Davies- I'm sure they sell the sterilizer bags in UK too. There are several different brands too. I got the Doc Browns on Amazon
Bumpy- hope your little guy feels better soon. Have you got plans for your birthday?
Kat- the massive boob leaks have happened to me too. She would fall off the boob and i would stay asleep and my letdown would happen while we were all sleeping. I was originally using the cloth nursing pads but they were awful useless. My mom bought me a box of lanisoh disposables and they work MUCH better. I also meant to grab a mattress protector at target the other night and forgot. I am definitely investing in one since Bay peed through her outfit the other day while on our bed
Grey looks very cute!
Sara- ugh, sorry about Eva not sleeping hun. Could it be the 12 week growth spurt? She's about 11 weeks, right? Hope it passes soon!
Fili- glad Lexi has taken to the bottle so well
Hopeful- would OH being a sahd save you in childcare costs or is it not equivalent to what he was making? Can he get UI? I hope you figure it all out. Money is such a stressor these days. Aaron said he wouldn't want to be a sahd because he's too old fashioned for that. That's fine but I would probably make more working than him lol
MrsM- that SIL sounds intrusive as hell! That would piss me off too! I already have family members telling me I'm spoiling bay and creating bad habits letting her sleep with me and its annoying!
Pumping away! Sometimes I don't get much and sometimes I get quite a bit. I am using the Medela on max now and my nips hurt sooo bad!!! Like many of you, I've noticed my supply is lower in the evening. I average about 4oz per pump. Sometimes I get 5-6 oz and sometimes it's only 2oz. I've started giving her 1-2oz of formula at night when I empty my boobs and don't get much. She seems to like it just fine. Pumping is nice because I can get a good amount in only 5-10 mins vs an hour of nursing her on the boob. But sticking her on the boob is much easier (no bottles, parts to clean & sterilize, etc) & less painful than pumping too! I feel like a dairy cow though!