I did my best to catch up but it was a mission! I’m sorry if I forgot anyone.
Tracie- don’t you just love seeing her toddle about?! They walk like they’ve had too much to drink and it’s adorable.
Kat- you should definitely be proud of your supply! I could pump 2 oz at most from each side. I hope Grey gives you more good nights. You are so right… I think Penny is cutting another tooth so we were up at 4 am with a crying baby and all I could think was “you are lucky you are so cute!” That is their best defense especially as newborns when it is all give and no take.
Amanda- I’m so happy the transition was smooth and most importantly a success! I didn’t know you were misdiagnosed with postpartum. I’m glad that was cleared up. Happy 7 months to Delilah! LOVE the pictures. It looks like she may be crawling very soon.
Tuckie-I’m sorry you are having a rough time with Bay sleeping. I think Kat made a great point about Delilah sleeping in her swing and now thriving in her own crib so no need to worry! Do what ever works for you. Bay is gorgeous!
Croy- I hope the good sleep pattern continues! Good luck with the paper and I hope you hubby makes it home soon.
Sara- It’s good to hear you and DH are back on good terms. Eva is precious in all of her pictures. I love the one of you two napping.
Fili- I agree with what everyone said. The 1st few weeks are really just a blur and not having a routine is completely normal for the 1st couple months. I remember the doctor sent us home with a sheet of paper to track feedings, wet and soiled diapers. There was a goal each day to make sure she was eating well and having enough wet diapers. At the end of the two weeks Tim proudly wrote “you survived! Yay!!!”

The 1st few weeks are madness and full of lots of sleepless nights. Good luck with the renters. I hope they make their minds up soon.
Mrsmigg- I hope you and your family feel better soon! Way to go on getting Edie potty trained!
Melfy- I definitely had a huge increase in discharge the last few weeks. I even went to L&D to make sure it wasn’t amniotic fluid. It was very thin and watery. They confirmed it was just lots of discharge. It’s not glamorous but at least its normal. Enjoy the last few days/weeks of being pregnant!
Just- enjoy your good sleeper
Hopeful- I’m glad you have at least one good sleeper. Hopefully Ava will get back on track soon. Have they started crawling yet? Penny was right around their age when she started crawling or getting on all fours. I am jealous you will be sunning yourself in Cancun soon but you totally deserve it!
Davies-how are you and miss Lexi?
AFM- My surrogate counselor finally called me last night and we got some good news and bad news. The good news is that the couple we picked loves us! The bad news is that their doctor has discouraged them from working with us due to my miscarriage history. They went through a loss at 6 ½ months, one of the reasons we picked them, so the doctor doesn’t want that risk again even though I have been medically cleared, been through all sorts of testing and have one healthy daughter after all of that. I’m really sad about it but totally understand. I was also told that most likely if I did have a miscarriage my days as a surrogate would be over. My counselor thought it was a good thing that we are not going with this couple since they are older and using their own egg and sperm which has a higher chance of abnormality. She did send over our profile and medical records to our 2nd choice. They are a same sexed couple in NYC. They love us too so now we are just waiting for their doctor to approve us. I really hope my past miscarriages don’t make the matching process too hard on us. *sigh*
The weather has been gorgeous here so we have been taking advantage. Penny went Frisbee golfing with Tim yesterday and he took her to fly her 1st kite. I’ve been taking her to the park every day after work and just love seeing her toddle about kicking/throwing her ball, swinging and exploring the sand and jungle gym. Today she is going shoe shopping with her daddy. FX he does an ok job and at least picks something cute and comfortable.