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Kat- I know what you mean about limiting expectations. Eva had a few days about 2 weeks ago when she was sleeping 7 hour stretches at night and I was sure we had turned a sleeping corner. But now those days are a distant memory and we're back to waking up every 3-4 hours at nights for feeds. I do feel like she began to sleep more at night and less during the day after her 6 week growth spurt so I hope that Grey follows the same pattern.
Did anyone get a tender tummy c section or not? It feels quite tender in the bottom half of my tummy. If you had a c section when did the tenderness on the scar go?
Fili- I'm still tender and its been 8 weeks! Also parts are still numb too from them cutting through the nerves. Dr said it normal to be tender for quite some time. He said the internal cut goes perpendicular to the external cut so that's why I still felt sore. I think it got better around 6 weeks or so for me. It still hurts if I push on it though.
Hi All,
Just got my scale and Grey weighs 11lbs (scale only goes by 3oz increments). That is a weight gain of 2lbs 12.5oz. I am pleased.

Tuckie and Fili,
Hope all the C-section pain vanishes quickly.

I am doing the pull out method right now. I dtd for the first time last night and was scared to death of getting pregnant. That a change!

I posted before I saw your pics. Love them! I am okay with a 3-4 hour stretch. DH and I dream about a 4 hour stretch, feed, 4 hour stretch, lol. Grey was super fussy last night and was up every 1.5 hours or so... sucks!
Hello ladies:flower:

Just popping from the PARL thread (can't wait to join you on this thread though:happydance:) for a quick question.

For the past couple of days, I've been having increased vaginal charge:blush: But like...a lot!!! Very watery. It's not amniotic fluid nor urine, but I was just wondering if you experienced this towards the end of your pregnancy, if you went into labor soon after.

Congrats for all you beautiful rainbow babies. Can't wait to meet mine:happydance:
Hi ladies...

Tuckie, bay is so beautiful and yes the things we have to do. We also have to sneak up behind teh back of the moses basket and peek in and check on Emelia avoiding eye contact if she is awake as once she sees us thats it.

Sara, thanks for posting the pics of Eva she is gorgeous. I think everyones babies have more hair than mines, Emelia has hardly any. I was actually teh same until I was walking!

Kat, thats a really good weight gain for Grey, he's obviously getting plenty of milk and thats reassuring.
We also dtd at 9 weeks and I was so anxious that it was going to be painful but surprisingly it was fine. Im so happy that Im not "damaged goods" down there haha, and also I was worried sick about getting pregnant aswell.
I cant believe how many of us have commented that we now dont want another baby straight away. I was so sure that I wanted another straight away but for now one is more than plenty to enjoy. I also know how worried I was every day throughout my pregnancy expecting it to go wrong so I think its only fair to Emelia that I give her my undivided attention for her first year. Even considering things like lifting a heavy car seat and lifting prams in and out of the car etc. just wouldnt be ideal for me.

MrsM, how stressful that must be to get to nursery for 9am with two kids to get ready, I feel the stress for you! I do fine if I know that I dont have to be ready for a certain time but the minute I have a time to be ready for now I just feel the pressure right away. I cant seem to make morning appointments either, I much prefer afternoons before I can get places!

For the last 3 nights now Emelia has slept through the night from midnight until around 7/8am which has been brilliant, Im hoping for 4 nights lucky tonight. We're actually about to watch a film just now so have left her upstairs in her moses basket, Im quite anxious to keep checking on her but felt thought it would be a good idea to try it gradually.
Hi Melfly, your getting so close now, cant wait to see another baby being born. I would say from 32 weeks onwards I starting experience lots of discharge. I had Emelia at 37 weeks.
It could mean something or nothing for you I honestly dont know, but if its something thats become different for you I'd say something is going on.

Dont worry you will know when its amniotic fluid iif your waters break. There was no mistaking it for me, it was gushes and also pink waters.
Good luck, I hope its not much longer for you
Melfy- I kept getting wet undies all the time at the end and they kept checking and saying it wasn't amniotic fluid. They thought I was peeing and I kept telling them it wasn't pee! :dohh: must have been what you're experiencing!

Kat- fab weight gain for Grey :) we will find out bay's weight on Tuesday of next week. She's still petite, but growing. She's averaged 4oz a week since birth and Dr says that's okay. I'm hesitant to start combo feeding. I want to ebf as long as I can. I do see the appeal though...I worry I'll find it easier than BFing and quit sooner!

Kat/Just- Funny you mention dtd and having another...OH and I ended up getting condoms cause he's too worried about making another baby with pull out only. LOL I got a giant box at cvs for half price :haha:
I am very jealous. Hope Emelia keeps it up for you. What birth control are you using?

I'm still a tiny bit tender inside. I dtd to be nice to DH to be honest. My libido is not high. Plus I worried that Grey would wake up from his nap... he did 10 min later. Luckily he was awake and NOT crying for once.

No tummy pain for me. That might be a c-section thing.

4 oz is still good isn't it? Have you been getting Bay weighed weekly? I went to the Dr 2 days after discharge, 2 weeks and the next is the 2 month appt, which I pushed back to 2 months and 1 week to delay vaccinations for a bit. Is Bay now covered?

Hahaha about the big box of condoms. Is it weird using them? I can't imagine using them with DH after all this time.

I thought you were having an oversupply. Why the milk concern. Bottle feeding is not easier according to DH. It took him an hour to feed yesterday and Grey was fussy.
Just: Totally new for me. I've had urine ''incidents'' but this is entirely different. Reminds me a bit of the discharge I usually get before AF, but 1000 worse:haha:

Tuckie: Not pee for sure, but I keep changing underwear because I forget to put a protective slip:dohh:

Aside from that, I'm getting more and more period pain like cramps. Not really painful, just a little annoying. I've also had pink discharge for a couple of days, but it stopped. I'm getting mild contractions every once in a while, but it feels like my chest is also thightening. Weird feeling, but it's making me hopeful :):
Sara- she is gorgeous!!!

Melfy- I didn't have fluid like that, just some brown bits of mucous plug and bam, water broke a day or two later I think?

Just- she sleeps awesome. My kids need hair too! Can't wait to brush and style it

Kat- that is good weight gain and it amazing when they start sleeping more.

Tuckie - bay is gorgeous too!

Fili- I didn't touch my cs scar forever but it didn't seem to be sore. It's just a little numb now and not super noticeable.

How did we all get so lucky to have good looking kids?!

D is sleeping from 8:30or so until 6-6:30 now but Ais going thru a phase. Up until 10:30 or 11 and not happy, unless the lights are on and she can look around. Cries when lights off, happy when on. Can't wait until this phase gets over. But then she wants to sleep in later
and I have to wake her by 6:30 for daycare and work.

A is up now in my room in pack n play. I hear her scratching around and grabbing things. Gonna try again to put her to bed
Trying to catch up but just not sure I can. Mrs M, they told me ibuprofen was fine to take while BF'ing. It sounds like you are having such a hard time! I've said it once, I'll say it again, I can't imagine having 2.

Jodi, Cancun sounds divine. I'm happy to hear you're taking your friend. That will be the respite you've needed. Sorry Ava is up so much. I wonder what that's about?

Sara, I think I would enjoy writing the curriculum more if I didn't have a baby to care for. I'm using her nap times to write it which leaves me with no free time at all. I haven't showered in 2 days. Eva is gorgeous!

Croy, how are you writing a paper with Levi awake? Delilah would demand my attention if I tried to do that.

Kat, that is awesome weight gain. I love all of your posts about sleep. It becomes an all consuming topic, doesn't it? I NEVER thought Delilah would sleep flat on her back in a crib, but she is snoozing away as I type this. Grey will fall into a routine soon, but I know it doesn't feel like it. That being said, I still don't get used to good nights. The next one might be a bad one.

Tuckie, Bay is so cute. Love the tongue!

Fili, newborns don't have a routine. I think Delilah was 3 or 4 months before she started going down for what we call "the long sleep." All of a sudden, one night we put her to bed at 7pm and she kept sleeping for several hours. We thought it was a fluke because we gave her a bath that night. We thought she was just relaxed. But ever since then, she goes down between 7 and 8pm for many hours.

OMG I just looked back at all the pictures! Emelia is Adorable!!! Such a little lady!

Noah is such a little button. You look beautiful Abi!

Mrs M, Louis is such a munchkin. That funny face kills me!

What else did I read? Can't remember. Will post a few pics of my little one in a second and then off to bed I go at 8:30! Delilah has had a fever for the past two days. Unfortunately, I think the long naps were due to the fact that she was sick. She seems to have rounded the corner this evening though. I hope so. I was up 4 times with her last night. I need some sleep.
Oooh, my girl is 7 months old today! I can't believe it. Here she is in Florida. And one that my sister took of the two of us. She only took one picture and we were both looking at the camera and smiling. I love that one. We're both so relaxed.


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Melfy it's all sounding promising.
Hopeful, you really are amazing coping with 2 babies. Everyone is saying how tough it is for me but honestly it's only because I'm sick at the moment, if I wasn't I'd be coping ok. It's easier when they are at different stages. I could not imagine having two babies.
I am not ready to dtd yet. Physically I would probably be ok as my bleeding has all but stopped and I'm not sore but I don't have the energy. I will be making an appointment at my 6 week check to have a coil fitted. Mark said he will get a vasectomy but it is too soon - that is too final.
I'm struggling to reply to all of your original posts. I promise I'm reading what you are all saying and I'm interested and digesting it, but because I always post on my phone and my brain is like cotton wool by the time I type the post I can't remember.
After a shocking night the night before last we had a good night last night, 11-7 with one feed at 3. He was ravenous before bed so I was prepared for a bad night.
Heart, Delilah is a gorgeous little girl. Those rosy cheeks look like she is very busy teething!
Kat, Just, Sara, Abi, Croy, Fili, Cazi, hi. Hope everyone has a good day today. These nights sleeping half sat up are NOT good for my hair. I look like Russell Brand this morning.
Gorgeous pics ladies, I have posted two massive long replies twice now on my phone an they haven't updated? Only just realised, I thought everyone was ignoring me!! Haha x

So sorry if u think I'm rude but I wasn't, pictures gorgeous of everyone's bubbas xx

Hope everyone's well xx
I did my best to catch up but it was a mission! I’m sorry if I forgot anyone.

Tracie- don’t you just love seeing her toddle about?! They walk like they’ve had too much to drink and it’s adorable.

Kat- you should definitely be proud of your supply! I could pump 2 oz at most from each side. I hope Grey gives you more good nights. You are so right… I think Penny is cutting another tooth so we were up at 4 am with a crying baby and all I could think was “you are lucky you are so cute!” That is their best defense especially as newborns when it is all give and no take.

Amanda- I’m so happy the transition was smooth and most importantly a success! I didn’t know you were misdiagnosed with postpartum. I’m glad that was cleared up. Happy 7 months to Delilah! LOVE the pictures. It looks like she may be crawling very soon.

Tuckie-I’m sorry you are having a rough time with Bay sleeping. I think Kat made a great point about Delilah sleeping in her swing and now thriving in her own crib so no need to worry! Do what ever works for you. Bay is gorgeous!

Croy- I hope the good sleep pattern continues! Good luck with the paper and I hope you hubby makes it home soon.

Sara- It’s good to hear you and DH are back on good terms. Eva is precious in all of her pictures. I love the one of you two napping.

Fili- I agree with what everyone said. The 1st few weeks are really just a blur and not having a routine is completely normal for the 1st couple months. I remember the doctor sent us home with a sheet of paper to track feedings, wet and soiled diapers. There was a goal each day to make sure she was eating well and having enough wet diapers. At the end of the two weeks Tim proudly wrote “you survived! Yay!!!”:dohh: The 1st few weeks are madness and full of lots of sleepless nights. Good luck with the renters. I hope they make their minds up soon.

Mrsmigg- I hope you and your family feel better soon! Way to go on getting Edie potty trained!

Melfy- I definitely had a huge increase in discharge the last few weeks. I even went to L&D to make sure it wasn’t amniotic fluid. It was very thin and watery. They confirmed it was just lots of discharge. It’s not glamorous but at least its normal. Enjoy the last few days/weeks of being pregnant!

Just- enjoy your good sleeper

Hopeful- I’m glad you have at least one good sleeper. Hopefully Ava will get back on track soon. Have they started crawling yet? Penny was right around their age when she started crawling or getting on all fours. I am jealous you will be sunning yourself in Cancun soon but you totally deserve it!

Davies-how are you and miss Lexi?

AFM- My surrogate counselor finally called me last night and we got some good news and bad news. The good news is that the couple we picked loves us! The bad news is that their doctor has discouraged them from working with us due to my miscarriage history. They went through a loss at 6 ½ months, one of the reasons we picked them, so the doctor doesn’t want that risk again even though I have been medically cleared, been through all sorts of testing and have one healthy daughter after all of that. I’m really sad about it but totally understand. I was also told that most likely if I did have a miscarriage my days as a surrogate would be over. My counselor thought it was a good thing that we are not going with this couple since they are older and using their own egg and sperm which has a higher chance of abnormality. She did send over our profile and medical records to our 2nd choice. They are a same sexed couple in NYC. They love us too so now we are just waiting for their doctor to approve us. I really hope my past miscarriages don’t make the matching process too hard on us. *sigh*

The weather has been gorgeous here so we have been taking advantage. Penny went Frisbee golfing with Tim yesterday and he took her to fly her 1st kite. I’ve been taking her to the park every day after work and just love seeing her toddle about kicking/throwing her ball, swinging and exploring the sand and jungle gym. Today she is going shoe shopping with her daddy. FX he does an ok job and at least picks something cute and comfortable.
=( about your first choice. It sounds like you are handling it well and them being older would put you at more risk for MC. FXed your 2nd choice's dr approves you. I feel bad for your 1st choice. Losing a baby at 6.5 months pregnant would be unbearable.

Time flies. You two look adorable!

We are not cleared to dtd here until at least 6 weeks.
I still dream of the day we go 11-7 with one feed.
Haha, Russell.

What is going on with you? How is your cutie pie?

Grey is going through his 6 week growth spurt, eating every 2 hours day and night. I have accepted it, so last night was not hellish for me. I'm praying that he turns the corner once this growth spurt is done like many of your LOs did.
Love the pics Amanda- she is beautiful.

Sarah- it's the me resort in cancun

Will write more later- dh just got fired. Why does bad shit keep happening?
Happy 7 months D! Heart she's a Beauty and looks so happy!!

Hoping I'm really sorry to read that. I really hope it works out with couple number 2. You are doing such an amazing thing and I hate that you are having so many obstacles in your way.

Hopeful no way WTF what happened? Hope u are ok chick....

Hi everyone else, catching up....

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