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Thank you Just! It was extremely weird giving birth with the other women in the room, quite embarrassing really and I felt like I was showing off!!
Hoping I love the fact that you are doing surrogacy. What an amazing thing you are doing for someone.
Pups what a lovely weight Samuel is now.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I shall post here more when it sinks in that Louis is here and I'm not pregnant any more. It's a strange adjustment. First night at home was nice, a bit surreal. Mark is going out for a couple of pints after tea to wet the babies head so it will be my first time alone with the two children. He is cooking tea before he goes so I don't mind. I have been exhausted beyond belief today. I wish I had slept on Thursday after Louis was born in the hospital while he was asleep.
Abi you did great feeding for two weeks. Don't beat yourself up.
Sorry abi I missed your feeding post. I really need to stop skim reading!
Try not to feel guilty hun. You haven't failed. You've given your lo all that colostrum which is full of antibodies and really is liquid gold.
I always felt bad that I gave up with my older three. I try not to use the word fail though. You haven't failed. You've had to make a decision that's best for you all :hugs:
thanks ladies feel much better about it now :) thanks for you kind words i guess i was kind of ashamed when so many of yo have done so well with it, but your right he got the good stuff and its better all round this way i think xxx
Abi 2 weeks is fantastic. I fed Laura for 2weeks then pumped for a bit longer but not much. It is so damn hard and there were many times i could've given in but my neighbour is a big help to me and kept me going. Without her i'd have stopped months ago.

Fili i'm going to say next Friday boy and 9lb 2oz (yes smaller than they're saying!)


We're doing ok. Samuel's having teeny tiny tasters of food, a tip of a spoon of whatever i'm eating as he has to have dairy free. He is loving it. Not doing it properly til end of next month ish. He had his jabs yesterday and has been whiney since, sigh x
MrsM, even though this is your second child I can imagine it is still quite surreal and yeah it def. does take some time to adjust, hope you manage to catch up with some sleep.

Abi, definetely dont feel like a failure. As others have said you've made a decision thats best for your family. Only you know whats for the best.

Heres some pics of Emelia over Christmas and New Year, just had her weighed and she's thriving at just over 11lbs now. She's starting to sleep 6 hours or more during the night which is a god send. The past few days now she is becoming so alert and bright eyed taking everything in. I know everyone says that they just love newborns but I think it keeps getting better as they get older and more responsive and the smiles have started too which is adoreable


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Hey ladies! :wave:

Heart- glad you're having a wonderful time in Florida :)

Fili- hope the sweep works hun!

Just- :hugs: sorry you're not feeling well. I am not looking forward to being sick while caring for an infant. I was able to see your photos just fine on my iPhone. Emelia looks very cute with her little reindeer slippers & love the one with the dog too. Adorable :)

Abi- 2 weeks of breastmilk is better than nothing. All we can do is try our best. BFing is very demanding, hard work! At least he got all that yummy colostrum and antibodies from you before you had to stop. Very cute pic of your boys!

Puppy- it's always fun to see baby's faces when they taste something for the first time :)

Kat- Bay's cord fell off a bit over 2 weeks I believe. She had one little stubborn part that was left behind and that finally fell off a little over a week ago.

Hoping- this sounds like the beginning of a very exciting & special chapter of your life! It is SO cool what you're doing!

:wave: Hopeful, Embo, Peti, MrsM

Our travels to Oregon and back went very well. Bay is a champion travel mate :thumbup: she basically slept the whole way there and back. We stopped half way for feeds and changes and she fussed a total of 20 minutes out of the 7 hour drive. Same for the way home too! OH unfortunately did get sick. Bay & I have seemingly fought it off but now it's like I have 2 babies to comfort and soothe :dohh:
feel better hon.

how are you doing hon? anything new at home? the twins still sleeping the night?

Have a wonderful rest of your trip.

I am in awe of you. You have such a huge heart.

hope the sweeps work.

so happy for you.

BF is bloody hard hon. you tried and i think the 1st 2 weeks matter most.

Good to hear you had a great time.

DH went out at 2am because we thought Grey had a fever and the 3 digitals we had all sucked... all said dh and i were 96.1... bought a temporal and love it! Grey was 98.6, lol. i wound up criyng with relief and allowing him to snuggle with me all night. i kept waking and was relieved i had not hurt him, so can't live like that. he was so happy and we got moresleep tnan ever. we are going to try side lying in his co-sleeper. dr.sears says it is fine as long as he doesnt roll on his tummy. he just hates back sleeping. we will experiment tonight. wish i was a better sleeper.
Kat- we've been really paranoid since all these people in our family have been sick. We did the forehead strips & temporal ones but I got worried we weren't getting an accurate enough reading so we took her temp rectally too. She was fine. Taking it rectal was hard though cause she was squirming & I didn't want to hurt her. I hope the side lying cosleeping works out. Maybe you can roll a blanket up to keep him propped in position?
MrsMiggins- the adjustment is strange! Its so weird not feeling them kick you from the inside. I hope your night goes smoothly being on your own with two little ones.

Abi- I only made it to 3 months breastfeeding. I think I cried every day during that time since I mostly had to pump. Breast feeding is tough and I am definitely in awe of those who have continued doing it.

Puppycat- giving solids is such a fun stage! I’m glad Samuel is enjoying his little tasters.

Just- I agree. I think babies get better with each passing day. I love being able to interact with my LO and have her be her own little person. I remember in the early days spending hours just trying to get a smile or a giggle and now Penny is the one intentionally making us laugh and smile. I can’t view your pictures but I’m at work so that maybe why. :shrug:

Tuckie- I’m glad the trip was a success aside from DH getting sick. I hope he gets over it soon… men turn into such babies when they are sick! It is so nice having a baby that travels well. We took Penny to a family reunion and drove 15 hours. I was so worried it would be a nightmare but DH insisted because he loves road trips. Penny slept for 12 hours (we drove at night) and the other 3 she played in the back seat and only had 2 minor fussy periods.

Kat- us moms sometimes go into overdrive/panic mode but its better to be safe than sorry! Let us know how the side sleeping goes. Penny loves sleeping on her belly and puts her butt in the air. I call it the “stink bug” position:haha:.
Oh no I'm gutted! We are away having our 1st little holiday and I've come down with the vomiting bug! I feel dreadful! I'm terrified of giving it to Freya but I'm going to struggle to keep my distance from her as I have to breastfeed her! What do I do? Just hope for the best?
Caz I'd just continue to feed as normal but let hubby take her between feedings. I had to do this when I had a bad cold over Christmas. I even slept in separate rooms and Gav brought him to me when he needed food x
Hope you're feeling better soon. I hate being sick :(
Caz I hope u feel better soon
I agree with embo just. Feed her and let dh do the rest for now.

Finally have some time trying to catch up on the last few weeks of pages!

Congrats mrs miggins on lil Louis he is gorgeous

Afm- Owen is now 5 months he is rolling, sitting unassisted, eating solids twice daily and is the happiest lil guy. We've just had a bad few days with teeth but that seems to have settled. I was at a loss of how to handle him so upset, he rarely cries.
I'm one lucky mummy I just wish time would go slower!

I hope ur all well and the babies are too.
Now back to catching up in u all!!
Cazi, sorry to read you've been struck down with the sickness bug. I had it 2 days ago and thankfully it only lasted 24 hours. We actually called NHS24 looking for advice as we thought Emelia had it too but all we got was a pre-recorded message that lasted 6 hours which included advice for breast feeding mothers - it said to carry on breast feeding as normal. Also if babies do have it just watch out that they dont become dehydrated.
Hey girls. Just wanted to take a minute to respond to Cazi. I thought I was getting sick and a ton of people in both mine an OHs family have been sick so I was terrified for Bay. I read up on it a lot & everything says to keep BFing. One thing I found very interesting is that I read baby's saliva communicates with our body and when baby is exposed to something, their saliva sends a signal to our body to make antibodies to fight it off in our milk. How cool is that?!? Also, I think staying away from our LOs this early in their life is basically impossible. They depend on us too much so even if we're sick, I don't think we can avoid being around them. Might want to stay out of their faces with the kisses & such though. Even that is hard to do since they're so cute! Also, I would say wash your hands A LOT, especially before handling LO.
:hugs: feel better hun. I would hate to be sick while having to care for Baylyn. It's gotta be rough :(
I have a couple of questions for you ladies myself! They're totally unrelated, but are any of you using BFing as sole birth control method? I'm nearing the six week mark & I'm sure OH is dying to BD lol I'm thinking I'll have him pull out too though just to be safe (tmi- sorry!)

2nd question is about poop! Bay's poops are pretty mucousy sometimes. They're always green or yellow & pretty liquidy too but I noticed this morning a pretty mucousy BM. Also, everyone says a BF newborn doesnt have smelly poops but hers stink bad! like rotten eggs or sulfur kinda. Anyone else notice that with their LO?
Tuckie is she feeding long enough to get the fatty milk? Green mucusy poos can be a sign of too much foremilk.
Embo- I think she is feeding long enough. We usually do about 30 mins on each boob, sometimes longer. Sometimes she's just comfort sucking though & falls asleep shortly after me putting her on so in those cases I think she is just getting foremilk. I read about oversupply & I'm wondering if maybe I have that. I'm not sure though.
Hmmm I'd think that half an hour is plenty of time to get to the hind milk. I'm stumped! ESP with the smelly poos. Breast milk poo doesn't usually smell terribly. Obv it has an odour but nothing like proper poo!!
I've read that mucus can be a sign of infection or allergy. Have you tried cutting out dairy. Not just the obvious dairy like milk/cheese/yoghurt. There's a lot of hidden dairy in some foods.
Maybe a trip to the docs is in order hun.
She just went yesterday and I brought up the odor to the Dr & he said probly something I'm eating but said since she's making plenty of wet & poopy diapers, has no colic signs, no rashes, & no weight gain problems he wasn't too concerned. He did say I could try eliminating dairy but it would be several weeks before we'd know cause it takes that long to get out of our systems. I might try giving her the same boob for a few hours & then switch...?

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