Hopeful- I wouldnt say I am used to giving myself shots but Ive had to do it before when I was on Lovenox. Some of the IVF doctors prefer shots while some go with just pills. I am hoping for just using pills but think I will manage ok with shots. The egg donors seem like they have to go through a more evasive regime of meds.
The twins look absolutely adorable in their outfits! They also look like happy little babies. Yay for their 1st successful night in their own room. Tim spent the 1st night on Pennys floor as well.
Davies- I hope you had a great date night this weekend. Was it your 1st since the baby? We also use the muslin cloths to play peek-a-boo with Penny. At first it was my way of teaching her to pull things away from her face so I knew she would be ok. I had to laugh at you finally dtd and being a grown up.
Amanda- Penny goes to sleep by 8 so between 8 and 9:30 I work on crafts or just have me time. 9:30-11 is me and Tim time if he is working. Im not sure Ive noticed anything on BCP besides nonexistent cramps during AF. I am on the lowest dose possible since I am not a fan of hormonal BC. I was pretty horrible at taking them in beginning so Tim was a bit worries but Ive gotten better at remembering.
Im glad Tim is getting back to normal. I hope the horrible night was just a stint. Every so often we will get that with Penny but I dont mind having her sleep on me. I love the pictures of Delilah! I thought it was lovely what you wrote on FB
I was on the verge of tears. I wouldnt worry too much about her weight
she may just be petite.
Your shopping trip sounds wonderful. I love entering the little buddy stage.
Kat- I had to be induced because 12 hours after my membranes ruptured I still was not in active labor. I was not a fan but the result was a happy baby. My advice is to make sure you take care of getting your cervix dilated before starting pitocin. I was 1 cm when they started pitocin and it was like hitting a brick wall. Good luck!
Tuckie- so cute your DH and LO watch the morning news to together. She will be a daddys girl for sure! Penny had the yellow eye goop for a few weeks in the beginning as well. I read that their tear ducts dont open until after birth so that could cause the yellow goo. I think we used eye drops her Ped recommended but breast milk is supposed to work wonders. I read your birth story
You sure went through the ringer and I cant imaging how scary that must have all been but I am glad you have a beautiful, healthy baby to show for it! I know what you mean about feeling like your daughter has strengthened your marriage. It just melts my heart to see how wonderful and in love Tim is with our daughter. You see them in a whole new light.
Just- Wow! I cant believe how fast your labor was after you were induced!
Petitpas- It sounds like you have a good routine going. I also love the happy welcome Penny gives me when I get home as well. Its fun to see them so excited! We give paracetamol when Penny is having a rough teething day. Penny also eats what ever we eat although she sometimes protests and only wants yogurt, cheese or fruit

. Meals are so much easier when they start feeding themselves. I love that Penny looks so proud of her self. She also loves to share and will feed us as well
Croy- I hope things are back to normal with your hubby back. Avocado was one of the 1st foods we tried. It is the perfect food to start with and so easy to prepare. Penny still loves it to this day.
Embo- Wow! Filling out college apps for your oldest must be very emotional. I cant imagine doing that for my little girl someday
I will be a wreck. Good luck with the teething!
Fili- You are getting so close to meeting your little guy! It sounds like you know what you want during labor but are also planning to be flexible which is great!
Jen- its good to see you. Im sorry you were going through such a rough time. I hope you can get some help at your appointment. We are here if you need us
AFM- I have a cold and Im just feeling exhausted. Sunday Penny was such a good girl for me while I was ill. She spent the day napping when I did and trying to make me laugh. Its so funny because in the early days I remember trying to get her to crack a smile and working so hard to get a baby giggle and now she does it for me
she is the best!