Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Good to hear your trip went well and that Penny can now wash her hair on her own, LOL.

Sleep regression sounds awful.

Your booze present looks like a man's dream. DH used to be so romantic, but I took the pressure off him by suggesting a joint VDay thing. I must admit I am sad that there is almost no romance left in our marriage post Grey.

Thanks for the update. I think of you ladies often, but could not keep up more than lurking to make sure everyone is still pregnant that I know.
Hi girls

Sara - Thanks for the rice info. I did hear that before, I guess brown rice is even worse than white because the have the hull on it still and the arsenic is caught in there. I have been giving Levi some white baby rice but I also got some pearled barley to make up as cereal for him too. Thinking of you with hubs in China. You are superwoman doing it on your own for long periods.

Amanda - I am taking a class online this quarter too, its hard to find time to study for sure with these little ones. I just signed up for next quarter too but even as I was signing up I was wishing I didn't have to. I hate that it takes time away from being with Levi and my evenings are very boring. But after this quarter, I hope I just have two more classes to get my AA completed. I am ready to be done and take a break before starting on my BA...that will not be happening for a couple of years.

Kat - Glad to hear Grey is gaining so well! Your milk is obviously doing its job! Glad you and hubs are making date time even with your little guy. I agree that romance is harder to some by when you have an infant. It can just be hard to find time to do anything for yourself, let alone anything that requires a lot of effort. We are trying to be better, we had my in-laws watch him so we could go to dinner for Valentines day which was so nice. We have decided that we are going to find a sitter and have bi weekly dinner dates just to have time set aside. Its too easy for us to just put on the TV in the evening and after a few hours fall into bed.

Just - so sorry the E is still suffering. I hope you can make her comfortable and that her withdrawals end soon. It does seem wrong that people are selling the stuff at a profit to desperate parents.

Hoping - too funny about Penny washing her hair in the loo!! ha ha, that's a story to write in her baby book!

Tuckie - I thought your valentines day present was so creative! I am sure your hubs enjoyed it.

Lee - I cant believe how far along you are!!! oh my goodness you will be in here before you know it.

Cazi - So sorry about the sleep regression. I feel your pain,. Levi has had some rough sleep seasons. Even though it doesn't always help to hear it in the moment, it does get better!

afm - Poor Levi got his first flu shot yesterday and today he has been a disaster, snotty and not able to nap longer than 20 mins at a time so he is totally overtired now. He has been down for the night for an hour and is still not sleeping, we keep rocking him to sleep but as soon as we put him down he wakes right back up poor thing :( It might be another long night over here.
He learned to clap yesterday though, and its the sweetest thing to see. He even says "yay" or close to that when he does it! He is also sitting up unassisted and scooching. He is able to get up to crawling position but he just rocks back and forth and then pushes himself backwards :) He gets so mad! ha ha!
He is having the hardest time setting to sleep the past few nights its so sad because he is exhausted but just cant settle. It breaks my heart.
Kat- The no romance part of being parents is very likely temporary. Our LOs are so demanding when they're this little, it leaves little room for romance! We altered our usual plans of dinner for a take out dinner date at home. DH also wrote Bay and I a letter which was very heartfelt and thoughtful. We try to do little things to stay connected and we've been dtd somewhat regularly again now when she naps, so that helps in the intimacy department too. Hubby loved his booze bouquet :haha: he had scotch on the rocks and a cigar after dinner so he was very content!

Croy- how cute that Levi is clapping and saying yay! I remember when my niece and nephew started doing that stuff. It is sooo cute! Isn't funny how excited you get as a parent when the baby starts to do something new?!? :D Sorry to her he isn't feeling well after his flu shot :( hope he bounces back quickly.

I have a question about car window shades. I got a cheapie and it sucks. It doesn't cover the window so sometimes we have to move it around and I moved it the other day and it ripped! I need a better one and I'm looking for suggestions. I also don't like that I can't see well when merging on the freeway and I like using back windows to look through as well as the side & rear mirrors.

Anyone else experience this problem?
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well...

Kat, I hope things are back to normal between you both. That does sound bizarre and quite funny the way you described it although not at the time Im sure. Sleep walking and talking is a strange thing. As others have said sleep deprivation does crazy things! You've both had to manage with quite a little sleep now for so long, Im sure it wont be much longer before Grey sleeps through the night aslong as he's stocked up with milk before bed and from the sounds of things he is getting plenty. It was 11 weeks when Emelia started going through the night!

Tuckie, you guys obviously still put a lot of effort and thought into Valentines looking at those beers.
Ive not actualluy had to purchase car window shades yet so cant help sorry.
Thanks for the post about the dog. I know 100% that my dog was not even aware of what she was doing just as you described. They obviously go into shock and panic. Thankfully she seems back to normal.
Emelia also seems to be getting somewhat better aswell and so is her nappy rash with all of the creams!

Hopeful, that is pretty funny I have to say Penny washing her hair in the toilet...oh the joys of whats to come and all of the funny things that kids say and do.

Croy, Im sure you will be so glad when your studying is over with, it cant be easy with a young kid aswell.

Cazi, I hope its just a temporary thing that Freya is waking so much during the night. I kind of think we have it too good to be true just now and Im waiting for it to regress aswell.
Emelia still goes down at 11pm until 7 or 8am its great. When she wakes she just lies quite happy in her basket until I get up to her and she is such a morning person so happy smiling all the time when I look in at her, its the best thing.

Cgav, I look forward to all of you ladies moving over here, it will be quicker than you realise, and then time just completely flies by when your baby comes along.

Last night I felt quite sad as I was clearing out Emelia's clothes that no longer fit her, I feel like Ive lost my little new born baby. I love her even more every day and feel that she gets better everyday but I honestly cant believe how fast she is growing. Im also getting really sad about her going into her own room. Me and my hubby have both agreed that we actually like her in our room, we've become so used to it now and I think it will feel like a loss when she has to go into her own room haha.

Kat, you also mentioned before about all of the soft toys in teh cot and hows its not recommended over there. I will need to move them all before Emelia starts sleeping in her cot, there are only there for decor just now, your right about them being a risk and advised against.

Im feeling quite good about my weight loss, Im working hard at it with healthy eating and excericisng and losing about 2lbs per week. After I gave birth to emelia my weight was 12 stone. At Xmas I was 11stone 10lbs and now Im down to 10st.10lbs today!
I want to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 9stone for summer.
Cazi- oh no! I hated the 4 month sleep regression. You get so used to having a good sleeper and then BAM! Newborn stage all over again. after the regression Penny woke up once or twice a night until 10 months. Putting her in her own room helped a lot with the sleep issue. Zombie mommy is a common symptom at this stage.

Tuckie- I just busted out laughing when I read your niece not only gulped toilet water but spit it on you! :haha:

I liked what you had to say about the romance issue. We also try to do more things at home or include Penny on our dates and sneak around during nap time. Sneaking around to DTD creates an element of fun and excitement I think. Tim has always been very affectionate but since having Penny he is more so and loves to dote on his girls.

I have no idea about the window shades.

Kat- you will get the romance back but it will be a different kind. The early months are tough and your only mission is to not go insane due to sleep deprivation and of course keeping your baby healthy. In a few months you will look back and this will all be a blur.

Croy- I hope the injection side effects wear off soon and your little guy starts sleeping. So cute Levi can clap and say “yay!” It is so awesome to see them full of excitement. Penny did the same thing right before she started crawling. I’d bet he will be fully crawling by the end of the month.

Just- I know what you mean about feeling sad when throwing out clothes. They grow so fast! I kept all of my favorite pieces that Penny has outgrown and will save them as a keepsake or for when she has a baby of her own… that last part just scared me! Good luck with the weight loss. 9 stone sounds totally doable at the rate you are going:thumbup:.

Hi Fili and everyone else!
Just- I felt the same way when I packed away Bs newborn size clothes :cry: made me so sad! Yay for weight loss! I don't think I'm anywhere near my ideal weight yet. My tummy looks so terrible :/ it's flabby with stretch marks and that dark line is still going down it too.

Hoping- Aaron loves to dote on his girls too <3 don't you just love seeing your DH with your DD? You see them in a whole new light :)

Fili :wave:

Bay just had a huge developmental spurt! She is totally into toys now and is starting to put them in her mouth! She has a rattle toy with beads along the sides and she was focusing on them and manipulating the beads up and down the little rails with her hands! It was amazing :) OH and I are so fascinated by it! Also, fX because DH has an interview with a contracting company Monday :happydance: he would have to travel a lot but they'll give him a decent starting wage + prevailing wage and benefits :thumbup: this would be awesome if he can get hired.
Ugh, Sara I just read your post about rice. I had no idea. I have rice milk almost every day and have for years. I've only given Delilah a little rice cereal as it can constipate babies and I have so many other things to give her instead. Now I think I'll skip giving it to her. I need to read more of what you posted, but the little that I did read is discouraging. I don't drink milk and I love cereal. Rice milk is super refreshing to me. Boo hoo! For now, I'll focus on Delilah's diet and look more carefully into mine. Thanks for sharing.

I eat oatmeal every day. Think I'll switch her to that:

Oatmeal Cereal


1/4 cup of ground oats (do NOT use instant or Quick Cook), ground in blender or food processor
3/4 cup - 1 cup water


1. Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the oatmeal powder while stirring constantly.
2. Simmer for 10 minutes, whisking constantly until cooked.
3. Mix in formula or breast milk and fruits if desired and serve warm.

Hi to everyone else! Trying to manage my time, but not doing a great job of it. Doesn't help when baby doesn't sleep for more than a 3 hour stretch at a time at night and naps are 30 minutes. Thank god for the Jumperoo!
Hope Levi feels better and is able to rest.

Grey outgrows his clothes so fast I don't have time to be sad. Your little girl is growing up. So you all have the same no stuffed animals in the crib rule. I just thought it was a different safety protocol.

FXed for your DH.

Any news on the surrogate situation?

Why 3 hours again?

Grey's 2 month check up today. He is over 25" tall and 14lbs. He is 95% height. 87% weight. 66% head.

The DR convinced me to give 3 of the 6 recommended vaccines. It was awful. Grey screamed his head off for over 20 min till he knocked himself out. I was crying. DH was trying to comfort me. Then we left the drs office and put him in his car seat causing him to scream and cry more till he fell asleep again. DH thinks it best if I am not there during vaccines.

On another note, I have burns all over my face. I noticed flesh covered bumps on my face. Used a free sample of Brazilian peel from Sephora's. had a bad reaction and now have a chemical burn on my face. :(. I look terrible.
On a positive note, I wore jeans for the first time in months. I'm 1 lb over my pre pregnancy weight... All the bouncing Grey makes me do.
Tuckie- I hope you DH gets the job! Awww so cute Bay is interested in toys now. They just get more and more curious too.

Yes, I adore seeing Tim with Penny. He is an even better daddy than I could imagine. He is really loving the toddler stage.

Kat- Tim always does Penny's shots too. We are doing a delayed vaccine schedule and are only getting ones we feel are essential. I'm sorry you had such a bad reaction to the peel. I've never had one because I'm afraid this will happen to me too. I hope you heal quickly. enjoy fitting into your jeans again:thumbup:

The surrogacy is at a standstill for the moment. The agency works with a handful of doctors and I've been approved by 2 so we need to wait and find a couple we like that is working with either one. I'm hoping by the end of next month we will be matched.

Have a good weekend ladies!
Hoping - I wonder if u could be a surrogate for any bnb girls? Do they have to live by you?

Hi everyone, reading but little time.
Kat - will they let you nurse him at the shots. I made DH do the shots while I waited in the waiting room for his 2 month and it was worse for me hearing him so sad and not being in the room with him. The nurse told me that it can be good to nurse them right after the shots. So now I get my boob out ready and after they do the shots he goes straight on the boob and it calms him down almost instantly. I hated him being so sad but honestly the nursing right away worked great. Just a thought.
Poor you and poor Grey, it so hard to know they are sad because they are in pain even when it is for their own good.

Heart - I have heard about the rice/arsenic too. The only issue my doctor thought about when I told her I was making my own baby cereal - you can make barley as well as rice similar to how you make the rice - but the baby stuff is fortified with iron and its the iron that they start to lose at 6 months. I guess its not so much the grains but the iron. She told me I should supplement with oral iron if he wasn't going to be getting it from the fortified cereal. Just wanted to pass that nugget along.

Levi has had a rough day. He has been snotty and his eyes have been watering non stop. Poor thing. He hasn't napped much either, I was expecting him to crash out today but he never did. He was up after 30 minutes tonight but seems to have gone back ok at least for now, he's been asleep for over an hour at this point. Hubs and I are watching "the best exotic marigold hotel" and having ourselves a little friday night movie night...speaking of, have you ladies seen the movie "pitch perfect"? Its hilarious! You should see it its so funny, me and some girl friends watched it on DVD last weekend and it was fab.

Anyway, back to the movie. Happy Weekend ladies!
I nursed him while he was getting the shots. He let go and started screaming and refused to latch back on. Thanks for thinking of me though. So sorry Levi is still having a hard time. Have fun with your DH. I'm having a "date night" in with mine.
I wishi could have done it while he got the shots. For his very first shots the week he was born I did but the other nurse, who we had this time says she doesn't want the risk that they aspirate when they get the shot if they ate eating. So we just do it after now. He didn't have any screaming with those first ones.
Enjoy your date night :)
Hopeful- you can definitely do it for someone out of state or even out of the country. If you did that it would just mean travel would be involved for one or both of you. Were you thinking about going independent or with an agency? I would recommend an agency because going independent is a huge headache and most surrogacy problems stem from this. The agency does everything for you and makes sure you and the parents are protected. It would be so exciting if you did this! If you have any questions let me know:thumbup:.
hoping - I wouldn't do it mainly because i'm way too busy, i have nobody to help with the kids besides dh and that might not even be for long. who knows. i wish i had a nice dh like you girls do...he's good with the kids but not good to me.
omg - just thinking about it freaks me out because i wouldn't even carry anything over 10 lbs when I was pregs.

I was just wondering if they couldn't find a match for you and if a bnb girl needed help if that's an option
Hi girls. Super busy but reading.

Jodi, things are still hard? Ugh. I wish he was nice to you. You deserve it.
Hopeful- oh:dohh: Sorry! I'm going off of a few hours of sleep- drive home from NM was a nightmare. roads were closed so it took us twice as long + we were in a blizzard. I could do that but I think it would have to be independent... I will definitely have to look into it:thumbup:

It breaks my heart to read that your DH is not nice to you:hugs: You seem like such and amazing and lovely individual. And going off of your profile picture you are a stunner too... the whole package. Is this something the two of you are working on or is he not willing to seek help and change? We are all here if you need to vent:hugs:
Hi Ladies.

Apparently you are supposed to spot test a peel first. If you ever decide to do a peel, make sure to do this or use a very low level. My face looks much better now. The plastic surgeon the Brazilian Peel company uses called me to make sure all was well and offered a free visit (he is 1 hour away). Apparently I got a faulty batch where the neutralizer went bad. He says the peel I got is more like what would be seen in a dermatologist's office and I should get good results once all the scabs fall away and I stop peeling. Gee, thanks.

They are sending me a new kit with good product. I appreciate how on top of it their people are in response to an angry e-mail written on Friday night.

I hope things get better at home. Was your DH always like this?

Hi everyone else. I guess everyone is super busy with their babies. DH is wearing mine currently.

Grey slept 4.5 hours in his swing (in a row) on Saturday night and 4 hours last night. Things are slowly getting better. We pushed back his bedtime to about 8pm, so we get to sleep a couple of those hours.
Hi girls sorry Mia, lexi has been unsettled, 7 times a night!!!! Teeth, cough cold who nos, she's been awake, I am very tired as she is sleeping half hour in the day an 45 mins at lunch 20 mins afternoon, so hard to get things done, it will pass I no, it's hard when there upset an ur tired. I go back to work 5 weeks today!!!! Dread it x

Thanks for Infk on baby rice..... Will stop that ( not that she's bothered) she today has taken to a bit of blw an eaten pepper an toast with dairy free butter

Jodi hun, life's to short be with someone who treats u how u deserve to be treated, anything less wont do. Xxx

Hello ladies I have taken everything in just forgetful!!

Hoping wow I can't believe lexi is that much bigger, will post a pic as I didn't think she was that big lol! X

Pepper avocado

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