Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Aw, heart, she's such a cutie! In that last picture she looks like a proper grown up person and a happy one at that :cloud9:
Hi ladies
How is everyone?
Thanks for your post Heart, you always know the right things to say and sum things up perfectly!
Good for you for getting down the gym, your little girl is gorgeous and really long, Alfie is long too and he has big feet! Just needs to fatten up a bit, but the way he guzzles his milk I don't think it will be long!! Amanda I added you on FB a while ago but don't think u accepted me, would love to be able to see all the pics of D!

Sarah sounds like your little girl is loving her new milk! Alfie loves Amtamil too but he's just on the standard first milk stuff. I gave him his first bath yesterday and he screamed haha!

Croy, hopeful, Jenny, pip and anyone else that had to have a section - how long until the swelling around the wound went down? It feels rock hard still above and below it.

I got on the scales for the first time today 11 days after his birth and I've lost 15lb which I was pleased with, 13lb to go although I'm sure the second part of weight loss is much harder!!! I haven't even tried to get back into my normal clothes yet as I'm finding maternity clothes are more comfortable!

Hope all the other yummy mummy's are good! X
Hey ladies how are you all? hows all your gorgeous babies??

I cant believe im saying this but im starting to plan Isabellas 1st birthday :o its gone far to quickly!!!
Amanda- Good for you going back to the gym! I always feel so much better about myself when I am working out and I also have more energy. Delilah sounds like she is doing amazing and such a good little sleeper. I saw the pictures on facebook and absolutely love the one of her smiling. She is such a doll.

Hopeful- I hope you are having a decent first week back at work!

Davies- sorry I can’t be much help with the dtd situation. The first time we tried I was already back to normal… maybe try lots of lube? I’m glad you found a milk solution for your little girl:thumbup:

Bumpy- Wow! You went through an awful lot to finally get Alfie. I’m sure you are head over heels for your little guy and it sounds like you two are doing much better. I hope he comes home soon!

Pepitas- I’m sure it is probably nothing but I would see the doctor just incase… no need to feel embarrassed!

Croy- in the early days we certainly choose an extra hour of sleep rather than getting busy in the bedroom. I hope organizing your closet has made getting dressed easier. I think I lived in yoga pants the first few weeks after Penny was born.

Tracie- I’m right there with you! Time has flown too quickly but I am enjoying the ride and love getting to know my little lady. Have fun planning her birthday party… I’m in full party planning mode as well.

AFM- We had a wonderful weekend going to the pumpkin festival at the Happy tree farm. Penny was delighted to yank off apples and sample each one. I also took her to Gymboree class where she met her 1st boyfriend. He was smitten with her and they kept sneaking off together to play with a red ball. The instructor kept telling them to stop flirting:haha:.

Pictures of our apple picking adventure:thumbup:
Wow Tracie that has flown by!!

Hoping penny is very very cute - adorable!!!

Well I'm excited to say that Alfie is home...I'm so happy right now!!!
Yay for Alfie coming home!!! You must be over the moon:cloud9: he is gorgeous
tooth number 6 has just appeared. Shes starting to stand un-aided, she gives proper kisses. No's a few words. shes growing so quickly and shes so clever!
Wow tracie I can't believe how quickly that year has gone look at her gorgeous girl! X

Bump Alfie is sooo dinky so cute! That aptamil first milk is apparently exactly same as cow an gate exactly the same company it's just more expensive, my mw told me that! Lexi screamed on her first bath but now she likes it an actually smiled at me tonight in the bath! Bless her! X

Amanda d is gorgeous beautiful eyelashes I can see, she is going to be tall I think x

Hoping your little girl is cute as a button your day out looks lovely x
Aw, look at those cute babies :cloud9:
Tracie, I can't believe it has been so long already since your little princess was born! Wow!

Penny is so utterly gorgeous! I love her sticky uppy hair :D

Alfie is so very very cute. You can totally see his face for later (as opposed to a baby face iygwim).

Here is one of J I took yesterday:
Bumpy, it might be worth mentioning the hardness to your hv. I don't remember anything like that but we all heal differently so it might be quite normal. Did you also have self-dissolving stitches?

As for the weight, you can expect more to come off over the next couple of weeks. I dropped around 10kg quite quickly despite devouring chocolate bars on a daily basis. Don't stress right now, you are still recovering :hugs:
Sorry been Mia breatfeeding has been a challenge tok say the least finally got some support and little did I know I've been doing it wrong Kieran has tongue tie which has been making it harder and he has destroyed my nipples for the bad latch but he is now 7lb9 2lb gain in just over 3 weeks, he has been referred urgently to great ormomd street hospital as st 17 days hubby thought he stopped breathing he got rushed to hospital he is doing fine now he has a bad case of colic time has been flying by with trying too establish some
Sort of routine management

Bumpy I'm still swollen on my left side but I have extra scar tissue on that side I'm on dicolfenac sp? Have been for weeks too reduce it

Also girls I wanted to let you know I have a breast lump I had it all through my pregnancy I got it checked by doctor she has sent me too see a breast surgeon my appointment has come through for this Friday which will take between 2-5 hours tok run all the tests could I ask for some prayers as I'm really scared x
Oh Jen! I hope the lump is nothing. I had no idea! You are truly having a rough time of it right now. I'm so sorry babe! I'll be sending good energy your way on Friday.
Jenny- Man, you have been through the ringer, I am saying a prayer for your appointment. I hope you can feel less anxious, I am sure it will turn out to be nothing but you are doing the right thing to get it checked out. Glad that you and Kieran are doing better with bfeeding. Levi also destroyed my nipples with a bad latch. But we are a couple of weeks past seeing the lactation consultant and one is almost totally healed and the other is doing better. Who knew that it could be such a complicated thing, I thought it would be so simple. We still have to supplement with 4oz of formula at night to keep him full. (We use the Earth's best Organic too, hoping)

Amanda - I just decided to order more shirts from motherhood maternity with easy access to the boobs. I never thought about post baby clothes for me and I have resigned myself to the fact that getting to the mall is not going to happen any time soon so I will suck it up and pay shipping! A couple of different friends also told me that Forever 21 is a good place to get inexpensive post baby clothes which can access boobs. I guess just getting bigger sizes? Not sure if there is one near you but it could be worth a look.
I also have 15-20lbs to lose before I am back to pre-baby weight. Its all in my legs and butt so none of my pants have a chance of fitting yet. Its tricky when we need extra calories for bfeeding and its hard to have time for exercise with a newborn. I am thinking of joining a gym for the first time, but even then, I want Levi to be bigger before I Left him in the nursery. Maybe I can convince Grandma and Grandpa to come over for an hour each week?!

Bumpy - I am almost 6 weeks post surgery and still have some numbness and a lip over my scar. I don't have pain, and honestly didn't have much to start with. I took my medication every 4 hours for 2 weeks and when I stopped I didn't feel anything. I had a check up one week after surgery and the doctor told me to call with any concerns. I hope that your doctor can give you answers. I dropped about 20lbs in the first few weeks, but then I hit a wall. I might have to start actually doing something to lose weight soon!

Hope - The pumpkin patch looked like a lot of fun! Penny is so cute. I had a friend who would find a pumpkin that weighed the same as her baby to take a picture with each of the early years. I thought that was a fun idea. I love fun fall activities like pumpkin patches and corn mazes. I should pull out my box of fall decorations and make my house smell like cinnamon :)

Tracie - Baby girl has the brightest eyes! I cannot believe that almost a year has gone by. It seems like just yesterday you were having her.

Hello to the rest of you ladies, hope you are doing well.

afm - Left Levi with Grandparents for 2 hours today to get a massage and facial which they got for my birthday. It was so relaxing but I was so ready to get home to my little guy at the end. He had lots of smiles for me when I got home which was super special.
Hubs has been in Texas this week but gets back tomorrow evening. I only have one more night alone and I am so thankful. Levi decided that he was ready to wake up at 4.30 this morning. I know that hubs wouldn't have been able to do anything more than I could, but sometimes it helps just to know you are not alone in your miserable exhaustion! haha!

Ok, off to get ready for bed. Baby is sleeping, of course. Hope he still sleeps tonight.
Thanks Amanda and croy my head has been messed up didn't say anything but Paul kept on at me too do something so when I seen the docto when Kieran was a few days old she looked at my cracked nipples had a feel told her about it as its below my righ nipple so she said best too get it checked she said that it's not uncommon for like fatty tissue or hormone related cysts but best too rule out anything bad which she thinks it's unlikely , croy I supplement too to help me heal and to make sure he is full xxx
Awwwwww...I wish this was here when Kelana was here! Congrats to all the new rainbows!! Mine is now a toddler (just turned 2 last month), but she is my rainbow after 4 years TTC and three miscarriages (one was a set of twins). Congrats again to you all! xo
Hi Jasmak :wave:

Jen, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. Fingers crossed everything is ok with your silly lump. How scary, though, that Kieran had to go to hospital! :hugs:

Croy, have you looked around at what's on offer for mums and babies in terms of fitness? I found out yesterday that we have indoor and outdoor buggyfit classes as well as an aqua aerobic class with babies (more fitness for mummies than a baby swim class) and the baby yoga I already go to. I wish I had the time to try them all!
What I am also excited about is that our local cinema does special screenings you can take your baby to. That one is firmly in my diary!
Thanks for all your advice re my wound. It's only 13 days since my op but I'm already feeling good and have no pain any more. The swollen/hardness has gone underneath and now just on the top - mainly the right hand side do maybe it's just the way my body is healing. I'll keep an eye on it though.

Love all the buba pics - all such cuties!

Croy I bet that massage was Devine!!

Jen - thinking of you hun. I had a lump a few years ago it felt quite large and was really hard. They did tests but it wasn't cancerous - a benign cyst which apparently is very common. In the end I decided to have it removed as it felt do large so I was put to sleep and had it cut out. Fx your is ok I'm glad you are getting it checked x
Peptitas- thanks you! Your boy is quite the looker as well and I’m sure will be a little hear breaker. We have such beautiful babies on the MARL thread.

Jenny- the episode of him not breathing must have been terrifying. I’m so sorry you went through that but I am so very happy your little guy is ok. It is just one thing after another for you. I will be praying for a good outcome with your testing.:hugs:

Croy- I hope the gym membership works out if not you can always do what Pepitas suggested or buy some mommy and baby exercise DVDs:thumbup:. I’m sure the grandparents will be delighted to come hang out with their grandson for an hour or two. Your day of pampering sounds lush. I really love the idea of finding a pumpkin that weighs the same and taking a picture… I may have to try that. Penny ways about 18 pounds now. I am a huge fan of fall activities as well and can’t wait to start the decorating process. There are so many holidays coming up that we get to share with our little ones!

Jasmak- congrats on getting your rainbow after 4 long years. It will be nice to have you on the thread to give us all toddler advice:thumbup:

Bumpy- its good to hear you are making some healing progress. Enjoy having your little guy home.

Afm- Penny and I got to hang out with a BNB friend and her little boy, Alistair, two days in a row! He is about two weeks younger than Penny and we have been friends on here for quite some time. We even went to the same highschool for a few months and didn't realize it! She was back visiting so we took the babies on a dinner date and then yesterday we took them to a play and learn class... so much fun seeing the babies play together!
Awww Jen I had a lump a couple if years ago scared me to death especially when I had the mammogram and they confirmed there was something. Luckily mine was a change in breast tissue mass basically one boob was maturing quicker than the other ( well I am an older bird now) lol. No seriously try not to worry pregnancy does many a weird thing to our bodies xxxx

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