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Good to see you Amanda. I'm pleased you have turned the corner with Delilah and once the longer daytime naps kick in life really does get easier. Edie still has around 2-3 hours every afternoon and she is 3, it's a godsend.
Thanks for the engorgement advice. I tried the flannel thing and that helped a little, will try hand expressing a bit tomorrow.
I also seem to have a baby with a poo problem. His poo changed last night from meconium to the korma coloured stuff but he is doing a poo after every feed, which at the moment is a lot. They smell too, which is not normal for newborn breast fed baby poo. I shall see how he goes tomorrow and the midwife is back on Tuesday.
I also have one problem breast, which is the one that is getting engorged. The right one seems to be ok and he feeds better from the right. Edie always did as well. The left one seems slow to let down, harder to latch on and always sore. When he first starts feeding from it I want to cry. Just when the after pains in the uterus have stopped as well.
MrsM :hugs: heat encourages milk so avoid that on the engorged boob :winkwink: my right boob was a mess as you may remember...mega sore, raw open wound and engorged constantly. Recheck his latch, remember to point your nipple to his nose. I'm sure you know all this but I know for me that once the latch was sorted...that boob was sorted. I also don't recommend you hand express as're encouraging your milk. I only had to press on the area surrounding the nipple and it would release milk. There's a proper name of that but can't for there think of it :dohh:

Amanda...good to hear all is well in your world :cloud9: boys poo stinks too...keep up with he block feeding and I hope the green stuff turns yellow soon :hugs:

Kat.....looking hot mamma :dance: if it's any consolation...Louis hated his car seat for aping long time. Everyone recommended stuff such as toys, mirrors, put him him the front etc et and none of it made a scrap of difference. It was time that made it better. Now when he's in the car, I have to give him a dummy, wrap a muslin around his face and try to time the outing to coincide with almost sleep time :roll:

New moms...take a look at this...makes sense as to why these little babies don't want to be put down amongst other does get easier like Amanda says :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else

Oh and MrsM...pooing after very feed is normal too :thumbup: it settles down eventually

MrsM- I guess fter reading nsn's post, maybe you shouldn't follow my advice lol I was thinking about getting you instant relief :dohh: hadn't considered the future consequences may be more emgorgement.

Nsn- thanks for the link, some good reminders in the article. Glad my kid isn't the only stinker! :D

Kat- yay for a good day with Grey! Great photo of you two also :) funny how baby's already have their little preferences and all. Do you think Grey likes the ergo so much because he gets to be on you?

Heart- wow, D is sleeping 7-10 hours?!? I guess it really does get better LOL I'm like Kat, I like hearing it too! Glad things are going well for you hun :) I have heard great things about those jumperoos. We'll definitely get Bay one when she gets older.

I got a pic of Bay smiling after her bath tonight! :D
Mrsm. Max had a poo with every nappy change for weeks (but they didnt stink!)

Can't remember what else I read :doh:

Oh yes, so glad grey is turning a corner kat. Babies go through many stages where they'll be fussy, happy, clingy, independent, sleepy, alert etc. every time I think I've got Max's personality down he starts doing something new, or changes his nap times/sleep times. Best advice I got was just go with it. Follow his lead. Don't try to force anything or control the situation. Let go and let baby!!
I couldn't do this when my older three were tiny. I had to have a strict routine or I would've gone mental. It's much easier to have this approach with only one lo.

Heart. I'm so glad you're enjoying your trip. Max loves his jumperoo. We got him one for Christmas but he's had it since November.

Sarah I think if bay is happy, gaining weight, with plenty if poopy diapers then maybe she is just a baby with the green poop :haha:

Afm. Max has changed so much over the last week. He's started rolling back to front, started sitting unaided and he's found his feet. We've discovered he loves to be as naked as possible and sometimes when he's fussy we only need to put him on the floor (on a few blankets) and strip him down to his vest and he's happy as larry!! The most cute thing he's doing is copying me when I blow raspberries. I've got a video on fbook but don't know how to upload to here!
Thanks Embo, that's funny Max loves being naked :) I have a little cousin that's 13 now but when he was a toddler he LOVED being naked! Wonder if it's a boy thing :p
We say he gets it from my mum!! She hates underwear. She's a hippy at heart!!!

Here he is naked and happy!!

Look at me daddy!
Gorgeous pics of bay and max!! Heart glad delilah is sleeping longer, yay!!!

Quick update, so nervous, off to try to book my c section for early this week if possible. Nervous about not getting one sorted out, not nervous about having one!
Davies I'm feeding Owen rice cereal, sweet potato, apples and cut up fruit in his ne and rusks for his teething. He likes the cereal but isn't a guts on it yet we will get there.
What r u feeding Lexi?
Gosh this thread is busy at the moment!!! Gorg pics tuckie and embo, those first smiles are the best tuckie aren't they!!! I remember at first we used to all think is it a smile or is it wind and now Alfie is so generous with his smiles I love it!!! I always get the biggest one when I go in to get him in the morning and it always sets me up for the day.

Kat gorgeous pic too!!! And it DOES get better! The first couple of months are really hard but I'm now loving every day and you soo. Forget about those tough early days! I'm so glad you are getting great support from hubby!!

Sara - as you know I've been really concerned about you so I'm really glad you checked in! You DH is being an a****hole when you need him most! I think you should try and sit him down and explain how you are feeling to him. Don't forget we are always here for you even if you just want to rant!!

Cazi hope you feeling better and enjoying your holiday!

Heart - so pleased you are having a good time and D sounds a delight! We have missed you!!!

Fili - thinking of you today, hope it goes well and they can fit you in this week!!

Mrsm - more pics please!!

Embo - max has the most adorable big blue eyes!!! I get so excited when you talk about his milestones as I know I have all that to look forward to! He's a clever boy!!

Hi everyone else - puppy, Davies, hopeful, hoping, Croydon, just, pip, nsn etc.

AFM - alfie is 4 months old today! got Him weighed on fri he's now 13lb so coming along well. He is sleeping 12 hours a night now from 7pm to 7am (with a quick dream feed at 10.30pm and a bit of a shout In His sleep at 4am!!) we are loosely following the contented little baby routine and its working well for us. We went with the flow until he was 3 months old and then started structuring his naps and feeds more. I'm hoping it continues but he's showing teething signs - red cheeks, constant dribble and chewing everything so I'm sure that will muck his routine up! For any teething bubbas I can recommend Sophie the giraffe - Alfie loved his!!! I've also ordered some annabel karmel books too Davies to have a look through and start learning about weaning as I don't have a clue. I'm not planning to start for another month or two but I would like to be prepared!!

On Wednesday I started my fitness pal. If anyone has an I phone its a great app. It counts all your calories for you and you can put in your meal plans and exercise for each day. It even has all the calories for branded and supermarket stuff as well as restaurants - eg: asda lasagne, Bernard Matthews turkey chunks, harvester ribs so you know it's accurate and you can scan items too!! It's put me on 1200 calories a day to get to my weight goal and so far I'm actually really enjoying doing it although its been less than a week. The great thing is you can eat chocolate and things you love but it will show you the calories and if you want to stick to your daily calorie amount you just have to have a healthy lunch and dinner. X
Hey ladies how are you all? How's your gorgeous babies?

I'm not bad here. Izzy is having a really rough time lately with her teeth, she's got 2 bottom molars and now top 2 are coming so no sleep in this house. She really struggling.
OH and I have been asking about maybe having another baby. We used to want a big age gap but now we want them to grow up closely and by the time they've grown up were still able enough to enjoy ourselves lol.
Im booked in for my elective c section for 7.30am TOMORROW!!! I've already had swabs and blood taken, back to see the anaesthetist this afternooon, then they monitor the baby for a bit then I'm good to go! We've just been to the supermarket to stock up. Josh had tears in his eyes and I burs into tears! We had to get memo stage three pampers nappies for 9lbs plus :haha: I'm soo excited but it does seem surreal! I'm going to be a mummy tomorrow!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Omg Fili. I can't believe the day has come. I can't wait to finally see memo :cloud9:
Oh Wow Fili, I cant believe your having your baby tomorrow, Im so depserate to know if this definetely is a boy that your having, exciting stuff!

Sara, Ive been wondering how you were doing too as not seen you post in a while. Im sorry to see you've been having a rough time. It is overwhelming at times and just constant work. It really does sound like your husband is being very insensitive and maybe just not coping in his own way.
We were finding things very easy in the beginning but I would say that its getting harder now and at times there has been tension between me and my husband too when I really feel that Im doing more than my fair share. Over the xmas period Ive been unwell so my husband was doing more than he normally would and he was getting so stressed out and Im trying to explain that is what I have to do every single day...they honestly have no idea what we have to do on a daily basis and trying to keep on top of a house aswell!
It is especially hard as you say when your sleep deprived, as my health visitor was saying sleep makes the difference in being able to cope with things and not being able to cope.
I think you really need to speak with your husband again about this as you need all of the support that you can. You really need a break from it aswell, as much as we all love our babies Ive realised how good it is to actually let family help out and watch Emelia. When she was away to my mums for the first time my house felt strange and I realised that I've had this little person with me constantly for weeks.
At the weekend there my MIL watched her whilst we both went out for a drive in the car and it felt really good just the two of us having a break.
As Fili said if no joy with your husband I would take hard action, I would hand the baby to him and say that you just need to get out of the house for a while. A couple of weeks ago I lost it with my husband and handed the baby to him along with teh bottle and said "you deal with it this time" I was sick of him telling me that he was busy when I was asking him to helpout!
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been around much. Levi has been having a tough time sleeping linger than 4 hours at night. I just started my period this weekend and was reading prior to it starting it can impact milk supply so I am hoping that's what it is and once I stop bleeding he will get back to his 7 and 8 hour stretches. Sleep really does make all the difference to how I can cope with life!
However, ladies who are talking about bfeeding being the only form of contraception be warned...I had no signs if ovulating that could be sure of before I got this period and I have been exclusively feeding Levi. We realise our unprotected fun and games could have meant baby #2 for us. We are fortunate that didn't happen, but I am so aware it could have. Hoping I start to get some consistency in my cycle sion but until then condom sex it is.

Ruckus Levi had mucus poop, usually yellow but think and it has always smelled awful. He has the stinkiest farts too. His belly was a real issue in the beginning. Doc said unless there was blood I didn't need to eliminate anything totally buy suggested cutting down on dairy to see if it helped. It didn't make a difference but things seem to have settled down just a bit now.

Sara so sorry you and hubs ate struggling at the moment. Sleep really does make all the difference. Is there anyone that could take baby on a walk or just hold her so you can sleep for a few hours? Could you pump so she takes some feeds from s bottle. Hubby did bedtime often in our house because we used the bottle at night to know he was getting a good amount. Hang in there, I promise it gets better.

Amanda so glad d had fun and did so great on your trip.

Fili so excited for you! Can't wait to see pictures!
Levi started roleng from his back to his belly but he can't get back which makes him a bit mad.he's also frustrated when he's on his belly because he wants to be moving and sees somewhere he wants to be but can't get to!

He also found his toes which is adorable even though diaper changes are now more of a challenge!

I started giving him a teaspoon of food a day too. He is s really good eater and doesn't spit it our, I think he doesn't want to waste anything:) he started with Rusk mixed with breastmilk and then I made avocado mixed with breastmilk. Last night I steamed and pureed carrots and pears and froze them in ice cube trays when they are done I will put the cubes in labeled containers and make the parsnip and sweet potato.its so fun to make the food and so far quick and easy too.
Thanks everyone well I will post last bump pics and bag pack pics later! Just finishing of all packing as will be in 2-3 days they said. Bit nervous about hubby having to leave tomorrow at 8pm and I'll be all alone with memo!!! Going for a last meal out just the two of us at 6pm. End of an era! 9 years altogether with hubs being just me and him! Xxx

Hi tracie!

Can't wait to join you all on here but have a feeling this is as wide awake as I'm going to feel for a while!!
Fili, thats a nice idea the two of you going for a meal, enjoy!

just read back and seen the pics of Bay, Max and Grey...all looking lovely as ever.

Bumpy, it sounds like Alfie is doing great with his sleeping through the night. Also, we were given a Sophie the giraffe as a gift aswell, we were told that its great for teething babies, I have to keep it out of reach of the dog just now as she thinks its for her cos its a rubber squeeky toy. I've heard good things about the Annabel karmel books/recipes aswell. Im quite excited about experimenting with different recipes when Emelia's eating solids, a while yet mind u.
Oh my goodness have you ladies seen this car commercial - the Motherhood rap?!! It's hilarious!!
Oh god Croy that is hilarious! Is Levi teething? That could be the issue with sleep. Hope he settles soon. I can't believe you got AF! Still no sign of mine. Maybe having a baby pushed me into early menopause. Lol.

Fili not long until you join the club. I'll check as soon as I wake up tomorrow.

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