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Iphone4s updated to the latest update seemingly on its own. And everything gone, contacts, texts, bookmarks, like its a new phone. I could tell it was the update as it didn't tell me to update it any more after it happened
Hi Everyone!

Congrats and welcome!!!

Yay for giggles. Boo for the runs.

Bay looks so cute in her bear cozy. Good job rolling over. Grey is no where near sttn. He will probably be the last to do so =(.
Yikes for snow.

love your cuties. cutting teeth already. i asked dh and he said the new update would not wipe your photos. he is a tech nerd. he asked if you have cloud turned on. if so, they might have auto backed up. all ours do so automatically. otherwise go to apple to get help.

grey is 13lb 12 oz today. i guess he is a big baby. he loves to sit up assisted by holding my thumbs for long stretches. If I lay him down he protests.

Grey slept two 4 hour stretches last night. The first in his swing.

Bad: the first was at 6:50pm, so ended at 10:50 soon after DH and I went to bed. The 2nd was on DH.

We tried going to bed with grey at 7 the other night, but I could not sleep and DH did not like ending work and going to bed after a rushed dinner.
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well (read getting some sleep!)

Kat- Any 4 hour stretch seems like progress! At least you know he can start going at least that long. It's very hard to follow their schedule... and sleeping at 7pm can be a little depressing. Then again, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Tuckie- yay for rolling over. I loved the pics o Bay all bundled up in her winter clothes.

Hopeful- I'd be devastated if I lost all my pics. So sorry!! Thanks for giving us a heads up... I'm backing up my iphone as we speak. The twins are adorable!!

afm- it's 3:30 am and Eva is playing in her crib!!!! Needless to say I'm not a happy camper. We seem to be getting one good 4 hour stretch per night, usually starting around 9. After that all bets are off. The worst part about it is that I feel myself getting more and more frustrated with her the more exhausted I get. Eventually I just give up, put her in crib and let her play. I suppose I should be happy she likes her crib so much:)
Of course you get more and more frustrated the more exhausted you get. Why do you think DH took Grey for the 4 hour stretch to let me sleep?... Bitchy/Sad wife appears when I am too exhausted.

Can you sleep while she plays in her crib? You are lucky she likes her crib. Grey would scream if we left him in it to play. At this point, I would be happy with one 4 hour good stretch at night, esp if it were from midnight to 4am... Last night was not the usual.

Going to bed at 7pm was totally depressing. It made us feel like we have no life and we were more exhausted than ever the next morning. That is why we decided we are putting Grey to sleep and staying up to eat dinner together, talk, etc until 10ish... Just in time to fall asleep before Grey gets up, LOL.

It sounds like you and I have the most issues with night sleep. Aaaargh, it is so frustrating. Any exciting dates with DH planned?
We do seem to be getting the worst of it don't we! When we saw our pediatrician for our 3 month check up he attributed it to her 'strong character'... I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to interpret that! LOL

Dh and I do the same thing in the evenings... spend a little time together even if if means getting a little less sleep. He's actually sleeping on the couch weeknights, then I wake him around 5 or 6 to take a morning shift before he heads to the office.

No dates planned unfortunately. Dh leaves for China on Sunday :(

What about you?
DH thinks its Grey's exciting, exuberant character.
It's important for our marriages that we spend time wih our hubbies. Plus we both like our DHs. China again? Boo!

DH sleeps on the floor next to the bed, so he doesn't roll over on Grey.

We have our first sushi date planned for next Wed at lunch. Grey will have his DTap and meningitis vaccine on Fri... Then our house arrest will be over. We are doing a very spaced out, alternative vaccine schedule.

How did Eva do with her vaccines?
Hi girls! I've been so busy lately I just don't have time to read these days. I'm so sorry. I love this thread, but right now I just can't keep up.

Welcome to the new mamas!

Delilah is 34 weeks and 3 days today which means she has now been alive longer outside of my body than inside of me. Crazy! We're doing well. She's sleeping a bit better now that her cold is gone. Sitting up. Teething but no sign of teeth yet. Bouncing like a mad woman in her Jumperoo. Growing a little hair. Giving me open mouthed kisses. Starting to get separation anxiety. Cries whenever I leave the room. Napping a little longer than 30 minutes now. And loving solids. So far sweet potato, avocado, bananas, pears and brown rice cereal.

I'm doing an online class while she naps and trying to do housework. I promise to catch up when I'm done with the class. Hopefully in the next 1-2 weeks.
Hey there Heart. Great to see you! I'm glad to hear Delilah is feeling better and starting to sleep a bit more... it sounds like she's really thriving!

Kat-Yay to sushi lunch! It really is important that we create couples time. Dh suggested we get a sitter and go out on Saturday night but the reality is we'll get home right when she wakes up and then I'll be up all night. With Dh leaving for China the next day I don't think I can handle it so maybe I'll just try for a nice dinner at home.

Eva dealt with her first 2 vaccines like a champ! She ran a low grade fever with the first round but nothing serious. She breezed through the second as if they never happened :)

I don't want to alarm anyone,but a girlfriend of mine pointed this out to me and it seems like something we should all know about. Consumer reports, which is an independent US consumer rating agency tested a variety of rice products and baby rice cereals and found them all to be VERY high in arsenic. The tests have been duplicated and verified, but the question remains as to how harmful the levels really are. I don't know how serious it really is... I feel like there's a lot of scaremongering when it comes to food in general so I tend to take things like this with a grain of salt but I've been researching it online and have decided that we will not be giving rice cereal to Eva when we wean her.

Here are a few links. Take a look.
Hi girls

Trying to catch up, gorgeous pics of the twins there so cute!!! Xx

Fili I'm just having lexi as I can't face fertility drugs an possible mc again, sorry if that sounds harsh an I think ur amazing to do it again, but just one for me, I have to say if I was going to have a 2nd I would of started trying already as I think trying to lose weight etc has been hard an also just to start getting sleep n then start again, sod that! You go for it, sounds wierd but I miss ttc poas, I don't miss pregnancy! X

Bumps lexi has bits in her poop sometimes but hers r quite soft, I think that's more to do with her milk. X

Kay yay for 4 hours now need to work on that time x

Tuckie bay is a cutie x

Heart I can't believe d has been out longer than in how scares that! They'll b one before we no!! X

Well I definately don't have a squirt, lexi was weighed an at 28 weeks is a whooping 20lb 3oz!!! She's on the 91st centile but she's above the line for height so hv said that's y, she is very tall, she's just starting to take baby rice, I have given her full fat cows milk this morning, as they said I need to try a small amount an see if she reacts anynore, so far so good x

Hi to everyone else xx
Hi ladies,

Hopeful, the twins are so cute in those pics, I love the two of them together. Sounds like they are doing great.

Heart, I cant wait to see Emelia is a jumperoo, everyone raves about them. Sounds like Delilah is doing brilliant aswell. That is a strage thought that she's been out longer than she was in now.

Kat, it sounds like Grey is a big healthy boy. I knew he'd overtake Emelia soon. She dosent seem to be budging from the 12 1/2 lbs mark but is taking plenty of feeds.

Davies, it sounds like Lexi is thriving too on that 91st percentile. I can understand exactly what you say about being more than happy with one baby aswell with how hard the whole pregnancy journey is.
I would love to have another down the line but couldnt imagine it right now as the thought of more miscarriages and then how nerve racking pregnancy was for me. I didnt think that I enjoyed being pregnant as was soo anxious everyday and never believed that it was true right until Emelia was born. But I have to say I really miss my bump and the movement etc. its now starting to feel like such a distant memory.

Well Emelia is still suffering from diarrhoea, its such ashame her wee bottom is red raw. Im changing her about her 20 mins because I can hear it coming through her. I took her to the doctors yesterday and they said the only real concern is that she dosent become dehyrdrated. They reckon its definetely a side effect of coming off the infant gaviscon. Honestly its terrible the suffering this lack of gaviscon is having.
Apparently the manufacturers are not making it right now due to an issue with quality control and people are now taking advantage of this by selling it on Ebay for ridiculous prices! My husband was on Ebay last night and sent some cheeky messages to people to say basically how can they think its right to do that!
Im trying to coat her bottom with all of teh creams that I can think of sudocream, bepanthen and vaseline to try and heal this.

Its been some week for us. On Monday my dog took a seizure out in the garden and it was the worst thing ever to watch, I thought she was dying. The convulsing went on for about 5 mins and then she lay still so I was holding her and trying to help her and when she came around she bit me really bad and we were both covered in blood. My hand had to be dressed by a nurse and its been out of action all week, canm barely use it.
This is totally out of character for my dog and there is no aggression in her, appparently I was doing the wrong thing by trying to hold her as when they come around they are disorientated and blind for a few minutes. I have never seen any sign of aggression in her ever and I feel like Im having tio explain this to everyone incase they think I have a bad dog and a young baby.
It does make you realise though the damage that can be done with a dogs bite, my whole hand is black and blue and swollen with two bullet like holes in it.
Thankfully the dog seems back to normal and Im really hoping its been a random seizure and not an underlying medical problem, couldnt bear anything to happen to my dog.
Hi Ladies-

Good to hear from you. Can't believe D is such a big girl already. Good luck with your course an glad D's cold is gone.

Are there only 2 vaccines the 1st round in Greece? There are 6 here! We are only giving 2. I heard Europe was more conservative with their schedule. I think ours is too aggressive. They vaccinate newborns with Hep B, a sexually or blood transferred disease. We had to sign a waver to get out of administering it at birth. To me that is crazy.

The sushi date will include Grey. We have been under house arrest for over two months, so it's a start. Can you change your date night into a date day for you two? A lunch date and leave Eva with the sitter? Just a thought.

What a big girl! Good to know Grey isn't too big.

Poor E. The acid from the poop burns their little skin. This sounds ridiculous, but I read that Maalox mixed with Zinc oxide could help. The zinc is the barrier and the Maalox absorbs acid. Make sure to wash with soap and water first to take off the bacteria film and dry thoroughly. Then apply a very thick layer of the mix. Hope this is helpful.
So awful about your dog. Thank goodness they are okay and so are you.

Hi anyone else I missed. Typing on the iPhone is hard.

DH and I fought at 5am. He was acting very out if it and I refused to let him take the baby. He was sleep walking i think. He kept asking about Grey's radiator overheating. And then would talk and fall back to sleep. Then he stood up and did jumping jacks aggressively to prove to me he was awake.

This just scared me and I screamed at him for behaving like a maniac... I actually had a split second of worrying about him attacking me because he was standing over the bed and being hostile. He kept tryng to convince me that his conversation made sense. It did not. I repeated that Grey is a baby and does not own a car with a radiator. He was pissed that I was being so hostile (i was). I told him that I was protecting the baby... That he was clearly over exhausted and hallucinating. I yelled at him to go to sleep and I was not giving him the baby. He finally listened and this morning has been so apologetic and sheepish. I understand he was just too exhausted after over 2 months of the shittiest sleep ever and working and trying to be a perfect dad, but it is scary when your DH is so out of it and acting crazy.
Just- I'm so sorry to hear Emelia is suffering:( I hop it passes soon. I've also heard great things about zinc oxide.
It's awful your dog had a seizure and bit you... Hope it's just a one time thing and your hand recovers quickly.

Kat- that sounds like a crazy conversation with a very disoriented Dh! Jumping jacks!?!?

The combined vaccine was Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepB, IPV, influenzae b. thankfully it's only one shot... I've heard of babies getting 4 shots a visit and it sounds awful!
One of the shots I am getting is the DTap and it combines the first 3 things you listed. So in reality Grey is getting 4 vaccines in 2 shots tomorrow... But I do think the norm is 6 shots! Ouch! I might be wrong, but according to the CDC schedule 6 separate shots are listed, the DTap being one of them. I'm relieved Eva handled it well.

I am surprised that Europe gives the Hep B so early too. Maybe there is something that I do not know.
I'm on my Mac now (so much easier than the iPhone) and edited my DH story with more detail. He was an exhausted nut case last night. All is well now. He apologized and sees how crazy he was being. I told him I am not mad at all. I understand that he was just so exhausted, but we both have to protect the baby if the other one is too exhausted.

How long is your DH is China for? Are you getting some extra help so you can sleep while he is gone? I hope so hon.
Hi girls! Sorry I’ve been MIA recently. We were on vacation and then I accidently left my ipad so it has not been as easy to get online.

Good luck to all the girls thinking about TTC # 2. You are all much braver than me and I had/have a pretty easy baby. I think I said it before but we are pretty sure we will stick with just having Penny although my husband did sort of change his mind. He told me another baby is on his wish list once we get our business to where we want it to be. I’m not sure how I feel about that but at least another one later on is an option if we choose to. If we did I would like Penny to be in school. For now I am completely happy with just one. It will be fun to follow your TTC journeys and see even more cute babies!

Hopeful- how was your trip? Any pictures? I would feel so sick if I lost all of my pictures… thanks for the advice on backing up photos because all we use are our Apple devices. It sounds like the twins are doing well and blossoming into active little babies.

Congrats on all the new arrivals!

Kat- you sure do have a little chunky monkey on your hands! Penny has been stuck between 18 and 20 pounds since she was about 7 months old! I’m sorry you are still struggling with sleep but it sounds like you and DH are doing your best. It makes it so much easier to have a hands on DH.

Sara- playing is definitely better than screaming. Penny likes to play in her crib as well. I love waking up to happy chatter coming from her crib down the hall.

Amanda- I remember reaching that milestone when Penny officially reached the point where she had spent longer outside my body and in. Delilah sounds like she developing at lightning speed and in the social stage. Just wait until you have a sassy little girl on your hands. Penny some days is more like 16 months going on 16 years! Good luck with school :thumbup:

Davies- Holy cow! Your baby is bigger than my one year old. Penny was 20 pounds and 1 oz at her 15 month check up. I adore chunky babies. Penny used to be but once she became active she thinned out a lot. I’m just happy she still has her fluffy cheeks.

Sorry, I read back but can’t remember anything but I did love seeing all of the adorable babies! I think I have caught a cold and just feel drained. We got home from our trip on Monday and then I did something majorly stupid… filled our diesel car with gasoline. HORRIBLE mistake!:dohh:

Penny was half angel and half monster on our trip but we had a great time. Details are in my journal but the highlights were our train ride, wedding planning, seeing Penny with my family and our visit with my mom. Penny and I took flowers to her grave on Valentines Day. On our way to the car I told Penny to say by to her grandma Fawn. She leaned down and kissed my mom’s cross… it was a beautiful moment and one I will never forget.

While we were away Penny learned a new phrase. If she wants to feed us she now says “say ahhhhh” so that we open our mouth. She also says “mmm” anytime she likes something or when trying to convince us that what she is feeding us is delicious.
Hello all you lovely MARLs!!! Just wanting to pop in to enviously view all of your gorgeous, perfect babies and to update you on the PARLs.

So, Lee shared the news that MrsKg had baby Kody. Fitzy is currently waiting for Itsy's arrival. I think she's 3 days overdue at this point. There's a bit of a break then it's Wookie, Holly... another bit of a lull then Pad, Lee, Mighty and me! Roll on third tri!

All the rainbow babies look magical! I'm over the moon for all of you! xx
Sara- hope DHs time in China passes quickly for you. Thanks for the info about the rice too!

Kat- yay for the sushi date with your guys! :) I'm sure DH acting weird and doing jumping jacks was scary but that story really made me laugh :haha: parenting with sleep deprivation gets crazy! Bay had 3 shots her first round and one was a liquid they had her swallow. She liked it! The tdap was one shot.

Davies- Lexi is a big girl! Great that she's gained weight so well :thumbup:

Just- sorry about the ongoing diarrhea :( and the dog bite. My ex had a really sweet dog and we heard a yelp and tires screech so we ran out and she had escaped the yard and been hit by a car. When my ex went to gently scoop her up to go in our car she turned and snapped at him & tried to bite him. Very unlike her. The vet said its a common reaction if they're in pain and disoriented. She was okay and lived awhile after but a bit crippled.

Hoping- that is so cute how penny feeds you! :haha: what a sweet memory of penny at your moms grave :cry: I meant to tell you I loved your photo shoot pics and I kinda stole your idea of the beer bouquet, but I put my own twist on it! I sort of threw it together last minute too so im sure yours was much nicer and craftier! :D here's what I did for DH:

Cgav- thanks for the parl update! :thumbup: It'll be nice when you all join us here!


Spent most of the morning compiling a list of my 'must have' baby items for the parl girls. I posted a loooong list of stuff I thought ftms might want. I hope it helps some of them out :) Bay is doing great except for a mild diaper rash. It's going away with lots of Desitin though.
cgav- you will be here soon with your own dream baby:thumbup:

Kat- I totally missed the crazy 5am DH drama. I couldn't help but laugh too but I'm sure it was scary since he has never been like that before. Sleep deprevation can do some strange things!

Tuckie- I love the beer bouquet you did:thumbup: I'm sure DH loved it.

Yesterday Tim caught Penny washing her hair in the toilet:dohh: I just had to share because I keep giggling to myself about it. Silly little baby:haha: I'm not sure where she comes up with this stuff
Oh goodness I am going through 4month sleep regression hell! Freya has gone from waking once or twice to waking aroud 15 times a night for the last 3 nights! I'm like a zombie! Hi to everyone xx
Hoping- lol @ penny washing her hair in toilet water!!! I babysat my little cousin when I was about 14 an she gulped toilet water and came out with her cheeks full and spit it all over me! And I still wanted kids after that!!! :haha:

Cazi- :hugs: I hear sleep regression is common around 4-5 months :(

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