Just- I hope the good sleep makes a come back! Enjoy your date night.
Kat- It sounds awful not being able to sleep. Penny was always a pretty decent sleeper so I’m not sure if I can be much help but I will share my experience. I wouldn’t recommend CIO this early but that’s just me. I thought of the 1st 3 months of life as a 4th trimester. With Penny we co-slept for the 1st 4 months. Most of the time she slept on us and I rocked or fed her to sleep. At the time I worried I may be creating bad habits for her but I stuck with the 4th trimester mentality and I didn’t care that I was spoiling my baby especially since she was still little and we waited so long for her. At 4 months I could tell we were all ready for the transition to her crib in her own room and it worked without a problem. I didn’t start CIO until about 10 months (she started waking 1-2 times at night) and it was the best thing I could have done at that stage. It really helped us when we started a routine at 2-3 months because Penny knew what to expect. I really hope things get better and that this is just Grey getting adjusted to the out side world. All babies are different so do what you think is best. I’m glad the 1st night of operation-self-soothe was a success!
Tuckie- Free health care is awesome! I hope you like the pediatrician you will be seeing. I haven’t used tribal health care since I was in 7th grade but my mother and sister did/do. I think they are pretty great and always took excellent care of my mom when she was ill (which was a lot.) I like that they try to employ Native Americans in the tribal health system and really look after the tribal members. You will have to let me know how it goes.
I am so happy you spoke to the LC. It does make sense that Bay could be playing catch up after the green poos and foremilk. I read that breast fed babies can gain slower than formula fed babies too. Good luck with pumping! Having an electric double pump will make a world of difference if you can get your hands on one. Your hospital may even rent them which is a good idea especially if you will only be pumping for a few months.
Bumpy- I’m sorry you have had a few rough days. I hope it is just teething. When Penny is teething she will sometimes refuse food and is definitely unsettled. I hope you get your happy little guy back soon
Cazi- enjoy your giggly, smiley baby! They definitely go through clingy stages. Penny now has her favorite people and if any one else tries to hold her she will shake her head “no.”
MrsMigg- I’m glad to hear you are feeling much better. Your little Edie does sound like a handful but so completely adorable. I loved the 3 year old stage with my niece and god daughter because they are so curious. To me the change from 3 to 4 is massive… it’s when I really noticed the difference from toddler to little girl. Enjoy your new stroller!
Croy- it sounds like CIO was a success for you! You will definitely have a crawler on your hands in no time. We had 6 month pictures done with Penny so we are due for more family pictures any day now as well. I’m the same and wish every moment could be recorded. I am Penny’s paparazzi.
Davies- Yay for getting Lexi to eat solids! Yeah, your doggy better watch out because soon Lexi will be following her every where trying chase, brush and feed her. I adore baby babble! LOVE the pictures. You are both gorgeous and I want squeeze Lexi’s fluffy cheeks.
Sara- I don't think there is anything wrong with her staying in clean pjs

Penny will stay in jammies until we are getting ready to go some where or if she gets dirty.
AFM- Still going with the surrogacy flow… waiting sucks!
Penny is keeping me entertained as usual. She even challenged me to a dance off in her room last night. She turned the music on her ball maze and started stomping/tapping her feet while she stared up at me expectantly. Before long we were both showing off our sweet dance moves.

She won of course… who can resist toddler booty shakes, hand waving and foot tapping?!