Hey ladies :wave:
Thanks for the advice regrading the fussy periods. She still has about 3-4 hours, usually real early in the morning, where she doesn't seem settled and does a lot of that comfort sucking. Luckily, we've worked it out where I'll feed her/let her comfort suck for about 2 hours and then I wake up OH and he takes her into the living room and they watch the morning news together while I sleep a couple hours. It feels sooo good to get that extra couple hours!
Heart- yay for new clothes

I'm still wearing maternity stuff because of my incision pain. The mat leggings and yoga pants come up high and don't bother that area. I think your separation anxiety is pretty normal. You're still a new mom. My friend was the exact same way. Sorry about D only wanting to sleep on you. That's rough :/ Do you have a comfy recliner you could move to so at least you both get sleep and you could spare your back some? I know how hard it is to sleep with Bay wanting to comfort suck because we do football hold but it's easier in the recliner with lots of little pillows propped up.
Puppy- yay on Samuel being home! Great weight and super cute pics
Cazi- nice that you have Freya on a routine already. Hope the eczema goes away :/ more pics of her please!
Embo- love seeing all your FB pics of Max. He is one handsome little man!
Hoping- that's so awesome that you're going to be a surrogate! What an amazing thing to do

Loved the story about your OH leaving you and your DD notes around the house too
Justkeep- yay for Emilia gaining weight. We need more pics of her too!
Davies- Love the Christmas photos of Lexi! Adorable. The one with all the bubs looks like something out of catalog. Very cute. Good for you being ahead on your shopping...I have accomplished NOTHING in the way of XMas shopping!
Hopeful- love the pics of the twins too. They look like very happy babies

Funny about your feelings toward AF after all the TTC after losses...I never thought about how we probably see AF different than most women...seems all women dread it but we have more painful and emotional associations with it I suppose.
Kat- Prayers your way hun
Bay is sleeping better. I think my milk coming in helped. She's more satisfied and I make sure to feed her a lot before I want her to sleep a good stretch. Sometimes she does 4-5 hour stretches, which is wonderful. Even 3 hours or more is nice though nowadays. She has had some yellowish goop in her right eye and I read it could be a blocked tear duct and to massage it and use warm rag and drops of breast milk. Anyone else's bubs have this? Also, those of you that had csections: I've been having external abdominal pain. Like my tummy is tender to the touch in certain areas...is that normal? I wrote my birth story and its in my journal (link in siggy) on page 3 for those of you that haven't been over to the PARL thread. Feel free to read if you're interested. I have to say, I love being a mommy

It's rough sometimes but I do enjoy her soooo much! Also, I think it's strengthened our marriage too. Seeing my hubby with Bay is so sweet. He is just smitten with her and so patient too. I always knew he was a good man & now I know he's a great daddy too!