she assured me it was perfectly normal. After that I liked how loud she was because I always knew she was ok and would refer to her as my baby monster.
Davies- Im glad the failed ventouse didnt cause any permanent problems and Lexi is recovering well from it!
Jenny-I replied to you in the Disco thread
Kat- Congratulations and welcome to the mommy world. Your little guy is perfection! I just want to squeeze those cheeks!
Puppycat- Im sorry you are having a rough time. I hope your husband makes it up to you and gives you a helping hand or a night to yourself/date night.
Mom2- I hope you and your daughter feel better soon! I just got done with a horrible cold as well. I hope you get lots and lots of pictures of your baby Jesus! That is too cute she already has her 1st appearance on stage!
Tracie- enjoy her birthday! It goes so fast!
Soon to be mommies- I hope the rest of your pregnancies fly by so you can hold your rainbows.
AFM- I received orders for our lab draws. This is that last step before we start the matching process!!! I have a whole bunch of emotions going through my mind. Im hoping to have the lab work done by the end of the week.
I think we are finally finished with Christmas and have went overboard on gifts for Penny and Tim. We put Pennys wooden kitchen together last night. I cried because I cracked (the size of a silver dollar)a piece but I think I have a good plan to fix it. I cannot wait to see her face when she gets a look at it. It is beautiful and something I would have loved as a child. She is really enjoying the Christmas tree and we often catch her rearranging the ornaments or shaking presents

. I can't wait to see her delighted little face Christmas morning!
I am still reeling from the shootings in CT. I can't imagine how those parents must feel losing their little ones

My heart breaks for them