Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

I got AF a week ago- was so strange! Hardly knew what to do anymore, lol.
I have so many stupid panty liners from the progesterone days it's almost all I could find.
So strange to just have a period and not be sad because it was a bfn or mc and just be normal. It was kinda sad though!

Davies- does she sit in a highchair? Does she need straps? I have to get highchairs!

I really want to go natural, but have an induction set at 2AM on Tuesday. Was hoping for positive induction stories to help put my mind at ease. It has been a difficult choice, but I have gone too far to put Grey at greater risk for being stillborn.

I am still hoping to go the natural route via membrane sweeps, acupressure, dtd, EPO, eating fresh pineapple core, enima, etc... Will even do the castor oil thing this weekend though I don't think it will help.

Insight and prayers ahead would be most helpful.
Jodi they are gorgeous! I need to look at them on a computer as my phone is too damn small to see their complete cuteness! I can't believe you got AF! Since I follow you in everything else, I'll probably get mine this weekend! LOL!

Pups, Samuel looks so happy and healthy. I'm relieved to hear he's doing better. How are you holding up? Reflux takes a toll on the mummy too!

Just, Emelia is a great eater! More pics! Delilah is 24 weeks on Sunday but we're still waiting until 29 or 30 weeks.

Em, isn't it interesting how many different opinions there are! Glad to hear your kids are healthy!

Amber, when do you sleep? Crafts at night? I can't imagine. But then again Penny sleeps more than Delilah. Love your stories about your family. You guys are so sweet. How does it feel to be on BCPs? I'm never taking them again if I can help it.

Davies look at your cutie pie! So sweet! She has great facial expressions. She sounds like a great sleeper too. How is the teething going?

Kat, I was induced. I have nothing to compare it to, mind you. But I survived without an epidural. I had the cervix ripened first which put me into labor, but not fast enough apparently. I was in a lot of pain and horrified when they told me they were going to induce me because I wasn't in enough pain! They couldn't check my cervix because my water had broken and they didn't want to risk infection. So they based their decision on watching how close the contractions were and how I appeared with the pain. Once they induced I realized the difference. The contractions were so strong I couldn't move. And they came very fast and close together. It was definitely the most painful experience of my life. But the whole experience was quick. 6 hours from the time I had the ripener to when I gave birth. And only 20 minutes of pushing. It sounds like a long time, but not all of it is excruciating and time loses all meaning. I know being induced increases chances of c section but it wasn't the case for me. In some ways I'm glad I had it because it seemed to move things along very quickly. I hope that helps. I'll be interested to hear how labor feels for you given your pain threshold. I always thought I had a strong threshold and after labor, I'm not so sure. If you remember, I did ask for the epidural but never got it!

AFM, Tim's shoulder is improving. He's able to help a bit more which is a relief. He's taking baby duty next Saturday morning so I can get my hair done. Delilah hasn't been on her game though. Last night I went to bed around 10. She awoke at 10:50 and would only fall back asleep on me. Every time I put her down, no matter how long I waited, she would scream. I was up until 2am then finally decided to let her sleep on me while sitting up. My back was killing me. I slept, but not well. I'm terrified what tonight is going to bring.
Amanda - I wonder why she screams if she isn't on you? Is it refluxy? Are the new meds helping?

I still can't believe AF showed, seems like a bad dream

I have the kids in their own cribs tonight for the first time since they first came home and that was just a few times until we moved them downstairs.
I will be sleeping on the floor by them. But Ava still gets up at 3 am to eat and wakes Dylan to eat then too so we will see what tonight brings.

Here's hoping we get some sleep!

When are these kids gonna get hair? Lol! I think croys is the only one with hair?

I put up a Xmas tree tonight, had the kids watch. The like the lights. Just a 3.5 ft fake one though.

Praying for you Kat! Maybe grey will want to come out this weekend! I know nothing about induction...
I remember your birth story clearly and feel very hopeful that all went well with you. Also, you weren't even "favorable" and still had D in 6 hours! Let's see how my "high pain threshold" holds up during labor.

Happy to hear that Tim is improving and that you get to pamper yourself. Sorry D isn't letting you get any sleep.

Thanks Hon.
Kat my sis was induced but it took a while to happen she had like these gel things first but they didn't do alot but she had to leave them to try for few hours but then they tried another one, that didn't work eventually she was hooked up to drip that's when it all happened an started Etc so all good sweet, just think we're all different so are our babies, I have low pain threshold like I cry at Bloodtest bad!!! An I had the weekend of contractions to then get wired to the drip then had an epidural mainly as I was so tired an hadn't slept! I had forceps failed ventouse an episiotomy but I am 100% telling the truth when I say labour was magical! Everyone thinks I'm nuts but honestly Kat the twinkle of dust that said I was about to be a mummy an meet finally my little rainbow got me through!! You will do great I no it x

Embo thanks Hun I have stuck with it but I'm not going to introduce solid like veg etc until 5 -6 months x
Hey ladies :wave:

Thanks for the advice regrading the fussy periods. She still has about 3-4 hours, usually real early in the morning, where she doesn't seem settled and does a lot of that comfort sucking. Luckily, we've worked it out where I'll feed her/let her comfort suck for about 2 hours and then I wake up OH and he takes her into the living room and they watch the morning news together while I sleep a couple hours. It feels sooo good to get that extra couple hours!

Heart- yay for new clothes :) I'm still wearing maternity stuff because of my incision pain. The mat leggings and yoga pants come up high and don't bother that area. I think your separation anxiety is pretty normal. You're still a new mom. My friend was the exact same way. Sorry about D only wanting to sleep on you. That's rough :/ Do you have a comfy recliner you could move to so at least you both get sleep and you could spare your back some? I know how hard it is to sleep with Bay wanting to comfort suck because we do football hold but it's easier in the recliner with lots of little pillows propped up.

Puppy- yay on Samuel being home! Great weight and super cute pics :)

Cazi- nice that you have Freya on a routine already. Hope the eczema goes away :/ more pics of her please!

Embo- love seeing all your FB pics of Max. He is one handsome little man!

Hoping- that's so awesome that you're going to be a surrogate! What an amazing thing to do :) Loved the story about your OH leaving you and your DD notes around the house too <3

Justkeep- yay for Emilia gaining weight. We need more pics of her too!

Davies- Love the Christmas photos of Lexi! Adorable. The one with all the bubs looks like something out of catalog. Very cute. Good for you being ahead on your shopping...I have accomplished NOTHING in the way of XMas shopping! :dohh:

Hopeful- love the pics of the twins too. They look like very happy babies :) Funny about your feelings toward AF after all the TTC after losses...I never thought about how we probably see AF different than most women...seems all women dread it but we have more painful and emotional associations with it I suppose.

Kat- Prayers your way hun :hugs:

Bay is sleeping better. I think my milk coming in helped. She's more satisfied and I make sure to feed her a lot before I want her to sleep a good stretch. Sometimes she does 4-5 hour stretches, which is wonderful. Even 3 hours or more is nice though nowadays. She has had some yellowish goop in her right eye and I read it could be a blocked tear duct and to massage it and use warm rag and drops of breast milk. Anyone else's bubs have this? Also, those of you that had csections: I've been having external abdominal pain. Like my tummy is tender to the touch in certain that normal? I wrote my birth story and its in my journal (link in siggy) on page 3 for those of you that haven't been over to the PARL thread. Feel free to read if you're interested. I have to say, I love being a mommy <3 It's rough sometimes but I do enjoy her soooo much! Also, I think it's strengthened our marriage too. Seeing my hubby with Bay is so sweet. He is just smitten with her and so patient too. I always knew he was a good man & now I know he's a great daddy too!
Hi everyone...

Hopeful, I was suprised to read that is you just getting your period and that you havent either Heart. I genuinely didnt know when to expect it but thought it would come in a month or so, I was obviously very wrong. Not complaining though as Ive not been missing having periods. It must be strange as you say Hopeful that for once your not sad that its a BFN etc.

Kat, I wouldnt worry about induction. I was induced.
Remember my story, my waters broke at 5am and went to the hospital. I was checked at 10am and confirmed that my waters had broke but my cervix was "unfavourable" at only 1cm dilated. They started the induction drug at 12.30 and Emelia was born at 13.56. My contractions came so fast and intense like what Heart experienced aswell with barely any breaks between them. It was very painful at the time and I only had gas and air as they didnt realise how far gone I was until they check and Emelia's head was showing! I again the same as Heart only had 20 mins of pushing and that wasnt the hardest part, it felt good to be pushing. When the head was coming out it is a burning sensation as they say but total relief when the head passes and the body then passes easily. For me it was the contractions that were the most painful part.
Its hard to describe the pain to anyone as everyone does have different pain thresholds, but all I know is like they say you quickly forget how bad it was and would definetely do it all over again.
I think your wise to be induced as I personally wouldnt want to go overdue either.
My induction process wasn't the best kat. As you've asked for positive experiences I won't go into it (unless you'd like me to)
Obviously the best and positive moment was when max was put on my tummy and I got through the labour without having to have a cesarean. I was pretty close to that apparently!!

Max has been on a nursing strike this week. I've never been so tired, frustrated, worried or engorged!!! He only refused one feed yesterday tho so I'm hoping he's getting over it now :thumbup:
Jodi how did the crib night go? I hope you feel rested. Last night Delilah woke up at the same time, around 11pm. I almost lost it! But I took her into bed with me and made Tim sleep on the couch. She slept until her 4am feed. Back down at 4:19am, then up at 7am. Much better! I think she's getting bad gas from the new stuff I'm giving her. It is a solution that you mix the meds with to make them immediate release. Originally I had to make her wait 3 hours between a feed. Give her the meds. Then feed her exactly 30-60 minutes later. My days revolved around it. What a pain. This new stuff let's me give it to her and feed her whenever she wants. But it has sodium bicarbonate which causes a CO2 build up, hence gas. It is supposed to get better after 4 days. We're on day 4 now. I pray it gets better. I really want this stuff to work. Her reflux is better on these meds for sure.

Just, it's common not to get AF when BFing or expressing like Jodi does. Davies got hers a few times now. Not sure how long it took. But my guess is that you'll get yours soon. I agree, the pushing didn't hurt. It felt good to be able to finally push!

Davies, I agree with you too. Giving birth was magical. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Tuckie, Delilah had a blocked duct when she was smaller. I wiped it several times a day with a wet, warm cotton ball. I also did the breast milk thing a few times. But I think the warm water was the fastest thing to clear it. Yay for sleep! Your hubby sounds great!

Em, what's up with the strike? Engorged boobs are never a pleasant feeling. Is he getting ill?
He's teething, got a cold coming and I'm due af! Yep I got my first af 30 days ago :( :( No fair right!??!
Apparently it can alter the taste of your milk. I definitely believe this cos he got a bit fussy a few days before I came on!!

He hasn't refused ANY feeds today whoop!
Well good news on the feeds! How can you tell he's teething? Do you see any signs in his mouth? I think Delilah is. Drooling, gnawing on everything, fussy.

I can't believe you got AF too! Oh no. Mine must be right around the corner. Not missing her at all. Interesting that it changed the taste. Makes sense though. It's all hormone related.
He gets bright red rosy cheeks, drooling everywhere, chewing and gnawing on anything he gets his hands on, wingey, just not himself. He settles down after calpol (baby paracetamol) but we only give him this when he's very bad :thumbup:
Aw, we have a teething baby now, too (third tooth). I caved in and gave J paracetamol today. He loves the stuff :blush:

I've just caught up but not sure I remember everything.
Welcome, tuckie! Bay is so gorgeous! J definitely had a witching hour. Ours was in the evening from about 7pm. Don't forget, either, that B is growing a lot right now. I firmly believe that babies suckle for a reason. If you are keen on breastfeeding and can bear it, let her have her way.
In the early days I made sure I always had a pint of water, a snack, my mobile phone and the remote controls by my 'feeding station' in case I got stuck during a mega feed. Feeding lying down can be great, too :thumbup:
Fingers crossed for a gentle delivery, Kat! I had a (positively magical) c-section so can't help.
Davies and hopeful, I love your baby pictures - so so cute :cloud9:
Af? *shudders* I dread her arrival. I still haven't had a visit yet so I'm sure she is storing up something extra special for me...

Puppy, big congrats on having Samuel back home. That must be such a great relief :hugs: what a handsome fellow he is, despite all the worry he caused you.

Heart, my mum babysits while I go to a sewing class once a week. I really enjoy the adult time but as soon as I get out of class I phone home and then run back to my little darling baby's open arms. I love the happy welcome he gives me.

Someone asked about night feeds. J generally goes down around 7pm. Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes later. I give him a lying down feed and let him suckle for as long as he wants, usually around half an hour. He stays down until I come to bed around 11-12. The next feed is at around 2.30am. He doesn't cry, I just wake up because he is fidgeting next to me. He wakes again around 5.30am. I generally make a point to try and ignore him after that until at least 7am. He sometimes stays awake and chats to himself or he falls asleep again :)happydance:). I have also used his longer initial sleep for crafting.
Heart, it just popped into my head that you asked about baby carriers. I have an action baby carrier, which I love. I suppose it is similar to the ergo. I also have a rose & rebellion, which I haven't tried out yet...
Peti- thanks for the advice! We actually practiced side lying breastfeeding today and she took right to it :thumbup: I'm hoping this will let me get some more sleep!

Hope all the teething babies feel better :( Teething is rough!
Embo- that's young for teeth! Can you see them yet? A and d drool and put stuff in their mouths but I can't feel anything in there yet

Amanda- it went good having them in cribs. They sleep kind of the same as in our room but don't bump into each other so dont fuss as much. But I really shouldn't sleep on the floor, there's a monitor in there but I have to put the other camera up over the other crib.
They eat around 9 - 10 pm then to bed in separate cribs. They stir a few times between 1 and 4 so I just check to make sure they are ok. Then they eat around 5am. It does work out great. I need breathable bumpers though, had some and returned but now I need to buy back. Dylan had his foot through the slat this morning. Just playing around. Every time I check on him he's in a different position all over the crib. Blanket kicked off. I have a blanket on each but have it tucked into sides. Now I just need to go to sleep earlier! I think they could eat at 3 am still but are ok with skipping it.
Nope! Can't see anything yet! Could be months until he actually cuts a tooth :thumbup:
Thanks for the info on carriers and teeth!

Jodi, I'm putting Delilah in her crib when we return from our travels. I put her in it sometimes now to get her used to it. She has often put her legs and arms through the slats, so I need to get breathable bumpers too. I saw some at Target. Haven't researched them at all to see if some are better than others. We put Delilah in a sleep sack to sleep. She moves so much that blankets were making me nervous. You might want to think about those too. I have a light weight one for warm nights and a fleece one for cold nights. You definitely need to sleep in your bed and not on the floor! LOL!
Hopeful, on the floor?! Nonono...
We also use sleeping bags. I am going to attempt to make one myself soon. They are absolutely brilliant :thumbup:

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