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tuckie- in my honest opinion they are the most comfortable slings around.. you wont get one thats more comfy! the bjorn carriers and the like are very uncomfortable .. i found that out when i first had josh even him being a newborn it hurt my back to wear him! with this one i dont ache at all.. you can even leave it on when baby isnt in it which is fab! yes it take a little while to wrap in the first place but i can do it in a few mins now so not much slower then a carrier with the clips lol but everyone has their own preferences hun :)
Reading back!! It's much much harder to keep up with a babba to look after!
Heart I'm glad D is sleeping in her crib now, I had a time getting Lexi in her crib after one week co sleeping but I hear both mum and baby can sleep better apart. I still wake up now in a panic wondering where she is and she's only next to me in a cot!

I love looking at all the pictures of the BEAUTIFUL babies - brings a tear to my eye that we all got this far...

As for all the sleeping / feeding stories I totally empathise with some. I'm all over the place with Lexi, sometimes 1 hour sleeps, sometimes 4! Sometimes big feeds sometimes small! She shuts her lips so tight when she's had enough which makes me laugh. I seem to be getting just enough sleep as i sleep when she does. Bottle top ups helping... But no routine whatsoever. Mw and hv said that's normal??

Hopeful yay to Cancun!! :plane: really hope you have a great time!
Lol Fili at 2 weeks old its completely normal. Don't expect to get any sort if routine for a little while yet, and the first 6 weeks are just madness. You will look back on it in the future and it will be a blur and that's completely normal.
Tuckie I love the idea of baby wearing but it hurts my back.
Heart, good to see you I'm pleased Delilah is settling into a routine.
Kat your beach photos are adorable.
Crap night last night. I'm ill again and think Louis is too.
mrs mig sorry you're ill hun. At least you can take some meds? I still pop ibuprofen and paracetamol from time to time for when my scar feels tender and it's bliss to take meds again! Hope you (and Louis?) feel well soon, look after yourself if you can :hugs:
Mrs m sorry you are sick, I couldn't imagine being sick with a newborn and 3 year old. Oh and well done to Edie for wearing big girl pants!!!!

Fili as mrsm said I wouldn't worry trying to establish a routine until Lexi is at least 2 months old. I think that's when we started a loose routine with Alfie and it was hard work at first and took some adapting but he's in a great little routine now that works for him and works for me.

Heart - welcome back!!! So glad to hear D is doing well.

Hopeful - so glad to hear you won a trip you so deserve it Hun!!

Hi everyone else love the pics!
Fili I can still only take paracetamol because of breast feeding. I don't think you are meant to take ibuprofen but co-codamol is ok. I took some cough medicine last night before bed thinking it would be 4 hours before he woke up and he woke up 2 hours later so I hope it didn't affect him. God I feel so awful today. Got more visitors this afternoon today and the house is a tip. I can hardly talk. I'm so run down. I could do with someone cleaning my house, doing my ironing, and taking Edie out for a couple of days and just letting me chill out with Louis and rest. Getting us all to Playgroup for 9am 3 mornings a week is such a challenge! Especially when the paths are thick ice and its a good walk away. My pram is massive and takes two hands to push and steer and Edie cries and moans because she wants to hold my hand. Poor Edie.
Sorry to be such a moaner.
mrs m - the wraps are supportive of the back the way its wrapped is done in such a way that it distributes the weight of the baby evenly seriously try one there so comfy!
Ibuprofen is what they gave me at the hospital as part of my safe for bf meeds. I can't imagine getting out for 9with just lexi never mind 2! Got to be hard, moan away!
Oh did they? It must be fine then that's good to know. After a manic couple of hours and a parent fail (forgot to take Edie to the toilet after Playgroup and she wet her pants on the way home - I felt terrible) then having to come home to all the breakfast mess and managed to get Edie sorted, then my uncle aunt and cousin came to visit. I was boiling hot, and feeling horrible. Got Edie down for her nap and I'm enjoying a quiet couple of hours with Louis where I don't have to talk, run backwards and forwards to the toilet or potty, or answer endless questions. Just having a hot toddy and watching afternoon tv and feeding.
mrs m - you poor thing. I had to take a high dose of ibuprofen after my c-section and they said it was fine with bfeeding. Hope you can rest some today.

Hubs was duee back from his business trip last night but because of technical problems he got delayed and as due back this morning. He just called to say now he won't get in until 4 and so will be in rush hour traffic and wont be home until this evening. Ugg. I have a big paper to write for school and I was thinking I had some back up todaybecause he was going to be home today to watch Levi. Now I am going to have t try and do it whiel he is awake. Not helped by the fact that after a 9 hour stretch from 6.15pm which was awesome, he haas been awake off and on. He has been coughing a bit and straining to poop with no results so he is uncomfortable poor kid. Hoping that he will nap soon so I can catch a few more zz's before getting up. I haven't needed a cuppa this bad in a long time - but no hubby to bring it to me in bed, I have to actually go and make it myself! I am such a lazy bones when i am tired. I know hubs is pooped too because he had to get up at 1.30am PST to get the flight that then got delayed for hours...nothing worse that being stuck on a plane or in the airport. We are going to be a lot of fun the next few days :) haha!
Mismig- Sucks that you're ill. The trip to play group sounds fraught with peril, I honestly don't know how you manage it. Yay for Edie and potty training... I feel like I have a parent fail daily!

Croy- it's tough having your Dh away, hope you manage to finish up your school work. Hope Levi manages to poo!

Heart- great to see you. It's lovely to hear you've had such success transitioning D to her crib... Gives me hope for the future. Are you enjoying writing curriculum? I used to do teacher training and curriculum develpment was by far my favorite part. thanks for the advicr about reflux. So far the Zantac seems to be working for us, but if we have to switch ill pm you.

Tuckie- I got quite a giggle out of your one legged ass kicking comment :haha: I also have a great image of you stealthily lurking behind the washer!! Whatever works!

Kat- it's so tough when they get overtired! I find it can be hard to time things well especially out of the house. That's great about your supply... I know you want to ebf and There's really no need for you to supplement if you're producing so much! Tbh I'm jealous!
Date night was lovely, thanks! Dh and I are in a MUCH better place. Actually I think we needed the fight do we could both air out alot of petty pent up stuff and focus on what really matters.

Abi- love the pictures!


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MrsM- :hugs: I got a good giggle out of your fb comment that Edie had you BFing her doll :haha:

Sara- glad things are going better with DH and you had a good date :) yes, I lurk behind the dryer :haha: the things we'll do to get them to sleep!

Fili- I was also discharged with 600mg ibuprofen and have used them a few times for bad pp headaches or a back/neck ache here and there too.

Abi- the boba wrap is very comfortable. I guess I just need to practice more so I can wrap it right the first time and get quicker at it. I didn't get to even try it til recently since I had a csection and didn't want her feet by my stomach as it was still tender from the surgery.
Aww beautiful Sara!! She is gorgeous :cloud9:

We have potential tenants who keep looking round our flat but it's everyday and really annoying now as ikeep having to hide all the baby stuff and making sure the flat is immaculate which is so hard with a baby!
didnt know you are thinking of #2 already. sucks about dh. hope you get that paper done. are you almost done with your driving lessons?

sounds normal to me hon.

hope you both feel better and you got to enjoy some quiet. too bad about the potty incident.

forgot to say glad your grandpa is okay. we do it one day at a time here.

good to hear that things are much better between dh and you. it's good that you both cleared the air and can be on the same page now. i am too temperamental to let too much fester. how is eva doing now?

I need to try very hard to not have expectations surrounding night time. After our best night ever, last night was rough. Oh well. Grey wanted to nurse constantly. I wonder if it is his 6 week growth spurt, but then in the morning he is going long stretches (told DH to stop bouncing him every time he stirs so I can feed more during the day and see if that helps). Our babies, they like to keep us all guessing.... thank goodness they are all so darn cute.
Sara- gorgeous pics!

Croy- good luck with your paper hun

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