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Funnily enough both my boys are much better sleeping than my girls were!!

As soon as I see Max's sleep signs, I put him down for a sleep. Even if he seems wide awake. His signs are yawning (more than once) rubbing his eyes and he does this type of moan. Like a cranky moan! Hard to explain but I know what I mean :haha:
The better quality his naps are during the day, the better he sleeps at night. He also sleeps longer when I co sleep but I limit this to 2-3 times a week!
Yes Edie has always slept better at night when she naps well. She takes it to the extreme though. She can nap for over 3 hours in the afternoon, get up an hour and a half before bedtime, have tea and pretty much go straight back to bed after a story and settle straight back to sleep. I've actually taken her to the doctors because I was worried about the amount of sleep she seems to need but they said she is fine. I imagine when she is a teenager I will literally never see her.
Hopeful, just try your food and if you can crush/mash it between your lips then your baby can do the same with their gums. It helps if the food dissolves easily, too (like cheese or bread). I haven't fed J much meat yet. We eat a lot but I think he would find hard pieces of meat such as pork quite difficult to handle in his mouth. Skins can be awkward, too. When I give J peas I squeeze them between my fingers until the skin splits open. He could probably cope with them as they are small but I feel it must be easier that way.

Have you tried any food with the twins yet?
Ladies thanks so much for all the words of encouragement and positive thoughts. It ended up being a pretty good night. Levi usually falls asleep during his last feed so he's asleep when he goes down but he has a habit of waking up after 30 minutes. We used to just pick him up and rock him ans he would go right back but recently he wants to eat or he wants us to bring him out if his room and until he gets one of those things he won't settle. If I feed him he literally eats for a minute before hes snoring.
We went in after 5 minutes of crying, and then ten minutes but it seemed to just make him madder and more unsettled so we just waited it out. 45 minutes later we had a sleeping baby and he did a 6 hour stretch. The longest he's done in ages. Plus I went in to feed him then and he went back for 4 more. Then it was 5am, fed him and he went down but only for an hour and a half but that was almost 6.30 so morning time. Hubby brought him in bed with us and he played fir a while as we both pretented we might be able to get more sleep. I fed him again at 7 because he got fussy and he went back to sleep.. he's snoring away beside me as is hubs.
I slept so much better too having the bed to myself. And I heard him a few times stirring in the monitor but I left it and he went back by himself without crying.

I will let you know how tonight goes.

Hopeful he goes to bed between 6 and 7 depending on naps.

He also sleeps way better if he had had good naps.

Thanks for the object permanence info. Helps me feel more confident that he's ready...he was also a week and a half overdue so he's on his way to 6 months :)

Wishing all of you ladies a lovely weekend.
Do you like babyled weaning pip? Are you just blw or a mixture of the two?
So, Ava is cutting a tooth! That's why she's been up in the middle of the night and fussy. Can see a tiny white spot. She will hardly eat and just cries.
Pip- they have had foods once a day for the past 16 days. Rice cereal for 5-6 days, then sweet potato, peas, green beans, squash. Just from the jar, try a new one every 2-3 days.
This teething sucks. I'm exhausted and doing all of the work; feeds, cleaning, laundry and cooking.
A question for you ladies who are breastfeeding: do you do side lying feeds at night? Do you burp afterwards? Whenever Eva wakes up it means at least 2 hours of awake time. 7 hours seems to be the max time she can go between feeds (brilliant :happy dance: ) but I can't seem to swing a night feed and then get her back to sleep. Last night I put her down at 9pm, she slept like a champ till 4 but was wide awake after I fed her. I find that when I feed her lying down she's uncomfortable with trapped air and then spits up tons. Advice?
Sorry girls, haven't been able to catch up. Will try tomorrow.

Sara, I've only done lying down nursing a few times when I'm so shattered I can't bear the thought of sitting up. Mainly I haven't done it due to Delilah's reflux. The times I've done it have been hit or miss. Once or twice she's been fine. But other times she squirms and tosses and turns until I sit her up and then a big burp comes out of her. My routine is when she wakes up, I prop some pillows up and then sit up and nurse. I usually only do one boob as it seems to be enough for her at night. Then I hold her and she always falls asleep on my shoulder as I'm burping her. I hold her for 10 - 20 min if I don't fall asleep. I used to hold her upright for 30 min, but her reflux is much better now so it's shorter. This girl loves to sleep though. She always falls asleep after feeding in the middle of the night, but if I put her right down, she wouldn't. I have to hold her upright for at least 10 min.
Sara- I do the side lying feed at nights with Bay but we bed share so I don't have to worry about getting her in & out of bed & waking her up except for nap times. Normally I burp her after feedings but with night feeds I often fall asleep and she doesn't get burped but i don't think it bothers her. Sometimes I wake up and there's wet spit up on her chest or neck so I think she burps herself somehow :shrug: Bay doesn't get a lot of trapped air either so I don't know what to tell you about that except I know some people use infant gas drops. Maybe you could try that? Ive also read if you have to burp while side lying and you don't want to sit up to burp them, you can drape them over your hip and burp them like that. I'm jealous that Eva goes 7 hours between feeds!!! Bay will go 4 hours max.

Hopeful- I don't know how you do it hun. Housework and 2 babies?!? You're a super mom! Hope the teething gets better for A.
Born on Tuesday via elective c section weighing 'only' 8lbs 10! We love her so much!!!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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Josh was not as calm as he looks here though!


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Fili, lovely pics of Lexi, thanks for posting those. Are you getting over the shock of the fact that you actually have a girl haha...
You must be over the moon with her, she is adoreable!
Aw, Fili, Lexi is more and more gorgeous in every picture and really takes after you :cloud9:. You and DH look so cute as parents, too. Keep those pictures coming!
Pip thanks for the tips Hun will try a banana, I can't give lexi toast etc as she is cows milk protein intolerant so I'm just doing my own purées for now, baby rice didn't go down well but so far she's had swede carrot parsnip banana mango apple her favourite so far seems to be parsnip, fxd she likes veg!! I love making purées an I think there much tastier than jars. J is gorgeous pip little heart breaker!! Xx

Hopeful yay for a tooth hopefully Ava settles down a bit an starts eating is she starting to take her milk yet?? I agree ur super mum xx

Tuckie Sara bump just heart how r u? X

Hoping how's sleeping now?? X

Kat I can't get over how much grey looks like u!! He's a mini me!!! Gorgeous pic pleased your growth spurts over for now xx

Croy CIO is hard I did a little bit with lexi my friend advised me to do it in the day at first as its easier to hear baby crying than at night, I say in her room at first, now she rarely whinges at night. I do pick her up etc if she's having teeth problems etc I don't let her cry it out all the time. Hope Levi takes to it n u get sleep x

Well thanks everyone for weaning teething advice lexi is waking once a night for bottle so not to bad, I got the bumpers thanks ladies and I have rolled two towels an put them under the sheet either side if lexi to stop her rolling at night it's working touch wood!! Thanks for everyone's advice.

Weaning is fun coz she's cmpi it's not easy to buy food so she's having our fruit veg etc x
Davies- I hope the bumpers and rolled up towels are helping! Penny used to get her legs caught but she never really cried about it. Occasionally I will find a little tootsie or arm hanging out of the crib but since she is mobile now it’s not a big deal. I’m glad you are enjoying the weaning process. Its fun to get creative! Penny is back to her old self and only had that one bad night. Thanks for asking:thumbup:

Tuckie- 2011 definitely sounds like a horrible year. When it rains it pours. My grandmother and great grandfather passed during my mc’s. At least we know our babies have some very special guardian angels watching over them.

Thanks for sharing the painting and dolls. They are all very beautiful. It’s been fun talking about this with you!

Score for a successful 1st bding session:thumbup:.

Petitas- I think the weaning suggestions you gave are excellent. Penny wasn’t too fond of purees but took to finger foods strait away. It sounds like J has the hang of this whole solid food thing and is thriving.

Kat- Grey is gorgeous!

Croy- how is CIO going? Penny was almost 10 months old when we decided to try CIO. I was completely against it in the beginning but we were running out of options and couldn’t face more nights of broken sleep. I am having a hard time remembering exactly how it went so I copy and pasted some journal entries

Tuesday night was our 1st night trying the CIO method. Penny still wakes in the middle of the night once and is having a hard time self soothing so I decided to try it out. I was completely against CIO and the 1st night was heart breaking to hear her cry but after reading articles and browsing through forums it sounded like a lot of mommy’s saved this as a last resort and it always ended up working. I want Penny to have good sleep habits so I bit the bullet and gave it a try.

The 1st night she fell asleep at 7pm but woke up at 8pm and was not happy. I could tell she was exhausted so I fed her, read a book and layed her back down. She screamed and cried but I only allowed my self to go check on her every 10-15 minutes. At 9pm my dad called. I was a bit frazzled with all of the crying but he provided a nice distraction and we ended up talking for 30 minutes. When I got off the phone there was blissful silence! Penny slept until 5:30 am which isn’t too terrible.

Last night I got her in her PJ’s, read to her a short passage, sang her bed time song and kissed her goodnight at 8:30pm. She cried for 5-10 minutes and then calmed her self and slept until 7am I'm so proud of my little munchkin!!!

August 27, 2012
CIO is officially a success! Now I can put her in her crib wide awake at bedtime (8pm) and she will cry for 5 minutes and then self soothe her self to sleep and sleep until 6 or 7am!!! It may also help that she now has a bedtime buddy, her puppy Violet. Her grandma got her the stuffed dog and it does all sorts of things like plays games, sings songs at bedtime and during play. At bedtime I carry Penny and violet around while I sing Penny her bedtime song. After the song is over I have her give Violet kisses and hugs and then we put Violet to bed. I turn on Violet’s bedtime song (push it’s foot) and the puppy say’s “snuggle up, Penny” and sings a bedtime song for two minutes. Penny is usually out before the song is over
It was seriously the best thing I could have done. Now Penny goes down without a fuss and sleeps from 7:30 to 8 am. Sometimes she is practically jumping out of my arms to go down in her crib.

Hopeful- Most of my friends are working moms as well so it definitely does help to know others who have to do it as well. How are the twins doing? I hope Ava is done cutting her tooth. I don’t know how you manage doing all the work especially with twins! You are amazing

Mrsmiggs- I liked your advice about paying attention to the time when sleep training because two minutes can definitely seem like an eternity. Watching the clock helped me. It sounds like you are adjusting to number 2 wonderfully and enjoying getting to know your little guy. I’m in awe at how much your daughter can sleep. She must have been an easy baby. Penny does the same and will have a late nap and then wake for dinner and be asleep within an hour-two hours.

Fili- your daughter is beautiful! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I’m sure your DH is head over heels in love with her as are you!

AFM- Penny cut two new teeth this weekend. She finally has her top two and 3 on the bottom:happydance:
Hi Ladies,

Good to hear that things are working out better at night for you. I'm not against CIO once the babies are older. I think for a 1 month old, it's ridiculous... though after many shitty nights I understand why parents do it.

You are supermom. I hate that you are doing it all on your own.

i do side lying. grey is gassy and often needs to burp during and after, but not always. sometimes he goes straight to sleep. so happy you are getting sleep on. i'm envious and hope to be there soon.


how has Bay been?

good the bumpers are working.

yay for new teeth.

split shift for 3hrs each and then all together is working. happy that i am keeping grey in his cosleeper and he will sleep side snuggled against me. gave him his 1st bath since his cord stump FINALLY fell off.
Yay for no stump Kat!!! Fab Hun hope u enjoy ur sleep its amazing how few hours feel great x
Hoping how old was penny when she got her first tooth? Do they get easier? Did her bottom two come first?

Lexi woke up once last night which was nice!! Sge had a nap at 930am-1030 a nap at 1-145 an a long nap 4-630pm!!! Is that to long 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon? She never sleeps that long!! She had her bath an was back to bed by 815pm?? Will she sleep won't she!! Lol
Thank you Hoping. Yes, Edie was an easy baby after the first few weeks, she was colicky at first.
Davies, I hope you get a good night. Louis has been sleeping for England today as well so I'm hoping he sleeps ok tonight. He has been averaging one 3.5 - 4 hour chunk a night followed by a couple more hours after a feed. At less than a fortnight old I'll happily take that.
Kat, yay for the stump falling off. Sounds like you have found a sleep routine that works.
Hopeful, you really are doing amazingly well.
Louis was weighed today, he didnt lose any weight after his birth and he has now gained 7 oz so he is now 7lb 9. Still dinky. We were discharged by the midwives today as they are happy with his progress and my health.
Like Fili said in the PAL thread I can't believe how well things are going so far. I had a stressy day yesterday but not with my children, with mark and the rest of the family, but largely I feel like I'm coping better than I thought I would. There may be a reaction from Edie in a few weeks. I am trying to prepare for it.
Mrsm I would take that at 2 weeks old to sounds like Louis is perfect!! Well done you fab weight gain xxx

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