Wow! You girls sure have been busy on this thread. It took me forever to read and respond. Sorry if I missed anyone!
Cazi- I really hope you are over the stomach virus you had.
Embo- Max is beyond adorable in you avatar. He has the most beautiful eyes! Adorable about him raspberry blowing. You are brave starting all over but Im sure it is wonderful to experience it all again and give your hubby one of his own. Im sure your older kids just adore him.
Just- is sounds like you and baby Owen are doing great besides maybe going through the teething phase. Ive had several episodes where Penny would not settle or sleep through the night but it always corrected itself and usually was due to teething. I hope he is doing better.
Tuckie- 1. We didnt use any birth control until I got the non-hormonal IUD in may (Penny was almost 7 months old) but we did use the pull out method. Probably not the smartest thing to do since we dont want any more kids but this method worked for us for almost 4 years. DH plans to get a vasectomy in the near future. 2. Penny had mildly smelly poos when I was breastfeeding. Just wait until you feed her solids! Its horrible. I hope you figure out the breastfeeding/poo dilemma. Yay for baby smiles and so funny about her boob cheek at night!!!
Kat- I had the copper IUD and loved it! I would forget I even had it. I am not a fan of hormonal birth control so this was the perfect option for me. I have it out now because of the surrogacy (now on bcp). Im sorry you are not having an easy go. Exhaustion doesnt help either but I promise it gets so much better as time goes on. Swaddling was our saving grace but at first Penny did not like it. We discovered that she didnt like her arms being pinned down so from that point on we swaddled with arms out and it worked great! Have you tried that? You certainly are going to stay in good shape with all of that bouncing and carrying you are doing. Love the picture of the two of you! It looks like you bounced back quickly. I was the same but now Im a little worried about what my body will look like after number two. Oh well! Its nothing exercise and a healthy diet cant fix.
Sara- Im sorry you are having trouble coping. The early months are rough sometimes. I had an easy baby and I still felt overwhelmed at times. Huge hugs to you!

It does sound cruel. Obviously you did appreciate the help you were getting from him but needed more. Its good that you voiced your concern and asked for help but Im sorry DH didnt take it well. It sounds like he is feeling overwhelmed as well and taking it out on you. I really hope he reads the letter and make things better.
Abi- it sounds like you are doing a great job being organized and multitasking with two boys.
Bumpy- 12 hours of sleep is wonderful! Im glad you are enjoying myfittnesspal. Its always interesting to see exactly what your eating and the nutrients you are receiving. You will be back to pre-preggo weight in no time!
MrsMigg- I liked your advice on weaning. I do the unconventional food mixing as well. If Penny wont eat something I mix it with something she loves
applesauce and pureed spinach anyone?

Your daughter sure does have a sophisticated palate
Amanda- It sounds like Delilah is doing well with bed time and nap time. I loved when Penny finally had a routine and slept through the night because we got back more us time. Have a safe flight home! Im glad you are enjoying your time in Florida
Tracie- its exciting that you are thinking about number 2! I hope the teething calms down so you can get some sleep.
Croy- your 1st period and no sleep. Ouch! Enjoy the weaning process. Penny is also avocado lover as well. Your recipes sound delish!

Im so happy you didnt have to push out a 10 pounder! Her name is beautiful and I can't wait to see pictures!
Im loving all the milk wasted pictures!

Its been so long since Penny has been like that. Now milk just makes her more alert and rambunctious
AFM- Im waiting to here back from the agency to see what the next steps are since we really like one of the couples.
Penny is doing great and is waddling and toddling about

. She is so much fun and the best little companion. Recently she has started making us repeat her favorite song (And We Danced by Macklemore

) over and over while we have a dance party in our living room. Once she sees the last scene of the music video she goes to the computer and pretty much demands that we play it again.

Im sore from all the dancing she had me doing yesterday.