Croy- enjoy the driving lesson and baby free studying! What are you going to school for? Are you learning to drive on a stick shift? Penny also does the fake cough because she thinks its funny.
Pink- Love the expression! Zach is adorable. Tim and I both slept with Penny on or chests when she was a new born and we loved every minute of it. Now, not so much, because we get little fingers up our nose or feet in our face

Just- What are the plasters for? It sounds like they arent phasing her too much besides the bruises. Enjoy your chunky baby
Kat- Yay for the cord finally falling off and the blow dryer being a miracle worker! $11,500.00 sounds pricey. I think we paid $750.00 after insurance.
Tuckie- The Native languages are definitely dying off. My grandparents generation speak it fluently and also the younger generations are bringing it back in our tribe. My parents and my sister and I dont speak it fluently but I know a tiny bit. My niece, Rosie, is always singing Penny lullabies in Laguna. If you dance and are in the Kiva at all it is mandatory to speak it so all my uncles and male cousins speak it. I moved away when I was 13 and never learned
Im kicking myself now and hope that my family will teach Penny. Will you guys do any traditional Native American things for Bay?
Your old insurance sounds awesome with only a $69 copay! Dont worry. You will get your libido back. Its hard when you feel like a milk machine and have baby on the brain constantly. Your sex life definitely changes after a baby. At least for us it did. Before it was a couple times a week and now more like once (two or 3 if he is lucky!) a week. Sad but true! It gets easier once you have a baby who sleeps through the night and has a routine. For now it just means more quickie daytime bding than before.
Happy 6 weeks to Bay!
Davies- Like Croy, I would suggest a breathable bumper. I hear you on not being the same after birth. I bounced back pretty quickly with no stretch marks but my hips are definitely wider so pants that used to fit are uncomfortable or I cant button! Your work out schedule and food diary will have you back to where you want to be in no time! The weeks and months thing confused me too. I only went by weeks for the 1st 2 or 3 months. Penny was born on the 29th of October so the 29th of every month I count as another month. For example- she was 14 months on December 29th and will be 15 months on January 29th. A ticker will make it much easier
Just- I hope Emelia enjoys her swing! We didnt really use one with Penny. She had one but didnt care if she was in it or not.
Puppycat- 5 months and no solid sleep is rough. I hope he starts STTN for you soon!
Sara- you will find a new balance soon with DH. A baby changes the whole dynamic of your relationship but it sounds like you two really love each other and will figure out your new normal and make things work

I'm sorry Eva has been fussier than normal. I hope it passes soon!
AFM- last night was my turn for no sleep!

Penny woke up crying at 12 am and cried on and off until 6 am. We had just gone to bed at 11 so now I am shattered. Even at this stage they have their sleepless moments although not nearly as often. She normally sleeps from 7:30 pm to 8am but I think she is getting another tooth because she cant keep her fingers out of her mouth.
Last night we took Penny to Tims Holiday work party (I know its a little belated

) at Itz Family fun center. She had a blast climbing on the inflatable slides and riding the carousel. Tim and I even got some good arcade action in complete with bumper cars. We also won a free message and gift cards to Amazon and Target.