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Hi Kat, Grey is such a good weight for his age, he will over take Emelia soon I bet you. She's 13 lbs now so he's fast catching up!
That sucks that the sleeping still isnt ideal. I know what you mean that you've been doing anything to get some sleep but its not an ideal scenario. Im surprised you guys are still sane, I was on the verge of a breakdown on a few occasions when sleep deprived. Especially your hubby if he has work to do that must be very tiring.

I cant remember if I asked you if you let him cry it out at all or if it even works if your sure that he isnt hungry or needing changed or has wind.
I know its cruel to be kind but Im wondering if he would settle after even 5 or 10 mins of just letting him cry. Ive done it with Emelia the other week and she fell asleep within 10 mins of crying at 4am after a feed. I really think babies need to have their own space to an extent and not be fully dependant on us for settling them unless something is wrong.

Its a hard one on whether Grey is becoming so used to being lifted and will only fall asleep when nursed or rocked, which in the longterm could become worse. I know that all babies love movement when they are carried about and in their pram etc. But I think its important to get them used to just going to sleep by themselves.

Im only comparing it to my brother and sister in law. They have our nephew who is 18 months now and he does not know how to put himself to sleep and will not sleep in his own cot/bed. They have admitted now that they were too quick to lift him when he cried and always lifted him into their bed as they would do anything for sleep aswell.
They were surprised to see that Emelia will lie awake in her moses basket and will settle herself to sleep and self soothe. My health visitor told me the importance of babies being able to do this from day 1. I think she is very used to her own space.
I know people do say start off as you mean to go on.
We didnt read any books or anything we just done what we thought worked by feeding Emelia and cuddling for a short while and then putting her back done again when she fell asleep. I think thats what has got her into a good routine.
Also I remember that we discussed before about co sleeping and you were saying that its recommended in America and I was saying that its advised against in the UK. Im honestly thinking that may make the difference in a baby being used to its own bed space.
At the weekend there I was with some friends and one was saying that her little girl will also not sleep in her own bed and has to be in beside them (she is 1 now). I was telling her that Ive started bring Emelia into bed with me after her 7am feed. She told me to stop doing it if I dont want the same problem as them as thats what she literally started off doing.

What works for us is feeding Emelia her last feed at midnight and making sure that she takes plenty of milk..usually 5 ounces and then we know that she should sleep for at least the 5 hours , which she has been doing as she would always wake at 5am but now going through the night (fingers crossed).

Dont get me wrong though we have had it tough with the crying for hours in the evenings due to wind and reflux but that seems to be getting better.
I know what Ive said is maybe in an ideal world and Grey is still young. I've also had to rock Emelia to sleep on occasions in her moses basket which is on a rocking stand.
Kat- I know that Bay will sometimes cry when we first put her on the washer or dryer and then once she falls asleep, she's good. She doesn't even need the movement after she's fallen into a deep sleep. The dryer will stop and she'll continue to sleep for a long time after. The 10 mins or so of crying and repeatedly putting the paci in her mouth are worth it because she naps great after that. Maybe there are things you could try if you persevered through the crying? I don't know if Grey is the same but maybe he would stay asleep after falling into a deep sleep? Have you considered just buying a firm double or full mattress and putting it on the floor somewhere (idk if you have a spare bedroom?) in your house and cosleeping with him safely like that? I don't know what else to suggest because cosleeping is the only way we get night sleep and the washer/dryer or car rides are the only way we get day sleep. I also worry how Bay will take naps as she gets older without movement but like you said, D used to need the swing to sleep and now she's in a crib. Bay doesn't sleep in her swing. She will go in it for awhile if she's in the mood but she's only slept in it once and it was when she was only a few weeks old.

Hoping- thanks for your response hun. I like her normal Dr a lot better but he isn't a pediatrician either. He's a family Dr and I found out the lady we saw yesterday is a nurse practitioner. There are NO pediatricians in our area accepting new MediCal patients. This morning I finally tried tribal health. They have a pediatrician that comes every Thursday and OH and Bay are totally covered at tribal health. I'm not sure if this will be better than her usual Dr but at least this will get her to an actual pediatrician and its free! I told them we don't have her birth cert yet so I'm going to bring in OHs cert of Indian blood and roll # and her SS card and they said that will work :happydance: they'll also offer me services but I have to pay out if pocket by the sliding scale. Do you have experiences with tribal health, good or bad? They said they can get her in on the 7th and if I like this pediatrician, I will switch her over.

Still waiting for a call back from lactation nurse...
Tuckie that doc sounds like a loser! Hope u are ok chick.

Kat - wow grey is a big boy you must have double cream in those whammies!!! Alfie got weighed last week at 20 weeks old and he's 13lb 10!!!! I really feel for you with the sleeping, have you tried swaddling at all? Or you may or may not be a fan of dummies but they can often work wonders with settling a baby. We try not to use one too much but when Alfie is really unsettled they work a treat. Unfortunately it sounds like grey is getting used to the motion and can't settle without it? Also is he definitely hungry every time he wakes or could he be sucking for comfort? They are just a few ideas which may or may not work but I'm thinking of you Hun.

Melfy - congrats Zoe is gorgeous!!!

Heart how cute that she likes avocado!!

Hi Davies, I'm sure she'll start to show more of an interest soon - how is she with the baby rice?

Just - yay to sleeping through the night it's great to get sleep back isn't it!!! Alfie has been going from 10.30-7 but he has a cold and its waking him more at the moment.

Hi everyone else, hope u yummy mummy's are all well. Get well soon to those that are sick.

AFM - we have had a tough few days. Alfie has been ill and not sleeping well between 4 and 7 am and his feeding is getting worse, sometimes he screams so much and completely refuses his bottle yet other times he wolfs it down. I may have to see a doc if it continues. There have been tears from both of us today as I feel like I'm a failure that can't feed my baby. I've also started him on a little bit of baby rice once a day which he wolfs down! I'm excited to start with other veg and fruit but I'm worried about starting it too early so think I will start with a few tastes next week once he is 5 months.
Bumpy- sorry Alfie has been ill :hugs: I totally relate to feeling like a failure that you can't feed your LO. I know we're not failures, but it's hard to not feel that way. Maybe if it persists take him to the Drs. I lol'd at your comment about Kat having double cream in her whammies :haha:

Oh, I forgot to give update of how Bay has been since shots. She has been sleeping a ton! She took a 4 hour nap on the dryer after her appt! She fed for 40/30 (off and on though, kept falling asleep while nursing) on the boobs this morning and has been napping for over an hour as of now. Other than being sleepy, she's seems fine. She was smiling and cooing away after her nap last night :)
Hi Bumpy, good point about using a dummy. I had bought a dummy before Emelia was born but my mum said "your not going to give that to a newborn baby are you". But that thing has been a lifesaver at times. We gave in and started using the dummy when she was 3 days old and its definetely a comfort thing where she will go to sleep the minute we put it in.
I was telling my health visitor and she said that dummies can be a good thing as research now suggests that it prevents cot death as they keep the airways open.

Also right now Emelia has been crying and restless for the past hour so I just made her another 2ounces in a bottle and the minute she started sucking on it she has fallen asleep! Its definetely comforting for them to be sucking and Im just thinking of what you've said to kat as to whether Grey is actually hungry or just needing comforted.

Thats a brilliant sleep that Alfie is having (when he is) 10.30-7!! Thats not so good that he's been unsettled in the mornings. What you've described about him either refusing the bottle or gulping it down is exactly what Emelia does. On occasions she cries hungry but when I give her the bottle she keeps pusing it out with her tongue and makes it clear she dosent want it. When she does take her bottle she's quite greedy with it and gupls taking in lots of wind and then we have the wind problem trying to burp her.

My health visitor was quite adamant on her first visit that we shouldnt be giving babies solids until 24 weeks but anyone that Im actually speaking to recently has said that they had to move onto solids long before then. It sounds like Alfie may be ready sooner than you think if he's enjoying his baby rice so much.

One of my friends had to start solids at 16 weeks. Her baby was starving so she was giving him 8 ounces per feed and the health visitor gave her into trouble for that and said it was too much milk so she ended up with a baby screaming his head off. Another health visitor then told her that she had to start giving him solids as he was obviously starving. I know my mum said that my brother was the same.
Some abies are obviously ready for solids earlier than others, I guess this 24 weeks guidline is in an ideal world.

Emelia's new sleeping pattern is making a big difference to us. last week we were arguing constantly as we were both so tried and stressed out with lack of sleep. We were just saying that this week is much better, long may it continue!
Just in response to Kat - I need to have a proper catch up with the other posts. I agree with Just, and I hope you don't mind me saying but I do worry that you and hubby are making rods for your own backs with all the rocking and stuff. Grey really does need to learn to settle himself (I know you know this) and what Just said couldn't be more true, in my very limited experience babies are happy when they can do this. It makes for a much easier life. I know I say this from the extremely blessed position of someone who hasn't been through the hell that you are going through but we have had bad nights with both children. With Edie the best thing I ever did is put her to bed in our room, on her own at 7pm at 7 weeks old and leave her to cry it out. I timed the crying because listening to your baby cry for 8 minutes feels like half an hour. The first night she cried for maybe 10 minutes and fell asleep. The second night it was less. The third night less again, by night 4 she was self settling and going to bed happily (and has done ever since). I'm not saying this works for all babies, I'm not saying its what Grey needs or if it will work for you, but you sure as hell can't go on like you are. My one massive piece of advice is if you do try it, to watch that clock. Give yourself a time and say "if he is still crying in x amount of minutes I will go up" but watch the clock. It seems so much longer than it actually is when they are crying. The only reason I did it is because Mark has experience with his other children otherwise I would have been running up and down the stairs.
Lots of advice Kat. I'm afraid I'm not much help as I found this stage to be utter hell. If you recall, I slept sitting upright in my nest made up of my pregnancy pillow and lots of other pillows and I held her. Not ideal by a long shot. Then she took the the swing eventually. I'd have to look back at my journal to see how old she was. I'll do that shortly. I was not inclined to let her CIO. One reason was that she had reflux. The other was that I thought she was too little. I'm glad it worked for some people, but for me it wasn't even an option. I struggled through, but things improved. With the swing, we were able to put her down in it and walk out of the room. Then when she transitioned to the co-sleeper, I made sure to do the same thing. Now that she's in her crib, I do the same. We have a ritual. I put on her sleep sack, read her a few books, put on the sound machine, tell her I love her and give her kisses, then put her down and walk out of the room. Some days she cries for a few minutes (less than 5), other days she falls right asleep, others she talks and plays for a while and then falls asleep. She transitioned out of the swing when she was 4 1/2 months. Now that she's a little older, I think we may do a little more crying it out at night. She's been sick, so we're not doing it now. I think in a month or so we may do it. I wish I had better advice for you right now. It's so hard not getting sleep.

LOL at Bumps's comment about your whammies and cream!

Tuckie, Delilah slept a lot after her first shots. I remember thinking how fabulous vaccinations were! :rofl: I planned on that being the case every time she got shots, but now she doesn't react to them at all.

Bumpy you aren't a failure! Alfie has reflux which takes a toll on everyone. Plus he isn't feeling well. Tears are allowed all around. Especially when you aren't getting sleep.

Just, yay for sleep for you! It's amazing how much of a difference it makes on the marriage. I wanted to kill Tim in the early days. Now we get along much better.

Mrs M, how are you holding up with 2?
Hi guys I am just popping in to send hugs to Kat. I had exactly the same issue with Freya which got worse weeks 6-8 afer she had a cold. She was use to sleeping on my chest. I decided at 8 weeks it was time for her to go in her moses basket. It took a few nights but I put her in there at every oppotunity and she soon got use to it. As we speak she is sound asleep in her moses basket!! It does get better I do sympathise as Freya has also been a terrible sleeper. Last night was her best for ages 7pm-10pm 10.30pm-2.30am 3am-5.30am then she got up at 7.30am. To some it may sound awful but I feel so much better having chunks of sleep.

AFM We are doing great Freya giggles and smiles a lot!! She is a very clingy baby and only really likes me and D/H holding her and she is a home bird!! I'm hoping this improves with age! Had her wighed today (17 weeks) and she is 12lb 15oz! She had gained 1lb 5oz in 3 weeks! Hope everyone is well
Bumpy, sorry Alfie has been poorly. You sound like you are doing the right thing with weaning.
Cazi, I can't believe Freya is 17 weeks! She sounds like she is doing great.
Heart I am also doing a lot of sleeping sitting up in my nest of pillows. This is when I wake up with neck ache and Russell Brands hair. I'm doing ok with the 2 of them thanks, last week was hell because I was so ill though. I'm feeling a lot better this week as I saw a different doctor who gave me better antibiotics and they have made a difference. I'm not finding Louis a struggle at all, he is the easy one to be honest, apart from the night feeds. It's Edie that is wearing me out. Since Louis came along she has grown up immensely, remember me saying trips away etc seem to bring her on developmentally? Becoming a big sister seems to have done the same. She is constantly asking questions and wants to know the far end of everything and as great as that is, it's exhausting! She literally never stops either she is such a bright energetic child and needs constant attention and stimulation. She never ever sits and watches tv the only time she sits still is when I read to her, which I quite often do while I'm feeding. When she gets tired she is even worse, she is like a whirling dervish. I feel guilty most of the time as I don't have the energy for her at the moment but she gets a lot of stimulation and fun at playgroup so I'm really pleased she has that. It's only ten hours a week, and in September I'm increasing to 15. The plus side to her growing up so much so suddenly is that she very easily potty trained herself last week with no hiccup at all.
It is harder with 2, but worth every minute. It's lovely remembering all the stages again and the little things you forget.
Hi Ladies,
Thank you so much for your responses. I feel very supported.
DH and I are not on board with CIO (though I do appreciate the reasons you all mentioned). Our reason is that Grey gets hysteric when he has a booger in his nose and I have to nurse him and hold him tight for over 10 min just to calm him from that. The few times he has had to wait for us when crying he turned bright purple and became increasingly hysteric. Dh said "forget about that" when I asked him what he thought about CIO. Grey doesn't have the personality for that. That being said, I hear what you are all saying about him being dependent on all our movement and us going insane.

Just want to clarify that bed-sharing is popular, NOT recommended in the states. I think its popular out of desperation to be truthful.

Sorry your sweetie is ill. Hope all is better soon.
We use dummies and swaddle =(. haha about my double cream. of course i am still paranoid that grey is getting too much foremilk, but must not be the case.

Our dryer isn't heavy duty enough. It's a mini dryer and his car seat would not fit. So happy Bay is resting. I hope you are too.

I know you understand why we won't CIO yet.

thanks for your advice hon. i'm glad it worked for your kids. i think their temperaments are different. grey is high strung like his mommy.

thanks hon. we are going to use the co-sleeper more.

I am going to take your collective advice and really work on getting Grey to learn how to self-soothe. I'm just going to do it in a gentler way. I'm going to listen to Harvey Karp and once I get Grey asleep, I am going to, gasp, wake him up to let him practice self settling. if he starts crying, i start over. When my shift is done, DH is going to swaddle Grey, bounce him to sleep, put him in the co-sleeper and then, gasp, wake him and let him resettle. If not, he will take him upstairs so i can sleep. it's a start. we know he needs to learn to self-soothe. right now he can for short bursts when he is awake and playing... thank God for the bouncy chair. if this does not improve after the 3 month mark, i will start gently trying the CIO. we won't have much of a choice by then. btw-we currently use motion, swaddle, brown noise, and a paci if he will take it.
Kat, that sounds really sensible. I totally understand where you are coming from. My children both have a really laid back nature so that's probably why it worked better for us. Edie is a funny one because when she is up and about she is VERY clingy to me. It's very difficult for me to cook dinner or anything because she wants my attention constantly but when it comes to bedtime she wants her own space. I don't know what Louis will be like yet but already he is going in his Moses basket awake and getting himself to sleep so I'm hoping he will be the same. If anything he is more chilled out than his sister. Long may it last. I have come to bed early tonight, I had a terrible night last night. First Louis woke for a feed at 12.30, then I had to get up to Edie who had a nasty persistent cough, then my cat started howling and scratching her litter tray and tearing around the house. For 2 sodding hours. I eventually got about an hours sleep then Louis woke up at 4 and I spent the rest of the night asleep sitting up.
Kat- best of luck hun. I hope some of Karp's methods will work out for you. We don't want to try CIO until Bay is a bit older as well. I'm still treating this as her 4th tri, a concept I'm sure you're aware of since you're reading Karp's stuff too.

MrsM- too funny that your 3 yr old is more of a handful than your newborn :haha: I remember one of the boys I babysat was about 3 or 4 and he hit that stage where they ask 'why?' about everything :dohh: drove me nuts! Glad you got better antibiotics and are doing better this week :thumbup:

Cazi- sounds like Freya is doing great! :) I'm totally jealous of you and all the other moms with fab weight gains!

Just- glad sleeping is going so well & it's helping with your relationship with OH too :)

Heart- LOL! So I shouldn't get my hopes up that Bay will always sleep lots after her shots then? :haha:

Sara- thanks for your reply. I think I missed you earlier! Are you still giving 3oz formula at night? Did it affect your supply?

Lactation nurse called me back. She thinks the NP jumped the gun on the formula suggestion. She gave me lots of tips to try before going to formula. She said if my instinct was to supplement with formula then to go ahead but she thinks there are other things to try first. She also thinks Bay might be playing catch up since she had those green poos from the foremilk for a couple weeks there. She is going to look at her growth on the breastfed chart but stressed that she believes in looking at the whole picture. Bay is thriving but she's not where we want her yet. We do want her to gain. Now we gotta figure out how we're going to do it. She wants me to get a pump. I've never pumped before. She wants me to log feeds, up my calories, let Bay feed as long as she wants, make sure shes not using paci when hungry, log poos and pees, all for a week and then we will check her weight in a week. She also said I could try fenugreek. I might still do 2oz of formula at night only but I want to try the pump idea first.
Tuckie, those are all excellent suggestions by the LC! I like this plan of action. You have to take a lot of fenugreek for it to work (you should be smelling like maple syrup). I found More Milk Plus tincture by Motherlove to be stronger and more effective. My LC recommended it. You should be able to get it at Whole Foods. It has concentrated Fenugreek in it plus some other herbs that help lactation. Pumping is also an excellent thing to do. If you have a supply issue and you aren't aware of it, it will help get the milk going. Bay might not be as efficient an eater yet. She might not be pulling all the milk out of your boobs like she needs to be. But with time she'll become a machine. And definitely increase the calories! BF'ing burns 500 - 1000 calories a day! Enjoy that part of it.
Kat, thats understandable why you'd say you dont want to let Grey cry it out. If he's actually getting hysterical and going purple then I dont think Id feel safe doing that either. As you say it probably can be down to individual babies personalities from a very young age.
Sorry, I honestly did think you'd said that it was recommended to co sleep over there and thats why I thought to myself how that is different to the advice that they keep stating here. I know that probably the majority of parents will do it out of desperation. My own mum said that she had 3 of us in their bed along with them...5 in total at times.

I think I may just have quite a laid back baby aswell like MrsM has mentioned. My health visitor made a comment that Emelia is a very calm baby. Obviously I have nothing else to compare it too but she said that she sees all different natures of babies from all of the houses that she visits.
She obviously gets it from my husband..he's so laid back he's horizontal at times!
But I honestly think when you have it good in one area such as sleeping you also have it difficult in another. Tonight she has certainly not been a calm baby.
I dont have a perfect baby by any means!!
My husband was away out tonight to his climbing club that he goes to and Emelia has cried from 6pm until now 10pm, I've just told him that Im at my wits end and going up to read my book! Im frazzled, Im the first to admit that I dont cope well with hours of crying I do find it very stressful.
Its still problematic this colic/reflux at nights...even the dog went away out to the hallway to get peace and quiet.

Tuckie, it sounds like you've got good advice from the lactation nurse who obviously knows what she is talking about from experience. It sounds wise to chart all of those details aswell and see how things go.

Cazi, it sounds like Freya is doing well. She will probably grow out of that clingy stage.
Hi Ladies,
Thanks again for all your support. We have already practiced the fall asleep and wake technique with success. DH bounced him to sleep. Woke him. Grey opened his eyes and fell straight back asleep with no additional bouncing. It's a start. DH thinks cranking up the Brown Noise super loud has really helped. Harvey Karp said as loud as a shower. DH thinks I wasn't putting the brown noise loud enough. He tried it twice this morning and thinks it is helping Grey calm down. It mimics the womb sound.

I also took Cazi's advice and swaddled him, put a binkie in his mouth, brown noise, and put him in the co-sleeper. He stayed there for 10 min with me right next to him with a hand on him before crying. No motion. It's a start. That's when DH took over and bounced him to sleep and woke him up.

I'm praying that louder brown noise is the key. I don't have much faith in this, but will let DH run his experiments and feel successful.

Again, thank you all for your continued support and taking into account Grey's high-strung temperament. (its from me, dh is chill) Yes, he will literally turn purple and start shrilling at the top of his lungs.
The good news is that he is NOT colicy. The 5s's by Harvey Karp assures he always stops crying within a few minutes or so. We have never had a long stretch of crying, so I feel for you ladies whose babies have colic.

Great advice from the LC. Let us know how it goes.

That sounds awful hon. Have you heard of the Windi? It is by the same people that make the nose frieda that everyone loves. It relieves gas.
Oh my goodness, took a while to catch up.

Kat - sounds like you have some great support from the girls. I am sorry its tough. You are doing a great job. Just hang in there. I remember those early weeks being like one continuous night but babes change. Schedules change, sleep habits and patterns change. You will sleep again I promise! Swaddling can be very comforting so I am glad that seemed to help a bit. I know Levi loved to rub his face so we were only able to swaddle his legs but he seemed to like that somewhat. We only did CIO at 5 months when we felt Levi understood it was bedtime, and had put himself to sleep without crying quite a few times. Once he started complaining when we dimmed the lights and put on PJ's we felt he understood what was coming and wated him to learn what was expected. It took a week or so but now 3 weeks in he is doing great. He was also a very mad little peanut early on when he was left alone to sleep, we didn't try it after the purple in the face incident we experienced, but in time it felt right. It may or may not ever be something you chose to do but each child is their own person, and half the challenge as parents is reading your own baby and doing what is right for them and not just listening to what was right for everyone else. I know I wouldn't have done it if hubs wasn't on board and there to hold my hand and turn up the telly so we could get through the early nights of tears - levi's and mine!

Tuckie - Glad that the lactation nurse gave you some good suggestions. I also found 'Mother's milk tea' helped me at the beginning when I was struggling to produce milk, and also raw almonds were suggested by a lot of people so I ate a ton of those too - the combination of those seemed to help my supply. We had to supplement formula maybe 1 or 2 oz a day, just with the evenign feed (my supply dropped a lot in the evening) for htte foisrt 2 months, but then I was getting enough pumping to supplement with that and then my supply just figured itself out. We haven't had to supplement since then. We also used an organic formula from Earth's best which made me feel slightly better about it. I know I felt guilty or stressed about supplementing but it really was the right thing for Levi for those couple of months. I know that you will make the best choice for Bay. She is doing great, and is such a cutie. And you are doing great too.

Heart - Sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon, that ice cream sounds amazing!! Avocado was Levi's first real food and mixed it with breast milk. He loved it, and hasn't met a food he didn't like since :) It's so fun to see his little face light up, he could eat easy more than the tablespoon I give him, little piggy.

Davis - You are right, Lexi will eat when she wants too. I pureed a bunch of things and froze them in 1TBsp portions in the ice cue tray and then have them in labelled bags in the freezer. He has peas, carrots, summer squash, asparagus, potato, sweet potato, butternut squash, pears (his fave) avocado and parsnips. He is a real boy when it comes to eating! He also loves rusks, my friend got him some from England. Has Lexi had them? I mixed some with breast milk and he really liked that, now I just let him munch on them, I really hope that it helps his teeth come in. I am tired of teething. Is Lexi teething? I love the pictures of you both in the hot tub! so sweet. Levi loves bath time so I am sure he will love to swim too, I am going to look into swimming lessons for him to do with hubs.

Melfy - Congrats!! So happy little Zoe is here!

Hi Just, Hoping, Hopeful and all you other lovelies XXX

afm - Sleep has been fabulous and then every 3 hours. We are hoping that longer nights start to out number the others soon! Levi is starting to want to move, when he is on his belly he lifts up his whole body now! He will also lift his feet to take steps when we hold his hands. I am so not ready for moving baby. He isn't quite 6 months yet?!!!

This weekend we are having a friend take some family pictures I am so looking forward to having them I love pictures but as the picture taker I am hardly in any, so I am happy to be on the other side of the camera. Levi is growing so fast, I want to record every second!
Hi ladies, I spoke too soon about Emelia sleeping right through the night. I jinxed it. She woke up crying at 5am to be fed, that took until 6am to wind etc and I felt as though I'd just fell asleep again and then it was 8am she was crying hungry again.
MrsM, I havent tried the dentinox drops but will give them a go, thanks.
Kat, I havent heard of a windi but just about to google it, thanks.
Just have you tried Colief? My friend swears by them? Worth a shot xxx

Kat good luck with all the trying its hard. I didn't let lexi CIO at greys age as sge to would get so worked up an then hold her breath!! Scary, it's just finding what works all I would say was she did grow out of it! Xxx

Just I thought lexi was colicky to but still I'm unsure if it was her intolerance to cows milk or colic, I had lexi screaming for hours at times my Hub was working away I don't no quite how I did it, but I can say a few times I had to put her down an walk out the room, I would go in the bathroom an cry compose myself an go back. There is light Hun I promise it does calm down xxx

Croy lexi finally got there yesterday with food yay!! Yesterday sge took baby rice with swede, then this morning porridge with apple!! Yay!!! We tried rusk twice now she has projectile vomited! It doesn't say they contain milk but I wonder if they do? Xx

Well lexi can roll one side of the lounge to the other!!! She's off, watch out willow, lol!
She is talking to herself or to me everyday, she wakes up an jabbers in her cot for at least 20 mins, I leave her as I love listening to her yabber, when she does it in the day I talk back an we have a full on chat, she loves it.

As Croy saw I took lexi in our hottub she loved it? She's definately going to be a water baby. I will upload some pics hope everybody is well xx

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