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aww Emelia and louie are just adorable :) xx

mrs m- glad u had a better night! im lucky to get 3-4 hours 11-5 is brill hun! :D
Your photos have just come up Abi, I couldn't see them before. He is lovely. You must be a very proud mummy!
Hi ladies how is everyone??
Kat gorgeous pics an so jealous of you sunbathing!!! With my job I'm used to bring away every few months!! I have been to Cyprus in the last year!! One trip since dec 2011 when I got back from Thailand!! So miss the sun! X

Hopeful where you going in cancun? I go there alot with work, I love it, your lucky but so well deserved you make sure you relax every minute!! X

Croy lexi isn't doing that great with feeding to be honest she's not bothered at all!! She def prefers veg to fruit, how many spoonfuls does Levi have?? Are you on three a day?? X

Gorgeous pics ladies, sorry I don't have bf advice I have only ever bottle fed, can't remember anything else!! Sorry hope everyone else is good an not to sleep deprived.

Where's Amanda?? Haven't seen her on in a while hope ur ok Hun x
Loving the pictures!!!!

Just- I especially like the one with Emilia in the crocheted hat!
Mismig- poor little man with a cold:( hope everyone recovers soon.
Kat- it's lovely that you had a beach weekend! He looks adorable!
Hopeful- thats wonderful that you're getting away for a few days. You reall ydeserve the down time!
Afm- it turns out Eva has silent reflux... Which explains a hell of a lot. Thankfully my dr was able to confirm it without doing an endoscopy, and we're now on Zantac. If it doesn't help by Friday we'll have to switch meds. Poor thing, she's been suffering and with the lack of spit up and the fact that she's a comfort feeder we really thought it was colic. The last few days have been really hellish, but at least now we know. Dh almost had a breakdown last night because he couldn't console her and was feeling helpless to help her or me. Fingers crossed that the meds provide some relief.
Hey ladies how are you all?

I'm so excited. I have a walker now :) she toddles round everywhere following me and her dad! She really is my miracle! :-D
Sara, Emelia has silent reflux aswell. The restlessness and crying starts at about 7pm and continues all night its quite hard going but the worst part is not being able to comfort them. I hope the zantac works for Eva. We got prescribed baby gaviscon last week and its working somewhat but the aboev mentioned times are still the worst for us.
You'll be so glad to know that there has been an underlying problem. Its easy to feel frustrated at times but I keep reminding myself that their not doing it out of badness they obviously are in pain and discomfort.
You'll need to post some recent pics of Eva, not seen any recently, I'd love to see her.

I've noticed white spots on Emelia's tongue today and thought it was milk but I touched them and they are rough spots. Done some researching online and it seems to be oral thrush, apparently its very common and should go away by itself in a few days so Im keeping watch.
Apparently its an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria because of the milky tongue that babies always have. Im going to start giving Emelia some cool boiled water after each feed to help rinse her mouth out.
All the pics are so cute ladies!!!

Alfie has silent reflux too, and is on baby gaviscon also. We found we needed stronger stuff for a while and got ranitidine but it seems to be getting better now. I think most babies grow out of it by 4-6 months. I hope the meds work for you xxx
Just- I had forgotten that you were going through the same thing with Emelia. I hope the Gaviscon produces results. what were her sumptoms? Eva was hard to diagnose as she wasn't spitting up, and was using my boob for comfort in order to coat her esophagus with milk and dull the pain. She has definitely been suffering more at night but it was the fact that she had started screaming at all hours that gave it away. She has a hoarse voice when she coos and a tendency towards a rough cough which are also signs. I feel like we're already seeing improvement with the Zantac, but I don't want to jinx it.
It's funny, at our last dr's visit I was describing how she cries till she's blue in the face and he told is she just had a strong , difficult character. I wanted to shoot him. When she's not in pain she's got the sunniest disposition.
Thanks bumpy! We posted at the same time. It's encouraging to hear Alfie's growing out if it!
Tracie how exciting! Our first rainbow baby is a rainbow toddler!
Sara I would have wanted to punch that doctor. I hope you can avoid him in the future. I hope all the babies with reflux soon recover.
Tell me about it. She grew so quickly, I love the little madam she's become but can't help but miss the baby stage.
Hope everyone feels better real soon. What a good eater he is.

Thanks for the formula info. I pumped today to see how much I am producing. I just filled both catchers in 5 min, so my supply is good... but the formula info is good to know just in case later on.

So cute. How is her reflux?

After you bringing up the food thing, I figured out what was wrong. The night of the bad sleep, he did not nap the whole day except for 2 rounds of 20min. That was our 2nd beach day and he would not go down. Overtired.

Yay for Edie!!! What a relief. I heard not to train till they are ready.
Wow, jealous of what a good sleeper he is.

Where are recent pics of Lexi?

I hope the reflux medicine helps and real quick. Poor DH. How was your date night? Are things between you two good again?

Had my 6 week check up and all is good. I pumped for the visit.
Happy that I filled both Medela containers in 5 min (4oz) and both boobs were even in their milk dispersion. I had no idea what my supply was like and we don't own a scale... I just ordered one to weight the baby. I am happy and relieved that I am producing so much milk.

Last night was our best sleep night so far since week 1. We were so tired we all went to bed at 8pm. Grey fell asleep at the boob and slept till 11:30 in the co-sleeper. Next feeding, he was fussy off the boob so DH swaddled him, bounced him and put him in the swing. He slept for 3 hours without a peep before waking up to feed. DH slept in the bed with me. Repeat the next round. Then we all woke up by 8am for morning feeding before I was off to the drs.
Hi girls! I'm here and have been reading but have had some tough nights with sleep so haven't been able to post. I'm happy to report that our transition from the cosleeper to the crib was a resounding success! Delilah is sleeping better than ever and her naps have gone from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours each. I'm in complete shock to be honest. She still is up for one feed at night, but I can live with that. So now that I have a little more time on my hands, I plan to catch up properly. But will have to do so next week. I got an offer to do some contract work for my old job. They want me to write curriculum for a class on stress management and relaxation. The curriculum I'll be writing is about journaling for stress management. They want it by Monday! :shock: I haven't even started yet. So while Delilah naps, I'll be writing.

But I did want to mention that Delilah had silent reflux and seems to be rounding the corner with it. Zantac worked for a little while but then stopped and we moved to Prevacid. Sara, if you need to move to a new med, talk to me. I have a tip that will help. I'm glad you got it sorted. Reflux sucks, but can be managed.

Kat, so glad you are finding ways to get sleep. I remember my 6 week visit. I was so overtired that my doctor misdiagnosed me with postpartum. I KNEW I didn't have postpartum. I knew I was tired and was struggling with BF'ing. Once I got a good sleep and established BF'ing, I felt fine. Glad your milk supply is so good. We've had great weather here too (except today, it's raining). Gotta love California in winter!

Will catch up properly soon. If my old job doesn't send me the info I need to start the writing project, then I'll try to catch up on the next nap. My little love is over an hour into her second nap and is stirring now.

Lots of love.
Hey ladies, been MIA for a bit. Just been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest! We have been doing a lot with the family, went shopping w/ my mom, had company visting. Had a scare with my grandpa and thought he had a heart attack but he's okay now. Had to get a bunch of documents over to Bay's worker too for her mediCal since we lost coverage, etc. been a hectic week!

Kat- Grey looks so adorable in the beach shots! It has been unseasonably warm here too. Bay got some nice strolls outdoors. Now it's gonna rain :/ back to the winter like weather I suppose. Your poor OH lays on the floor and jiggles Grey's swing?!? That's gotta be rough sleep for him. You've got a good hubby there :thumbup: Glad the sleeping is getting better for you all though!

Abi- Noah is adorable! And what a big boy! :D Is that the Boba wrap you're wearing him in? I have the same one!

Hopeful- yay for a vaycay to Cancun! I hope you have a blast. You deserve it! :)

Croy- yay for 10 hours of sleep!! Hope you had fun with your girlfriends :)

MrsM- so sorry your little man has a cold :( I love his funny little faces & wacky hair :haha: yay for Edie's potty training!

Justkeep- Emelia is gorgeous! I love her jacket and hat. Cute dog too :) Hope the trush gets better.

Sara- sorry Eva has reflux. I hope the meds help. What the hell was that Dr thinking telling you it was her difficult character?!? What an ass! I second Just, we need Eva pics!

Davies- we need new pics from you too!

Bumpy- Glad Alfie's reflux is getting better hun. Were his symptoms the same as Sara described?

Tracie- congrats on your LO toddling! How exciting :)

Heart- good to hear from you hun. Glad the transition to crib was a success! Nice you are able to get a job you can do from home also :) Any new pics of D?

Afm, Bay has been fighting her naps :( She'll get tired and pass out on the boob but if I move her or leave, she wakes up :dohh: now every time we want her to nap we have to put her in her carseat and either stroll her, drive her, or put her on the washer/dryer. If she goes straight to the machine she will eventually fall asleep, but after about 10-15 mins of fussing and spitting her paci out over and over and over :dohh: I have to hide behind her too cause she won't sleep if she sees me & I probably put her paci back in her mouth over 50 times BUT she will fall asleep for a good 2 hours or so. It's worth it to stand there and deal with that for those few hours she naps! It's just a pain in the ass. I also worry we're creating bad sleep behaviors by giving her movement for all naps. I worry if she'll be able to nap without all that in the future. Here's some recent photos:
tuckie- its not a boba but a similar one to that hun i love it! lol how do u like babywearing! i think its great i only so it a few ties a week not all the time though! :) xx
Yay for D sleeping in her crib!!! This will hopefully give you the energy you need to get your work done during her extended naps. I did not know that your Dr diagnosed you with postpartum. I'm glad you know yourself better. With our backgrounds, I am guessing we are both aware and open to diagnoses if accurate... And know enough when it doesn't resonate. Hope this means you have a little extra fun $$$. Glad the weather up there was nice too.

Love the new photos. Grey hasn't had a full smile yet. Just half smiles. I'm waiting. I would not worry about making Bay dependent on movement. As you know, Grey is completely dependent on bouncing/walking/nursing to sleep...But Heart's baby needed her swing and now she is sleeping in her crib with no issues. I am just doing what works right now. I read that if you have more than 1 way to get them to sleep that is good. It is frustrating having to put them to sleep, but normal (i have read many books on this subject now, haha). Yes, DH was sleeping on the floor to shake the swing when Grey stirred. The swing alone does not keep him happy. LOL, at you hiding behind the dryer.
I like the feel and the material but I feel like its somewhat impractical :/ It's a very very long piece of cloth so it takes awhile to get on and off so I don't like doing it if I'm not planning on wearing her for long. Also, it would suck to try to use it in the rain if you had to put it on outside. Other than that I like it. I just wish I would've gotten one that was a little simpler. I do love how comfy it is though and it does keep her in there well. Nice and snug when I wrap it properly.
Kat- good point about D always needing swing and now sleeping in a crib :thumbup: I think Bay smiled a little early. We noticed it started up right after the holidays. I bet Grey will start any day now. I agree with you about just doing whatever works regarding sleep. I will do whatever I have to in order for her to sleep!
Amanda - Great to see you :) I am so glad that D is sleeping so well in the crib. We didn't have such immediate success but it certainly helped when we put Levi in his crib. Glad that you are having some more time for yourself, I know after a good night and some good naps I feel like myself again. I am not sure I realised how far from myself I had felt. Some good time with girlfrein this week has helped too.

Davies - I give levi one tablespoon of puree a day. Its veggies and breast milk so I guess technically its not quite a whole Tbsp of veg but close. He just had parsnip today for the first time and chowed down. The peas didn't seem to process very well and he had a huge explosion yesterday! I think that accounts for his crappier sleep the night before.

Girls - thanks for all the adorable pics, what cuties :)

Tracie - have you got the baby gates up? I feel like we haven't started much childproofing at all. I can;t believe shes walking already! Makes me realise I don';t have as much time as I think. Please post pics!!

afm - Last night he did his 8.5 hour then feed then another 3. If I bring him into bed with me at that point and feed him he will go back again and I will wake him around 8. Hoping that this become a pattern. And that his naps start to be more consistent too. I can't bear to think about trying again until I feel like we have some sort of schedule in place. I am such a Type A. its driving me nuts!! :)

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