Hopeful- I felt bad selling my nursery glider too. Tim thought I was being silly since we hardly ever used it and it was just taking up space. I spent a lot more time in it when I was pregnant. I would sit in it and look at the finished nursery while I day dreamed of my baby.
Puppycat- how awesome you got a back to tummy roll Christmas morning! It seems that all babies favor tummy to back before getting the hang of back to tummy. Penny was the same way and right about 4 months she loved standing. I bought her a walker at that time and she loved it!
Kat- Pennys fell off pretty quick at about a week old. I hope Greys falls off soon to save you another trip to the doctors plus it is much easier to change a diaper when you dont have to worry about the cord.
Petitpas- I dont mind. Yes, we are done having children and are beyond happy to just have our little threesome. We have a great balance and I love it. I am protected against unforeseen medical emergencies like that and the parents also purchase life insurance for me incase the unthinkable happens. Once we get matched with a couple the next step is contracts. The agency I work with has provided me a lawyer and we will go through every detail of the contract to make sure it is what I want. If I am uncomfortable with any of it I can choose to back out or request changes.
Just- that bug you and Emelia have sounds awful. It is even worse when your LO one is sick and you dont have the energy plus it is just so sad to see them like that. It is lovely that your mom is taking her for the day so you can get some rest. Feel better soon!
Fili- I hope the sweep is successful! I predict he will come on the 8th and will weigh 9 pounds 5 oz (Im thinking a little smaller for your sake

). Do your have a birthing ball? The last few weeks I probably hopped on that thing multiple times a day and walked 3 miles almost every day. Apparently it helps to move the baby down and it made me feel better because I felt like I was at least doing something to get my baby here. Good luck!!!
Abi- no worries! I am going to be a gestational surrogate (the baby will NOT be genetically related to me) so I am being matched with intended parents. Dont feel bad about switching to formula. The important thing is that you tried and 2 weeks of breast feeding is so much better than no breast milk at all.
AFM- Thank you all for being so supportive! Tim and I looked over the profiles last night. Well actually I read them over and over all day yesterday and would call Tim every 30 minutes because I was so excited

. We really like one of the couples. They have an amazing story and it really touched me. The way the husband described the wife reminds me a little of my mother as well. We are going to let the agency know we would like to meet them and then make our final decision. Im so completely nervous and excited all at the same time!