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Happy belated birthday Croy!! Ideally I would pump after every feed, but it's impossible. I tried for a while and I ended up being chained to my couch. Not to mention, the baby didn't always want to be put down after a feed. And I was only doing that to increase my supply. If you don't have a supply issue, you shouldn't have to do it that often. Usually I try to pump 3 times a day. Once in the morning after a feed, once in the afternoon after a feed and once at night to replace a feed. Tim will give her a bottle and I will pump. If I do more bottles in the day, I try to pump more. My supply has gone up greatly. I also massage my breasts like crazy during pumping. You'd be surprised how much the pump doesn't get out. I've found some spots that I have to squeeze with two fingers, like popping a pimple, to get the milk out. I have to keep squeezing that spot. You should be able to see it spray out of your nipple and into the pump flange. I'll post a link to a video that the lactation consultant recommended to help pump more milk. It really works for me. Also, the body produces more milk in the middle of the night due to a prolactin boost. I can usually pump 3.5 - 4 oz with my morning pump now.

Pip, Delilah hasn't met a carrier she doesn't like! She often fights getting into them but then loves it. I'm no longer a Moby fan. Too time consuming and hot. She's sleeping in a ring sling as I type this. I'm going to go shopping later and will use the Ergo for that task. More support so I can have both hands free. Your little man is soooo adorable! Loving the pics on FB!

Sarah, I've DTD a few times with no pain. Maybe you are still healing? It will be enjoyable again. Hang in there. My issue is finding the time and energy. It's so hard with a baby who doesn't like to be put down! Glad you got the milk thing sorted. You are lucky you aren't BFing, otherwise you'd have to eliminate dairy from your diet. I'm doing that right now too see if it helps Delilah's reflux. It is hell not to eat cheese!

Amber, what brand of formula do you use? Your weekend sounds divine!! I love autumn. I miss it though. In Massachusets you get a proper autumn with amazing foliage and there are apple orchards everywhere. The air gets crisp too. I was born in October which is another reason I like it. Here in the Bay Area, we get summer weather in autumn. Since it is cold from the fog during the summer months, it is a welcome change. But we never get a proper autumn. Enjoy it!

Jodi, what brand of formula are you using? It does stink! And makes their farts smell bad too!

I'm buying a baby scale from someone today off of craigslist. I've been more successful at BFing and have mostly weaned her from the nipple shield. But I'm nervous she isn't gettig enough because she sleeps so much. The scale is only $15 so it's worth it to me. I'm hoping my chunk is close to 10 lbs now.
Here's the link to the video. You have to enter an email address because it shows boobs and I think they want to deter the 13 y.o. boys who will watch anything to see a boob! It's a helpful video. I usually just wear my hands free bra and massage vigorously for 20 min while I pump. Sometimes I stop half way through and try to hand express, but I don't get the volume that the woman on the video does. Maybe that technique will work for you though.
Amanda- I use Earths Best organic formula. We buy it at Wholefoods:thumbup: October babies are the best! I love Fall when the air gets nice and crisp and you are surrounded by all the beautiful colors. I can look outside of my office building and see the mountain range and changing trees. I'm excited to take Penny to the fall festival this year and pick pumpkins for Halloween/her birthday.

I also scheduled a grow and play class for Penny tomorrow at Gymboree:thumbup: The 1st time we took her she was 3 months old... this time should be more fun
Amanda- we just use the same neosure that we fortify the breastmilk with (22 cal)
Dylan hasn't pooped for almost 8 days now, gave him prune juice in his milk today and he spit it up. Bought glycerin suppositories but scared to use them- how did you do it? Cut in half and lube with Vaseline and put it in a little?
Awesome you got a scale and that cheap!
I got the ergo baby- do you just wash the newborn insert in machine?
Tried it with Ava just for a minute, worked good

Back to work on Monday...

We got a cool mist humidifier but haven't used it yet.
Jodi, does your suppository look like a wax bullet? If so, I cut off a small piece of it. Like 1/6 of the entire thing if not smaller. Then I just inserted it as far up as I could which wasn't far. Tim amused her near her face. But truthfully she didn't mind it. Her muscles kept pushing it out so I basically had to keep my finger there and massage it in. I did that for a short time then all of a sudden the poo flowed out. It was satisfying for me! I had to do it on one other occasion and she didn't poop right away. I thought it didn't work and gave up. But a few hours later she had an explosion.

Yup, I put the insert into the washer and dryer. It's great. I watched a few YouTube videos to make sure I had her in it correctly.

Got the scale. She weighed 9 lbs 3 oz before her feed. I weighed her after 15 min on one boob and she was 2 oz heavier! :happydance: And she wasn't even done feeding. I made sure to weigh her a few times on both weight checks to make sure they were accurate. I haven't been using the nippleshield which makes me think it's easier for her to access the milk. I'm feeling very happy right now!
How are you feeling about going back to work? I don't know how I'll get through a work day then have to come home and deal with all things baby. I'm scared.
Amber I'm hoping at some point to switch Delilah to an organic formula. Thanks for the tip. Have a blast tomorrow with your little pumpkin!
That's great about the weight gain; and without a nipple shield is awesome. Makes me wan a scale!
I'm very nervous about going back to work. I'm so tired, haven't had more than 2-3 hours sleep at a time since they were born except a couple of 4 hour stretches weeks ago now I think? Don't know how I'm going to do it. I have a cousin that lives 20 min away and she came over to help ( we paid her) and she is awesome. Dh and I got to get groceries together for the first time since they came home. She moved up here to the cities to go to college.

Getting help is really important, just wish we had more than that 1 time. But I will be having her come back.
Ah ladies hi, Jodi wow u got ur work cut out 2/3 hours! An going back to work! Not easy chick! Must b really hard on u both wish I could help you I no how nice it is to b left to sleep! But how hard it is to be away from the babies! Pete takes lexi in the morning at weekends today was her 8am feed he took her downstairs I got up at 10am was lush I slept. Basically from 3am -10am I have had lucky moments but then not had my hubby here since week 1! Apart from fri eve - sun eve weekly so I feel like I have done my share! X

Thanks for tips on dtd hoping an heart, I think I hadn't healed yet! I thought my scar was only a cm but I felt it in the bath an it's more like an inch to an inch an half! It's very neat so I'm not concerned but I think it maybe longer an deeper than I realised! I'm good with that though! I just hope j heal properly! X

Sorry I can't help with boobies ladies mine are back to normal no milk etc no sagging no bigger size though! Boohoo! I think ur all fab breast feeding really fab! X
Lexi tried nutramigen an neocate milk but now is on aptamil pepti an as a whole being good! She didn't poo today but seems to go every other day! Gets the hump farting! Off to bed now chicks xxxx
Hi ladies,
I guess it's time for me to call this thread home! I know most of u from the RMC or PARL threads but for those of u who don't know me here is my story:

I'm bumpy, had 4 mc last year and diagnosed with a low AMH (low quality eggs). I'm 31 so didn't expect that! Got pregnant again at the beginning of this year with my keeper!

Had an easy pregnancy until a week or so ago when I developed excruciating pains in my tummy, had to call an ambulance as I couldn't even move! They though it was placenta abrubtion so wanted to deliver straight away which was a bit of a shock as I was only 34 weeks and still had 3 weeks left at work and sent me for an emergency c sec.

When they opened me up instead of a placenta abrubtion they found a litre of blood in my tummy. Specialists were called into theatre and I was petrified. The op lasted over 2 hours and I lost 2 litres of blood in total. Baby Alfie was born on 7th sep weighing 5lb 3 and he is gorgeous!

After the delivery they rushed Alfie to the special babies care unit and over the coming days Alfie thrived whilst I got really sick. I had a blood transfusion and was in a lot of pain. I had to have a tube down my nose and throat and into my stomach (horrendous having that done!) and was fed through a drip for 2 days. Eventually I was diagnosed with paralytic ilius - my bowels had completely shut down to the complicated c sec. I was so poorly I didn't even see my baby for 2 days :0(

Anyway fast forward a few days and I'm on the mend, I was discharged Friday and I'm at home. Alfie is doing amazingly well and hitting his milestones every day! He's incredibly alert and in the nursery now which is the lowest level of care. He has moved from drip feeding to bottle feeding now his sucking reflexes has kicked in and he just needs a day or 2 more to get to the demand feeding stage and they will let him home. It's very hard being a mummy but not having your baby at home with you but I know it will only be a matter of days before the sleepless nights begin properly! I'm a bit sad that I didn't get to experience labour and unfortunately bf didn't work out for me as I only starting expressing when he was 5 days old as I was so sick and I think it was too late. I have managed to bf him once and express enough for about 5 feeds but unfortunately my milk never came in. I'm now back to small little boobies!!! But I'm not going to dwell on it as Alfie is my little fighter and doing amazing!

Anyway sorry to ramble - looking forward to getting to know u all and sharing lots of mummy tips and stresses along the way

Aw, bumpy, you really have been through the mill :hugs: I'm glad you and Alfie are doing so well now. Congratulations!

Davies, it hurts me, too, and I didn't have anything down there. I'm a bit embarrassed to see my doctor even though I know it's stupid :blush:
Welcome Bumpy!! So happy to see you one here!! Alfie is such a cutie, glad he's doing so great.

Sarah - We haven't tried to dtd yet. I am still bleeding slightly. I was think ing that because I had a c-section in the end things would be normal ut I have been reading that because we went so long labouring there was still healing that needed to happen and things could be painful. I have my 6 week check on Friday and will hope to get the all clear from the doctors, although I am not sure when we will find the time to try. I think we would both choose an extra hours sleep over nookie at this point! haha!
Glad to hear you figured out and Lexi's intolerance of lactose so you can get her different formula. Sounds like shes feeling better already.

Amanda- Thanks for the link. I will check it out tomorrow when I have a little more time. I am hopeful that now Bfeeding is less painful I can pump more. So happy little D is gaining so well. You are doing a great job!

Thanks to all of you for the pumping tips, I really appreciate it. Tonight we are watching the first episode of Downton Abbey and I am going through some of the maternity clothes I have and sorting out things that are too big, or thigs to return to other people, and trying to get my closet under control.
I still have 15-20lbs to lose to get back to where I want to be weight wise, but I need to organise what fits and what doesn't because getting dressed int he morning is taking forever at this point, and I just don't have the extra time~'

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Hey Ladies. Just wanted to call in to say hi to all my special BNB ladies and to thank you all for your best wishes on the PARL thread.
I hope I'll be stalking for tips soon enough x.
Hey Ladies. Just wanted to call in to say hi to all my special BNB ladies and to thank you all for your best wishes on the PARL thread.
I hope I'll be stalking for tips soon enough x.
Croy- it fucking hurts after a c section!!! Lol but true, still hurts some 3 months later...But I hadn't Dtd since nov.

Hi lee!

Will write later- at work! Kids at daycare! It's like I'm in a strange dream
Wow, hopeful... daycare! You must be so organised.
Are you able to concentrate on work at all?

Lee, can't wait to see you happily installed in here :)
Big post coming later. Only one hand to type now. Hopeful, I can't imagine what today must feel like for you. Please post full details when you can.
Hopeful u r Super mum hope ur doing ok hun xx
Pip really it still hurts after section?? Oh man!!! I don't stand a chance then! Anyone got any tips on easy ways to start off etc? I really want ro enjoy sex again! X
Bumpy amazing birth story but gorgeous Alfie is here, hope he's home soon an you feel better u look amazing in ur pics x

Heart saw pics of d on fb she looks so long gorgeous girly x

Lexi is much better on new milk an started to poo everyday fxd we found our solution aptamil pepti. I love my girl sooooo much everyday I love her more x
Bumpy, welcome to your new home. I totally understand how you feel about a lot of what you wrote about. It's really unnatural to be away from your newborn baby. I had to mourn the loss of not being able to have skin to skin with Delilah right after she was born or establishing breast feeding immediately. You'll have your moments when you will mourn not having a proper labor or BFing, but in the long run, it's easy to get over because we got our miracle babies! One thing I was concerned about for you is the relentless pumping / BFing schedule you would be put on. I know from mine and Hopeful's experiences that having a 34 weeker in special care means you have to work so much harder to get your milk supply going. While I'm sad for you that you aren't going to be able to BF, in some ways I'm relieved for you. It's been a source of continuous stress for me to be on this crazy pumping and feeding schedule. It will also be so much easier for you to go out and about when you don't have to worry about giving him the boob. You can just whip out a bottle and give it to him. I'm so glad you are feeling better babe! And I'm thrilled to hear Alfie is thriving. He is beautiful!

Sarah, sounds like you had some good sleep this weekend! I'm glad to hear you got feeding worked out with little Lexi. How is the colic? Is she more mellow now? She sounds like a pretty easy baby. You are a lucky woman! She was a big baby when she was born. No wonder DTD still hurts! Don't forget, Delilah was 3 lbs smaller than Lexi so that's probably why I healed faster. I’m so glad she’s pooing every day! I never thought I would be so excited about poo! LOL!

Pip, why are you embarrassed to go to the doc?

When my doc checked me at my 6 week appointment, she told me it didn't even look like I pushed a baby out of there! :blush: I wasn't sure if I should say thank you. :rofl:

Croy, we are addicted to Downton Abbey! We started watching it right before Delilah was born. We watched some episodes at night while she was in the NICU to occupy our minds. I still have a few to watch of Season 2. It was a lifesaver during a very difficult time. I know what you mean about it taking forever to figure out what to wear. I also need to lose about 15 lbs to fit back into all of my clothes. I fit into some, but not many. My choices are very limited. And tops are even worse as I never bought nursing tops before she was born and haven't had time since. I'm so sick of wearing the same things over and over. I keep looking through my closet hoping something will magically appear.

I went to the gym for the first time yesterday. It felt more awesome than I could have imagined. I love being fit and haven't worked out in such a long time due to bed rest. Tim watched the baby. I want to try and go 2-3 times a week (used to go 4-5), but we'll see. I went after a really good night of sleep with the baby, so it was easier. She's an amazing sleeper at night. She just seems to understand that night time is for sleeping. She never cries or fusses. Usually we do a bottle at 7pm and then she may be fussy until I can get her to sleep in my arms. Sometimes that takes an hour. But after that, she'll sleep 5-6 hours. Some of it is in the swing, but her reflux makes her gag in the swing after a while, so I pick her up and bring her into bed. Usually I hold her and we sleep sitting up. But the other night, I decided to lay down with her and we both slept on the bed for 5 hours! She woke at 4:30am to nurse and then fell right back asleep.

Ha ha, I wrote that last night and wouldn’t you know it, we had a horrible night last night. Oh well!

Here are a few pics of my girl that I posted on FB. Took them today. Managed to capture her awesome smile. I’m getting tons of them now. :cloud9:


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