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Kat - we used the windi and I can't say enough good things about it. Levi would be so uncomfortable and we would put it in and wait a few seconds and then he'd release all that pent up gas...and sometime more! We would do it a few times to get it all out. We used it almost every day for a few weeks and it worked great.
Tuckie just to reassure you every baby drinks at different paces - and Alfie changes all the time depending on the mood he's in and how hungry he is!!! Sometimes he will have 4oz in 15 mins but this morning he guzzled 6oz in 5mins lol!!! I think it was a bit fast for him though as he did spit a bit of it back up!!! He was on level 2 teats - he gets fustrated by level 1 as they are too slow for him!!! But recently we have tried variflow and he seems to like them xx
Hi everyone! Omg i don't have time to breathe ATM - having fun though. Trying to just read for now... Xxxxx

4 mc's in a year and steroid treatment helped in the end...
Breastfeeding Babes,
Has anyone had a case of horrible leakage? Last night we thought Grey wet the bed. There was a puddle about 1 foot in diameter, but his clothes were completely dry and the puddle was so high. I then realized my shirt was soaked on the right side. My right boob let down while he was on my left. It was smooshed into his mattress since I am still sleeping between the cosleeper and our bed. I can't believe how much milk spilled out of me. Not thrilled about it. So strange. Anyone else?

Glad your babies were not so needy since you had to manage two. How are things at home? DH looking for work?

Grey does not need the wind, but I could not stop reading the amazon reviews on it... fascinating. Grey does well with knees to chest and hold for 2 min.
We have been using the nose frieda because Grey has all of a sudden developed boogers. He HATES it, but it works. He turns into a purple faced peanut.

Operation self-soothe to sleep continues to be in action by DH. Round 1 failed miserably and DH took Grey upstairs to bounce, so I could sleep. Round 2 was a success!!! Grey put himself to sleep (swaddled with brown noise in his swing), woke a couple more times after 1.5 hours straight sleep, called out, and then put himself to sleep. DH just observed. He used to immediately rock the swing if he heard any noise. Now he is just observing... in wait so the purple monster does not appear. We are thrilled. Thanks again everyone for your support and getting DH in line to get Grey to not need us... I still don't dare waking my sleeping tyrant.:haha:

Recent Pics:
photo 2.jpg

Kat that happens to me all the time. I have to wear a bra and breast pads 24/7. If I forget to put a pad in my bra I end up with a massive leaky patch. It's gross. It regulates eventually I remember with Edie after 2 or 3 months I didn't have to use the pads any more. It's grim but normal don't worry.
The photographs are wonderful. Grey is such a beautiful baby.
Hi everyone,

Kat, Grey is just too cute. It sounds like it really is trial and error with different methods. At least you have action plans to try and you will get there Im sure.
I read up on the windi and it does have lots of good reviews, I may have to invest in one. Although I will say that we have started to put infant gaviscon in every bottle now and its working a treat, no more projectile vomiting after feeds or as much wind...fingers crossed.

Fili, I was just thinking about you that you hadnt posted in a while, I was wondering if you were starting to realise just how 24/7 this baby business is haha

Well last night we went to an Indian restaurant and then to the cinema, it really cheered me up and just what I needed...a de stress night. Then today my hubby was off work and watched Emelia to let me get out and about on my own to do things that I had to cath up on. I've realised just how much I miss Emelia aswell when not with her and I look forward to getting home which is good. Still constant work though, I got in at 5pm tonight and have had to feed and entertain for 4 hours constant, she has just fell asleep probably for a power nap so this is the first opportunity for me to get on here.

We also use Dr. Brown bottles Tuckie, I find them good.
We use level 2 teats and are about to move onto level 3 soon. The level 1 teats made Emelia have to work really hard to get anything out of them, my health visitor recommended moving onto level 2 when she was 2 weeks old to decrease her wind from sucking so hard. Its trial and error though as Im sure Hopeful said that the level 2's werent ideal at first for her twins.
Yes, me too, I had tons of breast pads and now threw them all away!
Cute pics of grey!
Dh is kind of looking for job, wants to be sahd...not sure what will happen
Tuckie those bags sound fab I wonder if they do then in uk as sometimes I just want to do lexis spoons or one bottle for water I may look out for them xx

Mrs noone thought u were bragging I'm sure Hun, we will all have a baby that's good at something xxx

Hoping I can't wait for dancing in the lounge!! Sooo cute sounds like you have such fun. Xx

Kat ur hubs sounds like a good guy xx

Bumps lexis appetite has improved since I limit her night feeds at the mo if she wakes at night she only gets 3oz! She does sometimes do a little whinge but I cuddle her for prob 2 mins then lay her down, she goes off normally relatively q
Quickly, I got into the night feed as like you lexis teeth were giving her sh"t, she found it easier to feed at night, then she had a cold, so now is a learnt habit, I am in the process of eliminating this as it got so bad sge would take all her milk at night an play about with during the day bottles so I got it down to one feed at night then started to reduce the amount sge was getting I recommend doing the same before you get to much of a habit, if you are up twice a night concentrate on eliminating one Feed at a time or u will have a really unhappy baby. Hope that helps. X

Hopeful have you any pics of twins?? How many teeth do they have now?? When you off to can in? X
Kat lovely pics xx

Hopeful that's a nice thought, how would you feel about it if ur hubs was to do that?? I couldn't afford it my hubs earns 4 x more than me :( but in saying that I think I would be insanely jealous if he was home all day x

Just pleased you had good day Hun, I could do with a spa day tight now xx
Oh dear I spoke too soon! After being very relaxed all afternoon and up until about 8pm Louis has been HIDEOUS tonight! I don't know if something I ate has upset him but as soon as I fed him he started crying and bringing his knees up to his chest and wouldn't settle. As luck would have it Marks sister and nephew from London have come to stay for the weekend and he has done nothing but yell as soon as they got here. Annoyingly Marks sister used to be a nursery nurse and she just can't help herself. I had Louis laying longways on my knee with his head at my knees and feet at my tummy and I was doing the water wheel massage move on his tummy which usually works with trapped wind. He was just starting to settle and she took him off me thinking she could calm him better than me. She did the same thing to me when Edie was a baby and it infuriated me then, I wanted to say I'm her mum ffs! And this time I felt even more cross. I know she used to be a nursery nurse but this is my second child! I now feel like I'm more experienced and know how to settle my own children!! And if I can't I'm damned sure nobody else will! I have given him colic drops and brought him upstairs to bed. The colic drops and the water wheel massage produced a good burp and a massive trump and I've fed him and he is asleep at the boob. Hopefully he will stay calm when I put him down. I think he was over stimulate as well it was noisy downstairs.
Hopeful I wouldn't like Mark to be a SAHD I'd be too jealous!
Lexi has a SAHM and a SAHD lol! Will be much better for hubs when he has his office in our new house in march I tend to pester him!

Mrs mig it's Awful when they're like that, lexi can be unsettled for hours when she gets bad wind but thankfully it doesn't happen often and how annoying about your sil! Grrrrr!!!

Gave up breast feeding 4 days ago, bit tearful as a side effect I think but boobs feeling MUCH better (less swollen/less leaking) :yipee: lexi fine with the bottle. She was 9lbs 2oz yesterday at 3 weeks 4 days old. Does that sound like an ok weight? Lady who came said she was doing perfectly...
I would be jealous if my OH was a sahd too lol!!! I will be going back to work in July part time.

Fili that sounds like a perfect weight, glad Lexi likes the bottle.

Mrsm you poor thing, that would infuriate me too you did well to keep your calm! Hope Louis is more settled today for you.

Thanks Davies for the tips. Thankfully his appetite seems to be back and I think its his cold waking him in the night as he is coughing and struggling to breathe bless him. Sometimes he wants food but mainly just a cuddle. And it's only once about 4am. I'm praying that once his cold clear he will get back to sttn.

Just - date night sounds awesome!!!!

Hopeful not long till your trip!! How exciting is it Friday you go? My bday! Lol
Mismig- I'm sure she means well but your sil sound horribly annoying. I get VERY angry and defensive when people start telling me what to do for my baby. Hope today was a better day :hugs:

Hopeful- I'd be insane with jealousy if Dh was a sahd! Thankfully I have almost no earning power :haha:
Seriously though, I hope things work out soon... I imagine its quite stressful.

Fili- Lexi's weight sounds great!

Kat- love the pics... It looks like he's got great upper body strength and head control.

Bumpy- hope Alfie's feeling better and starts sttn again.

Afm- any and all progress Eva had made on the sleep front has disappeared. The last few nights she's been up every as often as every 30 minutes! She's not ill, she just can't seem to stay asleep! I've tried everything I can think of- swaddling, swinging, jiggling, noise, an extra bottle of formula, even brought her in bed with me and let her sleep on the boob- nothing works. Alex has been spelling me so I can get a few hours sleep, but basically we're all just exhausted. On the upside we had a lovely lunch out by the sea, and a nice walk just the three of us. I even managed to breastfeed while eating with Eva in the sling:)
Davies- I'm sure they sell the sterilizer bags in UK too. There are several different brands too. I got the Doc Browns on Amazon :)

Bumpy- hope your little guy feels better soon. Have you got plans for your birthday?

Kat- the massive boob leaks have happened to me too. She would fall off the boob and i would stay asleep and my letdown would happen while we were all sleeping. I was originally using the cloth nursing pads but they were awful useless. My mom bought me a box of lanisoh disposables and they work MUCH better. I also meant to grab a mattress protector at target the other night and forgot. I am definitely investing in one since Bay peed through her outfit the other day while on our bed :dohh: Grey looks very cute!

Sara- ugh, sorry about Eva not sleeping hun. Could it be the 12 week growth spurt? She's about 11 weeks, right? Hope it passes soon!

Fili- glad Lexi has taken to the bottle so well :)

Hopeful- would OH being a sahd save you in childcare costs or is it not equivalent to what he was making? Can he get UI? I hope you figure it all out. Money is such a stressor these days. Aaron said he wouldn't want to be a sahd because he's too old fashioned for that. That's fine but I would probably make more working than him lol

MrsM- that SIL sounds intrusive as hell! That would piss me off too! I already have family members telling me I'm spoiling bay and creating bad habits letting her sleep with me and its annoying!

Pumping away! Sometimes I don't get much and sometimes I get quite a bit. I am using the Medela on max now and my nips hurt sooo bad!!! Like many of you, I've noticed my supply is lower in the evening. I average about 4oz per pump. Sometimes I get 5-6 oz and sometimes it's only 2oz. I've started giving her 1-2oz of formula at night when I empty my boobs and don't get much. She seems to like it just fine. Pumping is nice because I can get a good amount in only 5-10 mins vs an hour of nursing her on the boob. But sticking her on the boob is much easier (no bottles, parts to clean & sterilize, etc) & less painful than pumping too! I feel like a dairy cow though!
Kat- whenever I let Eva sleep in bed with me I leak like crazy:(

Tuckie- LOL to the dairy cow, pumping will do that. A friend of mine saw me pumping and asked if she could send my medela back to her mother on the farm when I was done with it.! We all have times when our production fluctuates, especially at different times of day. I never get more than 4 oz. per pump so it sounds like you're doing great.
I'd forgotten about the growth spurt at 12 weeks! Maybe?
Sorry, haven't caught up. Just wanted to give a tip about pumping. Your nips should definitely not hurt. You are most likely using a breastsheild that is too small. You can order bigger ones online from Amazon or your lactation consultant might be able to fit you for some and sell you some. My nipples don't appear huge, but I ended up using the XXL size (36mm) and they are great. The standard ones that come with the pump are way too small for me and would chafe my nips.,aps,317
Hi Ladies,
Sounds like we are all quite leaky... it's bizarre isn't it.

You can make your own hands free bra. I did this while stuck in the hospital and still use the same one to this day. Just make a small slit in one of your cheaper, but snug bras. That way you can pump and type or something else.

I am jealous of your date nights. Sounds like you are getting in some relaxation.

Yay for a day by the sea. Yes, 3 month growth spurt. I hope that is what it is.

Survived my parents uninvited visit. It was fine and very short. DH and I both do not like my dad. Mom is great. MIL sent photos of DH when he was a child. Grey looks just like him. Grey looks nothing like my baby pictures. I'll have to post them side by side for you all to see.
Heart- getting bigger ones is already on my list. I knew the mediums were too small. I was a D cup pre pregnancy and idk what I am now but I know those are way too small but I didn't know that could make pumping more painful. Thanks for your input :)

Kat- I thought about making my own bra. I will try it tonight. I did get a $5 off coupon for the Medela bra with my pump so if it doesn't work, there's always that. You should def post baby pics! I love comparison photos like that. It's crazy how similar some are. My nephew looks just like my dads baby pics :)

Bay has been fighting naps all day. She seems content atm, but she just won't go down. Off to BF her some more.
The simple wishes hands free pumping bra is way better than medela as I tried both. At least I thought so
Hopeful- thanks hun. I'll check that out.

Heart/ladies who got larger flanges- did you get more milk on the bigger ones? I read some women do & I hope that's the case for me.

Off to Super Bowl party with my family today. Go niners! :p (I don't even really watch sports, but it's cool that a Bay Area team made it!)

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