Hi everyone...
Croy, its lovely to see a picture of Levi, he is adoreable.
Embo, Max is so cute in his jumperoo! These Jumparoos sure do seem to be popular, I know my sister felt that it was the best buy for my niece.
MrsM, thanks for sharing that picture of Lexi, she is a wee stunner.

to you. Its only natural that you feel your patience wearing thin at times and then feel awful about it. Ive had to leave the room on occasions when I feel Im getting stressed and at the end of my tether. Also a few weeks ago I felt so annoyed that I was doing more than my fair share and just handed Emelia along with her bottle to my husband and said you deal with her and I just went upstairs away from it all.
Do you express your milk so that your husband can help out with night time feeds? I can imagine that it is extremely difficult for you at night time to have to sleep like that but I know exactly what you mean you will do anything for sleep. It sounds like Grey does need the comfort of being latched onto you so it would be ideal if he would accept a pacifier instead but I know you've posted previously that he keeps putting it out.
I know its easy for people like your mum to say that your spoiling Grey by lifting him and its not what you want to hear.
I think its difficult to say whether babies so early on are being spoiled by being lifted and therefore get too used to it and sneaky because Ive read mixed opinions about it.
People have always told me that babies are quick to learn that they like getting lifted and therefore will cry for it but online I've read people say that babies dont know how to be like that until about 6 months.
I think a huge part of it is just like as to what type of baby you have some are just more fussy than others.
Last night must have been the night for fussy babies and I wanted to excercise on my cross trainer and then have time to myself to watch some programmes and paint my nails, just things that let me get a break from it all. So my husband insisted that he'd watch Emelia but she just cried for the whole 3 hours and I could hear my husband getting stressed out with her downstairs. It was really hard but I just left him to it as I wanted him to experience that. I then gave in and all she needed was swaddled and her dummy/pacifier put in and rocked her to sleep in my arms.
My husband disagrees with me and says that we are spoiling her by rocking her and nursing her to sleep but as far as Im concerned you've got to do what you can to stop the crying at times as its so far to listen to it for long.
I am very lucky in that Emelia generally will self settle herself to sleep whether in her moses basket or on the couch. But recently she has been troubled with trapped wind after feeds.
Why is it aswell when you've got an early appointment for something that any night time routine does not go to plan!
Emelia for two weeks now has been taking a midnight feed and then not waking until 5 or 6am. But last night she woke at 2am and then 5am for feeds and then we had to get up early for her injections.
I felt so terrible for her getting the two injections, she was screaming and it was the first time ever that I have seen real tears, they were streaming down her cheeks. She has been very unsettled ever since and crying more than normal. It took me 3 times to reheat my lunch before I even got to eat it and now she's propped up on the couch sleeping like butter wouldnt melt!