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Davies- stunning pics. She's got gorgeous eyes!

Mismig- sounds like you had a shite night! Hope you get some rest soon.

Tuckie- that sounds like you're getting great advice. I still pulp and tale fenugreek. I also still for her one bottle after bfing most evenings, though she won't always drink all of it.

Heart- hope you both feel better. Lol about the joys of the nose frieda!

Kat- your description of Grey crying hysterically sounds EXACTLY like Eva! It's soon scary, she's darker thana beet and holds her breath. I know I wouldn't be able to let her CIO either at this stage. Believe it or not the noise thing has been hugely helpful for us. When she's upset I stand right underneath the extractor fan on high and it really helps. I've got a white noise machine and have downloaded Organic white noise for babies (the waterfall hum is great) and both are key to getting Eva to sleep. Hope you have success with it.
Thanks mrs mig how's Louis? X

Thanks Sara hope your getting some sleep x
Girls you make me realise that I have extremely calm babies. I had a few bad nights with Edie with colic when she was tiny but nothing like the purple faces you have described.
We had a pretty good night last night. I went to bed at 8.30 and took Louis with me. He took his last feed well and settled ok and didn't wake until 2.30! He had his feed then woke again just after 4. I fell asleep feeding him so slept sat up for an hour and then put him down and he slept until 8.30! I have mum here this week so she got Edie up and took her to Playgroup so i felt great this morning.
I am a bit of a pram addict (like MrsK) and got a new buggy/stroller on eBay this morning so I'm excited about that. My big pram doesn't fit in the car. I had a smaller one for Edie but it has pink bubbles on it which would cramp his style I think.
Mismig- that's a great sleep for his age! Yes, unfortunately the purple face is a regular around here though she's better now we've started the reflux meds. My pediatrician said her intensity was "quite impressive" Lol

Ladies I've a general question to throw out there: what are your thoughts on pajamas during the day? Eva has a bath before bed every night,(now that I figured out how to make her enjoy them... The trick was to get in with her a few times) the I change her into a fresh sleep suit and its off to bed (ok this can take hours but you get the idea). Unless we've somewhere to go the next day I just leave her in her pj's all day. I never thought anything of it but I've recently been informed that this is lazy, slovenly behavior and that she should be dressed in day clothes every morning!
What do you girls think
Davies, lovely pics. Lexi is such a pretty little girl.

Thanks for the advice...

Yes we've tried colief, we get it on prescription but to be honest it dosent seem to work. We've also got infant gaviscon on prescription too. its so hard to discover what the cause of her problem actually is. Last night was terrible the crying from 6-10pm.
Today she has been very unsettled again and very sick after every bottle with teh exception of the last only because I put teh Gaviscon in it. I really think it is reflux which is the major problem but hard when a baby cant tell you.
Her last bottle at 3pm I put gaviscon in it and she wasnt crying or sick. I normally only put it in the night time bottles from 5pm onwards but going to put it in them all now as we get it on precription anyway.

I've been majorly stressed out today. Im finding it hard 24/7 with Emelia and really need some time to myself as much as I love her to bits.
I really wanted to go to a supermarket myself and for my mum to watch Emelia but that never happened as my mum wanted to go out and about herself. So I've had a full day in the house which I hate as its terrential rain today. Its drives me crazy.
On a plu side my MIL is watching Emelia tonight so that we can go to the cinema and even for a bite to eat first.
My husband has also said that he will take a holiday off work tomorrow to watch Emelia so that I can do whatever I want for teh day on my own. He's also offered to book me a spa day next Friday and pay for my sister to come along with me.
I've just been feeling so stressed out and emotional/hormonal for a few days. I really think Ive coped great up until now with Emelia but its just getting really hard all of a sudden.
Also she has only slept for 20mins today since 8am this morning and its now 4.30! This is a new pattern where she dosent want to sleep. I have had it so easy up until now because she always slept so much.

Sara, as for pyjama days. I'e done that myself on occasions expecially if your not going anywhere as I actually think sleepsuits are more soft and comfy anyway, I dont think its lazy. Most times though I do put Emelia in clothes just to try and get a wear out of them to be honest as suddenly she has taken a growth spurt and a few things are too small for her and she never got to wear them, I hate that.
I tend to bath her in the mornings and then get her into her clothes.
Just- I hope the good sleep makes a come back! Enjoy your date night.

Kat- It sounds awful not being able to sleep. Penny was always a pretty decent sleeper so I’m not sure if I can be much help but I will share my experience. I wouldn’t recommend CIO this early but that’s just me. I thought of the 1st 3 months of life as a 4th trimester. With Penny we co-slept for the 1st 4 months. Most of the time she slept on us and I rocked or fed her to sleep. At the time I worried I may be creating bad habits for her but I stuck with the 4th trimester mentality and I didn’t care that I was spoiling my baby especially since she was still little and we waited so long for her. At 4 months I could tell we were all ready for the transition to her crib in her own room and it worked without a problem. I didn’t start CIO until about 10 months (she started waking 1-2 times at night) and it was the best thing I could have done at that stage. It really helped us when we started a routine at 2-3 months because Penny knew what to expect. I really hope things get better and that this is just Grey getting adjusted to the out side world. All babies are different so do what you think is best. I’m glad the 1st night of operation-self-soothe was a success!

Tuckie- Free health care is awesome! I hope you like the pediatrician you will be seeing. I haven’t used tribal health care since I was in 7th grade but my mother and sister did/do. I think they are pretty great and always took excellent care of my mom when she was ill (which was a lot.) I like that they try to employ Native Americans in the tribal health system and really look after the tribal members. You will have to let me know how it goes.

I am so happy you spoke to the LC. It does make sense that Bay could be playing catch up after the green poos and foremilk. I read that breast fed babies can gain slower than formula fed babies too. Good luck with pumping! Having an electric double pump will make a world of difference if you can get your hands on one. Your hospital may even rent them which is a good idea especially if you will only be pumping for a few months.

Bumpy- I’m sorry you have had a few rough days. I hope it is just teething. When Penny is teething she will sometimes refuse food and is definitely unsettled. I hope you get your happy little guy back soon

Cazi- enjoy your giggly, smiley baby! They definitely go through clingy stages. Penny now has her favorite people and if any one else tries to hold her she will shake her head “no.”

MrsMigg- I’m glad to hear you are feeling much better. Your little Edie does sound like a handful but so completely adorable. I loved the 3 year old stage with my niece and god daughter because they are so curious. To me the change from 3 to 4 is massive… it’s when I really noticed the difference from toddler to little girl. Enjoy your new stroller!

Croy- it sounds like CIO was a success for you! You will definitely have a crawler on your hands in no time. We had 6 month pictures done with Penny so we are due for more family pictures any day now as well. I’m the same and wish every moment could be recorded. I am Penny’s paparazzi.

Davies- Yay for getting Lexi to eat solids! Yeah, your doggy better watch out because soon Lexi will be following her every where trying chase, brush and feed her. I adore baby babble! LOVE the pictures. You are both gorgeous and I want squeeze Lexi’s fluffy cheeks.

Sara- I don't think there is anything wrong with her staying in clean pjs:shrug: Penny will stay in jammies until we are getting ready to go some where or if she gets dirty.

AFM- Still going with the surrogacy flow… waiting sucks!

Penny is keeping me entertained as usual. She even challenged me to a dance off in her room last night. She turned the music on her ball maze and started stomping/tapping her feet while she stared up at me expectantly. Before long we were both showing off our sweet dance moves.:haha: She won of course… who can resist toddler booty shakes, hand waving and foot tapping?!
Gotta read back.

Penny sounds so adorable!!!!

I wouldn't do CIO when they are just a couple of months.

Sara- cant believe someone said that about pjs. Sounds like they have alot of leisure time. Mine are in sleepers most of the time except weekends. D is even in 12 month sleepers which are fireproof! They make them all different at 12 months. Until they can crawl and walk I think sleepers all day are just fine :)
Hoping I love your stories about penny! I can't wait to get to that stage - sounds so fun!!!

Sara - For the first 3 months A mainly wore sleepsuits as they look so much more comfortable and they are easy. But like Just said, he wears a lot of Outfits now during the day as he has soooo many clothes I want to make sure he gets wear out of them. But sometimes he wears a sleepsuit during the day. I personally like to change his sleepsuit in the morning to a fresh clean one when I cream him and get him ready for the day ahead so that he clearly recognises the difference between day and night. I make it part of his routine. Similarly even if he has had a sleepsuit on all day I like to give him a diff one for the night when I bath him or wash him down and cream him. I don't think it matters either way though and you are certainly not lazy!!!!

Quick question for Davies - photos of u and lexi are lush by the way!!! do I remember rightly that a few weeks ago that you were saying Lexi was massively off her milk and would only take a few oz at a time? Did u work out what it was? Is everything back to normal now? A seems to be recovering from his cold now but is still only taking small amounts of milk each feed. He is having anything from 3-5oz when he was having 6-7 per bottle. I think it might be due to teething so I'm going to try some teething gel 10-20 mins before his next feed to see if it makes a difference.

Now DH and myself are both full of cold!!! Bad timing that we are both sick the same time. And because of the reduced oz during the day at the mo it means A is waking up for a 4am feed again just as I was getting used to him sttn!!!! Oh well fingers crossed its short lived!!!

Hi everyone else, am reading but forget half of what I've read by the time I come to post!!! I'm blaming being sick lol!!!!
Hi Ladies,
I took all your collective advice (except for CIO) and DH:haha: implemented it. I just could not get myself to wake Grey up once he nursed himself down. DH, however, allowed Grey to put himself to sleep numerous times on the swing last night. Grey only stayed asleep for 1.5 hours each stretch, but we are still pleased. DH put him in the swing, swaddled with loud brown noise. Grey was up but sleepy and DH let him fall asleep on his own. This happened twice through out the night. After about an hour each time, Grey would stir. To my surprise DH told me he did NOT rock Grey back, instead he observed. Grey would fall back asleep on his own but only for 10 min stints. One time he gave Grey a binkie and Grey actually held it in his mouth by himself for the half hour he was asleep. It is one of the few times that we allowed Grey to fall asleep on his own... Thanks for the encouragement and making me realize we had to implement this. DH is so proud he used 4 of the 5 S's and that it worked okay. He slept in bed with me. It's a fine start.

Thanks for sharing your experience. We will wait till Grey knows a routine. We believe in the 4th trimester, like many of the girls, so I am not setting up a routine quite yet.
I'm relieved that Levi was a purple peanut and grew out of it. Makes me feel hopeful. So exciting that he is going to be mobile soon, though your life will change drastically. Cant wait to see the family pics.

Sorry you woke last night. Did you read the reviews on the windi? I was fascinated by it. Grey passes gas easily with knees up position so I dont have a need for it.

So cute! Love that she loves the water and can "talk". I can't wait for that. Sounds like so much fun.

I did not even know that turning purple was unusual. Now you can feel blessed with your 2 easy going babies. Good nights rest for you. Im jealous.

DH is doing better than me with getting Grey to fall asleep on his own... so I have to believe he knows about the noise. I ALWAYS use the boob. How is Eva doing now?
Up until yesterday I thought the sleepsuits were outfits for the day. I personally think they are adorable. Boys clothes are not as cute as girls. I love his trains, monkey, turtle, etc.. sleepwear. I thought all babies wore onesies. I thought they were onesies until I got the 3-6 month funkaroos out and noticed it said sleepsuit. Whoever put that nonsense in your head must have nothing better to do. Like a mom of a newborn has nothing better to do than worry about fashion. We change Grey when his onesie gets dirty or its been like 1.5 days or so.

Take the spa day. It sounds like you need rest. No one feels sane 24/7 month after month with their babies... at least no one I know.

Hope you get your match soon! Waiting sucks. Penny sounds like so much fun. Love it.

Feel better hon.
Hey ladies! :wave:

Just- sorry about the sleep loss :/ at least you and OH get a date night tonight :) enjoy it! I think Croy used the windi...

Davies- lovely shots of you and Lexi!

Croy- thanks for your response. I will try the mothers milk tea too if I can find it at the health foods store. Your response to Kat was great too :thumbup:

Sara- I leave Bay in her long sleeved onesies with zipper fronts all the time! When we go visit family she always wears those! We put a short sleeve onesie undershirt underneath too. She lives in those! I guess they're pjs but shes a baby for crying out loud!

MrsM- glad you have easy babies! You're so lucky! Yay for a new pram :)

Hoping- so cute that you and penny had a dance off :haha: I can't wait til Baylyn is that age :) Thanks for sharing your experiences with tribal health. I hope I like the ped there!

Kat- so glad the 5 S's are working for Grey. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. We're both fortunate to have actively involve OHs that help us out a lot. I don't know how anyone does it without help!

Bumpy- :hugs: feel better hun

I got a pump last night! Got a steal of a deal too! It's the Medela advanced tote with double electric pumps. It was regularly $300 at target but on sale for $225 and then they were doing a promotion if you bought 2 economy size pampers, you got a $20 target gift card so I really got it for $205 :happydance: what a score! I used it last night and got 6 1/2 ounces in about 15-20 mins. I don't know if that's good or not :shrug: certainly not as impressive as Kat getting 5oz in 5mins! I only had it half way between low and medium setting though. I want to gradually go up for the sake of my poor nips! Bay guzzled it all when she finally woke up from another 4 hour nap! These shots have made her sooo sleepy! We took advantage of that last night too and after we burped her, I swaddle her and gave her a paci and put her bassinet on vibrate. She slept in her own bassinet for 4 hours too!!! She was with me the rest of the night but it was sooo nice to have the bed to myself for half the night :D I'm not gettin my hopes up though because the shots might be the only reason she went for it. It was still a huge deal cause she hasn't slept in her bassinet for weeks!
Btw- I highly recommend the microwave steam sterilizer bags. I got the Dr Browns. I've been using them for pacis and such for awhile now. Each bag is good for 20 uses and I believe I got 5 bags for $8. Now im using for bottles and pump parts as well. It's so much faster! Throw everything you want to sterilize in the bag with a couple ozs of water and pop in the microwave for 3 mins. I pour the excess water out of the bag after they've cooled, toss them on the drying rack. I love those things!
6.5 oz is great! I only use level 3. I find the pump more painful than nursing for sure. Yay for sleeping in her bassinet. I can't believe Bay drank so much. When I had DH give Grey the bottle, we only gave 4 oz. Bay really is a big eater. I don't know how much Grey actually consumes, most likely a lot since his is so big. You got a steal of a deal on the pump. Good for you. Now you can have DH help you with the bottle. The other girls can give a bottle in 30 min, so don't let my DH's slow pace scare you.
She is a big eater! That's why her not gaining weight is so frustrating to me! OH gave Bay the first bottle with a little under 3oz and she sucked it down in 5 mins! Is that too fast? Everyone else's babies take 30mins-hour to bottle feed?? We have the Dr Browns bottles for infants. I would think they're slow flow but she drank the other bottle with almost 4oz after that one! She had just woken up from a really long nap too & she's a hard sucker! Also, my left boob gave me an ounce more than my right. I agree that the pump hurts my nips more than she does too!
Are you using the slow flow nipples? DH said that Grey screams on the bottle and constantly goes off of it. Plus he counted diaper change time which takes DH around 10 min with the degassing process he does.

I'm glad Bay drank so fast. I don't think she risks nipple confusion at this point I time. Grey doesn't like how fast the bottle is.
We are just using the standard nipples that came with the 4oz 3 pack of Dr Brown's. I would think the nipples on those are slower than the 8oz pack, but maybe not. She drinks fast and loves it. Just shows you how babies are all so different with their own little preferences already :)
I hope I didn't come across like I was bragging about my easy babies. All I meant was that they both seem to have been quite laid back as babies, trust me Edie is pretty manic now and if you could see me at home I'm running round like a headless chicken most of the time. My house is a tip and I look like utter shit.
Don't be silly. You didnt come off bragging. I'm happy for you that you have easy babies. It's also refreshing to know that there are other purple faced peanuts on the thread. Of course, I thought that was normal... because it is here.
Mrsmig- that made me laugh! I could use some highlights.
I hear ya as mine are pretty easy too, a least they didn't have to sleep on me or turn purple.
That would be so hard!!!

But, they will grow out of this stage girls! I promise you (I think)

Davies- love the hot tub pics! Hot tub sounds good, it's -6 F here now

Tuckie- level 1 nipples on dr browns 4 and 8 oz bottles. I still use level 1 on d and just went to level 2 on a. They would take 10-15 min for 3 oz. I think? back then now it's 15-20 for 7-8 oz but d takes on the long side as I burp him alot (A doesn't burp until bottle done)

Just- glad u get a date night too!

D has been having trouble going to sleep but he's going to cut teeth I think. I caught him on his belly tonight and last night. They have earlier bedtimes now which is so nice. She went at 7:45 but he didn't sleep until 9 or later.

Sold the swing today to second hand shop for 35 but so nice to get rid of it
MrsM- lol don't worry hun. Babies are hard. Period! Even the 'easy' ones, I'm sure :)

Hopeful- yeah, I went and checked and they automatically come with the level 1 so that's good. I guess Bay is just a fast drinker! Sorry to hear D is cutting teeth :( but yay for early bedtimes! I any wait until I can get bay on a schedule when she's older so OH and I can have more time for ourselves. I know we all say it all the time...but I still don't know how you do it with 2!!!

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