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Tuckie, she is absolutely GORGEOUS! So happy for you! It's hard work but very rewarding!

Will properly respond later. My step-mother is babysitting Delilah today so I'm going to do a little shopping right now. Hope everyone is well.
Hey ladies, I'm jut wondering: do all newborns have a certain time of day that they get real fussy for no apparent reason? Bay has kept us up in the wee hours the last 3 nights in a row. Last night wasn't as bad but she was unsettled between 3am-7am. Not cryin the whole time, sometimes just fussing or whimpering but not wanting to sleep at all and when she's cryin really hard, the only thing that quiets her is the boob, even if she jut ate. She'll just sit there with the boob on her mouth but not be sucking...I'm not sure if this is normal or what. She sleeps like a champ during the day but gets all crazy in the wee hours :shrug: & my milk has definitely come in, my boobs are super hard and then softer after she feeds.
embo - love the pics!

hi croy

tuckie - eventually, there will be a fussy time, ours was 7pm to 11pm (around there) and it peaks around 7 weeks I think? i could be wrong but it's something like that
but it didn't start for a few weeks. they slept alot and up every 2 hours or so to eat in the beginning
but like bumpy said, days and nights are mixed up now. will she take a pacifier when she isn't hungry at night? i was a pacifier maid for awhile but now they just suck their fingers when needed. i mainly pumped and bottle fed though too
Just got back from some shopping. Got a few new things. I’m carrying around an extra 10 pounds that I am dying to get rid of. But since my milk supply is always on the verge of plummeting, I don’t want to cut calories or exercise too much. Once she’s on solids I’ll lose the weight. I’m very disciplined and know I can. But for now, new clothes it is!

Pip, how often do you feed J at night now? And what kind of carrier do you have? I’m obsessed with carriers. I have the Ergo which I love. I just bought a ring sling that you can wear in the water. I plan to use it on the plane when I’m traveling alone and then I can take her in the pool with it in Florida.

Bumpy, aren’t the smiles and coos amazing? Giggles are right around the corner! I’m glad the Dr. Browns are working for you. We use those too. I’m not sure if they make a difference as we’ve been using them all along. Alfie is just beautiful. He’s getting so big! How is his cold? We didn’t give Delilah anything when she had hers. We put saline drops in her nose and then used the Nosefrida to suck the snot out. Disgusting, but it worked. Other than that, she had to ride it out.

Jodi, yes, Delilah had on a cloth diaper in that video. There was a big sale, so I finally bought some. We’re trying out this brand to see if we like them. I sold my swing on Craigslist for $75! One person tried to offer us $35 for it saying that they had to drive a long way and gas is expensive. Sorry buddy, that’s your problem, not mine. The woman who bought it had her baby at 41 weeks and he was only 5 lbs 11 oz! He was in the NICU for a few days. Only a few ounces more than ours and Bumps babies. Crazy isn’t it? Delilah just started kicking herself out of the swing. She’s super long and very active. I didn’t trust her to be safe in it. We didn’t use the harness because I put a plush blanket in the cradle to give her more cushion. So in essence, it became to unsafe for her. She has really good head control. She is like a term baby in that respect. She also rolls around a lot. I swear, she’s about to start crawling!

Em, holy moley, he’s a big chunk! Well done you. Super cute sucking his thumb. So sorry about your grandfather. My step-father died from a different form of dementia. It is so awful to see someone decline like that. You might remember that I counseled families who were caring for family members with all kinds of dementia. There is no shame in feeling relief. It’s no way to live. :hugs:

Croy, I have my MIL and my mom on the hunt for a baby tub. She loves bath time and I want to keep it up. On the other hand, I hate taking a bath. I’m a shower girl. I know Em can relate! I also know what you mean about rewarding yourself with having him sleep next to you. There is something so sweet about it. Well done on the 9 hour stretch. It makes all the difference, doesn’t it?

Tuckie, to this day, Delilah loves sleeping on my boob if I let her. It’s called comfort sucking. As Baylyn is so little right now, I think anything goes. I know it’s hard, but you just need to work around her needs and schedule. She’ll figure out a routine. And she’ll also stop getting fussy. Since we were in the NICU for so long, I can’t offer advice about a fussy period. She just slept a lot when she was first born. She did end up having a fussy period around 7pm when she hit her due date. I wouldn’t worry. It all sounds normal to me. The hardest part is the lack of sleep for you. Honestly, this is harder on us than it is on the baby in my opinion.

Interesting about all the different opinions about solids and iron. We gave Delilah iron until she was a little past her due date. She still gets some formula which also has iron in it. The doctor told us at her 4 month appt. that she could start solids. I wasn’t comfortable with that and have decided to wait until she is at least 6 months which is Christmas Eve. Since we’ll be traveling, I won’t be giving her solids until closer to 7 months.

Does anyone have separation anxiety? I don’t mean the baby. I just let my step-mom babysit and Delilah was very fussy. I called a few times to check in (Tim was at home but was working) and he said he had to calm her down a few times as she was so fussy. It made my day less than fun. I just wanted to run home and cuddle her. Why is it so hard to let other people take care of your baby? I never thought I would be this kind of mother, but I am! And now I just got home and they are on a walk. I just want to see my baby!!!
Heart my friend does. She's just gone back to work after 9 months and spent the whole morning crying in the toilet at work missing her son :nope: xxx
Hello ladies, we're back! :D

Samuel's now 10lb 8oz and has been discharged from hospital. He's on formula topups (dairy free) but still has boob periodically. My milk is too thin for him to keep down and the formula can be thickened.

Hope you're all well. I have read through what i missed. Congrats tuckie x

Some pics of my boy from hospital and after
Great to see you home pups. Samuel looks so gorgeous :)
Amanda- it sounds like you have an awesome trip coming up! I would love to go spend time with my family for 2 weeks… actually on 2nd thought maybe not!:haha: They are a bunch of drama queens but I do miss them terribly. Delilah is such a good sleeper! It so nice when you get your nights back. This is when I do all of my crafts since Penny is not up to make a mess. Yesterday she drew all over the ottoman while Tim and I worked on a project:dohh:.

We moved Penny to solids just before 6 months. I read that it is better for their digestive system in the long run if you wait until the 6 month mark but not sure if it is the same when it comes to preemies. The video is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing.

Petitpas- giving solids is such a fun stage. I loved seeing Penny’s reaction to new food. I’m glad you survived the growth spurt!

Bumpy- I hope Alfie is over his cold. Our vaporizer and saline were a life saver during Penny’s 1st cold. Love the pictures… he is a doll!

Embo- I love how chunky your little guy is! Penny is a year old and barely reaching 19 pounds. I’m very sorry about your granddad. it does help knowing he is no longer in pain. Being in pain constantly is no way to live. I lost my mom this past July. I miss her fiercely but I am comforted by knowing that she is in a better place and no longer suffering.

Congrats on your rainbow baby, Tuckie!:flower: Your little girl is such a cutie pie! I love her name too. Yay for having a successful start to breast feeding. I definitely remember the engorged breasts. I actually was more engorged under my arms. Its no fun but the discomfort subsides. I don’t really remember a fussy period but I’m sure the other girls will give you great advice

Puppycat- Its good to hear Samuel is putting on some weight and has been discharged. He is such a handsome little guy.

Tracey- Your comment just reminded me that I better get started on decorating before it is too late! I can't believe Christmas is on a few weeks away!

AFM- I’m back to work after my long weekend with my special little lady. We had lots of fun but we both missed Tim terribly. The 1st night we came home to little notes all over the house from him. The last notes I found had me in tears. He put “sweet dreams” on my pillow and “goodnight, baby” in Penny’s crib on her favorite stuffed animal. That night I brought her to bed with me and in the middle of the night I found her looking for Tim and saying “Dad? Dad? Dad?” :cry: Every morning Penny and I would be naughty and eat waffles and yogurt in bed and then we would spend the day out and about. The 1st day we painted a mug for her daddy and she proceeded to stick the whole paint brush in her mouth and came home with a nontoxic paint mustache! Saturday we had a lovely day at the art museum and lunch with her GG (great grandma.) Sunday I took her swimming and we had a play date/dinner with some good friends. That night Tim surprised us and came home early!:cloud9: We were so very happy to have him back. Yesterday Tim and I took Penny swimming again and had a blast. She surprised me with how fearless she is in the water. She likes to lay on her back and kick her little feet or do her own version of the front crawl. Every so often she would try to push me away so she could “swim” on her own:dohh:. I definitely want to get her in to swim lessons.

On the surrogacy front- I started BCPs to regulate my cycle and then I have to finish my blood testing. After that is the matching process!
Hi ladies, what beautiful babies you all have, every single one of them. Heart, that videe of Delilah is just the cutest thing, I just cant wait for proper smiles and giggles. Emelia has smiled quite a few times whilst we talk to her when she sleeps and it is teh sweetest thing ever, it really does melt your heart dosent it!

I'll need to get more pics of Emelia on here. She's feeding much better after switching to the level 2 teats and shes such a hungry girl, now taking 5 oz every 3 hours. She's put on a whole pound this week and now weighs 7lbs 10oz. The health visitor said to me that is great and that there is no such thing as over feeding as her stomach tells her when she is hungry and when to stop as it only holds so much so aslong as she's not bring the bottle back up all is fine, Ive just to feed on demand. She sleeps well between feeds but is definetely having more awake time now.
We have been told by several people to try feeding her more before bed as it will help to fill her and she will sleep longer throughout the night.
We have still been putting colief in the bottles aswell so I think that is working.
I bought Dr. Brown bottles before I even had my baby but Ive not used them yet as they were so big but I need to buy the level 2 teats this week and start on them, my sister swore that they worked aswell to relieve wind.

Regarding switching to solids, obviously Im not even near that stage yet but my health visitor has given me the speech about it. She said that if there is only one thing that I can remember out of everything she has told me. It is not to switch to solids before 6 months/24 weeks. She said that research is now showing that a lot of health problems that the population has these days is down to the fact that years ago babies were switched to solids way too early.
She said that the enzymes that are required to process and break down food are sometimes there at 18 weeks but most often it is 24 weeks so not to do it until then. She said that you will always get older generations of family members etc. giving out advice that you should switch to solids early but not to do it.
Hi all

So nice to hear you are home puppy samuel is such a cutie and it sounds like he is now gaining weight well.

Embo Max is a little cutie too

Just sound like Emilia is doing great and yes we need more pics!!

Heart hope you enjoyed your shopping and hope Tim's shoulder is improving!

Hi hoping, tracie hopeful tuckie bumpy and everyone else.

AFM Freya is doung great she is 9 weeks today and yesterday she weighed 9lb 15oz so is gaining nicely. Her sleeping is definitely improving she has a bath at 7 then breast fed she is usually asleep by 8. My D/H gives her a bottle about 11 then she will usually go 3 hours between feeds BUT tonight she has just woken up so has done around 4 1/2 hours!!!

She has just started with eczema bless her so has stuff to go in the bath and some cream for after so hope it helps with the dryness. Both me and D/H had it as kids so not surprised. Will get some new pics of her up soon xx
Hi ladies sorry I'm I don't get much time to post! We have started baby rice only as lexi was hungry but as she's in a cows milk protein free milk we don't have a fattier milk to give!! I don't feel it's made much difference to b honest!

She has nights she sleeps an nights she wakes up for a feed once!

Heart how's d? Gorg video Hun x

Jodi how's twins?? Where's pic? Will upload some if lex x

Em gorgeous boy x

Pups gorge pics so pleased he's doing well x

Croy u set for Xmas x
Davies she has the most gorgeous lips :) I think she looks a lot like your hubby :)
davies - love the pics! who are the other babies?

cazi - good to see you! sounds like she is doing great

hi tracie - when is the big party? can't believe it's been a year

hi embo!

tuckie- how is it going? I had such adrenaline those first few weeks and then the exhaustion really set in

amanda - that's awesome she rolls around and has good head control! these kids just roll once if they roll. dylan has pushed/pulled himself forward though like he wants to crawl around.
glad you got to get out and go shopping. i don't get separation anxiety too much as we are always with them at home and when they go to daycare i'm just so busy at work but think about them all the time. how is Tim's shoulder?

hoping- will be nice to follow you on the surrogate journey! are you used to giving yourself shots?

justkeeptrying- that's a really good point about that study and feeding too early

puppy - so happy he's doing better and love the pics, his eyes are so blue!

these are the outfits we will do professional pics in next weekend.


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Hopeful they r gorgeous can't wait to see ur prof shots I love Ava's dress!! An hair band is cute as!! X
Em everyone says she looks like Pete! Poor monkey lol!! She has his eyes for sure! X

Heart hopeful lexi rolled like three times but not a lot she's more of a wriggler! X

My mum is having lexi so me an Pete can have a night out sat I'm quite excited!! X

Hoping I think it's amazing what ur doing x

Just was the info on early weaning about all food? Have I done wrong thing giving her rice?? My hv told me to!! Now I'm worried!!! X

Has everyone done Xmas shopping? I'm nearly sorted. X
these are the outfits we will do professional pics in next weekend.[/QUOTE

Hopeful they are just gorgeous!!!! Love their outfits you must be so proud of them!
Bumps as above and what a cutie! So sweet with his sister!
Heart omg this vid neearly had me in tears I'm so emo lol! How cute!!!
Just was the info on early weaning about all food? Have I done wrong thing giving her rice?? My hv told me to!! Now I'm worried!!! X

Hi Davies, Lexi is just beautiful. They are lovely pics.
Regarding the early weaning my health visitor wasnt specific about what type of solids, she just spoke to any solids in general and said not before 24 weeks. You should defo. ask your health visitor about it again. Its so frustrating when there is conflicting advice given isnt there, expecially if your HV has told you to.
Mines was very adamant about the 24 week thing.
Mine also recommended not to wean before 6 months. I laughed and said my older three were weaned at four months and they're never ill, have no gastro probs, no allergies etc, all doing well at school so don't worry Davies hun!
I've decided not to wean until 6 months but that's just because I'm trying to bring max up via the new health guidelines. Such as later weaning, breastfeeding longer, baby led weaning etc.

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