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Hopeful- try not to stress about being a little over your pre-preg weight. You are under a lot of stress and very busy mama with twins AND working! Cut yourself some slack hun. Your LOs are still 6 mos too and you had twins for crying out loud!!! I think if all you have extra is 6lb after that, you're doing brilliant!

Bumpy- No clue why he suddenly doesn't like baths :shrug: Bay hates baths most of the time so we make it quick too.
Heart, all children are different but I found when Edie was around 5 or 6 months the short bursts of napping during the day became longer naps which quickly merged into one long nap. At first this nap would be in the morning, more or less straight after her breakfast. A lot of the time I didn't bother getting her dressed. Gradually the nap got later in the day. I always found that the better she napped in the day, the better she slept at night.
As for Delilah being unsettled and taking steps back I always find this with Edie after a trip away or an interruption to her routine. It usually settles back down after a week or so, but the good thing is that once she settles back into routine the extra stimulation from the trip seems to bring her on developmentally. I hope this helps and that she starts sleeping better soon.
Bumpy I'm pleased you have found a routine that works. It's such a relief when it falls into place isn't it?
Ladies who are sleeping in shifts I am a bit jealous! I'm sailing the ship alone on a night! The last two nights have been difficult as well.
I have read back but I am struggling to remember who wrote what. I'm so tired. I have had my mum here helping out this week but bless her heart she has just given me more to do. I'm shattered. Kat, you asked about Edie. Thank you for thinking of her. She is coping really well, and adores her baby brother. It has affected her behaviour in a couple of ways, she is attention seeking a little which is only to be expected, she has never had to share me before. She is also more grown up all of a sudden. We are having another attempt at potty training slowly and steadily but no success yet. I'm having to be very careful to spend as much time cuddling her as she needs, trying not to snap at her when she tries my patience, and keep telling her how good and clever she is, and calling her my Big Girl. I made the mistake of calling Louis sweetheart and she told me off because I call her sweetheart. Here is my little man this afternoon.
OMG Tuckie, I love the image of her on the washer and dryer! What a clever idea! We don't have room on top of ours, and Delilah HATES her carseat, so that's not an option for us, but I'm so glad you found a good solution. It's hilarious to hear about all of the things we have to "invent" as moms. I'm still laughing at the thought of Kat dangling her boob in the co-sleeper.

Jodi, I've taken BF'ing for granted with regards to weight and eating. I keep losing weight and barely do any exercise. I'm humbled to read that it won't last. I can't imagine staying up until 10pm! I can't believe how late your babes stay up. The only problem with Delilah going to bed early is that if she sleeps 9 hours straight, she's still up at 4:30am. I'm encouraged to read that the cribs helped. I'm really beginning to think this might help, even though I'll be sad not to have her close to me.

We use a sound machine too. I downloaded a White Noise app and use the fan setting. And yes, she's definitely teething. She has all the symptoms, except a tooth pushing through. When she wakes at night, she doesn't even want to eat, she just likes being on my boob for comfort.

Bumpy, do you check the water temp? I use a thermometer to make sure the bath isn't too hot for her. Maybe the water is too hot? I don't have any other ideas. Delilah is the queen of water. She LOVED the pool in Florida. And I took her into the shower a few times and she LOVED the shower too! She even laughs when water splashes her face. I hope he gets back to his bath loving self.

Croy, do you just do CIO before bed or in the middle of the night too? Delilah never cries to go to bed. She wakes up crying in the middle of the night and needs comfort. I'm not sure if I want to let her cry yet. I'm afraid she might be hungry so I generally nurse her. Though last night at 12:30, I just shook her bum and said shhhh over and over until she fell asleep again. I never picked her up. It took an hour though!

Kat, Grey is sooooo delicious! I'm happy to hear you have shifts. Tim and I did that in the beginning but my milk supply was plummeting so I ended up taking all of the night shifts.

Sleep is the most glorious thing in the world. I used to look at moms and get jealous that they could carry a baby to term. Now I look at the ones with older kids and get jealous that they are sleeping through the night. LOL!

My little lamb just woke up from her 30 min nap and put herself back to sleep! VICTORY!
Claire we posted at the same time. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I am going to re-read them when I get frustrated. I'm almost 7 months into being a mom and I've definitely learned that nothing is static with these little ones. Your post reminded me of that. Thank you.

Louis is adorable. So much hair! It must be hard for Edie. It sounds like you are conscious of her needs though. She has a wonderful and thoughtful mum. I'm so impressed with how often you post. I barely have time and I have one baby!
MrsM- Louis is scrumptious! Great words of wisdom in your post, esp about changes in routine spurring things developmentally. I def noticed after all the hectic holidays and trip to Oregon Bay started smiling a ton and got more interested in the activity mat, alertness, etc. She's always been very alert though. Everyone has commented on her alertness since she was first born. OH and I like to think its a sign of intelligence :D

Heart- I heard about the dryer idea from my inlaws. They did it with their boys but the dryer didnt work at first so we gave up on it. Then a few nights ago she wasn't napping an I had just put a load in the washer and thought maybe Id give it a fab! I laugh at the visual of poor Kat with her boob dangling in Grey's cosleeper too! :haha: we'll do anything to get sleep, huh? :) Bay likes me to sing to her too. Sometimes I sing her to sleep at nap time. She likes Somwehere Over the Rainbow, it puts her in a trance lol
feel better hon. not sure what a water infection is. yay for alfie being the best sleeper on the thread.

can you have her do tummy time on your belly? hope gavicson helps.
sorry about the bug. =(

it's worth trying sleeping further away to see if that helps. i'm sorry last night was so rough.
i cannot imagine grey not throwing a fit if i put him down period. cant believe d will just lay there.

good edie is doing okay. smart giving her lots of snuggles and praise. mark doesnt help with the baby?
super cute pic.

good to hear bay has passed her growth spurt. i cant wait till grey wants to sleep.

6lbs with twins is minimal on top of you doing it all. be soft on yourself.

i went to costco today solo, my biggest outing yet. i feel like each day blurs into the next and dh and i have no time for each other.
my parents booked tickets out to visit us the 1st weekend in february without talking to me about it first. they will have a hotel, so no biggie,

Do you all think Grey looks mixed or full Asian?
Hi everyone...

MrsM, Louis is just gorgeous, Im so jealous of all that hair. Emelia still has very little hair so when in a dress looks quite funny like a boy we have joked. Everyone thought she would have lots of dark hair as we both do but she's still very fair with pure white eyebrows.
Glad to hear that Edie is accepting the new baby quite well and your right to praise her often as a big girl. My niece is 4 next month and has been great overall with Emelia but has her jealous moments. Last week my parents were watching my nicec and they spoil her rotten and when she heard that me and Emelia were coming back up later in the day she said "whats she coming back here for as she's already been here today" talking about Emelia , and when we arrived she grabbed as many of her toys as possible so that emelia couldnt get any of them haha not that she's anywhere that stage anyway.
Persevere with the toilet training as she will get there but it must be extra hard now when you have Louis aswell. Thats another thing that my nicec has started to do aswell since Emelia has came along, she has been toilet trained for a while but she has started pooing herself and someone told us that often its because they see a new baby in nappies so they start doing it for attention. It must be hard for older children to accept a new baby when they have been number 1 all along.

Tuckie, thats a good idea about putting the car seat on top of the machines. We dont have room for that either but I may sit Emelia in front of the spinning machine. We were actually recommended to sit her in the car seat at night times to try and help with these colic symptoms.

Heart, I would totally imagine that any change of Delilah's routine will take her a week or so to readjust again. She must have been loving the extra attention and getting lots of attention and picked up more often.
I dont think its a bad thing to try Delilah out in her own room and crib, anyone I speak to swears that they get a better sleep aswell as you once they are no longer in your room.
It must be the scariest thing for any parent though making that transition. I think we'll be doing it sooner rather than later.

Hopeful, after carrying twins I am amazed that your only up an extra 6lbs, dont get yourself down about that, that is nothing to lose in time with excericising when you get any free time at all. It must be so demanding having two babies even reading about bath time with two etc. and getting two kids ready in teh morning along with yourself and getting to work, as others have said you are a supermum.
To make you feel better Im still 2 stone/28 lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I was definetely enjoying myself a bit too much with eating what I wanted. Its coming off gradually with healthy eating and excercising.

Bumpy, I would have thought that these developmental tests were a UK thing and not just where I live , that is strange. I looked at the notes and the test was for ventral suspension. We do tummy time on our chests which Emelia loves but it dosent seem to be the same as encouraging them to lift their head off a playmat etc. I'll definetely try keeping to do this as you say, especially if you notices an improvement within 2 weeks. That would be ideal as the nurse if coming out to the house in 2 weeks to check it again. They tell you not to worry about these things but you cant help it.

Kat, I think its hard to say whether Grey looks full asian or a mixture of you both but he is just too cute either way.

Well last night we tried the gaviscon out and Emelia was much more settled at the 6pm and 9pm feed and she wasnt squirming and going rigid as she previously has. But then she started to cry very unsettled from about 10pm to midnight. She has finally had a dirty nappy today so I had to take a sample of it and will hand it in to the doctors today as they want to check if she has this stomach bug.

I also just plotted her measurements from yesterdays assessment on her percentile charts.
Her weight is now 11lbs 3oz and is within the 75th percentile.
Her length has increased from 48cm to 57cm and is at the 50th percentile.
head circumference was 34 and now 39 so 75th percentile.

Bumpy, did they do they kind of measurements with Alfie?
Hi everyone

Kat - Grey is very cute but not sure if he is full asian or mixed,

Bumpy nice to see you back hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the sleep advice gona try and put up the blackout blinds in her room today and get her to nap in there.

Just - I am in the uk and they have never done any of the checks you are talking about on Freya. She has only been weighed and plotted on the graph. She hasnt had her length ot head measured since birth!

Hi to everyone else hope we are all getting some sleep!

Freya was better last night and only woke every 3 hours - better but not great!
Thats strange Cazi isnt it, it must be something that they do in Scotland then or maybe just my area who knows. Im not going to stress about her failing the head lifting test then as its obviously not something that its vital for them to test for.

I hope the blackout blinds work. Im going to invest in some of them aswell for Emelia's room. I know that my sister had to put bin liners up in the windows for my niece until she got blackouts blinds made as she was waking up at the crack of dawn in the summer. Its surely got to be better to make the room pitch black during the day so that they can sleep better.
Reading back while lexi drains the last few drops of milk from my very drained boobs - 45 minute feederthon from both boobs! Anyway reading back! Xxx
Thanks for the well wishes girls, on antibiotics now and feel so much better. Kat it was a urine infection.

Just, Alfie has never had his length or head measured either! Emilia sounds like she is doing great though!

Cazi blackout blinds are great, we got some about 3 weeks ago and roll them over the top of our old ones and they are much better for keeping the room dark - I hope they work for you.

Hopeful 6lb is nothing!! My weight had crept up over Christmas and a couple of weeks I had 11lb to loose, I'm now down to 9lb left to lose. I'm following my fitness pal and its great. It's designed to only lose 1-2lb a week but in my past experience losing weight slowly and steadily is the best way to keep it off long term.

Kat and mrsm love the latest pics of your gorgeous boys!!

Heart how was D last night?

We are giving the bath a miss for a couple of days to try and let what is bugging Alfie pass.

Hi tuckie, davies, croy, fili and everyone I have missed
Just, the health visitor took Louis' length and head measurements at her first visit on Monday. We are seeing her again on Tuesday morning, I don't suppose she will do then again but I'm looking forward to seeing what he weighs. Suddenly today he looks bigger.
That's interesting about the car seat, I actually put Louis in his car seat in the living room today for a nap as he seems most comfortable in it (apart from when he is on my boob), I actually joked about putting him in it for the night.
Bumpy, hope you are feeling better.
Fili, I know how you feel with the boobs, Edie was a mammoth feeder and it used to take me an hour to feed her, about every other hour. Louis is more of a guzzler and finishes his feed more quickly but feeds INCREDIBLY often!
Kat, Mark does help with Louie, but he sleeps through the night, I deal with Louis. He goes to work, my job is the children. Sometimes I get frustrated but it is what it is.
Thank you for all your lovely comments about Edie. It's hard to know how best to handle the situation but you have all made me feel like I am doing ok by her. That means a lot.
Last night was a good night, he slept from 10.30 until 2.30, then it took me until 4 to settle him, as he doesn't like being put down in his basket awake. Then he slept until I woke him at 7.45. That's been the best night we have had this week and I was ready for it. Mum went home today so while both children napped I managed to get the housework done. It has been nice having mum here but I actually think things will be less stressful now.
kat - i think he looks mixed - he is so cute

cazi - i use blackout blinds and drapes

bumpy - d & a get 2 baths a week! couldn't do every night.. she gets dry skin

pics - they both like the jumperoo - almost can get feet to the floor (put a blanket under it)

the camera pic is d sleeping with his feet up on the side of the crib. he scoots every night so he can put his feet up. then he falls asleep. when he first puts them up, they fall down off the side over and over and you hear the zipper on his sleep sack clinking on the side of the crib each time he puts them back up, and finally they stay up and he goes to sleep!


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Kat, I meant to say I think Grey looks mixed too. That said he looks a lot like you, and he is beautiful.
Can't remember much ladies. Bay and I had a horrible night. I barely slept at all. This morning I cried on the porch out of sheer exhaustion and frustration :cry: she was fussy all night & didn't want to sleep & didn't even want the boob. I think I got about 3 hours sleep out of the whole night. Things were going so well & now this :dohh: I wonder if she had a tummy ache cause its unlike her. She usually loves cuddling and nursing all night.

Kat- I think grey looks mixed. He does look a lot like you but they change so much in the first year or two also. My niece and nephew started looking more like one parent and now I see differences now that they're older.

MrsM- glad your mom is there to help you
Tuckie, sorry Bay gave you a bad night. I hope tonight is better. Mum has gone home now, and I will probably get more done without her here. She is great with Edie but creates a whole load more work for me, without realising it.
Hopeful , I love the photos and how cute that Dylan sleeps with his feet up!
Love all the pictures of our gorgeous babies!! Keep 'em coming.

I have been reading but my memory is not hat it used to be, and I have been having a hard time functioning with Levi's sleeping, or lack there of...

Tuckie - So sorry Bay had a rough night, try not to panic, they like to throw a curve ball in there to keep us on our toes. I hope that you both get some sleep tonight.

Amanda - We haven't done cry it out in the middle of the night yet. He usually wakes after 3 hours plus (I feel like I already typed this, forgive me if its a double reply:) ) I feed him and he does a full feed so I think he is genuinely hungry. Even though he has done 8 hours stretches I guess some days he is still needing more to eat. He often does a shorter stretch in the wee hours of the morning, 5ish where he wakes after 1.5 or 2 hours. We should probably leave him then when he fusses but honestly I am so tired by then I just nurse him and put him back or bring him into bed to nurse him so I can fall asleep.

When he is trying to get to sleep and keeps rolling onto his belly and freaking out, it makes me too nervous to sleep when he is cranky so I am awake anyway. At that time in the morning I don't have it in me to be awake anymore! haha

His naps have been going good today, he put himself to sleep with long periods of kicking about and talking to himself and blowing bubbles but then only a short amount of crying, and he has slept for an hour each time. He is down for his last nap of the day and fell asleep on his belly for the first time ever. I have the monitor screen on just to watch him but I am sure he's fine. Our schedule was a little off today because we slept in until 8. It means, I just put him down for his last nap at 4.30 so he didn't fall asleep until 5. I hope he doesn't think it's bedtime...Not sure what I should do. We usually put him down around 6.30pm. Not that too much sleeping is a bad problem to have, I just dont want him to be awake for the day at 5am!

Sorry there is not much in this post - hope all of you ladies are doing well. Hubby is working late tonight teaching a class so I am off to eat some chocolate :)
Emelia's percentages look good. I'm glad that gavicson helped a bit. I hope she does not have that bug.

Grey wakes every 2 hours. I understand your frustration.

Hope Alfie enjoys his baths again. I am happy to say that Grey seems to enjoy bath time.

Love the pics, esp with the feet up. How darling.

They like to keep us on our toes. Whenever I have felt that Grey had a good night, it does not repeat. Luckily it seems to be getting better on your end as a trend.

Grey is fussy and LOVES to be awake. He wants to see and play even when he is yawning and super tired. He has been sitting in his swing, self-entertained, for small stretches.
Has anyone else been having trouble with the site? I keep getting booted off:(

Kat- I thikn Grey looks mixed as well. and he looks absolutely adorable in his bloombath!!! So cute! Eva's also super energetic and doesn't go in for naps much. she can be yawning up a storm but really fights it.

Croy- glad to hear CIO seems to be working for you.

Mismig- YAY for a good night. Hope it's the beginning of a trend.

Just- What did your doc say about Emelia's sleeping habit? It's tempting to be jealous, but I totally understand why you're concerned.

Tuckie- So sorry to hear you had a rough night. I think tears from exhaustion are the rule around here :hugs:

Hopeful- LOVE the pic of Dylan with his feet up- It's so cute!

Afm- Eva hates her bath... really loathes it and screams her head off. I've been giving her sponge baths because I can't bear to see her so upset. It really bums me out too because I'd envisaged this cozy bedtime ritual with a bath followed by a massage, a feed and a story. Nope.
Otherswise we're doing ok. We had our first vaccinations on Tuesday and she responded pretty well... She had a low grade fever about 24 hours later and just wanted to snuggle and sleep on mommy all day :) Back to our active sleepless selff now!

Sorry to hear so many mommies are struggling with sleep deprivation! We're getting a 6 to 7 hour stretch at night so I'm feeling very lucky and praying it lasts. We've decided to have our first night out with a Eva at home with a sitter on saturday. I'm excited but nervous too.

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