? I was thinking of maybe $75 once I decide to sell? was going to see what they are going for on craiglist
a nurse at the ped office said no solids until 6 months, esp as they are preemies but we are going to ask the Dr at our 6th month appt on dec 19.
i've read they should have really good head control before solids. i think they are 80% of the way there but they don't have the head control a full term baby would have at this stage from what i can tell.

bumpy- he is a cutie! love the pics!

pip - want to see your pics on fb! i'm hardly ever on though. loved reading your updates on your journal, i need to post more on there and stalk

just- hopefully she will grow out of that gassiness too but the dr browns bottles helped us alot. is the colief working?
Hopeful, I don't manage to post much in here, either. I feel bad for not giving my son attention. I only really come on when J is sleeping or busy feeding.
bumpy - when mine were sick, we had them sleep in rock n play sleepers (which they have napped in them for awhile now as dylan used one when he used to spit up alot)

and we gave them baby tylenol (liquid)

oh - and about solids and iron, we have given them tri vi sol with iron drops in milk since they came home from nicu (and I think the nurses gave it to them in there)?
which one ped said we could stop at 6 months and another one said to keep giving them the vitamins until 9 months so who knows.

doesn't it seem like everyone you talk to, dr or not, has a different opinion on things?
Thanks hopeful ive not seen those rock and play things before I can see the appeal though!

We've got a plug in vaporiser in his room which seems to be helping a bit.

Alfie is on iron in his milk too and daily vitamins. I've been told he should take them until he is 1.
Heart, that video is awesome :) Max giggled three days in a row a couple weeks ago but now refuses!! Stubborn boy!

Bumpy, love your pics. What a beautiful smile your little man has :)

Max has started sucking his thumb this week. He's been trying since birth and I've tried to get him to have a dummy but he hates them so I've resigned myself to the fact that he's a thumb sucker!! He does it when he's self soothing!
Got him weighed on Wednesday and he weighs exactly 17lbs at 15 weeks! He gained a full pound in less than two weeks! Makes me feel much better because he's been feeding much more frequently. I was worried my milk wasn't enough for him. Must be the dreaded growth spurt. He's also teething so we've had a difficult week.
My grandad passed away so I'm trying to support my dad as well as take care of My brood! He had Alzheimer's and was very bad towards the end. I'm ashamed to say we were all a little relieved.
We're comforted by the fact that he is no longer suffering. He was so unhappy and in pain from all the falls he's been having recently.

Oh my word embo he is soooo cute a proper little boy!!! People say that about Alfie too - he looks like a proper little boy!!
Love the pics especially the one with you - loving the new yummy mummy haircut by the way!!!
Wow 17lb at 15 weeks he's a big boy!!! Alfie was exactly 11lb at 11 weeks bless him!
Hi ladies :wave: I'm officially a MARL now! :D
Baylyn Rose was born November 28, 2012 @ 12:55pm by EMCS. She weighed 6lb7oz & was 19 1/2 inches long. She's the sweetest little girl in the whole world <3 we are so in love with her! Right now I'm bf'ing her and typing with one thumb on my iphone right now lol She has taken to it really well! We got our latch down & everything. I'm just waiting for the full on breast milk to come in still. My boobs are getting harder & huger so I'm sure it'll be soon. Lactation consultant said probably within 24 hours. Anyways, just introducing myself over here!

Embo- max is so handsome! He looks like a little man! You look great too :)

Some photos of little Bay <3
Thanks bumpy :) Alfie is indeed a handsome chappy. I know what you mean about a 'proper little boy!' Although Max has eyebrows that could give any girl a run for their money!!!!

Thanks tuckie! Bay is absolutely gorgeous. I miss newborn snuggles :cloud9:
Congrats on becoming marl :)
Hi ladies just popped on for a quick stalk! All these babies are doing so well! Embo Max looks adorable sucking his thumb. I just wanted to say sorry about your Grandad but try not to feel bad for feeling relieved. My Grandad passed away 10 years ago now but he had Alzheimer's too and in the end he just wasn't the same person any more. We were all relieved it was over. It was terrible seeing the body and face of someone you love just essentially invaded by a cruel illness. I like to think my Grandad is better now and at peace.
Seems there is a new batch of rainbows coming along, I will be joining you all soon.
first of all thanks for all the delicious baby pictures. all such cuties! i love it!!

Heart - my parents managed to borrow a bunch of things from friends or friends who had grandkids so we borrowed a baby bath from my cousin. Are you visiting family? I wonder if they could borrow a few bits. it was so nice not to have to pack and carry all the stuff like the bath and stroller, I am sure she will do great when you travel.

Levi is snuggled next to me in bed fast asleep J is away at a training for 3 nights and so he has been dong so great in his crib I am rewarding him with a night next to me :) or i am rewarding myself i think, he doesn't seem to care either way! He slept 9 solid hours the other day, it was a one off but worth a mention I feel! its working good for us to have him go to bed 6/30 or 7pm. we get an evening which is good for us and he seems to appreciate the extra sleep.

Ok, bedtime for me. Night ladies!

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