Hi girls
Sara - Thanks for the rice info. I did hear that before, I guess brown rice is even worse than white because the have the hull on it still and the arsenic is caught in there. I have been giving Levi some white baby rice but I also got some pearled barley to make up as cereal for him too. Thinking of you with hubs in China. You are superwoman doing it on your own for long periods.
Amanda - I am taking a class online this quarter too, its hard to find time to study for sure with these little ones. I just signed up for next quarter too but even as I was signing up I was wishing I didn't have to. I hate that it takes time away from being with Levi and my evenings are very boring. But after this quarter, I hope I just have two more classes to get my AA completed. I am ready to be done and take a break before starting on my BA...that will not be happening for a couple of years.
Kat - Glad to hear Grey is gaining so well! Your milk is obviously doing its job! Glad you and hubs are making date time even with your little guy. I agree that romance is harder to some by when you have an infant. It can just be hard to find time to do anything for yourself, let alone anything that requires a lot of effort. We are trying to be better, we had my in-laws watch him so we could go to dinner for Valentines day which was so nice. We have decided that we are going to find a sitter and have bi weekly dinner dates just to have time set aside. Its too easy for us to just put on the TV in the evening and after a few hours fall into bed.
Just - so sorry the E is still suffering. I hope you can make her comfortable and that her withdrawals end soon. It does seem wrong that people are selling the stuff at a profit to desperate parents.
Hoping - too funny about Penny washing her hair in the loo!! ha ha, that's a story to write in her baby book!
Tuckie - I thought your valentines day present was so creative! I am sure your hubs enjoyed it.
Lee - I cant believe how far along you are!!! oh my goodness you will be in here before you know it.
Cazi - So sorry about the sleep regression. I feel your pain,. Levi has had some rough sleep seasons. Even though it doesn't always help to hear it in the moment, it does get better!
afm - Poor Levi got his first flu shot yesterday and today he has been a disaster, snotty and not able to nap longer than 20 mins at a time so he is totally overtired now. He has been down for the night for an hour and is still not sleeping, we keep rocking him to sleep but as soon as we put him down he wakes right back up poor thing

It might be another long night over here.
He learned to clap yesterday though, and its the sweetest thing to see. He even says "yay" or close to that when he does it! He is also sitting up unassisted and scooching. He is able to get up to crawling position but he just rocks back and forth and then pushes himself backwards

He gets so mad! ha ha!
He is having the hardest time setting to sleep the past few nights its so sad because he is exhausted but just cant settle. It breaks my heart.